Demon Bound

Chapter 1

Maria let out an exhausted sigh as she entered the door to her crapshoot of an apartment building. It had been a long and cold walk home when her car had up and died, and it promised to be an even colder night considering her electricity was cut off this morning. Yeah, things were not going well for her at the moment, which was only exemplified by finding an eviction notice on her apartment door. 

“For fuck’s sake…” she groaned under her breath as she tore down the notice. The sound of her own deeper voice was grating on her ears, but she ignored it. With everything going on she didn't have time to spend on dysphoria. Entering the apartment, if this place could even be called that, she threw the notice on the kitchen counter and walked into the bedroom before falling flat on the mattress resting on the floor.  Begrudgingly she took off her street clothes and put on some sweat pants and a hoodie before pulling the covers over herself, trying to block out the light from the neon sign outside her window.

How did it all come to this? No friends who could help her in this kind of situation, no job, soon to be no roof over her head. Normally in a time like this people could rely on their family for support, but for Maria that was impossible. You see Maria was born into a very well off family. Her father, Victor Crawthord, came from a long line of old money conservative politicians. Maria wasn’t entirely sure how the family had originally gotten its money or how they managed to keep it considering the lifestyle her parents and siblings lived. She did know that just before she was born the family had been in rough times, but miraculously recovered to newer and bigger heights. Her mother had always told people that it was God’s way saying thank you for all the good her father did for the world… 

Either way she had been raised in a 'healthy' and lavish environment. If you consider racist, homophobic, misogynistic and transphobic parents healthy. When she was young she honestly didn't really notice it. It was just part of normal life. But as she reached her mid teens and had free access to the internet, she realized just how fucked up her family was. Especially after finding the even more fucked up things her father had helped put into law. Still, she was naive and when she finally realized she was transgender she had hoped that her parents would change their mindset and accept her. That realizing their own daughter was a part of this community they hurt so much would help them understand and see the right side of it all.

So at the age of 18 she came out to them, and was immediately disowned by her family. Strangely enough her parents somehow actually seemed relieved that they could disown her, which was odd. She hadn't necessarily been the black sheep of the family up until that point, nor had she ever spoken out against them (at least to their face) until then. Either way, she was kicked out with nothing but the clothes she had on her back. She had even heard that her parents had a funeral for their youngest ‘son’ so no one would ask questions. Maria wasn’t sure if that should be upsetting or hilarious to her. 

Maria had been doing an alright job of supporting herself up until this point, though. She even managed to start hormone therapy rather quickly after being kicked out. It had been one of the best days of her life when she figured out she finally had enough breast to start wearing a bra. And after almost three years of being on Hormone Replacement Therapy, or HRT for short, she was passing most of the time. Occasionally someone would clock her as being trans, which was mostly because of her voice. That was the one thing that really bugged her the most about her body, besides the whole external reproductive organs, of course. She couldn't afford voice training sessions, and the free stuff online could only help her so much. There were some other clues of course, but hey some girls are tall with slim hips and slightly broad shoulders. One thing that made her thank the gods was that even though she had a deeper voice she didn't have a noticeable Adam's apple.

So for the most part she was living life true to herself and it only brought the occasional problem. Such as losing your job because your newly hired boss was transphobic and your father helped rollback laws protecting LGBTQ+ individuals in the workplace in the state. Which had all led to the events of today.

Even though she was rather drained she couldn't manage to fall asleep. Thoughts about all that happened and useless ideas about how to try and fix it kept running through her head. Maybe she could sell her car and rent a motel room for a week? Maybe selling her brick of a laptop would add a little money to it all? Or worse comes to worst she could always just live in a cardboard box in a dark alley with a group of feral cats to keep her company.

It was all useless though. There wasn’t anything she could do at this moment so she should just go to sleep and figure it out in the morning. Reaching out into her purse she grabbed her phone. Of course she was blinded by the light of it, but quickly her eyes adjusted and she managed to read out the time. Midnight on the dot. Wait, wasn’t there something important about this new day? Setting her phone back down she looked up blankly at the water stained ceiling trying to remember. She wasn’t proud to admit it, but it did take a decent amount of thought before she figured it out.

“Oh right,” she said out loud with a laugh. “It’s my birthday. Well a happy twenty first to myself.” Jokingly she reached out and mimed a fake cheers of imaginary glasses in the air. “Not that anyone really cares…”

 “Oh now that's just sad.” a sudden mocking voice piped up from the far side of her room.

