Deception, Domination, and Dragons (Skyrim Self-Insert)

Chapter 60: The End

A/N: Hey guys! This is the final chapter of this fic, the end of the road!

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We do everything you could possibly imagine. All of the scenarios, all of the possibilities, all of the paths, we play them all out and have our way with countless beautiful women in the process. From Mortals to Daedric Princes to Divines, they are all our playthings, and we make sure they know it, before rewinding so they don’t know it, just to do it all over again in a different way.
Svanna and I spend eons enjoying ourselves, and at the same time, no real time at all. Sexually conquering all of Skyrim happens swiftly enough, once we stop holding back. And then the rest of Reality follows suit. Svanna becomes Empress at some point, and then we make sure to expand her Empire to the rest of Nirn as well. Then we go a step further, because why not right? The Empress of Nirn is an Immortal Goddess who cannot be usurped, who cannot be defeated. So of COURSE, we set out to conquer Oblivion and Aetherius as well.
Given we already control all of it, it’s less a conquest and more of a game, to the two of us. And all of it is… so very rote.
Oh, I’m sure that it’s quite interesting and impactful to those we effect in our passage. Certainly, our existence and our actions ruin, save, destroy, and uplift who knows how many lives. To those individual ants who are tossed and spun about in the wake of our passing, its everything. To us, it’s not even a Tuesday. It’s the ass end of a Tuesday, the last millisecond of a second of a Tuesday.
Still, it wouldn’t feel right to leave it all… unfinished. So much to do, so much to see, so many people to fuck. We started out human or human-adjacent, and we never quite lose that enjoyment for pleasuring ourselves and one another with the bodies of our pets and fuck toys. Certainly, there are some favorites, just as I imagine many a woman has a favorite vibrator or dildo. But in the end, it’s all the same… and after a time, it all begins to blend together.
At the same time, it doesn’t. We’re beyond mortal ken, or at least I am. There is no blending, because I am always aware of every single instant, every single facet of my existence. It takes both loads of time and actually no time at all for me to draw Svanna up to my level, in the end. She starts out pretty high to begin with, but she’s not my equal, not at first. And since she IS my wife, she should be, I ultimately decide.
Shortly after she becomes my equal, but also for no small amount of points in time before it happens, she stops being the Goddess Empress of the Universe and takes a step back. Not that she was ever very active in the day to day running of the Empire we ended up haphazardly slapping together with each other, but one day she just up and vanishes altogether, and so do I.
They both write about us and don’t write about us. We’re both Legends in the history of this version of the Elder Scrolls Universe, and not. Everyone important knows who we are… until it’s more amusing for them to not know, and for us to play more games with their minds and have our way with their bodies all over again.
There’s a million-million stories encompassed in this time period. Plenty of things happen. Are they interesting though? Are they exciting? Are they worth… writing about? Ultimately, I figure the answer is no. Oh, the story could continue on forever, sure, but what would be the point? The most interesting bits of my life took place when Svanna and I were still figuring out the world around us.
Once we solved it all, well… we solved it all. Everything comes to an end. The Thalmor don’t last. The Empire doesn’t last. Not even Skyrim lasts. We see the world change and reshape itself a dozen times at least, secure in the knowledge that we can always go back and enjoy the moments we’ve already enjoyed, if we want to.
This entire Reality is a book. If Svanna and I want to revisit any particular chapter and re-read it, we can. If we want to revisit any particular chapter and change the words on the pages… we can do that too. Nothing can stop us. Nothing ever will.
All we really have, is each other. You’d think spending eons together would eventually see us torn apart, if not permanently, then temporarily. Every single story of two all-powerful married beings has always resulted in some sort of unhappy marriage, or messy divorce. The mythology is always there, and no one thinks anyone can be happy together forever.
That doesn’t happen, with Svanna and I. We never get bored of each other, interestingly enough. Even as Reality itself starts to lose some of its luster, the two of us… are deeply, madly, obsessively and possessively in love with each other. Just as much so as we were back at the start. Not ALL the way at the start, mind you, because this kind of soul-deep, essence-deep love takes time, but around the middle of our times as mortals, it solidified. We would always need each other.
That sort of codependence was probably bad. Certainly, the kind of thing a therapist might cry about being damaging to us. But there wasn’t a single authority in all of Reality who could gainsay us, so it wasn’t like it mattered. Yes, we were codependent on one another. No, neither of us were ever going anywhere. We were immortal, and in the end, we were inseparable.
Still, was it Svanna that made me stick around for so long? Even knowing she’d go with me, the moment I wanted to leave? I couldn’t say for certain. This might not have been her world, might not have been her Skyrim, but it was still her home after a fashion. It was all she’d ever known, even if it was NOT all I’d ever known.
And knowing what I knew… I’d always believed there was a way out. Yes, out. One might wonder why, Masters of our Reality that we were, we would need to get ‘out’ of anywhere. But the truth was, our Reality WAS contained. And so were we.
While we both had the ability to do anything we wanted within the Elder Scrolls Universe at any given time, it was still a box. A box that we grew to fill, as the eons passed us by, as the days circled around and around again. A box that, in turn, grew stifling. Oh, I’m sure it was a very big box. Too big for most of the beings in it to realize where they were. Not even the Princes, not even the Divines, truly understood the nature of the box. Or, if they did, it was too cosmic and too massive for them to care enough to try and leave it.
But after doing everything at least once, after playing games for eons and eons, Svanna and I were tired. We were also, decidedly, ready for more.
Maybe it wasn’t Svanna that had held me back for so long, but my own fear of the unknown. I’d always been something of a coward. Courage was for the brave and heroic. I, on the other hand, was neither. I was selfish and, in most cases, rather small-minded. I liked things the way they were and had a hard time accepting even positive change into my life.
