Demon Bound

Chapter 20

The demonic couple walked gingerly down the street as they made their way home from the closest trolly stop. The hour they spent in the hospital after the doctor left mainly consisted of normal chatting while Maria tried to gain some control over her now decently sized tail. Though from what she understood, it was still only halfway done growing. The hour passed by quickly enough and the four were able to leave. Sammy and Ahti had already left to head back to her house for the night, seeing that Sammy was very emotionally and mentally tired from the very exciting day in a new world full of magic and wonder. Though Maria and Edith both wondered if that couple’s night was truly over yet, or just beginning in some other way.

“I’m still really sorry that I forgot about the precautions...”

“It’s okay,” Maria said for the umpteenth time since waking up. “I told you there’s nothing to worry about. I’m really fine with all of it,” she said, giving her demon a smile as her tail grabbed onto Edith’s in the safety of the empty street. Maria couldn’t get over how much she loved holding onto Edith like this, and just how cute and flustered Edith got because of it.

“I—I know. I just can’t help but remember the night when you got really scared about it happening fast...”

“Edith... I know I was scared then, but I’m okay now. I’m happy with it! Fuck, there’s apparently ways that we can make it go even faster, and I’m all for it!”

“Really?” Maria could still hear the worry in her girlfriend’s voice.

“Yes. I’m sure,” the now nearly full lavender demon said from the comfort of her soulmate's arm, with a smile on her face. “I love you, Edith. I can’t wait to be a full demon with you.”

Maria could see Edith try her best to hold back a tear or two. “I love you, too,” the scarlet demon said, giving Maria’s tail a squeeze.

The pair soon found themselves entering their home, and quickly heading back up to the bedroom. Today had been a long day. Well, they had stayed in most of the day, but once they were out, a lot of shit happened. So the demons were pretty tired, both physically and emotionally. But tomorrow was another day of resting and doing whatever they wanted, so they had that to look forward to.

“I think it’s time for bed,” Edith said as she stretched with a yawn.

“Me, too,” Maria said as she started to undress. The accelerated transformation really had taken a lot out of her physically, and though she was feeling better she was pretty tired. The lavender demon took her time getting undressed, not really caring too much about it, but she did have a mild curiosity about her new skin color.

Alright, dark lavender nipples were now a thing. That was a little strange, but it is what it is. Maria wasn’t really going to complain about it since it fit with her new color. Reaching down, Maria stretched as she pulled her pants off, before sitting down on the edge of the bed. And well, her penis was lavender as well, as to be expected. Nothing had really changed on her penis front. Still the same size and shape, the head was a darker shade though. And her testicles were—

Maria didn’t have testicles anymore... Suddenly the young woman felt her heart stop as she stared down at her privates. With a slow and shaky hand, Maria lifted her penis out of the way as she spread her legs enough to give herself a look.


“Hm?” Edith turned around from finishing undressing herself and followed Maria’s gaze. “Oh!” Her red slitted eyes went wide. “Well, that’s certainly new.”

The lavender demon looked up at her soulmate, tears already streaming down her face. Her body was shaking slightly as a multitude of emotions rushed through her. It had happened. It had finally happened. She knew it was going to happen one day, eventually, but she didn’t think it would be today. But it was today. It happened today!

“I have a vagina...” Maria gently said, her voice barely above a whisper as she looked at her demon. The smile and joy on her face were enough to break Edith enough into shedding a tear or two of her own.

“You do,” Edith said with a smile, before coming over to sit down next to Maria on the edge of the bed. Their tails were instantly entwined as the scarlet demon wrapped an arm around her lover. “How do you feel?”

“Fucking amazing,” Maria blurted out with a half laugh, half sob. Which quickly turned into more and more sobs as she grabbed onto her girlfriend. She couldn’t hold anything back anymore as she just let it all out as she held onto Edith. She wasn’t sure how long she was crying for, but it felt like a while. Not that that was a bad thing. This was an absolutely perfect reason to happy-cry for minutes on end. All the while, Edith held her close and rubbed her back. “I—I wasn’t expecting to find that when we got home.” The lavender demon said with a crying chuckle.

