Demented psycho through the multiverse.

Wannabe hentai protagonist.

[2624 words]

here's a nice joke

how many hentai protagonists does it take to change a lightbulb?

they don't, they just accidentally slip and end up fucking the socket

this chapter is written, proof read and edited by me, your only god and savior



as soon as I activated my ability the scenery around us instantly changed from an empty city street in the middle of the day to an empty dark blue void.

no it wasn't an empty void, I could feel the air rushing past our bodies at tremendous speeds. no, the winds weren't the ones passing by us, it was the other was around.

we were moving extremely fast. even though I felt extremely disoriented, my spider instincts were alerting me that the direction we were going was down, we were falling towards the ground, this was confirmed seconds later as the clouds whose existence I hadn't even noticed parted to show the ground.

there was a large city that was completely lit up, the buildings, streets, and cars, there were crowds of people walking around, oblivious to the two calamities falling towards them at a devastating momentum.

the city looked advanced, a large bit more advanced than my original world, I had time for such leisurely thoughts, after all I wasn't the one who was about to take the impact head on, the one who was about to splat on the ground was the white haired E-boy under me, I was disoriented but he looked way more disoriented then me he was flailing his arms aimlessly and looked as if he was about to pass out. we both felt a sense of dizziness, I presume it's because of teleporting to another world.

the ground was growing larger by the moment and a few seconds later we had arrived at our destination.


a loud and harsh explosion sounded as we crashed into the ground, the impact was devastating, debris, people and cars were flung away violently and buildings collapsed, some people were crushed by flying rubble, some were crushed by rocks while others were crushed by the mangled pieces of metal that were once their cars while some were struck by the dismembered corpses of their fellow humans.

the E-boy and I weren't unharmed either, the E-boy gave a harsh grunt as he was forced wide awake as all the air was forced out of his body, his spine was definitely broken.....but that was all, he should have died instantly from the impact, but he was still alive, i should have been the one to suffer the least amount of damage but both my arms and legs were shattered, not only that, many of my internal organs were pulverized.

although I seem to have the superior speed and agility it seems he is much more durable.

after taking a large breath, the white haired boy screamed in rage, his eyes went from black to red while the sclera of his eyes went from white to black with red veins all over, he was in a frenzy as he screamed and brought out his kagune.

it was heading right for me, I couldn't dodge, nor was my skin tough enough to tank the blow, I was in a fatal situation, I could only do one thing.

I spat in his open mouth, the spit went right down his throat and in the next second I was violently flung out of the giant crater we had dug into the ground due to our landing.

being flung was the least of my concerns, after all his attack had completely obliterated everything under my rib cage, this was definitely fatal, although {eternal youth} could boost recovery, last time I checked neither a human nor a spider could regrow more than half their body in one go.

wether I would be able to live past this point, right now that depended on one thing, which of us would be able to hold off longer, would I first die due to my serious injuries, or would my opponent die first due to the venom infused spit I sent down his throat, yes I didn't spit down his throat cuz it was kinky, but because it was infused with poison.

if I manage to absorb him the chance of me being able to survive would increase exponentially, ghouls have a strong recovery.

I waited in silence for the outcome while laying beside the crater, I heard no sound from inside the crater only the sound of blood spilling from my body could be heard.

my consciousness was starting to blur, I felt warm and comfortable, I felt lighter then even the clouds, I knew that if I were to close my eyes I would be able to enjoy such warm comfort for a little more....maybe it wouldn't hurt if I close my eyes just for a bit, after all my eye lids felt sooo heavy, but I didn't close them, I forced them to remain wide open, I didn't give into the sweet temptation of eternal slumber and rest.....that's pussy shit.

I wasn't done yet, not then, not now, not ever. I am the most perfect most supreme being in existence, I would never die before such lower trash, just the mere idea of it was preposterous. 

yes that's right it's preposterous, I would never lose, I will never lose, because I am an omnipotent omniscient god, the one above all other beings and things in any plain of existence hahahahahahaha-

my laughter was interrupted by the announcement of my Victory

[ skilllll requir--®¢°=€®^£~✓¢^€£]


I could barely read the distorted text on the blue screen that appeared Infront of me, there was also some unusual red text that appeared at the end of the notification I couldn't properly read it due to my hazy consciousness but I couldn't pay any of that an attention as I willed my [L.U.T.F] ability to activate, after activating it I let myself drift off into unconsciousness I was confident that I would wake up again, and so I blacked out.

I suddenly appeared in an unknown place, white floors, white walls, on the aforementioned walls were also window allowing one the view to a city, it wasn't as modern as the one that I had just been in, but it could still be considered modern.

this white room wasn't empty either there were a few beds and medical equipment, along with a doctor and a few nurses who were scrambling around the room, none of them seemed to notice me even though I was standing right beside them.

when they looked in my direction they seemed to not even acknowledge my existence as If I wasn't there, all the hospital beds in the room were empty except for a single one with a screaming woman laid on it.

she had her legs spread, she seemed to be giving birth, seeing as I had really nothing to do and the fact that I seemed unable to move more than ten meters away from the woman I decided to stay. 

after about half an hour or so she pushed one last time finally successfully giving birth, the child was of course covered in blood and other unidentified substances and was crying bloody murder, I had the impulse to grab it and say, "oh it's a bouncing baby boy!, or is it?", and then throw it on the ground, it would be hilarious.

but sadly my wishes wouldn't come true, after all I couldn't really physically interact with anyone or anything, I just simply pass through stuff, am I a ghost?, meh who cares.

