Demented psycho through the multiverse.

Primordial bitch of life.

[2311 words]

This chapter is written, Proof read and edited by me, Your only god and savior



(A/N: I changed the story cover, Give me your thoughts should I keep it or go back to the one before it?)

(Old cover)

(New cover)


The scene before my eyes instantly switched from the desert we were standing on to an expansive grass lands as far as the eye could see.

My human head and spider head started looking around in all directions taking in our surroundings.

Just then a large sense of dizziness struck both my heads, The world around me started to twist around and I felt like I was going to fall.

I firmly dug all my spider legs into the ground and closed my eyes as I waited for the dizziness to pass, Unlike last time I could afford to lower my guard, GLaDOS was here after all, And I doubt that she was affected.

I felt GLaDOS get off my back and heard her footsteps as she started looking around.

A few minutes later I managed to fully recover from the dizziness so I opened my eyes again, The world suppression wasn't nearly as harsh as last time.

My breathing felt a little shallower but not by much. My physical strength wasn't all that affected although my body felt a little heavier.

I tried to stop time but I barely managed to do so for a few seconds before my focus was broken and I had to let time resume.

I tried to reverse time and after a bit of effort I managed to reverse time by a few minutes back to the time when we arrived here, I couldn't reverse it any further no matter how much I focused.

When I want to use my time powers, By reversing it, Speeding it up or stopping it, I have to grab onto a sort of camera film that is constantly moving.

By holding it still I can stop time, By moving it faster I can speed up time and by moving it at the opposite direction I can reverse time.

Speeding up time is the easiest followed by reversing it, Stopping it is the hardest as it takes constant effort to do.

The camera film in this world was much heavier and felt much harder to interfere with.

The sky was a soft blue with few clouds, A gentle breeze made the grass around us sway, It must have been around morning.

I grabbed my phone from my pocket and decided to take a selfie.

"GLaDOS say cheese", I said as I posed with a peace sigh.

"Cheese", She said with no enthusiasm.


I looked at the photo, GLaDOS somehow managed to say cheese without smiling.

I can go back by a lot of time using pictures, I can go back even years as long as I look at a picture that was taken while I was there. it's a sort of save point But more shitty since I can't leave the area where the picture is taken.

Near us was a small pond, With some ducks that had turtle shells on them, They looked very cute, I could just pinch their little heads off.

'A durtle? A tuck? A duck turtle? A turtle duck? Wait turtle ducks? Isn't that from avatar?', I thought as I shot webs from my fingers that wrapped around one of the turtle ducks. I yanked back the webs and caught the turtle duck with my palm.

*Quack quack quack* The turtle duck quacked as I held it in my palms and examined it from all angles.

"Hey GLaDOS, Take a look at this", I said as I handed the Turtle duck to GLaDOS who was scanning our surroundings.

"It seems like some sort of duck turtle hybrid", GLaDOS said as she examined it.

"It's a turtle duck!", I exclaimed.

"Yes that's what I said", GLaDOS replied turning her her cold eyes away from the turtle duck and onto me as she stared at me with no emotion.

"No, You said duck turtle, I said turtle duck", I asserted.

"I don't see how that matters", She said.

"Turtle duck sounds way better", I explained.

"Suggestion received, Now go do something useful like drowning yourself while I dissect this Duck turtle", GLaDOS said as one of her fingers morphed into a scalpel.

I walked over to the water while still carrying GLaDOS on my back, The Cries of the poor turtle duck rang out in the quiet empty grasslands as it was dissected alive by the heartless GLaDOS.

After reaching the pond I dunked my head underwater and looked around to see if there were any more hybrid animals around.

Finding none, I pulled my head out of the water. My hair and face were wet and a bit of the water on my hair splashed on GLaDOS who was busy with her dissection, She looked up at me with unamused eyes before going back to her work.

I used my rewind powers on the water droplets and they were pulled off of us before floating back to the pond.

GLaDOS made no reaction as she had seen me do such things many times. This is a neat little trick I made after I got my time powers.

Instead of rewinding the time of everything to fix a broken piece of furniture why not only rewind the time of the furniture, It's much easier than the alternative.

I looked up at the sky and saw a bird flying by, I was about to snipe it with my webs when suddenly I felt a tremendous amount of MA energy suddenly gather all around us.

A gigantic orange circular dome suddenly appeared with us at it's center. It must have been at least 1000 meters high and 2000 meters in diameter.

Along with the dome which I could only assume was a barrier to keep us in. 4 entities appeared inside it surrounding us in an X shape with each one standing at one side of the dome.

The first was a giant tree that seemed to be made of light, It stood at 100 meters high with a very thick trunk.

Contrary to the first figure, The second figure was around two meters in height, The figure was that of a man whose body was completely made up of darkness, He had no facial features and carried a bow and arrow also made of darkness, On his shoulder sat a completely black crow.

I recognized the third figure to be the ancient spirit known as the mother of faces, A spirit who appeared in one of the avatar graphic novels.

Her body was around 16 meters in height and seemed to be made of spiraling tree branches that made up a human shaped body, She had multiple faces on her head each of which faced a different direction.

