Chapter 57: Queen // Black Canary

A Motherbox. A living, breathing computer. It was contained in a floating sphere with wires connecting it to the monitor which was further connected to the most advanced supercomputers in the world.

Here, Dante's Ninth Circle did all their calculations and storage of items and money. Here, an entire database of villainy was recorded. By forcibly using Dante's fingerprint and pupils, the trio gained access to it.

Aaron was at the helm of it all. After all, Black Canary and Green were no computer geniuses. 

"A Motherbox…" The Green Arrow crossed his arms "Never thought I'd see one in my adventures. This is more Superman's line of work with the New Gods and all that."

"Should I call the FBI," Aaron asked. 

Green Arrow glanced over. "Technically, this is Justice League business. Although since you're here, I guess not."

"Well, someone has to know. Look at how much info there is on Lex Luthor. Someone could definitely arrest him with this."

"Like all the author times? Trust me, the smartest guy on Earth has a billion back-up plans. He won't get caught."

"Ah, that's fair," Aaron said, nodding. He stopped typing. "So…what do we do?"

"We'll take the Motherbox to the Watchtower. Everything else can be confiscated," Black Canary said.

"Won't they know?"

"Better than to give it to the government," Green Arrow said. "T…r…u…"

Time slowed. Green Arrow and Black Canary were blinking. Aaron moved in Flash Time

'Sorry, but that Motherbox is mine.' 

"XobrehtoM ekaf a etaerc." From his hand, he manifested a fake Motherbox. Something operational but certainly not connected to the Source. "Secalp hctiws."

 Switch places. Blip! The real Motherbox was now in his possession. Perfect.


"Flash Time identified! New owner identified! Welcome, Aaron Reigner!"

Look at that: the Motherbox could manipulate molecules, generate boom tubes, serve as communication devices, generate illusions, and whatever the fuck else a person or god could want. Dante used it to further this century-long secret organization.

Aaron would use it in the opposing manner: to help create world peace.

"I will be sending you to Hadiyah of Gotham City in Cherry Hills. She will act as my proxy. Inform her on how to fully connect to you and use your full capabilities."

Together with his life force, an incantation was not necessary. The Motherbox simply teleported to where it was told.

Time returned to normal.

"...s…t…m…e," Oliver's voice sped up, "the government ain't so fun with this kind of stuff. Especially Waller." Green Arrow shuddered. Aaron could now confirm the Speed Force was off. "So we just definitely…huh."

Oliver's crotch suddenly swelled. The quick fabric he got from a guard to cover himself with was quickly ripping. He was getting hard. "Ah, fuck, what the hell…!?"

Black Canary went wide eyed when she saw his throbbing boner. For him, it was seriously impressive—and concerning. Cupid's drugs hadn't quite dissolved, it seemed.

"Okay, uh, Dinah, call the Justice League while I go search for another pair of pants. Tell them I was injured in combat." Oliver scurried over to the elevator, holding and feebly hiding his eight inch erection. It didn't quite work. Aaron and Dinah exchanged looks and followed after him.

"Where are we going, Ollie?" Black Canary asked.

"Rooftop! There should be a helicopter for us to use!"


A helicopter atop Queen Tower. Lady Luck was truly shining on them. This was going to be a clean get-away.

With Oliver as the pilot, they lifted off from the rooftop of Queen Tower. Aaron leaned back in his seat across from Dinah. Queen Tower itself, steeped in generations of dark secrets, was just a memory behind them—its glitzy façade hiding a whole legacy of darkness, courtesy of Robin Queen, Oliver's ancestor who'd founded the Ninth Circle. 

But right now, Aaron was more focused on the present company. He let his gaze wander over to Dinah, who had her eyes fixed out the window, strands of blonde hair loose from her braid and catching the low light in the cabin.

Oh, and her tits. A bit sweaty from the battle, contained in a low-cut bodysuit, and with no bra. She caught him looking, and an amused smile crept onto her face.

"See something interesting?" she asked, her voice just loud enough over the hum of the chopper.

"Just wondering when you and Oliver are getting married," he decided to say. She knew that would alter her question.

"It's…a work in progress."

"Better than progress, no?"

Dinah crossed her arms, suddenly agitated. "I guess."

So there was some tension regarding their marriage. Good to know.

Twenty minutes later, the chopper descended toward Queen Mansion, nestled twenty miles out from the bustle of Star City.

