Demon Bound

Chapter 13

Here it is everyone! The finale of arc two of Demon Bound. Hope you enjoy!

With little effort, the scarlet demon picked up her still panting pet and pulled her onto the bed. Maria’s purr was killed by a light squeal at how easily Edith manhandled her. If there wasn’t an already burning bonfire of arousal shooting through every cell in her body, that definitely would have started a fire inside her.

As her somewhat lube covered ass hit the sheets, Edith’s lips were already attacking her own. Edith didn’t seem to care that the lower half of Maria’s face was covered in her own juices, or that the taste of her cum was still on Maria’s tongue. In fact, she seemed to revel in it and hungrily growled into the couple’s passionate, tongue-filled kiss.

Maria hadn’t been with a partner who was willing to kiss her right after she went down on them. All of them would wait till she had cleaned off her face or washed out her mouth and would do the same after going down on her. So needless to say, it was a little different to what she was used to, but by the Gods it was so incredibly hot!

The budding demon clawed at her Mistress’s back as she eagerly explored Edith’s mouth with her tongue. The fangs and sharp teeth teasingly scraped and nipped at her still human tongue. Ever threatening to cut it on their razor edges but never doing so in their dangerous game of teasing. Though Maria had lost herself in other kisses she shared with her true love, this time she could barely even think as Edith fought to steal her very breath.

Eventually her Mistress gave her reprieve and pulled away, leaving Maria a panting mess.

“Ass up, and head down,” The hungry demon demanded. Maria was still a little too out of it from their oral combat to fully recognize what her Mistress was saying, but Edith soon rectified that with a growl. “I said, ass up, head down, Pet! Or do you not want your reward for how well you pleasured your Mistress?”

Maria’s slitted eyes went wide at her Mistress’s assertive yet appreciative tone. Quickly she turned around on her knees and put her head down on the lush bedding. She arched her back to raise her ass even higher for her demonic Mistress as she laid her head on the side, to look back at her lover.

Edith smiled at her; red eyes focused right on Maria’s slightly shapely ass. Maria could see the ever-present hunger in her Mistress’s eyes and mewled in anticipation. A strange urge to wiggle a tail she did not yet have filled her. Edith soon turned, bringing herself to her own knees, taking off her own bra with one hand, and revealing both her breasts as well as her already regrown arousal to her pet. Teasingly slow, she made her way over to the panting girl.

Maria let out a groan of pleasure as her Mistress’s cock pushed up against her lubed rear and tailbone. Eagerly Maria pushed back against the scarlet demon, ready to be claimed again by her lover. Edith chuckled lightly as she leant over her prostrated pet, pressing her tantalizing tits into her back.

“Hmm, so eager aren’t we, Pet?” Edith bit the tip of Maria’s ear.

“Yes, Mistress,” Maria moaned out, wiggling her rear on the larger woman’s cock. “Please, Mistress… I need you… Please.”

“Aww. Begging for it and I didn’t even have to ask. Such a good girl.” Maria couldn’t help but whimper in pleasure at being called a good girl. “But I’m afraid there's one thing I want to do before I take this ass for my own,” Edith said with a slight chuckle.

Maria mewled a little displease, as she just wanted her demon in her again. To feel her be filled to the brim by her soulmate. To cum as hard as she can around Edith’s big cock.

“Oh, don’t be sad. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it,” Edith said reaching out in front of them and grabbing a pillow. “Here, Pet, put your head on this. I wouldn’t want you to hurt your neck.” Her Mistress Edith still took care of Maria, even in the smallest of ways.

Taking her Mistress’s words as an order, Maria lifted her head and upper body to place the pillow under her head and chest, like hugging a body pillow. It did feel a bit better on her neck and head. It also felt like it might be easier to bite if she needed it.

“Good girl.” Edith’s lifted herself off Maria’s back, but still held her throbbing member against her lover’s sensitive spots. “Are you ready for your reward, Pet?”

“Yes, Mistress,” Maria said with a moan.


“Yes, Mistress!” Maria moaned out louder.

“What was that?”