With a jolt, Maria sat up and slammed her back against the wall. One hand still clutched at the sheets as if to cover her body even though she was still fully clothed. With her heart pounding she looked over to where the voice had come from only to see the dark outline of someone standing in the shadows of her room. Well that's not entirely true, there was one part of the person she could see clearly and that was the two red glowing eyes staring at her. Her mind refused to accept what she was actually seeing and was currently trying to convince her it was a trick of the light. But it clearly wasn’t a trick.

“Don’t you humans normally spend the night of your twenty first year out drinking yourselves silly?” The voice was clearly feminine. And alluring enough that Maria felt a tinge of jealousy. Still she mostly felt fear. “I was slightly hoping to find you in such a state. Would have made this slightly more fun for me.” As the woman spoke she stepped forward out of the shadows and into the light. For starters she was tall. She had a good four inches on Maria’s five foot nine, and still she wore at least three inch heels. Maria had always been jealous of women who could easily own their tallness, and clearly this woman did just that. The next thing she noticed about the intruder was just how perfect her proportions were, and that wasn’t by photoshopped cover model standards but by real life standards. The button down shirt she was wearing hugged at her hourglass figure that didn't make her look like she was missing three sets of ribs. Her bust was prominent without taking over her entire chest. The black (or was it dark navy?) suit pants hugged her hips just enough to show off their width without being too flashy. The woman’s black wavy hair hung down to her shoulders and gracefully framed her elven like face. 

Overall this woman looked like the goddess of businesswomen or the goddess of librarian fantasies, Maria wasn’t sure which one was more fitting. Maria was personally feeling a massive wave of dysphoria in the presence of the woman. Everything about her was what she wished she could be. Well that is of course except for her skin that was just a tinge too red to be human in any shape, way, or form. The horns that sprouted from her forehead and curved back along her skull. The long leathery tale gently swished behind her, and of course the glowing red cat-like eyes.

“But I suppose this will make things just a bit more intimate,” the non-human woman said as her eyes ran over the outline of Maria’s body under the sheets.

“Wha…” Maria just realized how dry her mouth had become. “What the fuck are you?”

The intruder cocked an eyebrow before giving her an amused smirk. “Really? With parents like yours, I’m sure you can figure it out.”

Demon... The word screaming in her mind over and over again, as if trying to accept the reality in front of her.

“But that. That’s not…”

“Not possible? Oh I assure you it is,” the demon said, taking another step closer bringing her to the edge of the mattress. Her arms folded under her bust as she leant over as if trying to be on a closer level with Maria.

Maria’s mind was going a mile a minute. Trying to accept what was in front of her while also trying to figure out why it was happening and how to stop it. In the meantime she just stared back at the hellish being in front of her, who seemed to be giving her some time to process what was happening.

“What are you doing in my apartment?” Maria finally gathered enough mental stability to ask, even if you could literally hear her heartbeat in her words.

“Your apartment? By the notice currently sitting in your kitchen I would say this isn’t really your place anymore.” The demon seemed slightly amused by the fact. “Not that I would consider this place an apartment.” The woman said looking around the barren place.

In that moment as the demon looked away from her, Maria’s fight or flight instincts finally seemed to kick in. She chose to fight. Quickly she dove for her purse, and with clumsy hands reached into one of the small pockets grabbing at the small bottle of mace. As quickly as she had dove for it she sat right back up and aimed the mace right at… The demon was gone. Confusion swept over her as her mind tried to tell her it was all just a dream. But then a hand from her left grabbed her mace-clutching hand, dragging it straight down into the mattress. The force of it was strong enough that she was worried her arm might have been pulled from its socket. The demon's face suddenly appeared in her peripheral as it’s free hand gently grabbed her chin and turned her head to face her.

“Now that was rather rude of you.” The demon’s face was almost dead serious, with only a hint of playful glee. She was now on all fours with the light of the neon sign outside the window creating a sacrilegious halo around her body. The long tail flicked back and forth in a playful manner, betraying the seriousness on her face as she leaned in and broke Maria’s personal space bubble.

Maria was now shaking in fear as their eyes locked in on each other. She couldn’t turn her head away, even if she wanted to. There was actually some part of her mind that just screamed ‘lean in and kiss her already!’ but why the hell would she do that?

“Now I don’t think we will be needing this,” she said as she tore the small bottle easily out of Maria’s hand and threw it through the window. Surprisingly it didn’t shatter. There was just a small jagged hole where the bottle went through. It reminded Maria of the videos she had seen of monks throwing a needle through a plane of glass, which was really interesting at the time. For now though, it wasn’t so much interesting to her as it was fear inducing. 