(Image of Mother of faces)

The forth figure was that of what I can only describe as an eldritch abomination, Just looking at it made my head hurt, It looked like a spider made from black shiny crystals.

It's abdomen was a shape that shouldn't even exist due to the laws of physics and it was around as large as I am in my current form.

As soon as they appeared GLaDOS pointed her weapon at the two behind me while I held my scythe tightly and prepared for an attack, These things were no joke each one of them has at least 20 times the amount of MA energy I have.

"Another being not from this world", The tree spoke English in a female voice.

"Yes this is the third one to appear in these last 12 years", The mother of faces spoke in reply.

"This one is different, It's much more powerful, And if you recall, The other two were only reborn here after their souls slipped through the world barrier. This one simply appeared out of nowhere.", The black spider spoke in a voice that sounded like the scratching of a chalk board.

"Yes, It is very powerful and very young and I can sense that it has taken a countless number of lives", The black figure spoke.

They talked as if I wasn't just standing here, Like I'm some sort of animal in a Zoo, But I wouldn't blame them, They were like a bunch of jacked MMA fighters surrounding a toddler.

"It's companion is also strange, It has not even a sliver of life within it, Yet it can move as if it was living", The tree said, Mentioning GLaDOS.

"So how do we proceed?", The black spider asked.

"I do not care, Even if it ends all life in the world, It would only make me stronger", The black figure said before disappearing.

When it did, The barrier shrunk by a quarter. Which means that they are the ones behind the barrier.

"Grrr, I say we eliminate it, It will only cause imbalance", The tree said after scowling.

"That isn't fair, We allowed the others to stay, I say we seal it or give it a new face and name and let it go", The mother of faces said.

'What's wrong with my face? Well at least changing my face is preferable to being eliminated'

"The other two are just humans, Even if they are a bit more powerful than normal humans they will die within 300 years at most, This thing on the other hand has enough vitality to stay alive for at least several millennia if not forever, We con't let it go, It will only commit evil.", The tree said.

While she was talking I whispered to GLaDOS in German, I doubt the spirits know German.

"GLaDOS remove restrictions MA-1 all the way to MA-7"

These restrictions prohibited GLaDOS from accessing knowledge about MA energy, I recorded all my Knowledge about MA energy that I gathered and stored them in her database before sealing them off.

I gave her access to them now since the situation might devolve into a fight. Their Bodies were made out of MA energy which meant that all of GLaDOS's attack methods would be useless.

The three spirits continued on their talk without paying any heed to my whispering even though I doubt that they didn't hear it.

"Oh come on Shēnghuó since when have you ever cared about good and evil? All of us know why you want to kill it, You're just afraid that it will make you weaker by ending so many lives, I agree with the mother of faces, Let's just give it another face and name and let it go", The spider said.

From their conversation I have managed to gleam many a few things, First: life and death are tied to the power of the white tree and the black man.

From what I can remember, Raava and Vaatu's powers were also tied to chaos and harmony, So it's possible for this "Shēnghuó" and that other spirit's powers to be linked to life and death.

Welp, She wants me dead so if I get out of here I'll make sure to return the favor by making a few species go extinct.

There also seem to be at least two people who got isekaid here, Might have a 'Nice chat' with them if I see them later. 

Well that's if I make it out of here, I'll probably die. They're all probably immortal and are probably way stronger than me.

Not to mention that this barrier doesn't allow me to reverse time before It was put in and apparently it's a ball not a dome, So no real way to escape other then them all leaving or killing them.

'Yep, I'm probably gonna die here'

"I can't let this thing live", Shēnghuó said in a low determined tone. I felt a bit of tension in the air.

"Well it's either that or you get rid of it yourself", The mother of faces said.

"Yes, It should be easy for you, After all I doubt that the powerful primordial spirit of life can't deal with two tiny invaders", The spider said mockingly.

"Grrrr, Alright leave, I'll deal with it myself", The tree said.

"You sure? if we leave you'll be the only one supporting the barrier, If it just happens to beat you by 'chance', The barrier will fall and the 'evil' being will escape into the world!', The spider said dramatically.

"I said LEAVE!", The primordial bitch of life shouted.

The spider and the mother of faces left making the barrier shrink another two time, It was now only 500 meters in diameter and 250 meters in height at it's tallest point.

Without saying a word, One of the tree's roots lifted and was brought down on me.

I dodged to the side as the earth that I was standing on was crushed and half the root embedded itself into the ground.

I fired off dozens of MA energy imbued spikes from my Kakuja at the tree's trunk.

One of it's branches stopped the spikes and the root that had just attacked me swept towards me while demolishing the earth in it's path.

I jumped to avoid the attack only to be met with another branch whipping towards me from the side.

I shoot out webs from my abdomen that attached to the tree's trunk, Before I could use the webs to pull myself out of the attack my webs ignited.

'Yep, I'm definitely not gonna beat her', I thought.

It wasn't a lack of self confidence, I was just one of those people who can calculate their own chances of survival without sugar coating it for themselves.


Welp, That's the end of this chapter, Make sure to tell me your thoughts on the new cover.

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