"We are here, people," Oliver announced through the speakers.

Below them, the mansion spread out like something straight out of a gothic fairytale. Gray stone walls, towering turrets, and a sweeping circular garden filled with intricately trimmed hedges. The paths formed spirals and circles, like Oliver had hired a landscaper with a math degree. 

"Wow," Aaron said,. "You live in a castle. Next time, just admit it."

Oliver rolled his eyes, pulling the chopper into a smooth landing. "Yeah, yeah. Welcome to Casa de Queen. Don't get too comfortable though, you might start thinking I'm rich or something."

Dinah got off the chopper first and Aaron double made sure to eye-fuck that ass. Aaron didn't understand how one could have troubles when the woman had an ass like that and wore fishnets on top of it. Just fuck her and call it a day.

'If only relationships really were that easy…'

He still had Cassandra waiting for him in Japan. Hopefully that girl wouldn't get into trouble.

A few minutes later, they were inside, standing in the grand hallway with chandeliers glittering overhead. Dinah nudged Aaron with a grin. "Enjoy the royal treatment. You're our honoured guest tonight."

Oliver led him up a staircase wide enough to land a plane on, then down a hall lined with paintings of stern-looking Queens from centuries past (Oliver swore he had no idea who they were). Finally, he pushed open a door to a guest room that was bigger than most people's entire apartments.

"So, here's your room." Oliver gestured around at the massive bed, plush carpeting, and an ensuite bathroom that looked like it came straight out of a luxury hotel. "You've got a bathroom, a shower, even a minibar—help yourself. I'll grab you some clothes."

Oliver disappeared, leaving Aaron alone. Aaron chuckled to himself, taking in the room, the little tray of complimentary snacks, and the silence that hung over everything. "No butler, huh?" he muttered. "Guess it's just Ollie and Dinah here. Cozy."

He stepped out of his bathrobe. The monster cock was out once again. The jealousy of every man in Gotham, here in the outskirts of Star City.

He headed for the shower, letting the hot water wash away the grime of their day's work. Afterward, he got out, letting the air cool his skin. Thwap! Thwap! Thwap! He walked absent-mindedly, instinctively thinking this was his home.

In that moment—click!—the door swung open.

"Hey, ma…n…" 

Oliver stood there, clothes in hand, blinking rapidly. That big ass dick was impossible not to see. Ten inches long, it was so much bigger than Oliver even with those drugs in his system. He was reminded once again, this was a real stud. 

The Green Arrow's jaw opened and closed and he tried to have some semblance of composure.

"Uh. Clothes. I brought clothes." Oliver cleared his throat, trying to act unfazed, though he was obviously eyeing Aaron's supersized member. Aaron walked over and took the clothes from him. Oliver's eyes snapped down and huffed. "Dude, what do you feed that thing?" he asked, half-joking, half-genuinely curious.

"Same thing everyone else eats. Just genetics, I guess." 

Oliver laughed and looked like he was about to leave, but then he stopped, a strange look on his face. He hesitated, then turned back to Aaron.

"So, uh…." Oliver scratched the back of his head, suddenly looking a little shy. "God, I can't believe I'm asking this."

Aaron raised a brow. Oliver inhaled, exhaled, then asked it:

"Are you good at martial arts?" 



To be good at martial arts meant to be good with one's hands. To be good with one's hands meant to be good at sex—or so many women thought. The pervasive thought commonly swayed women into marrying cops and firefighters, into men of action. Some stereotypes, alas, were blatantly false. Even still, some continued to believe. 

'No powers. They'll notice. I don't want to go all out either. That would be way too suspicious. Play it cool and clean, Aaron. This is a one in a million chance.'

Aaron Reigner knew this was a one-in-a-million opportunity. To sleep with Black Canary meant both her and her fiancé's approval. Surprisingly, the fiancé's permission was easy to get. The future husband was very eager and open to this.

Black Canary was not. She was a woman of strength, beauty, and discipline. Her expectations were sky-high. No ordinary hung man was allowed to pump and dump. 

She took off her jacket, smirking. Big boobs kept in a shoulderless turtleneck bodysuit. Her breasts were just perfectly round. Without that jacket, ogling her cleavage was totally expected.

