DC: Makenna Wayne

6. The Hazardous Life of Philanthropist’s Daughter

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I stared at this cute long-sleeve sweater that had two white rabbits and underneath them is the logo Burberry.

When I checked the price tag, I immediately placed the top back.

"Jason! This top alone is $250! What heck?" I complained. Still, I should have expected it when we entered this conglomerate mall that carried only the most expensive and rich-looking stores. It felt like I was inside the Beverly Center in California, and only those that can afford would be able to shop here without breaking their bank.

However, Jason just looked at me and went. "So? Just get it."

"No, Jason. We're Wayne's, we need to be reasonable with how much we have to spend!"

"And because we're Wayne's, we have to look the part, meaning no buying clothes at thrift stores, or shopping at discount retail stores."

He had a point. I've seen enough of social media criticizing a well-off salary person for shopping in a thrift store. Catching Bruce Wayne's daughter buying stuff meant to be affordable for the financially challenged good people of Gotham would ruin his reputation a bit.

"But anything over $100 is still excessive, and Alfred told me to get a whole wardrobe of them," I said, and then I clapped my hands. "How about this? I'll buy just a few articles here, in case for future special occasion, and you let me shop at the regular stores. The ones that actually have reasonable prices like $20 or so."

"$40 minimum."


Seriously, this boy. More expensive doesn't always mean it's better.

In the end of this Kayla Marcus shopping experience, I had purchased three shirts, including the bunny Burberry sweater, three pants, and three jackets in the total of $2,000. In my previous life, that's half of my month salary! I don't think I'd be able to pay my bills, let alone the rent. The most expensive that I ever purchased was a $200 bag from Coach, and it's not even for me! It was a wedding gift!

But seeing Jason just handing out that black sleek card to the woman at the register without a care in the world is....wow.... money is power.

No! Makenna! Snap out of it! Ignore the greed!

After that, I insisted on going to stores that were similar to my world's designer vendors like Abercrombie & Fitch, Urban Outfitters--to no avail because I was too small to be able to buy anything from.

Damn! I am smaller than most ten-year-old... Jason's snickering at me because he probably noticed that I've finally come to a realization of my tiny stature.

"...Did you have something to my face, Jason?" I challenged.

He averted my gaze, but I could see he was restraining from grinning too much. "Nope. Not at all, Sprout."

Smart boy. Literally, I was this close to hexing him, but I would really hate to do that to my favorite angst character in the Batman Series. Actually, I'm a little biased. I love everyone in the Bat family, even if Damian can be a little shit. Oh God, I'm going to have to meet him in the future, won't I? How old is he right now? Is he even born yet?

Shaking my head, there was no used of me to think about it.

Currently, the Justice League didn't exist yet, but the heroes themselves are becoming quite well known, like Superman, the Flash, Captain Marvel, Green Arrow, etc. but no Wonder Woman yet.

Honestly, it has me on edge that any day now Darkseid might appear, and we're not even ready.

"Hey. You okay?" Jason asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. "You've been staring at that rack of jackets for a while now."

"Yeah, sorry! I-I was just thinking of stuff!"

Whoops! I was spacing out there a little too much.

Jason's brows furrowed a bit. "Are you worried about your mom?"

My mom?

Come to think of it, I never once worried about her nor did I think about her since moving in with the Wayne's.  The food in the fridge of the Villa remained untouched, meaning she hasn't come home at all to grab a quick bite.  But is it normal for a little girl my age not to worry about said mother?

"Um... sort of," I answered, still pondering over my complicated feelings.  "I mean...I never had to worry for her before since she always make it home once in a while, and she's always so happy to see me, so... does it label me as a bad daughter for not worrying?"

"That's not the case at all," Jason replied in a second. "I mean, you've said to me that your mother was barely ever home throughout your life and she's always disappearing for extended periods of time.  I kind of...understand that."