“No, I wasn’t expecting it either. Though I don’t think either of us are going to complain, are we?” Maria shook her head. “Good.” Edith leaned in and kissed Maria between the horns, causing the very euphoric woman to blush purple. “So what would you like to do?”

“What do you mean?”

“Well... We were planning on going straight to bed since we’ve had a long day.” That was true. “But with this new development, we could try something new.” There was a gentle purr in Edith’s voice, that made the lavender demon’s insides flutter, as well as contract, which was new.

“O—oh? Do you want to do that?” Maria could already feel a heat building up inside her lower stomach. A heat she had grown used to in the past, but now was much more intense.

“I most certainly wouldn’t say no, my dear Maria, but it's up to you. I just want to make sure you’re comfortable with everything before we do that.”

“What do you mean? I finally have the right thing. Why wouldn’t I be comfortable?”

“I don’t know. I just want to make sure. Maybe you want to try touching yourself before having someone else touch you. Get to know yourself so that you can help me out when that time comes.”

Edith did have a good point. It might be helpful to know how her own body works and responds before diving cunt first into sex. But then again, she has a vagina. Her demon has a cock. A very, very nice and big cock, that Maria desperately wanted to feel inside her. Inside her like she’d never experienced before.

Instead of saying anything, the lavender demon leaned forward and kissed her lover. A hand instantly came to rest on the scarlet cheek as her tail started to slide and move around Edith’s. Both couldn’t help but gasp at the sensations of their tails sliding around one another as it sent shivers up both their spines. Maria felt her demon’s arms wrap around her waist, gently clawing at them, causing her to let out a tiny purr.

Maria couldn’t help but rub her thighs together as she kissed her girlfriend. The sensation sent mini shockwaves up and down her spine as she kissed Edith deeper and deeper. Oh, how she loved her demon’s tongue teasing her own with its forked tips. Gods, when will she get a tongue like that of her own? Would it be soon? Well whatever, she wasn’t going to complain that she doesn’t have one yet considering what she did receive today. Speaking of what she gained today, Maria could feel the heat growing hotter in her belly as her hen quickly rose to the occasion, begging to be touched. Though there was one part of her that was already screaming to be touched, if the heat and wetness dripping down her thighs were anything to go by.

Suddenly the hands that clawed at Maria’s hips gripped hard, as the scarlet demon gave a gentle growl. Before Maria knew what was going on, she was being lifted into the air and placed back down in her demon’s lap. Maria’s knees kept her up, just above Edith’s lap and throbbing arousal. Nerves washed through the lavender demon as she looked down between them. Her hands gripped her lover’s shoulders, and she couldn’t help but worry ever so slightly. What if it wasn’t as good as she pictured before? What if she wasn’t ready? What if she—

“Maria?” Edith’s call broke Maria out of her split moment of panic and worry. She was with her demon. Her girlfriend. Her wife. Her soulmate. It would be fine no matter what happened. No matter how it felt.

With a smile spread across her face, Maria pressed her lips against her lover’s as she finally lowered herself. She couldn’t help but moan the second Edith’s almost searing flesh met her dripping cunt. The sensitive bundle of nerves that was her clit lit up like a Christmas tree as it finally rubbed up against Edith’s impressive member. The lavender demon couldn’t help but shiver and shake at the pleasure coursing through her, while her demon held her still and kissed her with as much passion as they had done on their first night together. Their tails also seemed to hit a new high of twisting and slithering around one another.

The scarlet demon’s arms wrapped around her lover’s waist, holding the shivering demon as they both got used to the new sensation of rubbing up against one another. Edith couldn’t help but let out an approving growl into her girlfriend’s lips. And though she desperately wanted to move and hear all the wonderful noises she could get Maria to make, she waited till she let her know she was ready.

“Fuck, you’re wet,” Edith purred between kisses.