In a large, open training room within Queen Mansion, Aaron adjusted the belt on his dark slacks, paired with a fitted black t-shirt. The outfit was simple, sleek, but the belt had an extra bit of shine—like it wasn't just for holding up his pants but maybe for throwing a bit of flair into his moves. He rolled up his sleeves, showing forearms that looked more used to doing pushups than paperwork. 

On the other side of the mat, Black Canary stretched, her figure sleek in her black leotard and fishnets. Her confidence radiated through her smirk, and Oliver, standing by her side, slapped her ass to push her forward. 

"Show him how it's done, babe," Oliver said, grinning with his arms crossed like a coach.

Dinah sauntered onto the mat, arm in a lock stretch. "Hope you're ready, detective," she said. "I've got a type, and I only like guys who know how to handle themselves.

Aaron rolled his shoulders. "Guess I'll have to do my best to impress."

Oliver clapped a hand together. "Alright, time's wasting. Begin!"

They circled each other, both light on their feet, eyes locked in a mix of intensity and playful energy. Dinah feinted a jab, and Aaron dodged. They exchanged a flurry of quick punches, Dinah testing him, Aaron keeping just a notch below her level, making it look like he was just managing to keep up.

With every dodge, every near-miss, their faces ended up inches apart, breath mingling for a split second before they'd break and reset. Canary's smirk grew wider each time she felt the brush of his forearm or caught the sparkle of his challenging gaze.

"You've got moves, I'll give you that," she praised. "Who trained you?"


"Makes sense."

Gotham was Gotham after all. Fighting was almost a language there. 

Dinah's strikes came faster now, testing him, pushing him. He blocked her kicks, redirected her punches, his hands always where they needed to be—barely giving her an inch. His fingers even brushed her waist once, steadying her momentum, earning him a raised eyebrow and a smirk.

And then, just when he thought he had her moves mapped out, she switched things up. Kick, kick, kick. Rapid slams of the leg that targeted his head. Aaron barely had time to block before she ducked low, flipped away, and landed with a triumphant grin.

"Not bad," Dinah said. "But not good."


"Yoo-hoo." From her hand, a length of black leather dangled. A belt…

"My belt…"

His belt. It was gone. Aaron's eyes flicked down as he felt his pants slip down, right as his belt dangled from her hand. His pants dropped, and… well, everything made an appearance. With no boxers, his cock hung between his legs. A monster cock with a huge swaying ballsack. 

"Like I said, I only enjoy skilled men."


That was Oliver stammering. Dinah peered over her shoulder. "Yes, dear?"

Oliver's face went from shock to awkward amusement, trying and failing to keep his cool. "Uh… Dinah, I think your top's a little…"

She looked down at where he was pointing. Her breasts were out. Black Canary was shocked. "When…"

Her rack was huge, round and fittable in a single hand. Topped with pink nipples, erect and excited from the wind of the battle, she didn't bother covering herself up.

Dinah shot Aaron a look and was met with a smirk. "Double-Ds. Not bad." Aaron just crossed his arms, feigning nonchalance. "Skilled enough for you?" he quipped.

Dinah looked him up and down, a surprised glint in her eye. But then she landed on his cock. A brow was raised before she settled into a smile with those gorgeous red lips of hers.

"Well," she said, "guess I've got my answer." She tossed the belt aside. "Looks like I have two big boys as my reward."

Two big boys, not one. This was a threesome. 

Or was it? 

His fiancée's remark earned a smirk from the Green Arrow and the eager archer pulled down his pants. Just the rush of air touching his cock led to an intense erection. Those drugs, it seemed, weren't for the short-term. Oliver was bigger than ever before.

He walked forward, proud and confident, while Dinah sank to the floor on her knees. She eyed her fiancé's bigger cock and held it in her hand as soon as it was in close distance. Her hand went from base to tip, base to tip, wanting to earn some pre-cum points. It worked and Oliver inhaled sharply.

"I'm sensitive, babe, so give me a second."

"Sure." Her grip on his cock became loose and she turned her attention over to the other upcoming member. Her eyes immediately went wide.

Oliver's beefed up eight inches versus—


The biggest cock in Gotham City. Fourteen inches of casual cock.

Indeed, could this really be a threesome when a cock that big was involved? How could the other cock possibly compete? 

Aaron Reigner casually eclipsed Oliver's dick in size and rose above Dinah's head. A pointed, alert cock hoping for the same grip. Except Oliver's cock could be held with all fingers touching. The same could not be said for Aaron.