“Please, Mistress! Please let me have my reward!” Maria half begged, half screamed out. Hopefully, the walls were soundproof, otherwise the neighbors would have definitely heard that.

A wicked smile crossed Edith’s face. “That’s what I like to hear,” Edith teased, pulling her hips away from her pet’s.

Maria started letting out a whimper as she felt her Mistress pull away, and almost spoke up to complain. Almost, but as quickly as the pleasurable pressure of her lover’s cock was taken away, Edith’s tongue replaced it with a lick starting from her taught small balls and going all the way to her tailbone.

Maria let a low and loud moan at the feeling of her Mistress’s warm, wet, and long tongue sliding across her puckered entrance and tailbone. Oddly enough, Maria hadn’t actually had her ass eaten out before. She had never even asked for it, considering the risks too high for the naughty pleasure. Now that magical prepping lube was a thing in her life, she would never have to worry about that. And oh, did it feel good to have a devilishly warm tongue on her like that.

Edith’s hand’s gripped Marias cheek, holding them open for her to tear through Maria’s analingus virginity. Happily, the demon purred as her tongue slid across the puckered hole, teasing its entrance with the swirling tips of her forked tongue. Her nose pushed up against Maria’s tailbone, and used that to only further the girl's pleasure.

Maria was quickly turning into the moaning mess Edith had so easily turned her into. She hadn’t expected this to feel so good, and part of her realized it probably shouldn’t if she was human. But she wasn’t human, she was a budding demon, and oh how did she wish to be a full demon already. Still, having her demon Mistress tonguing her sensitive entrance like a pro while rubbing the incredibly pleasurable end of her tailbone was definitely making up for it.

Panting and moaning, Maria pushed back against her lover’s handiwork. She could feel her entrance starting to yield to Edith’s probing tongue as her clawed nails dug into her ass in the best possible way. When it finally yielded Maria whimpered happily, feeling the warm prehensile tongue push as deep into her as it could. The feeling was similar to having Edith’s tail play inside her hole, but the heat of her Mistress’s tongue was a lot closer to that of her cock’s. Alongside that, Edith seemed to be more precise with her tongue’s movements than her tail, and quickly found Maria's prostate.

The groan Maria let out was much closer to a pleasurable growl than the groans she usually let out. She didn’t really notice however, as her demon’s tongue relentlessly attacked her g-spot. Clear pre steadily leaked from her throbbing hen as it pulsed with every flick of her Mistress’s tongue. Whenever Edith decided to go just a little bit harder every so often, Maria could feel her cocklett jump and slap her stomach with its wet head.

Once again, if Maria was a little bit more coherent about what was going on with her ever-changing body, instead of losing herself in pleasure at the hands of her demonic lover, she might have noticed that her little hen was a bit harder and not as little. Like she might have noticed the growls she now let out whenever Edith’s sharp nails dug deep into the soft skin of her ass. Or how her tiny little horns scraped and cut into the pillow her face was buried in. But none of that mattered now. Only her Mistress’s given pleasure mattered. As much as it mattered though, it did come to an end when Edith suddenly pulled away.

“Noooo….” Maria whimpered as tears formed in the corner of her eyes. How could her Mistress be so cruel as to stop her hellish pleasure? She loved it so much and Mistress said she earned it after making her scream her pet’s name in lust. Blindly Maria reached back, trying to grab onto any part of her scarlet demon to make her bring back the pleasure.

The devilish Mistress let out a chuckle that was honestly more of a hungry growl, as Maria tried to grab onto her. “I’m sorry, Pet, but I can’t hold back any longer.” 

Suddenly the burningly hot head of Edith’s cock pressed itself up against Maria’s slightly agape and well lubed entrance. Instantly Maria forgave her Mistress, excited beyond belief for what was about to ravish her.

Black nails dug into the soft pink flesh of Maria’s hips as Edith yanked her back onto her red rod, hilting herself in one quick motion. The demonic couple each moaned out as they were finally joined together again. Maria’s eyes fluttered as her moan quickly turned into a low purr of pleasured contentment as she was filled by her true love.

