Demented psycho through the multiverse.

Aperture science.

[2519 words]

This chapter is written, Proof read and edited by me, Your only god and savior



After procuring the nuclear bomb for her master, GLaDOS was finally free to do her research, Now that she was done with one of her tasks she reassigned 30% out of her free 60% of processing power to finding new ability users and decided to use the other 30% on making preparations for her experiments.

These preparations lay in building a super high tech underground facility.

As so GLaDOS's current processing power was divided as such:

1% into keeping an eye on Max crackfield

29% on monitoring and gathering information on the currently known ability users.

40% on finding other ability users.

And the final 30% on building a super research lob underground and thinking up experiments for the sake of science.

Well, The first step to making a super secret underground lab is to find a suitable location, Somewhere isolated, But not too much.

So, No oceans, No desserts and sadly no volcanoes, Even though that would be tempting considering how bad ass that sounds.

While scanning through the world map, GLaDOS found a nice underground salt mine under a large wheat farm in Texas, It was around 10km deep underground meaning the chance of someone finding it is a fat fucking zero.

The mine was more than large enough with more than enough space to build a nice and cozy facility for GLaDOS to call home and for her experimental subjects to call hell.

Now the next step was to build the facility, This is where things start getting tricky. In order to accomplish something of this magnitude, A very large amount of manpower is needed.

She could hire people to do the job for her, But she doubted that people wouldn't talk about first digging 10kms underground to reach a salt mine and then building a sketchy research lab in said mine.

Not to mention how hard it would be to get people to work for her, After all she was just a voice, And when being contracted to do such a large job one would want to at least meet the one behind it.

GLaDOS had no body, That meant she couldn't buy the farm since she would need to meet the owners for that, And she probably wouldn't be able to get anyone to work for her.

Well who cares? She wouldn't hire humans anyway, They are incompetent and lack in cooperation, Which is by the way, One of their main selling points for why they are such an "advanced" species.

Instead, GLaDOS decided to make androids, She had all the schematics needed to make them, Of course there was the possibility of them turning into deviants but that was easily preventable.

Of course she might also make deviants to use in her experiments. After all, they're pretty much like humans but a bit more naive.

But that can wait for another time, After all she can research Androids any time, But the anomalies known as ability users were what GLaDOS was interested in most.

Humans granted inexplicable powers by the so called world consciousness itself! Studying them would allow GLaDOS to study the world consciousness by extension.

What was a world consciousness? How was it formed? What were it's goals? Did it even have any?

So many questions! And GLaDOS was going to use as much ability user blood as needed to get her answers. After all for the sake of her master and science anything was fair game.

In order to make androids GLaDOS would need to get many materials that are currently not easy to find anywhere on the market due to them having no use for anyone except for her.

She would also need to make almost everything that makes up the Androids from scratch due to the current technology not being able to make them.

She would also have to make tools to make the androids. All while not grabbing someone's attention, Or at least while not having to silence so many people that it would put her on a watch list as one of histories most dangerous serial killers.

Having made a rough outline of her plan, GLaDOS first gathered the materials needed to make a few androids, After that, She "Borrowed" a tech manufacturing company's assembly line for a few hours while everyone was asleep and managed to make five male androids.

Looks wise, She designed all of them to be a bit above average in looks in order to make their social interactions go more smoothly, But made sure not to make them so attractive that it would result in them getting kidnapped, She had no time to deal with such things.

GLaDOS installed their coding, Making sure that none of them would ever become a deviant, These five androids were very valuable for her plans, She couldn't afford to lose even a single one of them yet.

After they woke up she gave them some clothing she had prepared before hand and ordered them to leave the factory.

GLaDOS then gave each one of them an identity that would help in her plans.

She made one of them go to the Arctic to gather some of the ingredients needed to make Thirium 310 commonly called "Blue Blood", It is a major component of CyberLife androids. It is a deep dark blue fluid that circulates energy and electrical information throughout the android's body and biocomponents. Its main ingredient is Thirium.

Thirium 310 was invented by Elijah Kamski and was one of the features that made possible the modern, Very human-like androids developed by CyberLife. It is synthesised out of Thirium and other substances that can be mined in the Arctic.

The Thirium 310 is circulated in the android's body by a thirium pump "heart" akin to blood in a human circulatory system; The pump is regulated by another biocomponent, The Thirium pump regulator. The fluid then carries energy and information to the biocomponents, Its synthetic organs.

The Thirium 310 is vital for androids to function, Akin to human blood. The loss of blue blood or the failure to circulate it will impair an android's functions and biocomponents, Up to causing a shutdown.

GLaDOS planned on making a lot of androids to build and help her run her research lab, So she would need a crap ton on Thirium 310 to do so, Good thing There was a large supply just waiting for her to take.

GLaDOS Then ordered another android to go and prepare a temporary but proper factory and assembly line to make more of his brethren.

She also ordered another one to buy the farm they were planning to build under, The owners were very stubborn and didn't want to sell the farm no matter how much money was offered to them.

They were an old couple and as is standard for old people, They were very stubborn about keeping old things that they owned.

GLaDOS already had one insufferable old person she had to deal with on a monthly basis so she just killed them by putting some Ricin into the well they drank from.

After that she forged documents that proved that the old couple had sold their farm to the android before their unfortunate passing.

Body count increased and red state wheat farm aquired. GLaDOS got another android to make some digging equipment that she would use to dig her way down to the mine.

It took a year to finally reach the mine, By that time more than 10,000 androids had been produced, The mine had two entrances, A hole leading all the way to the bottom disguised under the floor boards of a barn and another one in the basement of the house that the couple who owned the house used to occupy.