"T-this is…" Dinah had seen it at the nude beach. She had seen it now. Yet to feel it…

Her hand and her pussy suddenly felt two sizes too small. Oliver himself was speechless. His dick was a fucking miniature copy of Aaron'a monster. To even attempt to stroke it with one hand was a travesty. Dinah did not only out of consideration for his little guy. Humble and small when in the face of a real cock.

The comparisons, the feeling in her hands as she held both Oliver and Aaron, the cock shock, the cock thirst…

Dinah's cunt tightened and her pussy leaked out, trailing her fishnets. 

"When it comes to size, there's a clear winner." On her knees, legs spread, she puckered her lips and brought his cock down to eye-level. Then lower until her lips could kiss the tip. "Mwah~!"

A long, juicy kiss. His cock twitched from the worship. It appreciated the gesture, and with that, made Oliver's dick seem that much smaller. It had never roared or twitched like that. Never. 

Oliver sucked in a breath. He should have been ashamed. He should have told his future wife to stop. He didn't. Envy fueled him as did another emotion he could not put his finger on. It made him speak. It made the Green Arrow admit, "I'll be damned. Aaron fucking Reigner…ya know, I've been in the locker room with lots of guys but no one comes close to you. No wonder Bruce couldn't keep Selina. No amount of prep time could stack up to that weapon."

"And you?" Aaron asked. 

A drop of envious pre-cum fell from Oliver. Dinah kept her face turned to the man that was not supposed to be her husband. A hand on his hip, Oliver declared, "Heh, I'm the Green Arrow. Don't underestimate me. Back in my day, I plowed all kinds of chicks."

Source: Green Arrow v5 .Annual 001 (2015)

The cock of a playboy billionaire, trained and big. Reminded of that, Dinah's attention returned to her husband in a forced, irritated state. She went from tip to base then down lower…

"What he's saying is that this is my hall pass. You see, Ollie over here—" Dinah squeezed his balls, hard. "Isn't exactly the most faithful of men."

Source: Green Arrow #34

"S-sorry dear."

"Are you?"

Both nuts were held and squeezed in the palm of her hand. It was like she was wringing the thing like a cow. His poor nuts.

Oliver stammered and drew in a breath. His knees almost buckled while his cock spewed out some more pre-cum. "V-v-v-very."


Still smiling, she released him and promptly went back to staring at the bigger Aaron. Her hand completely left his sack in order to stroke that beast, leaving Oliver to idly stroke his eight-inch cock.

"So much girth…" Black Canary murmured. Both hands were going at the forearm-length dick. Aaron stood with a hand on his hip. A single white pearl emerged from the tip.

She giggled, her eyes flicking between the two cocks. Aaron's erection stood proudly at fourteen inches, wrist-thick and throbbing with anticipation. It was a monumental presence, blocking her vision with its sheer size. Pump, pump, pump.

Black Canary turned her back on Oliver. Her amazing ass faced her own damn fiancé, all because of a dick that was double his size.

"Look at this," she murmured, marveling at the girth. Jerking it off, stroking it faster and faster. Aaron remained unfazed, unchallenged. Cassandra was that slut when it came to handjobs. Dinah was nothing. "It's like a steel rod. I can barely fit my hand around it."

Hot and fat and seductive in its own right. A cock bigger than her current fiancé and ex-husband combined. A cock that made her forget.

Oliver cheated on her once. Oliver was the man she was supposed to marry. 

So what?

None of that mattered.

Her lips encircled the tip of Aaron's cock. The taste of pre-cum hit her tongue, and she inhaled, savouring the taste and scent of his cock and cum. Everything about it—perfectly sublime. Everything about it made her tits perk up and her cunt squeezed. One hand slid down to his massive balls. To cup them was foolhardy. The weight of them in her palm was astonishing, each testicle as large and heavy as a clenched fist.

"Mmm, these are incredible," Dinah breathed. "So big and full."

She pulled back, licking her lips as she turned her attention to Oliver. His cock, while still impressive, looked tiny next to Aaron's. She took it in her hand, feeling the difference immediately. She giggled as if to say, "You're so small." 

Following the giggle, she leaned in, kissing the tip of his cock. "Don't worry, Ollie. I'll make sure you both feel good."

With that, she switched her attention back to Aaron, her lips finding his cock once more. "Mwah…!" She kissed, then parted her lips open. She was going to deepthroat him.