Mistress’s moan turned into another hungry growl as she soon started to move again. The first time Edith had been buried deep in her budding demon lover; she had taken it slow, giving Maria time to adjust to her larger than average size. This time though, she was hungry and greedy. She wanted to take what was hers, and that is exactly what she did.

Maria’s mouth fell open in a silent scream her Mistress claimed her ass. Her thrusts were fast, hard, and unforgiving, but Maria didn’t care. It was absolute heaven to her. Feeling her soulmate bury her cock inside of her over and over again sent explosions of pleasure through her entire being. Her eyes rolled back as a deep guttural moan escaped her as her Mistress changed angles just enough so that with every thrust, she mashed Maria’s already over-stimulated prostate as hard as she could.

The magically fated and bound couple had made love before. They had fooled around before. They had teased each other before. But they had never fucked before, and that is exactly what they were doing. Taking pure carnal pleasure in each other's bodies. Taking and giving all that they could, so that they could both race towards the final explosive goal that would make them cry to the heavens. Or would “the hells” be more fitting?

A scarlet hand suddenly grabbed hold of Maria’s chest, and pulled her up to be kneeling and flush up against her demon.

“Edith!” Maria screamed in shock at the change in angle, as it only helped to make her prostate even more bruised and battered. Edith’s hand squeezed hard at one of Maria’s tits as her tail wrapped around Maria’s mid-section, holding her in tight and close.

“That’s not my name,” the demon growled angrily into Maria’s neck before taking a hard bite into it.

Maria couldn’t help but scream. Her senses quickly become fully overloaded with nothing but pleasure. Her neck, her tits, her ass, her g-spot, even her soon to be tail were all being lit up like the Fourth of July. It was all quickly becoming too much for her mind to handle.

“What’s my name?” The scarlet demon growled in Maria’s ear.

Maria could barely control her own scattered breathing at this point, but somehow, she managed to start moaning out, “Mis— Mis— Mistress…”


“Mi— Mistress!” She could no longer see; everything was just turning white and hazy with pleasure. The edge of her orgasmic cliff was now quickly approaching, even without the aid of her throbbing hen

“Again!” Mistress took another bite of her Pet’s succulent neck

“Mistress!” Maria screamed out, wanting nothing more than to cross that line into true orgasmic bliss. However, somewhere in the back of her pleasure imbued brain she remembered that her Mistress had told her she couldn’t come without her permission. “Mistress… Oh gods, Mistress… I’m so…. I’m… I don’t. I can’t hold…. Longer!”

“Oh no you don’t,” Edith growled and bit the top of her still rounded ear. “You can’t come till I say so.” Even her words were nearly as breathless as Maria’s.

“P— Please. Mistress… Fuuuuckkkkk”

“No. You don’t… Fuck.... You don’t get to come… Until I do. Got it, Pet!” As if to tease her point, the hand that had been clawing at Maria’s hip left, and quickly took hold of Maria’s throbbing cocklett giving it a quick teasing stroke.

Maria fully leaned back into her Mistress, letting her hand and tail’s grasp purely hold her up. She couldn’t help but whimper at the pleasure flooding her, which was only added to by her Mistress stroking her needy hen. Her hands clawed at the tail and arm holding her in place as tears started to run down her cheeks while she did everything in her power to hold off the inevitable. It started to hurt as she tried to hold her orgasm back, but even the pain felt like fireworks of pleasure bursting inside her lower stomach.

The poor girl didn’t have to hold off for too long though, as her Mistress was on the verge of orgasmic relief herself. Maria could hear Edith’s breath getting shaky with every thrust that became more and more sporadic. The tail helping to hold her up started to shake and wiggle.

Finally, Edith gave one last final thrust into Maria, before everything came crashing down. Edith half scream, half growl was purely animalistic as thick ropes of devilish seed painted Maria’s insides.

Maria’s entire world went white hot with euphoric orgasmic pleasure when she finally let go of everything. She wasn’t sure if she screamed, moaned, growled, or just stayed silent. She wasn’t even sure if she was breathing. All she knew was pleasure...