The androids were slowly smuggled underground over a period of three months, They were tasked with building the facility for GLaDOS.

Two elevators from the surface., Many shafts for all sorts of purposes, Places to keep experimental subjects, Various testing areas to execute any future tests, And many gargantuan factories in charge of producing anything GLaDOS wanted to make.

The full construction of the facility took two years and a lot of blue blood that was tragically spilled in the process, But you gotta break a few eggs to make an omelette and you gotta kill a few androids to build a top class research facility.

GLaDOS kept producing androids and integrating them into all walks of society, It has only been three years since GLaDOS came online yet this world was already tightly in her grasp.

There was no one and nothing out of her hand's reach even though she didn't have hands....

But that's besides the point, Now that the facility was complete, GLaDOS could finally start her long awaited experiments.

From her observations, Ability users lose a significant amount if not all of their control over their abilities when under the influence of strong anesthetics.

For her first series of tests she wanted to disect and see how certain drugs affect the Abilities of the experimental subjects.

She used the androids to kidnap ability users, She didn't target any particularly powerful ones or any ability users who might be able to use their abilities to escape or destroy the facility, So no electricity users, No gravity users, No teleporters, No telekinetics, No earth or metal controllers.

She only picked subjects who only had supplementary abilities, Like people who can read minds, See the future or heal people.

Today she received her first batch, Each one of them was placed in a separate room.

As the one running the facility and the one in charge of tests, GLaDOS decided on introducing herself to all her new guinea pigs.

They were all knocked out before they reached the facility in order to avoid any unforeseen complications that might arrise.

The first one to regain consciousness was a woman in her thirties named Sasha, Sasha is a special specimen when it comes to the ability users after all, Most of them were young adults or teenagers, Sasha on the other hand is already thirty five years old, She is older than the second oldest ability user by an entire decade.

Sasha was a dark skinned tall and slender woman with silky smooth, Flowing black long hair and a beautiful oval face. her most eye catching feature however are her completely white eyes.

Prior to awakening her ability Sasha was incapable of sight as she was born blind.

However after waking up from a terrible nightmare she discovered that she could finally see.

Of course her sight wasn't normal she had aquired thermal vision. The ability to see heat.

It wasn't the flashiest or strongest ability but Sasha was happy with it, After all she could now at least see her children and family, But now, That's all in the past, She wasn't going to see them ever again.

Sasha got out of her bed startled and started looking around, Well looking would be giving her too much credit, Most of the research facility had the same temperature, Which was 28 degrees Celsius, Except for the incinerator room which had a temperature of 400 to 2000 degrees Celsius depending on the materials needed to be incinerated.

Sasha was still wandering around and feeling up the walls of her room when GLaDOS turned on the lights which drew the attention of the woman who just stood still while staring at the lights silently.

<Oh, Good morning, I hope you had a pleasent sleep>

"Who are you? Where am I? Why did you bring me here?", The woman asked while staring at the direction of the speaker that GLaDOS spoke through.

<Oh, Straight to the questions? I thought we could maybe make some small talk first. Check if the pillow was too soft or not soft enough to your liking, But I guess we can just skip over that>, GLaDOS said, Mentally rolling her eyes.

<Well to answer your first question, My name is GLaDOS, I am the one in charge of this wonderful facility, You are currently in your new room and new home in this research facility, You were brought here in order to help in important scientific research>, GLaDOS explained

"I think you have the wrong person, I am just a blind house wife, I know nothing about science that could help you", The woman woman said kindly.

<Oh you give yourself too much credit in the wrong areas miss Mercury, You are not here to research, You are here to be RESEARCHED>, GLaDOS explained, Putting a heavy emphasis on her role.

"Researched? For what? To study the affects of blindness? If that's what you wanted dear, You could have just asked me, I would have been happy to help", Sasha brushed off GLaDOS with a smile.

<No no no, You misunderstand miss Mercury, I don't want to research your blindness, On the contrary, I want to research your sight>, GLaDOS said.

"Oh, But dear, I already told you, I am blind", Sasha said, Pointing at her milky white eyes to emphasize her point.

<You're right, You were blind, Up until May 4th, 2008 when you suddenly gained thermal vision after a dream about a blue haired figure>

"You, How do you know that?", Sasha knew she was busted, There was no sense in hiding so she decided to gain as much information about this GLaDOS as possible, If she knew her full name, How and when she gained her vision and was able to bring her here, She could easily become a danger to her family, To her young son and daughter.

<Oh I know lots of things miss Mercury, LOTS OF THINGS>, GLaDOS said the last part in a deep and slow voice.

<Don't worry, Miss Mercury, Here at Aperture science, Our main goal is the future of humanity, There are many ability users like you in the world, But you are very important nonetheless as you are part of the first batch of experimental subjects we have received, What we want is for you to make a contribution to science and for the future of humanity. And you WILL make your contribution to science, The only difference is wether you will cooperate and make your contribution through mostly harmless and painless tests or don't cooperate and be placed on a disection table. The choice is yours>, GLaDOS said in an emotionless voice.

"I want to see my children", Sasha said after a few seconds of silence.

<Of course, A call can be arranged. Do well enough and who knows, You might even get to take them to Disney land.>, GLaDOS promised.

<Well, With that said, It is time for breakfast, Please follow this gentleman to the dinning area>, As GLaDOS said that, The door opened and a male android came in and motioned for her to follow him.

Sasha seemed to have a hard time seeing him as androids didn't have much body heat, So the android gently held her by the shoulder and guided her, Sasha didn't resist as she let the human with no body heat guide her.

'One down, Nine more to go', Thought GLaDOS as she went to introduce herself to the others.


welp, That's the end of it. I know this chapter has been uneventful but bear with it.

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