Honestly, Aaron didn't know what to expect. The woman wore fishnets and exuded sex appeal everywhere she went, yet she was with Oliver, a male who was less than half of him. Her chances of deepthroating him earnestly, with confidence, it seemed above her abilities.

Aaron Reigner had never been so wrong in his life.


That wasn't Dinah, that was Aaron. In one fell swoop, all fourteen inches of his cock were swallowed by her throat. In one second, her Canary Scream trembled around his cock. Attacked every inch of it. Inserted sensations he didn't know was possible.

It was impossible to escape. 

This was Black Canary's throat. This was the throat of a Justice League metahuman.

Aaron Reigner came instantly.

"Nggghh!" His fists clenched. She made all his kids go skydiving down her gullet. It didn't make his sense. His balls were being wrung of their essence so fast that his world went white. By the time he could see the world again, Dinah was pressed to him. Chin kissing his balls, throat bulging around his cock, and her blue eyes loving and cocky.

She got him. No, not just that, she got him where she wanted him. Her Canary Scream vibrated around his cock. As if to flip a switch—


He nutted. Cumshots flooded her throat. Cumshots ravaged her. Gulp, gulp, gulp! But as though she had been a magic whore her life, she swallowed it all. She stayed, nose buried to his pelvis, and her fingers tracing around his balls. She knew. She knew! 

Spurt, spurt, spuuuurt! Imagine litres of cum! Imagine a load ten times your own fiancé. This should have overwhelmed her. It didn't. Somehow, it just didn't. Panting, his cumshots tapering off, his eyes meeting hers, he finally understood.

'O-Oliver, that f-fucking bastard…he never—' 

Squeeze! Cumming again. He threw his head back. This time, Dinah wrapped her arms around him. "Oh fuck! Oh fuuuuck!" Aaron lost his cool. He lost control of his balls. He just had to cum! He had to! His babies were in love with this throat! It was by and far the best he had ever taken!

Jaina Hudson had the biggest tits.

Cassandra Cain was the most adept at handjobs and blowjobs.

Harley Quinn had the craziest pussy.

Poison Ivy had the tightest pussy.

Lady Shiva was the best of both worlds—and not only for her cunt, but her anus too. 

And Dinah? 


Across from him, Oliver smirked. He knew too. He knew Aaron stood no chance.

Dinah Drake was the greatest deepthroater in the world, bar none. She reeled back, her lips going all the way back to his tip. Aaron expected to relax. The opposite happened. Dinah slammed back into him, earning another long climax, and Aaron hunched over. The Chosen One was reduced to another man forced to hold onto her head to stand.

It made him seem human. Being the Chosen One, being this hung stud of Gotham—suddenly, he forgot about all that. His eyes rolled back and he breathed out a sigh that he only let out when he was with Cassandra.

He came again.

Again and again and again.

"W-wow…" Oliver was stunned, to the point that he actually had to step back. This…this was way beyond him. It was like he was intruding upon a battle between a god and goddess. The most hung man in the world versus the greatest deepthroater. Should he even be looking? It was like he forgot that Dinah was his woman and that Aaron was borrowing. But from what he was seeing…

Gulp, gulp, gulp!

There was so much cum. Too much cum. He caught a glimpse of Aaron's balls and was reminded of how massive they were. How virile and intense an orgasm from them could be. He heard the screams and moans from the sluts he fucked at the nude beach. Oliver already realized he wasn't remotely on Aaron's level. 

"But to this extent…?"

Yep, he stood there and let his future wife swallow and deepthroat another man without a word. No complaints. No disrespect. He was an awed spectator. 

Ten minutes of cumming from deepthroats. Ten back-to-back climaxes with cumshots that would shame Oliver's whole lifetime. Dinah's eyes were starting to grow wider. He didn't need to read her mind. It was obvious what she was thinking:

'He's dumped more cum down my throat than my future husband!'

Hilarious—especially because Dinah was interested in how far he could go. When would Aaron Reigner go flaccid? Could he go flaccid with those big, burly balls? 

Her poor fiancé kept waiting. Oliver stroked himself nice and slow, waiting for when she would turn to him. He could see Aaron was cumming. He could see that huge cock bulging his future wife's throat. 

