Demon School

Chapter 5 - Taxi number and partial differential

“Ramanuqiang’s taxi number! Is he a great genius? It seems that every integer will be your friend.” Lv Qiujian sat down with a smile, must be keen on numbers if he wants to become a mathematician Insight.

There is a well-known story about this point. When the Prince of Mathematics Gauss was ten years old, his math teacher Butner arranged a problem that he thought was difficult for students of this grade, 1 + 2 + 3 ··· ··· So from 1 to 100 is equal to how much. Gauss quickly came to the answer. At first, Butner did not believe that Gauss could make a problem in such a short time, and then Gauss said his own method, 1 + 100 = 101, 2 + 99 = 101 ···· · There are 50 sets of such numbers when 1 is added to 100, so 50X101 = 5050. Butner immediately glanced at Gauss, which shows that he quickly insight into the internal relationship between these numbers. This is an extremely talented child in mathematics, so Butner took him on the road to mathematics, and Gauss also He was not disappointed. At the time of his death, he left more than 110 achievements named after Gaussian. With these achievements, he became one of the world’s top three mathematicians, along with Archimedes and Newton.

Alfoss also just showed his insights on the numbers. It can be seen that one number can represent the cube and expression of two sets of numbers. It is much more difficult to judge the arithmetic sequence.

Of course, the first one to judge the uniqueness of 1729 was not Alfoss. A math genius discovered this secret long before him. Ramanujan is one of the most famous mathematicians in Indian history. He came from a poor family and has never received a formal mathematics education. This great **** learns mathematics in a very human way. He bought a book with more than 5,000 mathematical theorems and formulas, bought a thick book, and then began to prove one by one in his own way.

Later he got married and got a job as a scribe in Chennai, why? It looks familiar, right? Almost a few years ago, a Jew named Albert Einstein got the same job at the Patent Office in Bern, Switzerland, so the profession that hides the peerless master is not only a librarian, but also a scribe. .

After a period of time, Ramanujan might feel that a person ’s research is a bit boring, so he sent a long list of complicated theorems to Cambridge University. Professor Hardy saw the light of wisdom from the theorem, took him from India to Cambridge, and then began his journey against the sky!

Just like the protagonist of fantasy novels, Ramanujan quickly conquered the entire mathematical world with his talents. Hardy said that this person is a genius who is not born. If a mathematics talent of a certain family can play two In ten cents, then Hilbert, the head of the Göttingen School, the largest school in mathematics today, can score eighty, while Ramanujan must score one hundred points! How great Hilbert can be explained in one sentence, Einstein was invited to give a speech in Göttingen, and talked about the wide phase field equation that he has not yet completely solved. Hilbert preceded Einstein afterwards. I introduced the form of the field equation action. This shows that Ramanuqiang’s talent is evident.

Later, Ramanuqiang really achieved tremendous achievements in mathematics. The formula he left caused countless diggers to fight for research. In 1997, even a special journal, “Ramanuqiang Journal” was born. To publish a research paper on “The Mathematical Field Affected by Ramanukin”

And the number of taxis is an anecdote of him. Ramanu is seriously ill and Hardy goes to visit. Hardy said, “I’m taking a taxi. The license plate number is 1729. This number is really boring. I hope it’s not an ominous sign.” Ramanujan said the same thing as Alfoss (that is, 1729 = 1 ^ 3 + 12 ^ 3 = 9 ^ 3 + 10 ^ 3, this kind of number was later called a taxi number.), Some people commented on this case Anecdotes say that each integer is a friend of Ramanujan.

You can quickly associate so much information with just one number. Princeton ’s Department of Mathematics really deserves the number one in the world! Lv Qiujian sat on the seat and listened to his ears. These geniuses spit out the words group theory, continuous fraction, partial differential, etc. from time to time. If someone stumbles into this place, I am afraid it will be at a loss!

Mathematics has always been a patent of genius. In this field, 99% of sweat can hardly play any role, and only that 1% inspiration can win you glory. He is the best way to test his personal IQ. It seems that countless young teenagers have lost the courage to move forward before the formulas of Lagrange, Cauchy, and Fourier, and these people have become the most hated students in the university. Guys, if there is only one bullet in the gun in the hands of a student, he is standing opposite Lagrange and the director of teaching. Most students will shoot Lagrange without hesitation!

“Okay, let me solve this problem before class next time!”, Professor Gals, who just won the Fields Medal four years ago, pulled down the blackboard, and a wailing sounded in the classroom. Compared with this great god, the geniuses present are younger.

“Lv, let’s go! Professor Gauls is the guy who likes torturing students the most. I don’t plan to challenge him again at I will return to Montana this week for a vacation!”, Alphos was nagging while packing up the books and preparing to leave. When he packed it, Lu Qiujian was still sitting still, looking at the blackboard, while writing and writing on the notebook quickly, it seemed that he was challenging Gore. The problem left by Professor Si.

If you want to solve this problem, you must use the content of partial differentials. It happens that Lu Qiu, the author of the “Scattering Theory of Autonomous Functions” spent on an airplane, is very good in this regard. Take, using his theory to calculate two steps in his heart, Lv Qiujian frowned again, it seems that his research is a little lagging behind, not enough to solve this problem. However, the theory of another young and talented person with outstanding achievements in partial differentiation seems to be solved.

Now that the thinking is clear, the rest is pure calculation. Using my brain to do mental calculations quickly, after a little while, Lu Qiujian smiled. As the last mathematical symbol was sketched, this question’s The final answer has appeared on the notebook.

“Oh! God! Have you solved this problem?”, Alphos stood up, brushed the book in his arms and scattered it, took the notebook and looked at it while asking, “What are you doing?” Did it? “

“Yes, whenever I see a math question, the corresponding melody will appear in my head, humming gently, the few notes that are missing in the melody will automatically jump out!”, Lu Qiujian Rubbing his temples raised his head and looked innocent.

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