I was adaptable at least, and could push myself through most changes regardless, but that didn’t mean I was happy to have my status quo interrupted or upended. There was safety in what was known… safety in controlling the big, broad universe that Svanna and I found ourselves in charge of. But then it stopped being so big and broad… and it became time to leave.
We go back to close to the beginning, when we finally come to that mutual decision together. Back to the College of Winterhold, where Mirabelle and Lydia await us. They’re in a middling stage of pregnancy, when we fuck them both for seven days and seven nights. Not their first children by my seed either. Heh, there are a LOT of my kids out there, spread throughout the eons. A lot of them are Svanna’s. None of them are as powerful as me or her, but they certainly carve their own places in the universe, replacing Daedric Princes and Divines alike whenever it strikes their fancy.
Demigods, one might call them, but these Demigods were far more powerful than the half-human, half-gods talked about back in my reality, back on my Earth.
For all that they’re pregnant, Mirabelle and Lydia are as eager as ever to serve. And serve they do, even as Svanna and I enjoy our pets to their fullest extent. After the week is up… we bring in others as well. Aela, for one. Alduin, for another. And all of the other most important women to our original journey from in between those two.
It’s a fun month or so, before we’re finally satiated, before we’re ready to take the plunge. With no idea what’s going to happen next, Svanna and I head to the Hall of Elements where IT awaits us. Where it has ALWAYS awaited us…
Because really, if you were going to plop a couple of dimensional travelers into a pornified version of Skyrim, eventually give them control over their reality, and let them go hog-wild… where would you put the key to the door that led into the greater multiverse, for when they finally realized there WAS a door in the first place?
Narratively speaking, it only made sense to tie it into the story in some way. To make it a loose end sort of thing that wrapped everything up nice and neat into a bow. Chekhov’s Gun in action, one might say. For the uninitiated, Chekhov’s gun was a theory that stated every element in a story had to be necessary, and elements should not make false promises by showing up and then not actually being used.
Basically, if there was a gun on the mantle at the beginning of a book or film, and attention was drawn to it either in the writing or camera work… that gun better see some fucking use by the end of the production, or what the fuck was the fucking point of it?
Video Games tended to flagrantly break this Principle all the time. Mostly because so much work went into them from so many different sources, and deadlines and the like ensured that some plot threads would never get used or would be forgotten and fall to the wayside.
There were probably dozens of those in my own story, I can’t help thinking as I gaze upon the Eye of Magnus. But this big fuck-off orb of magicka and power, would not be one of them. Killing Ancano had resulted in the thing never being fucked with. The Psijic Order had never shown up to commandeer it, presumably because of some facet of the artificial Dragon Break.
And so, it’d sat here, waiting for someone to come along and put it to use. No… more accurately, waiting for Svanna and I to come along and put it to use. Because in the end, the Eye of Magnus was just like the Elder Scrolls. Whatever purpose it’d had in the game, it did not have here. Not truly. Instead, it was the key. It was the door. It was both.
Svanna and I share one last look of acknowledgment. Holding hands, we raise our free arms up, and reach out, grasping the power of the Eye in front of us. It’s not just a big mass of magicka, no it’s something more. Something… not of this universe. But then to be fair, neither was I. Svanna helps, but I do most of the work as we pull and pull, until finally the door gives away and opens for us, tugging inward.
Without a second thought, without a moment of hesitation, we slip through into empty void.
I’m expecting someone to be waiting for us, if I’m being honest. When I don’t see anyone there, I’m a little surprised at first, which is a novelty in and of itself. It’s been a long, LONG time since I was surprised.
After a beat, which could have been as short as a second and as long as an eon, I realize that there was never going to be anyone there. No one had been there before I’d awoken in that cart back in Helgen. And of course, no one was going to be here either.
In several of my earlier works as a fanfiction writer, I’d included an Omnipotent version of myself to be the guiding light for my Self-Inserts. Rather than a Random Omnipotent Being, or a ROB, I’d just made it me helping me. Because I liked to imagine if I did ever gain unfathomable cosmic power, I would totally use it to send versions of my mortal self on super cool adventures where I got to indulge in my Power Trip Fantasies in relative safety.
But there was no Omni-Me here. Or rather, it was more accurate to say there had not been an Omni-Me here… until now. As I hold Svanna’s hand, I realize that I am the Omnipotent Bastard now. Taking the Eye, opening this door… it hadn’t expelled us from the universe where we were gods, it simply freed us from our own self-imposed shackles.
The door was still open, after all. Svanna and I could go back and have fun there any time we wanted. Or we could go any other of a million places. We… probably wouldn’t though, I quickly realized. Instead, we were more likely to send out other versions of ourselves. Mortal versions of ourselves. They would be the most fun to watch, they would be the most entertaining to observe. Taking direct part at this point in our existence would be pointless, given how… above it all we both were, both figuratively and literally.
I gaze upon my wife, and she gazes back at me. We smile, for lack of a better word, as understanding passes between us. Our universe will always be there, but now the multiverse beckons. A billion, trillion stories to watch unfold, and if we so choose, a billion, trillion more to influence and insert into, to observe as smaller fragments of ourselves wrestle against things we haven’t had to worry about for eons.
It would probably be a lot for a normal mortal to wrap their head around. For Svanna and I, it’s the beginning of forever together. The true start of the rest of our eternity.
And I knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that neither of us would have it any other way.


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