"Mmmmppph!" She made a lewd sound as she burst from tip to base, as her throat gulped and gulped. A single trickle of cum leaked from her lip. Oliver stared like a porn addict. His singular pumping was in slow motion. Pre-cum kept spurting out, almost trying to reach her. But his future wife was in another world. Her throat was busied by a cock that truly deserved her attention. He didn't feel like a cuck. He felt like he was watching the big bang. Something truly special that went beyond morality.

To an extent, it was. Black Canary, a big-titty blonde with martial skills that was amongst the best in the world. Aaron Reigner, the biggest, most hung male in Gotham City and its current protector.

This was special and he didn't even know it. 

Black Canary kept coming and going, as though to say, "Okay, I'm done….sike! Cum some more!" 

His knees buckled. He tried to stop his eyes from rolling back. Hunched over, hands on her head, filling her throat up over and over again. The brother was goooneeee. Dinah was not playing. More and more trickles of cum leaked. She was reaching her limit. 


Would Aaron concede first or Black Canary? The throat-based hero could really take some dick. She kept coming back for seconds, thirds, and fourths. Sheesh! Yet this was a competition. Who would succumb first, Dinah or Aaron? 

Thrust! Aaron thrust his cock inside, desperate and meek. It worked. The blonde's eyes rolled back.


'T-this big coooccckk~!' 

It was no longer difficult to discern her expression. She wasn't cool anymore. She was breaking. She was struggling. Her throat tightened. The Canary Scream echoed in his schlong. 


Aaron came. His balls were endless. His need to cum and breed was nearly infinite. Black Canary threatened to claim otherwise with that god-like throat. 

Twenty minutes passed—


He was starting to adapt and keep up. He was starting to resist. One Canary Scream, two Canary Screams, Aaron was still standing. 'Don't cum, don't cum, don't cummmmm!'

His balls convulsed. His balls felt like they were melting. That was more than enough. He hurled his hips forward, shoving his cock to the brim!

Mortal Kombat's fatality!


Aaron nutted again. The Canary Scream could not be resisted. Oliver wasn't experiencing it yet even his toes curled just watching that. She destroyed that monster white dick and some more. Dinah was an animal. A true member of the Justice League.

"H-hold on—!"

Aaron buckled. He came again. Dinah was still swallowing. Oliver smirked at the sight. Dinah's hands were tight on his waist. No escape here. No mercy. The Green Arrow loved seeing his wife pull that huge cock deep so that he couldn't escape her soul-snatching throat. 

No fucking wonder Oliver wasn't too jealous. It didn't matter the man or the size—


The cock burst from her lips and Dinah gasped and breathed. And yet, despite the threads of sum and saliva, she smiled. Aaron's cock was going flaccid. Aaron himself was gasping for air and staring at the ceiling.

Black Canary won. 

"I, haah, always keep my boy's balls empty so he can live without stress." Her tongue went over to clean her lips, even sucking her fingers. Then, that same wet hand went over to jerk off her precious fiancé. "Haaahhh…aahhhh…" So much cum and saliva in her mouth. She opened it up, showing him how much he did. Showing what he did was beyond what her future husband could supply. "You…you really were something."


"Is that right?"

Aaron Reigner finally looked down, and with it, his cock rose. Throb, throb, throb. It defied gravity. Its size defied what was possible for a human. 

"Huh?" Black Canary's pumping hand slowed down. Shock overwrote her features. "H-huh? Huh? Y-you're…still…"

He smirked and put a hand on his hip. With a jerk of his hip, his cock went to her lips. "Come on, you can keep going, can't you?"


Black Canary's whole superpower revolved around her throat and her stomach. Because of it, without the world at large knowing, she was the "Throat GOAT"—and as hilarious as that sounded, it was the damn truth. No man with any amount of willpower could last in her throat. She perfectly calibrated her Canary Scream to be able to affect all veins and blood cells and spread that effect to the balls. Altogether, it would make a man cum the moment she throated it down.

Aaron was no exception.

However, although his cock was subject to the same weakness, his balls weren't. His sheer virility did not change. He did not like going flaccid and so that shall be. .

She gulped. Her hand found Oliver's smaller member again, stroking him while staring at the monster cock. The contrast in sizes was stark and she couldn't help but breathe at the disparity. At the greatness of Aaron Reigner and the mediocrity of her future husband.

"Ollie," she said, wide-eyed and her maturity gone, "your little cock feels so cute next to Aaron's monster. It's like... like..."

"Like a night and day difference," Oliver finished for her. "Now shut up and keep going."

