Demented psycho through the multiverse.

Backstory part 2

[2177 words]

This chapter is written, Proof read and edited by me, Your only god and savior



La suddenly found himself in a dark room with a man hovering over him, He tried to move but was unable to, It was as if his whole body was frozen.

He tried to speak but he couldn't open his mouth, Suddenly finding himself in an unknown place and unable to move drove him into a panic.

The man brought over his hand and clutched tightly at his head, La's hand moved without his consent and struggled to get the man's hand from his head.

La was confused since he didn't have hands, only fins. No matter how much La's new hand struggled it was just too small and weak. One of the fingers of the hand got closer to La's eye which was forcefully held open.

The finger kept getting closer to his eye and finally touched it. The finger didn't halt it's advance however and kept going, Digging into the soft eye and crushing it.

La felt tremendous pain, The first pain he has felt in Millennia. But this was just the beginning for La, He would be subjected to this exact pain more than fourteen thousand times for the next seven hundred thousand years. This was just the beginning.

La went through many of such tortures for the next few years. Trapped and helpless in a body that he couldn't control. He the spirit of the ocean was humiliated thoroughly.


Throughout the next few years La became increasingly aware of another consciousness in his head, At first he thought it was a hallucination.

However the consciousness was just too distinct, It was a pure consciousness full of only curiosity for the world around it and what was beyond it.

Even after being subjected to so many tortures along with La it never hated the one behind it's pain.

The consciousness was pure but it seemed to lack a sense of self preservation. La tried to contact the other consciousness. He felt bad for it. It was only a child after all. He wanted to tell it all about the wonders of the world. 

He wanted to show it that those glowing pieces of glass weren't the only source of light in the world. He wanted to show it that the world wasn't all darkness.

La had already realized that this body wasn't it's own but that of the other consciousness.

Before this new life in a new body started years ago. It heard a voice say that it was going to play a loop of the memories of someone called Danielle von Stroheim. Which is likely to be the name of this child.

The torture didn't last forever. Only a few years, It didn't affect La much. He already knew how horrible humans could be to even their own kin. 

He was however concerned for the child and hoped that it would be able to get over this experience without letting it hinder it's life.

It knew that the man was Young Danielle's father. A man who was broken by the death of his wife and blamed his son for it.

He could sympathize with what the man felt, However it didn't agree with what he did.

The pain from loss can only be truly healed through letting love into your heart again, No matter how afraid you are of experiencing loss again.

The day when Danielle finally managed to leave the dark basement finally arrived.

On that day they were dressed up as a girl and violated, It was also the day Danielle felt despair and happiness for the first time.

Three days later they heard rummaging and multiple voices upstairs.

Then an hour later the basement door opened and two men in coats came into the basement.

When they flicked on the lights they were horrified to find a child in a Blue dress slumped up against the wall and cuffed to a rusty pipe.

They untied Danielle and after being unsuccessful in questioning him they brought him outside.

Danielle stared at the orange morning sky and the beautiful sunrise. It was the first time he saw the sun, eight years after being born. La could feel so much joy bubbling up inside Danielle. He was very happy. 

He was such an innocent child. He deserved better than he was given. Hopefully These people would treat him better.

Some researchers took interest in Danielle after all he was a rare case, A feral child that didn't know how to speak. They could use him to study in detail how humans learn speech.

La was somewhat mistrustful of these humans this was a different world than his and his first impression of humans was not very good.

Luckily they never mistreated Danielle and were very kind to him. They were good people, They taught him how to speak, Read and write, And always praised him when he did well. Which was all the time.

La had to admit. Danielle was very smart for a human. Not a once in a hundred years genius or anything of the sort but he learned things very fast and had a very good memory.

The thing that impressed La the most however was something that he did subconsciously.

He always knew how to blend in. He automatically acted in a way that would make people like him and let their guard down against him.

He always spoke in the same way as the person he was speaking to and always knew in which way he needed to act for people to have a favorable attitude towards him.

That could become bad as Danielle might become a serial manipulator. But Danielle never had any malicious intent and just liked being treated well by others. It was normal for a child to want to be treated well.

Of course that isn't to say that Danielle didn't act maliciously, He seemed to really enjoy making others feel bad, The first time it happened was when he told one of the researchers about what his father did to him and she started crying.

The research was done after one year and Danielle was sent to an orphanage. It was a nice orphanage, It was very clean and seemed to be well maintained. 

The care takers there were also very nice to the children and seemed to care for them deeply.

This world was different from La's it was much more technologically advanced and had no bending or spirits, There were legends about magic and such things but no real evidence.

One day while Danielle was playing by setting a colony of ants on fire using a magnifying glass.