"...Was your mother like that too?" I asked as Jason's childhood explanation was mostly rushed in the comics.  It was never in depth as the other heroes.  They only briefly described that his mother, or stepmother, died of a drug overdose, and his father was caught working under the Penguin.  It's all very complicated.

"Sort of... she was there, but never really there," he said, trying to explain.  "Nevermind.  It probably doesn't make sense."

"Is it like Bruce being there, but never really there?" I asked and he spun to face me at my words, I quickly added, "For completely different reasons, of course!  He's always busy with his work, and he's gone most of the nights--I've noticed!"

"Does it feel like we're neglecting you?" Jason asked, with slight panic in his voice.

"N-no! Of course not!" I tried to take back my words, because I was mostly asking for him. I mean, Bruce is like Jason's father now, and even though he's physically there, he's not really 'Dad of the Year' kind of guy, though much better than Jason's original dad.  "I'm not complaining, nor am I feeling neglected--in fact, I'm used to being on my own for a long time now, so... I was just wondering about you.  I mean, you see him as a father too, right...?  Is Bruce treating you well...?  Better than your parents?"

Jason stared at me dumbfounded before he reached down and ruffled my hair, entangling them.

"What are you doing!" I protested as I tried to pry his giant hand off my skull and my precious hair.

He finally relented.  "We were talking about your well-being, Sprout! Not me!"

"Well, caring is a two-way street, Mr. Jason Todd!" I huffed.

He chuckled.  "Well, to answer your question. Yes.  Just don't tell him about it," he said. "It'll ruin my reputation."

I giggled at that.  "You mean your reputation as a 'bad-boy heart-throb' with daddy issues?"

He gasped affronted. "I do not have daddy issues!"

I laughed at him and in retaliation, he began to tickle me relentlessly before I begged him to stop. When it was over, he asked if I wanted anything to eat.  There was that pretzel places outside the store, and I asked for pepperoni pretzel.  He said he'll get it and left me alone to continue my shopping.

As I steered around the kids size section, I checked over at more clothes in great disappointment at all the frills.  Really? Should I just shop at the boy's section?  Sigh. I wish I wasn't a kid-size 8.

Suddenly, hands grabbed me from behind and a bag was pulled over my head.

"Got her!"

"Quick, move!"

Immediately, I began kicking and screaming, and since I wasn't gagged, I was sure the whole department store would have heard it.

"Oh my god!!"

"Someone call the cops!"

"Get out of our way!"

I was hauled over someone's shoulder and I heard what sound like the emergency exit doors being pushed open. 

All the while, I was thinking...

What the fuck?!  What. The. FUCK!

Am I seriously getting kidnapped...!?!?

"JAASSOOOOOOOOONNN!!!" I screamed as loudly as I could even if this bag muffled the volume.

"Shut up!!"

A blunt small object hit my forehead and I saw stars for a moment there. It was either the grip of a knife or the handle of a gun that struck me, but either way, it sent me reeling to behaving. Pain.  Pain hurts.

The men that kidnapped me hastily rushed me to a vehicle as I could hear the tires screeching to a halt. I found myself tossed to a seat and I quickly unbag myself.  I was in a van with four burly men, wearing casual and hoodies.  They were armed with guns and knives. One dude came in front of me and held a dagger to my throat.

"Don't you scream," he said haggardly between pants.  "You don't want to get hurt now do you?"

Anger burned my cheeks as I clenched my teeth, trying not to call him a 'fat motherfucker'.

Yeah! That's right! I am willing to cuss in this situation and I have every right to do so!


I whipped my head and saw Jason running towards me, and the look on his face mixed with rage and horror.  Then I noticed one of the kidnappers held the gun at him.

"NO! JASON!" I screamed and tried to lunged at the attacker, but was held down.


I froze and quickly glanced over to see Jason on the cement ground, face down.


"Hurry up, let's move!" The guy said as they all got in and closed the doors.


And they promptly drove away as I cried for him.

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