She swallowed thickly. She did not deepthroat this time. She was too used to do that. She operated solely with her tongue. His glans were red and angry and the introduction of her wet tongue did wonders to make it angrier. Swish and flick, swish and flick. Her tongue went in a circle, then lapped along the ridge. Her hand matched the pace on Oliver's, feeling his length pulse in her grip. The room filled with the sounds of their labored breathing, the wet slurping of her tongue, and the occasional grunt from either man.

Aaron's balls tightened, his cock swelling even more. "Dinah, I'm close," he said, up top once more. 

Her eyes didn't break eye contact. While her hand never stopping its work on Oliver, her gaze and focus and soul were on Aaron. All Aaron. Her free hand squeezed Aaron's balls, urging him towards completion. Oliver's cock twitched in her other hand, ready to explode any second.

The tension in the room was palpable. "D-Dinah…!" And of course, the first to pop here was Oliver. 

Dinah didn't care. She just didn't. When Oliver came, her hand went over and blocked it from touching her. His cum sprayed and pulsed in her hand, some strings dripping to her thigh.

Aaron was who mattered though. Aaron was who Dinah truly felt and attended to. The first spurt of cum from Aaron and she opened her mouth to swallow quickly, taking his load eagerly. 

"Ah, fuck!" Oliver shouted, his body jerking with each wave of pleasure. "Dinah, you're amazing!"

She didn't care. Aaron, Aaron, Aaron! That monster cock! Those monster balls! This monster load! Gulp, gulp, gulp! 

If she had more leverage, if perhaps she had deepthroated him, this wouldn't have happened. His cock bursting from her lips and cumming allll over her. Marking her as his territory. Spraying strings on her big boobs and her face and her cheeks. 

Making the Black Canary look like a dumb blonde bimbo.


That was the only way to describe her by the end. Oliver could not believe what he witnessed. Where his cumshots had been easily blocked and dismissed, Aaron's were not. Aaron nutted all over his wife. Aaron made everything Oliver ever did to her, all the facials and boobs shots, look like an amateur's work.

"I-I'll get the towels." Oliver ran off to get them. They weren't far, laid on a nearby bench. He hurried back with the towels. Dinah was so shocked she hadn't moved. She cleaned herself while eyeing Aaron Reigner's monster cock. 

All of a sudden, Oliver thought this was going to be amazing. "So, uh, what do we do…"

Aaron and Dinah were in a trance. Aaron peering down at her, waiting, while Dinah's eyes gobbled up the white pipe. Then she gradually drifted upward. Dinah was in costume and knew what he wanted.

Without considering Oliver, wordlessly, Dinah lay on the blue training mat. Aaron went down towards her, hands to her sides, and his cock on her leotard. With a finger, he snapped the bit covering her pussy.

Now her tits and her cunt were out for him. He rubbed his giant cock up and down her pussy, the tip nearing the navel. The size was extravagant, so big that Oliver couldn't believe what he was seeing. The comparison between the two men was shameful. Shameful for thinking Oliver could ever be that big. Shameful for even considering this threesome to be of equals. 

Schlap, schlap, schlap! Her hands came together to jerk off the behemoth cock. Dinah lay on the training mat, her legs spread wide, her breath coming in short, gasping bursts. Her hands wrapped around Aaron's massive erection, two hands barely enough to encircle the girth of his fourteen-inch cock. She could feel the heat radiating off him, the veins pulsing with each beat of his heart, throbbing insistently against her palms.

"God, Aaron," she huffed, trembling. "Your cock... it's so huge. I can barely hold it."

Oliver stood a few feet away, his eyes glued to the scene unfolding before him. His fiancée, his beautiful, strong Dinah, was being completely dominated by Aaron's massive member—and he wasn't even inside yet! She was the boldest, strongest woman he knew and yet in the face of Aaron Reigner… 


He was poking her entrance. He was knocking on her precious cunt and everything it lay dear. Oliver watched as she struggled to guide that monstrous shaft toward her waiting pussy. Oliver had to speak up.