after a few days the infant and his mother finally left back home with a man who seems to be the father, It also seems I am tied to the infant not the mother, that sucked since that meant that I was stuck in the same place since the only thing infants do is shit and sleep.

all I could do for entertainment for a few years is watch the woman and her husband bang every now and then or observe the useless pile of flesh named by his parents Adam,

I had long figured out that this Adam is the same one I drilled into a city, I mean they have the same name and although the hair color is different it's still obvious that they are the same, plus my ability allows me to absorb people's memories and the last person I activated my ability on was the chunnibyu protagonist wannabe.

but this time the way it is being done is abnormal, after all when I did the same with the spider I got to live the life of the spider as the spider, but here I am a separate entity than the one whose memories I'm absorbing, plus Adam was a reincarnated person so shouldn't I be watching the memories of his past life first, but it seems that those memories were skipped entirely, weird.

'damn this guy must be really dedicated to acting his age', I thought to myself as I watched the now four year old Adam blow out his candles happily just like a normal four year old would, he has been acting completely like his age ever since day one, he cried when he wanted food, he cried when he soiled himself, he clumsily learned how to talk and learned how to walk as clumsily.

he must either have had his memories sealed or must be a psycho, but as a demented psycho myself I can confidently say that he's not being a psycho now, just a toddler, of course this would change after a few days when he suddenly fainted while coloring with crayons, his skin became paler and his black hair became a bleached white. very cringe in my opinion.

his parents obviously freaked out when they saw that so they took him to the hospital, but after running many examinations it seemed that young Adam was perfectly fine and healthy.

of course over the next few months it was pretty obvious that the kid was different, he acted older than his age, and seemed much Smarter than he should be, this worried his parents but they decided to just unconditionally support and love him. very cringe.

and so the years passed, I occasionally enjoyed myself while watching this Boomer struggle to act his new age.

I watched as he figured out that he has a kagune which took him only seven fucking years to realize, from what I've been able to see which is everything, he can eat Normal food, I thought that was stupid, I mean what's the fun in being a ghoul if you don't have to eat people.

the powers of a ghoul weren't the only ones he got, he also managed to get another ability that he would grow to become over reliant on and that's what would lead to his death at my hands in the future.

he would 'awaken' this ability when he reached puberty, it was a dreadfully simple ability but it was also dreadfully efficient.

the ability allowed him to make any member of the opposite gender completely aroused by him, they would get turned on by every and any aspect of him and every action he makes, he could control the amount of arousal they felt, from making them think that something he did was slightly hot to making them have a mind breaking explosive orgasm at his mere sight.

simple but very effective, of course this ability made him extremely complacent and confident when facing women after all he could turn any woman into an obedient fuck to with just a thought.

and just like any loser virgin would do when getting such an ability he abused the fuck out of it....literally.

he would add any woman he found attractive to his harem and would make them serve his pathetic noodle.

I would say it was entertaining to watch and it would be if it wasn't for one simple thing he did every time after basically brainwashing them into fucking him, he would say "I love you" and "from now on you're my woman and I take care of my women"

it was disgusting, the fact that he was trying to delude himself into thinking that what he did was because of love was sickening, the fact that he gave such lies not to fool others but to convince himself that what he did was 'love'. he felt guilty about what he did and tried to convince himself otherwise.

it was revolting to watch, the epitome of weakness was a sense of guilt for one's actions.

no matter how many women he slept with he would always say that he loved them, of course they would respond to him in kind, after all they were basically brainwashed, I didn't dislike the fact that he used his abilities to get woman, I disliked the fact that he promised to take care of them and love them, they were just toys, they were replaceable, why care for them and treat them like they matter even though you only cared for their bodies. it was pathetic

anyways by the time he was fourteen the walker apocalypse started, which he wasn't ready for at all, he was too occupied by being an edgy hentai protagonist.

when the walkers started appearing he was messing with some random girl like always, he was oblivious to the fact that she was already infected, which ended up with her turning and bitting, normally his story would have ended right there and then, but by some divine bullshittery, not only did he survive the bite it even made him more powerful.

of course due to his incompetence all his prized lovers and family died and yes he did turn his mother into his lover apparently it was because he felt bad for her because her husband wasn't treating her with the love she deserved, so he forced her to sleep with him and become hIs WoMaN because he would tReAt HeR rIgHt.

he didn't do much in the walker apocalypse, if he met a man hostile to him he would kill them, if he met a good looking woman he would sleep with her, rince and fucking repeat everyday for ten fucking years.

and then finally it happened, he met me, due to my appearance he thought I was a woman, thinking that I was attractive he decided to make me one of his lovers,

plus since I'm also a reincarnation and seemed pretty strong he thought that he would get a nice capable and obedient sex toy.

the years of being able to dominate any woman and all the indulgence had rotted out his tiny pea sized brain.

so when I lunged at him and tackled him he thought that I had lost my mind from lust, and wanted to have his 'mighty' tool.

he never even considered entertaining the idea of me being a man meaning his ability was useless against me, and the rest you already know of.

I drilled his ass into the ground just like he had thought he would do to me in bed, and poisoned him by spitting in his mouth, a few seconds after he thought he had killed me, he died from the poison and turned to dust.

he died in an unknown place for an unknown reason by an unknown person, honestly it was too good of an ending for such hypocritical trash.


welp that's the end of the chapter, I am feeling much better today, thank you for your continued support

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