“Or this for that matter.” She said before ripping away the sheets that had been still covering most of Maria. “Aw. I was hoping clothes would be off by the time we got into bed together, but this will have to do for now.” She smiled wide, letting Maria get a good long look at her sharp pointed teeth. Even with those frightening teeth she felt her cheeks redden with the mention of climbing into bed naked with such a woman.

  With cat-like grace the she-demon climbed over Maria and settled herself into a sitting position in Maria’s lap. The first thing Maria thought was that she was warm. Incredibly warm. Not enough to burn you even if it felt like it should. It actually felt really nice on a cold night like tonight, but she did her best at pushing the thought of a warm hug from this demon out of her mind. Why the hell would she even think that?

“Now where were we? Oh right, why I’m here. I’m here to collect on the deal. To take what is rightfully mine.” Her slitted eyes seemed to dilate with joy as she stared the human down.

Maria’s mind was a blur at trying to put together what the woman on her lap was talking about. A deal? She had heard about stories of demons making deals with humans, who hasn’t? But she had never made a deal with a demon!

“What deal? I...I never made a deal with you,” Maria managed to stammer out. The warmth of the demon's body was now slowly radiating all over her and helped calm her shivering, even if it had been more from fear and not the cold. By the gods the warmth of the she-demons body on hers felt so good and right.

“Oh you poor thing,” the she-demon said with a pout. Her free hand lifted up and ran her long slender fingers through Maria’s brown pixie cut hair. The feeling sent a little electric shocks down Maria’s spine that made her already ragged breath catch in her throat. “They never told you did they? I’m not surprised though. Your parents don’t seem like the type of people to admit to dealing with a demon like me.” A satisfied smirk crossed her face as she continued to run her hand though Maria’s hair, not that Maria seemed to actually mind. Which she most certainly should as it was a demon doing it! But it felt really nice, and relaxing. Combined with the warmth it was starting to cause a bit of a... physical reaction in Maria.

Her cheeks immediately turned red as her eyes tried to look anywhere but at the woman in her lap. Who must have felt something in the girls clothing begin to stir, even if it didn’t function all that much these days. If the demon did notice she didn’t show it.  With as much mental strength Maria could muster, she did her best at forcing her body's slight tinge of arousal down as far as it could go.

But wait. Her parents!? What? No. They were the most fucking devout people she knew. There’s no way they would make a deal with a demon.

“What are you talking about?”

With a small chuckle the demon drew her focus away from playing with Maria’s hair and back to the conversation. “You see just a little over twenty one years ago your family was in dire straits. All their money had been wasted and their lives were crumbling in front of their very eyes. So, naturally, they called upon a demon, me, to fix that for all of them. To give them more money than they could ever dream of.” The demon's eyes now started to wander down over Maria’s body once again with approving appraisal.

“I only asked for one thing in return. Their youngest child, the ‘boy’ currently growing in the woman’s womb. You wouldn’t believe how easily they came to the conclusion that giving up their soon to be born ‘son’ was well worth the trade. So the deal was made, and on the day of the ‘sons’ twenty-first year I was to claim what is mine.” There was definitely a seductive tone in her voice.

Maria was trying to process all that the woman had said. Would, no, could her parents have really done that? It would explain a lot. Like how they had a seemingly bottomless pit of money. Why her parents had never tried to get too attached to her. Why they seemed so relieved that they could kick her out of their lives… Would also maybe explain why they were constantly trying to seek redemption at church… Yeah. Maybe they really would have done it. Also all the mention of the word “son” was not making her feel the best… Her drifting attention was soon brought back to the demon as she spoke again.

“And you have no idea how happy I am to find that I’m getting their daughter instead of their son. Oh how I do love cute feminine girls.”

For some odd reason that made Maria blush. Being called cute and feminine was always a way to tug at the heart strings of a trans girl. Wait, so demons were accepting of transgender individuals? It wasn’t like the demon in her lap didn’t know, considering that she had mentioned the fact she was a ‘male’ child in her mother’s womb. And if that wasn’t enough, Maria was increasingly sure that the demon had felt her moment of weakness as every now and then her hips would wiggle just enough to get a small rise out of her. So yeah, looks like demons are trans friendly. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? Wait, she shouldn’t be worrying about that now. Her parents had literally sold her to a demon!