“I—oh gods...” Maria rolled her hips a little and fell into her lover’s embrace, no longer able to keep herself up with the pleasure running through her. The demon holding her up chuckled and kissed her gently. “I really... Am...” She rolled her hips again, purring at the pleasure of feeling herself slide across her lover’s arousal. She really was wet, and it felt so good. Her stomach fluttered as she rolled her hips a third time, feeling her wetness lubricate her lover’s steaming cock. Then Edith thrusted up against her and her vision blurred as she moaned out. Every muscle in her body turned to jelly. “Oh fuck...”

“Feel that good?” Edith asked, thrusting again, causing the smaller demon to moan and mewl. Said demon just nodded as she rested her head in the crook of Edith’s neck while Edith growled in approval. “I don’t know about you, but I’m starting to think we might need to shift to another position if you’re not able to hold yourself up dear.”

Maria nodded, still buried in the crook of her demon’s neck. For as good as this felt, which was pretty fucking spectacular, they weren’t going to get a lot done if Maria just rag dolled on top of Edith. “Okay, but I think I need you to move me.” Her legs still had yet to regain any semblance of stability.

The scarlet demon chuckled, before gently lifting and setting her down on her back in the middle of the large bed. Just how easy it seemed for Edith to manhandle Maria always caused a flood of heat to wash over her, lighting her face up red, well, purple now, and sending submissive notes of pleasure through her. Those notes settled themselves at the end of her tail, which was still playing with Edith, even if she wasn’t sure how she was doing that. But also, more of the notes settled into Maria’s new found body part, dampening her thighs, and possibly the bed sheets under her even more.

With her hands on Maria’s knees, the demon spread her legs wide and took her first real look at her lover’s new equipment. Though it was slightly embarrassing for Maria, she could see the hunger in Edith’s red eyes and that made all this worth it.

“Oh I really can’t resist just eating you up any more,” Edith said with a predator's smile. Before Maria could respond, the scarlet demon lowered herself between lavender thighs and gave the dripping cunt a slow lick from bottom to top. Maria’s eyes really rolled back as her back arched. A deep moan came out of the lavender demon, as the sensation of something hot, soft and wet on her new pair of lips sent sparks through her. Of course she had had oral before, both on her hen and ass, but this was new and oh so different. The heat from her lover’s tongue sent Maria’s legs shaking, while the softness across her sensitive bud made her stomach flutter.

Edith chuckled at her girlfriend’s obvious enjoyment. “Hmm, you really do taste good.

“Wha—” That was all Maria could get out before the tongue slid across her again. Then again and again. Without even realizing it, her shaking hands had made their way to Edith’s horns and grabbed on tight, or at least as tight as her shaking body would allow. Still, it seemed enough to please Edith, which resulted in a growl that washed over Maria’s eager cunt. “Fuuuuck....” Then Edith latched her mouth onto her and gently started sucking on her bundle of nerves. It was similar to having Edith suck on her cocklet, but a lot more intense, especially when the two tips of Edith’s tongue slid across it nearly making her scream. And that’s not to say that she was going to give up getting blowjobs because these were better, because while they kind of are, they are also very different. Groundbreakingly different.

Still, no matter how eager Maria began to grow with her lover’s oral conquest, nor how much her insides flooded with dripping heat, Edith never picked up her pace. The scarlet demon kept it gentle and slow, oh so teasingly slow. So slow that Maria thought she was going to go insane. She could feel the floodgates cracking. Feel the pressure build up behind them, but Edith wasn’t letting it happen, just keeping her in a state of constant building but going nowhere.

“Ed—Edith... Fuck, please!” Maria managed to grind herself against her lover’s teasing tongue, which helped, but instantly Edith pulled away. Maria mewled in displeasure as she tried to hold Edith’s head back down on her, but she was nowhere near strong enough.

“What is it, Maria?” the demon said with her typical smirk, which Maria couldn’t really make out through her blurred and slightly teary vision.

“You... You know what...”

“Maybe,” Edith said, running a finger across her slit “But I want to hear you say it.” There was a definite purr in her voice, but it was mixed with dominance that always made the lavender demon crack.