La was occupied thinking about how Danielle needed help. He was a cute child but there was something definitely off about him.

He liked hurting other living beings too much, He liked killing animals. And felt very happy when something he did caused people to feel bad.

He really enjoyed the sad looks on the adults faces when he would tell them about what his father did to him. He found it funny that they were sad because something bad happened to someone else.

His lack of empathy and his sadism might lead him to become a bad person. Especially since he rarely found joy in things that didn't involve the suffering of others. He never felt good after helping others.

La was pulled out of his thoughts when he suddenly felt someone push Danielle to the ground.

It was three other boys. Danielle like usual didn't feel anything when someone wronged him. But that changed when Danielle saw the look on their faces.

They all had a smug expression on their faces as if they were looking down on a bug. He could tell from their faces that they thought that they were better than him. They thought that they were better than him.

La felt rage build up inside Danielle for the first time. He couldn't accept the fact that someone thought they were better than him. He was much better! He was Danielle.

Danielle grabbed a big handful of sand without them noticing. He then suddenly threw it at their faces, Blinding them.

While the kids were scratching their eyes and running around screaming, Danielle tackled one of them who seemed to be the leader.

At first Danielle was just planning on hitting him a few times, But with each punch and with each scream of pain that came from the kid under him his attacks grew more heated.

He wanted him to scream more, To suffer more, He wanted to see his body break and his blood splatter. 

By the time one of the care takers heard the commotion Danielle's fists were already bruised from the punching.

Danielle was sent to the head care takers office. When questioned about why he beat up the kid to such an extent.

Danielle followed his first instinct and lied, Saying that he didn't want to get hurt again. The lie seemed even more authentic when fake tears start coming out of Danielle's eye, He lied so naturally that not even his heartbeat fluctuated.

The head care taker who knew about what Danielle's father did to him decide to let Danielle off the hook after giving him a stern lecture about how he should just call the care takers when he felt like he was in danger.

When Danielle resumed his life he found that all the other kids started avoiding him, No one sat with him in school or in meal times.

Danielle didn't mind however, He liked being alone. 

While I was sitting on a bench watching the sunset a girl suddenly jumped in front of me.

"Boo!", She shouted in hopes of scaring me.

I didn't react and just stared at her. The girl held the same pose for a few seconds. She then slumped her shoulders and sat next to me as I just kept watching the sunset. She soon recovered however.

"Hey! What's your name?", She asked excitedly with a smile.

".....Danielle", I said after a few seconds of silence.

"hm? You sure? Then why are you wearing boy's clothes?", She asked.

"I am a boy", I looked at her and said.

"But you look so pretty! And Danielle is a girl's name.", The girl said as she brought a hand to my face and started poking my cheek.

"What's your name?", I asked, Not minding her poking of my cheek.

"Oops! I forgot, My name's Eva, Nice to meet you!", She said with a smile.

"Nice meeting you too.", I said while returning the smile.

"By the way, Are you the guy who beat up Eric?", She asked.

"Yeah...", I said while looking at my knuckles, With that I lost all interest in our conversation, Now she was probably gonna run away or something.

"Cool! He deserved it. He's mean, He once stole my doll", She complained.

"Yeah......Yeah you're right! he deserved it! who does he think he is to push me!?", I exclaimed as I felt the urge to find him and finish the job. I wanted to cut him to pieces, Cook and eat him!

"Yeah! Next time if he takes my doll I'll punch him like Boom Bam!", Eva said while boxing the air.

"Come on children! No more play time!", One of the care takers called towards us, We had to go back inside at sundown.

"Come on!", Eva said as she grabbed my hand and dragged me along. Her hand felt warm and soft so I held it tighter.

That was the first meeting between Danielle and Eva.

'That girl might be a bad influence on him, But I'm sure he will find his own way', La thought.

From that day on, Eva and Danielle were inseparable mostly because Eva kept following Danielle around but Danielle didn't mind her company.

The more time passed the more Eva became attached to Danielle. She would often sneak into the boys room at night so that she can sleep next to him.

However Eva's attachment wasn't the only thing that grew with time. Every single day Danielle found himself wondering more and more about what it would be like to kill someone until it was almost all he would think about.

In order to satiate his curiosity he stole a book from the book store about torture methods that humans came up with and their history.

It described in complete detail how the torture methods were executed and everything about their history.

Danielle read through the entire thing in a single day.

La was optimistic and believe that there was goodness in any human but he wasn't an idiot he had lived long enough and had seen enough humans to know where Danielle was mostly probably headed, It was only a matter of time before books and Tv shows weren't good enough.


welp that's the end of it, Next chapter is gonna be Backstory part 3

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