Slowly, Maria’s conscious mind came back to her as the pleasure finally ebbed away. She found herself leaning back into the arms and tail of her scarlet love, who was now sitting back on her thighs panting hard into the crook of Maria’s neck. Her breath was still incredibly shaky, and it felt like all her energy had been completely sapped out of her. Still, she somehow found enough energy to lift a hand to run it back through her lover's hair. The breathless demon purred and lifted her head, noticing her lover had finally come back around.

“Hmm, you back with me, dear?”

Maria nodded, still a little too breathless to speak yet. She did nuzzle into her demon and felt a purr rise up in her. Now, without the haze of arousal, she fully recognized that she was purring, which was an interesting development. Wait, wasn’t she also growling at one point?! So today she changed to have horns, a tail (which might have actually been last night), able to purr, and able to grow. And Edith said these changes wouldn’t happen that fast. Oh well, it’s not like Maria wasn’t looking forward to becoming a demon now. Also does this mean her insides are more demonic now, too?

“You okay there dear? Still spacing out a little?” Edith said with a breathless chuckle.

Maria nodded, turning to look at her love. “Yeah… Just… A lot…”

Edith gave her a smirking smile. “Speaking of a lot…” The demon lifted up the hand that had just been around Maria’s little cocklett, showing just how much of a mess her orgasm had made. It was definitely a bit more than normal, but then again that was very intense sex. Either way, before Maria even thought about what she was doing, she grabbed Edith’s wrist and brought the hand to her lips. There she licked and sucked her demon’s hand clean, much to the amusement of said demon.

“Having fun?”

Maria pulled away from the hand with a sheepish look on her face. She actually did have a little fun doing that.

“You’re so cute,” Edith said nuzzling and purring into her budding demon. Maria couldn’t help but reciprocate both the nuzzling and the purring, leaning fully into her demon. After a couple of calming relaxing minutes, Edith spoke up again. “As much as I love holding you like this, I think we should actually climb into bed properly.”

“That might be a good idea,” Maria said with a lazy nod, finally having gotten her breathing back under control. Though she was tired, she was also oddly energetic. Probably post orgasmic high. “But we should change the covers first.”


Maria furrowed her brow a little at Edith’s question. Wasn’t it obvious? “Um, I kind of came all over it, and sat on it with a well lubed up ass thanks to you.” Edith just smirked and raised an eyebrow at her, not saying anything. “What?”

“Maria, we’ve fooled around in this bed a number of times now, right?”

“Yeah?” Where was this going?

“And no doubt have gotten our sweat, cum, lube, and definitely your pre all over it before.” Maria nodded. “And have we ever changed the sheets?”

“No…” That was true, but surely the sheets must be dirty thanks to them. But the sheets don’t feel like they’re— Oh… She was starting to see where this was going…

“Ever wonder as to why that is?” Edith asked with a smirk that said she recognized Maria just figured it out, but she was going to tease her about it anyway.

“Let me guess… Magic?”

“Bingo,” The demon said with a chuckle before ushering Maria to get off and into bed.

“Magical lube is a thing, so why wouldn’t magical sex resistant sheets be a thing,” Maria grumbled to herself, a little annoyed it took her that long to figure that out, considering how much fooling around they’d done in the bed. Edith only chuckled as she went to climb into bed next to Maria, but something caught her eye.

“Yes, while the bedspread might be ‘sex resistant’…” The demon picked up the pillow Maria had rested her head on during their fun. “They aren’t cut resistant,” Edith said, holding the pillow up for Maria to see. A decently sized gash went up the pillow, causing some of its stuffing fall out.

“How did that happen?” Maria was genuinely confused as to how the pillow ended up like that. She may have bitten into it and clawed it, but none of those would have made such a long cut.

As always, Edith smirked as she threw the pillow to the side before fully laying down next to Maria. Gently the demon reached up and taped on Maria’s forehead, or more accurately her tiny but still pointy purple horns.

“Oh… Sorry…”

“It’s okay,” Edith said cupping Maria’s cheek gently and pulling her into a light kiss. “We could always get you some of those ugly cute training pillows that babies and children use when their horns start to really grow in.”