“Please. I want more...” Gods, she was crying she wanted it so bad. It felt so good! It felt so right! Why was her girlfriend taking it away from her?! “Please, Edith.”

The teasing demon kissed both of her inner thighs, so tantalizingly close to her dripping slit, but never on it. Before Maria could beg again, Edith was up and moving over to the side of the bed, similar to their first night. Though this time Maria didn’t reach out and grab her lover’s tail, since her tail was already locked onto her lover’s. Though part of her did wish to see the way Edith gets all hot and bothered by her sucking on her tail, but that will have to wait. Much like Maria was doing at the moment. What is Edith even doing?! Before Maria could voice her annoyance, Edith pulled whatever it was she wanted out of the bedside table and crawled back over to Maria.

“Here, take this,” the scarlet demon said, holding out a small pink pill to Maria.

“What for?” Maria asked, a little confused. “Wait, isn't that your birth control pill thing?” Edith just nodded. Why would she be handing that to Maria? It’s not like Maria could get preg— Oh. OH. OH SHIT! She can get pregnant!! Oh gods! Oh gods!!! The lavender demon stared at the pill with wide eyes. “I can get pregnant...” It barely came out as a whisper as she continued to stare at it.

Edith nodded again. “And as much as I would want that one day, I’m not ready for that now,” The demon admitted a little sheepishly “I’m not going to force you to take it, but I’m really not ready for kids.”

Maria nodded. “I don’t think I am either.” With a shaky hand, which she couldn’t tell whether it was from the arousal or nerve about the fact that she can get pregnant, Maria took the pill and plopped it into her mouth. It surprisingly wasn’t that hard to swallow dry, which was nice. Dry swallowing was something she was never good at.

“Good?” Maria nodded. “Good,” Edith said before leaning in for another kiss. It was a little less heated than what they had been doing before, but maybe it was just because they were both a little nervous. But continuing to kiss slowly pushed that nervousness away. With slow and easy movements, Edith placed herself between Maria legs, letting her throbbing arousal rest against Maria.

The lavender demon pulled away from the kiss and looked down between them. It was right there. So close to happening, and flashbacks to their first night together flooded her mind. How good it felt to be with her lover. How good it felt to be connected like that with Edith. Now she would get to do their first time together all over again.

“Are you ready?” The scarlet demon asked, gently rubbing her cock against Maria’s wet cunt.

Maria looked up at her demon as she shivered lightly. “Take me already,” she said, mimicking the words she had said on their first night.

Edith smiled at the words, clearly remembering as well. “I love you.”

“I love you, too,” Maria said with a smile as her arms wrapped around Edith’s neck and pulled the demon down into a kiss.

Slowly, Edith aligned herself correctly, before gently pushing in. It was surprisingly easy for Edith’s impressive arousal to spread Maria open wide as the head slowly slid inside. Maria had expected it to be a little harder, but with how wet and ready she was it made sense. A quiet, but very shaky moan left Maria as she felt herself start to be filled in a way she had never experienced before. Pleasure ran rampant through the lavender demon as more of her lover’s cock filled her. Her body shook as her insides clamped down on her demon, making Edith moan as well, though it did nothing to slow her down.

Eventually, Edith hit something deep inside Maria that admittedly did hurt a little, but it was a good kind of pain. A little spice to the mix of pleasure and euphoria that was her body right now. Edith still had more to go, and pushed again, making Maria feel as if her insides were being filled to the brim in the most glorious way. Then Maria felt her lover’s body press fully against hers as Edith finally reached home. Like their first night, Edith didn’t move. She stayed still as Maria got used to the feeling. Said lavender demon was currently shaking under her lover, as her breath was ragged and quick.

Without trying, Maria clenched down, making both her and Edith moan out in pleasure. Hearing her lover moan from the pleasure of being inside of her, tipped the emotional floodgates as tears she hadn’t realized she was holding in streaked down her purple flushed face. Gods, how right it felt to be with Edith like this. To have her demon deep inside her. To hear her lover moan from the pleasure it brough. It was right. It was perfect.

“Maria?” Edith's voice was gentle as she looked down at her crying partner. “Are you okay?”