Anger flooded over her as images of her pathetic excuses for parents flooded her mind. All the times they ignored her. The times they put her siblings’ wants before her needs. How fucking pleased they seemed be able to get rid of her. THE FUCKING FUNERAL THEY HAD FOR HER! Along with the anger also came sadness, but it took a backseat to the anger. Still she didn’t notice that she was starting to shed a few tears, until the demon's hand cupped her cheek and wiped away a tear with her thumb. Oh how nice it felt.

“It's okay sweetie. There’s no need to cry. You don’t have to think about them anymore. You’re mine now.” The demon said, obviously able to read where her thoughts had gone. And you know what was even crazier? She actually said it with a compassionate tone. Which both felt heart warming and wrong all at the same time. Demon’s weren’t supposed to be compassionate, were they? For fuck sakes this demon made a deal for Maria before she was even born. How is that passionate or caring?

No. No. This isn’t right. This was all wrong. This isn’t right! She felt panic start to take back over.

“No. No! This isn’t real. This is wrong. You're just a dream!” Maria cried out as she tried to push the demon off her lap. But the woman didn’t budge at all, and Maria only succeeded in grabbing onto the demon's hips and pushing herself back harder into the wall. “No, I’m not yours. I’m not anyone's!” Her mind was in the process of trying to completely reject the reality sitting right in her lap. Maria’s heart thudded in her chest as her lungs seemed to not be able to get enough air.

“Shhh…” the demon said, running her hand back through Maria’s hair in a calming motion. “This is most certainly not a dream, my dear Maria.”

How did the demon know her name? Well maybe she would have at least known her dead name, but not her true one!

Sensing the confusion she simply replied, “I saw it on the eviction notice. Couldn’t help being a little nosy.” The demon's signature smirk once again washed over her face. “And I promise you by the laws of all those Celestial and Fiendish of the Interconnected Planes, you are mine by all rights. There’s no escaping it. See?” With that the demon reached down and unzipped Maria’s hoodie down to about mid cleavage. 

Over where Maria’s heart was she saw what looked like a red pentacle tattoo. Inside the circle were a large array of symbols the likes of which Maria had never seen. And to take home the cake the entire thing was glowing, much like the demon’s eyes.

“You’re mine,” Maria heard the demon whisper as if in wonderment as her red hand gently ran over the pentacle. The touch both warmed and chilled Maria to the bone. When her eyes finally managed to look away from the thing inscribed on her chest, she noticed that under the demon's white button down shirt was a glowing pentacle much like her own.

Oh fuck. This was all real wasn’t it? Like really real. She was the demon’s. Oh fuck. By the gods this was really happening!

Maria tried to catch her breath as she looked back up to the demon’s face, who was now back to staring right back at her. Their noses were almost touching, and she could feel the impossible warm breath of the demon wash over her. Her burgundy red lips were spread out into maybe the most genuine smile Maria had seen from her.

Still Maria couldn't quite seem to catch her breath as she stammered out, “This is real. Oh fuck me this is real…”

“Oh, I intend to do just that, don’t you worry your pretty little head.”

‘What?’ was all Maria could think before the demon’s hand in her hair reached back and pulled her head forward, bringing them into a kiss. Maria’s eyes went wide as the demon’s closed. Her lips were hot, much like the rest of her, but they were also incredibly soft. Probably the softest lips Maria had ever kissed, even though she had only kissed a few people. For some strange reason there was a part of her telling her that this was right. That this was meant to be. That it was what her whole life had led up to. Because of all that she found her eyes starting to close as a sigh escaped her. But then it was all over.

The demoness pulled away, with a smile on her lips. Maria practically had to remember to breathe as she realized she had been holding her breath that entire time. Her eyes refocused on the woman in her lap as she watched the demon lick her lips, as if to taste Maria on them. However, there was one difference between how any normal person would lick their lips and how the demon did it. That difference being the demon started her tongue in the middle of her lips before it separated into two halves and licked their way to the corners.

Forked tongue. Yep, that was a thing she had. That definitely wasn’t one of those things that Maria had a strange, possibly sexual, fascination with. No, no…

For fucks sake was this woman a literal version of Maria’s wet dreams?!

“Hmm. If that’s how good your lips taste I can’t wait to taste the rest of you.”

That’s exactly what she is. And that’s the exact point Maria’s brain decided it was time to shut down. She had already had a large amount of stimulation happen before the demoness decided to become the living embodiment of Maria’s fantasies. Her vision became tunneled as she felt lightheaded. Her ears began to ring as she felt herself go limp. The last thing she saw and heard before the darkness took her was the demon’s face shift from an expression of lust to worry as she called out her name.

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