“That’s a thing?”

“Yep. I remember I went through a good number of pillows when I was a child before my parents convinced me to get one.” Maria’s mind was instantly filled with images of baby Edith, tearing up a pillow with her growing horns. “So you want to get one?” Edith teased.

“No, thank you. I think I can get the hang of it.”

“You sure? I think you would look soooo sexy with your head on a ‘My Little Leviathan’ pillow.”

“Oh my gods.” Maria couldn’t help but giggle a little. Really ‘My Little Leviathan’? “No, I’m fine. I won't hurt anymore pillows.” Maria curled up into Edith and buried her face in the demon sizable cleavage. “Except these,” she said a little muffled. “I would like to bite and nip at these pillows.”

Edith laughed, as she wrapped her arms and tail around Maria, holding her close and tight. “I think I would be fine with that. Though that play might have to wait for another time. What we just did really took a lot out of me.”

“Also put a lot into me,” Maria said jokingly, as she closed her eyes and relaxed into her lover’s embrace. The post orgasmic high was starting to wear off now.

“Oh, you haven’t seen anything yet, my dear Maria,” Edith purred into the top of her head.

Maria giggled lightly. “I look forward to it. Though more intense stuff might have to wait till my body is done changing.”

“That might be best. I… I didn’t take things too far, did I? I know I can really dive into that hard dominant role.”

Maria could hear the genuine concern in her demon’s voice, which just made her feel even more loved.

“No. I liked it. A lot. It was just really intense towards the end, and I’m not sure how often my body can take that. But I would definitely do that again.” Maria felt Edith smile into the top of her head, her words having put the demon at ease again. “But I think it’ll be more fun when I have a tail of my own to use on you”

“Oh? Looking forward to having a tail now, are we?” Edith sounded a little surprised.

“Yeah, I think so. Also, the tongue will be fun. Oh, and I want to know what it’ll be like to have you grab onto my horns.” Though Maria liked the idea it was still weird to say ‘my horns’.

“And suddenly having horns isn’t a strange thing for you anymore. If I knew any better, I would say you're looking forward to becoming a demon now.”

Maria pulled her head back out of the valley of Edith’s cleavage to look up at her soulmate with a smile. Edith was smiling back down at her, though Maria could still see a little shock in her eyes.

“I am. It’s still kind of weird to think about, but it’s not bad. Just different, and actually kind of exciting when I started thinking more about it.” Maria could see her words carving the sweetest and happiest smile across her lovers.

“I’m really happy to hear that, Maria,” Edith said before leaning in to kiss her budding demon. “Though when did you start thinking about it more?” Maria gave a sheepish smile and her face blushed lightly. “You were thinking about it during sex?” Edith seemed utterly amazed by that fact. “Was the sex truly not good enough that your mind was elsewhere?” the demon feigned being upset.

“No! I was just thinking about what more fun we could have together when I’m fully a demon…”

“Oh, so you were just thinking about all the stuff we could do if…” the end of Edith’s tail grazed Maria’s tailbone with a very light flick. “You also had a tail?”

“Maybe…” The blush wasn’t leaving Maria’s cheeks, and Edith’s tail sent shivers up her spine.

“Or how you would like me to hold on tight to your horns while you go down on me?” Edith kept teasing with both words and her tail, making Maria squirm lightly in embarrassment and pleasure. “Or just how much better eating me out would be with a long, forked tongue.” Edith licked her lips in the devilish way that she always does.

“All… I want to do all of that.” Maria could feel a bit of life and arousal returning to both their endowments at her words as they pressed up against one another.

Edith smiled and pulled Maria in for another kiss. A kiss that kept getting deeper and deeper. A kiss that Maria happily gave into as they held onto each other tighter and tighter. Both of them knowing that tonight wasn’t over just yet.

I had a lot of fun writing this chapter, and I hope you guys had a lot of fun reading it! That's it for Demon Bound for now. It will be coming back with a third arc that is currently in the works. Hopefully the wait won't be as long as it was for the second arc! Thank you guys so much for reading!!!!

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