Maria looked up through blurry eyes and gave her girlfriend the biggest smile she could. “I’m perfect. I’m so happy, you have no idea.” Maria watched as worry left her demon’s face and was replaced by true happiness and love. This was all so perfect. Without saying another word, Edith pushed her forehead against Maria’s and knocked their horns together lightly. Maria couldn’t help but respond in kind. “I love you.”

“I love you, too, my dear Maria.”

The next kiss they shared was gentle, soft and fleeting. But then they shared another and another, slowly and steadily building back up to the passion and heat they had before. As they did, Maria wiggled her hips ever so slightly, sending shockwaves of heat and pleasure, letting Edith know that she was ready. And by the gods did her demon deliver. Slowly, the scarlet woman pulled out until just the head rested inside Maria, making her mewel both from the pleasure but also from the empty feeling now inside her. But she didn’t have to wait long before she was filled once again.

The pair of demon’s began to pick up their pace as both became more confident with their moves. Edith finding a perfect balance of force behind her thrusts that made Maria moan like the wanton woman she was. Maria did her best to clench and wiggle at just the right moments so that her demon would half purr, half growl in response. Oh, how she loved knowing she was giving back pleasure to the woman who was taking her to new and bigger heights. Never did the pair pass the point into fucking. No, they stayed in the lane of love making. Hot, passionate love making nonetheless.

The lavender woman steadily began to feel that wonderful peek approaching, but this time it was so much higher. So much grander. So much more, and she wanted to reach it with every fiber of her being. It might have been a little hard with just the vaginal stimulation to get there, but with the way her little hen was being ground between their bodies made up for it. Her leaking cocklet slid between them, dribbling its pre with every thrust Edith gave. It was so perfect.

Then Edith shifted positions slightly, and Maria’s world went white. Every pump of Edith’s cock inside her hit a spot inside her cunt that made fireworks dance across her spine and tail.

“Oh, fuck!”

The demon chuckled as she kissed down the side of Maria’s neck, gently nipping at it. “Oh? Did I just find your g-spot?” All Maria could do was shakily nod as her nails clawed at her lover’s back and her teeth sank into Edith’s shoulder. Edith gave a harder more precise thrust that made Maria’s eyes roll back and her back arch. The peak was fast approaching now. Getting so much closer so much faster than she had ever experienced before. The heat inside her lower belly turned into an inferno as her demon continued her perfectly aligned movements. Maria felt like she could barely breathe, as if every breath was knocked out of her with Edith’s movements. Her entire body was clenching down as it prepared to go over that wonderful edge. Maria’s vision slowly turned completely white as she grew every closer.

“Come for me,” The scarlet demon whispered into her ear just at the perfect moment, sending Maria flying over the peak.

Her existence turned white as heat flooded her body from head to toe. Her back lifted off the bed as she screamed out in euphoria. Her nails clawed deeply at her lover, trying to get a grip on the world that was floating away from her in the haze of pleasure. She didn’t think she could feel something hotter than her insides, but suddenly heat filled her as the cock buried deep inside her pulsed and throbbed. The orgasm to end all orgasms seemed to never die down as it spread through her entire body, making every muscle ache with pleasure. But somehow Maria found herself being called back into the real world from the white void she was in, and she let it happen. She felt everything wash over and away from her as she came back down from a height she had never experienced before.

Still barely able to catch her breath, Maria focused her hazy vision back onto the woman she loved. The woman who rested her forehead against her own and knocked their horns. The woman, whose tail held onto hers for dear life. The woman who she wrapped her arms around and held as tight as she could.

“Thank you,” Maria eventually managed to say with a shaky voice. “Thank you for taking me. For bringing me here. For loving me.” Maria might have noticed tears on her face, if she hadn’t already shed some with her mind breaking orgasm.

“Thank you for loving me back,” Edith said ever so gently. “Thank you for being mine.”



Had to have at least one more spicy chapter before the end, but that's it! Last full chapter is over, all that's left is the epilogue on Friday! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter as much as I did writing it!

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