"Ha, look at that alpha cock. Are you sure you're ready, dear?" Oliver jerked his cock off to get it nice and big. "How about I teach Aaron a thing or—"

A loud, orgasmic primal gasp ripped out from her throat. Black Canary's hands slapped onto the mat, nails tearing into it. Arms and legs wide, breathing heavily, her expression twisting, and her head tilted back. Oliver's cock oozed with pre-cum. That was only two inches. Two inches and there was so much more to go—

"Ffhhhkkkkkhhh~!" Dinah covered her mouth, blocking a shriek. She didn't want to appear shameful and needy in front of her future husband. No, when getting fucked by a bigger cock, she had to pretend it didn't mean anything. "Dnnnshhhkk~! Msshkkk~ Ngghhhhhhgkk~! Ngghhhhh~!"

'Doesn't mean anything, doesn't mean anything, doesn't mean anythiiiiing—'

Dinah whimpered. 

Aaron's full fucking cock was inside. She couldn't stop it. Oh god, she just couldn't stop it! Her walls were beyond stretched! It was like three Olivers put together! I-it didn't make sense! Her womb! Her womb! Her womb was being kissed by this monster cock!

Dinah threw her head back, gasped, closed her eyes, and whimpered.

Oliver had never heard her whimper. 

Wait. Wait a fucking minute. Did that mean…?

All that dick suddenly retreated until there was only the tip. Indeed, Aaron managed to slot just the tip into her wet, slick folds and that alone was overwhelming, her nerve endings lighting up with pleasure like fireworks. Her pussylips were stretched to their limit. She arched her back, her breasts heaving, her nipples hardening into tight peaks.

Then he thrust all the way through.

"Oh my GODDDD~! AAAROOON~!" Oliver actually flinched. That did not sound like Dinah at all. It was so…whore-like. So devoid of her confidence and bold nature. Here, she was completely submissive. Meek. "It's too MUCH! I'm already... I'm already CUMMIIINNNGG~!"

She squirted, the dash of pussyjuice hitting Aaron's abdomen. No way. No fucking way. No, no, no. Oliver could not believe it. He wouldn't believe it. But it hit him like a firetruck. It hit him like an undeniable truth from the Source itself.


Her pussy gushed in a way he had never seen before. Oliver couldn't believe it. His wife was orgasming for the very first time.

"Haaa…ngghhh…" Dinah tried to muster up her old seductive ways. You know, giving those blue eyes and lashes that classic fuck-me eyes. "Y-you damn…stud…just, haahh, g-give me a second." 


Except although sexy and naturally erotic, when a giant cock was inside you, you could only hold onto your sanity. Indeed, the once cocky, suggestive woman that did not mind bending over in public was utterly mind-fucked by this. Aaron went alllll the way back, extracting thirteen and a half inches. Only his tip remained again. That whole journey earned another orgasm, a third. Throughout their own nights, Oliver assumed he made Dinah cum two or three times on average. But this…

"Gosssshhhh~!" Her pussy clenched around the small, girthy intrusion, milking the head of his cock as if trying to pull more inside. She screamed his name, her orgasm ripping through her with a ferocity she had never experienced before. "It's soooo biiiiiggg~! So much bigger than anything elseeeeee~! Oh goodddd~! It's tooo fucking deep and gooooood~!" 

Thrust, thrust, thrust. Orgasm, orgasm, orgasm. Aaron was barely putting effort either. Dinah was laid down on her back, her legs spasming and toes curling. Aaron wasn't holding her hips or her legs, he was just rocking his hips and adjusting as he saw fit. So casual, so cool, and making his wife look like a dumb cock addicted bimbo that came from a touch. This was the type of sex a man wished for his future wife to experience from him—not another man. Not some dude they brought in for a threesome.

Oliver's breath hitched, his hands clenching into fists at his sides. He could see the intensity of Dinah's reaction, the way her body writhed and thrashed under the onslaught of pleasure. This was nothing like when he made love to her—this was primal, all-consuming ecstasy.

'He's destroying her pussy. He's ruining my wife. Look at her, Oliver! She loves his huge cock!'

Was this a mistake? Would he grow to regret this?


In spite of hate, there was respect. In addition to envy, there was acknowledgment. These two fit perfectly. Dinah was getting her innocence fucked out of her.


Aaron smiled gently. No smirk, no arrogance, this just was. This was what he always did and there was no malice behind it. "You're going to cum so many times tonight, you won't even remember your own name."

He grabbed her ankles and started fucking her properly. Oliver stood there, gobsmacked. His thrusts were fucking fast! Equally as fast as Oliver when he was in the zone! Fucking hell! Aaron, of course, was holding back, not that anyone knew.


Not that anyone could tell.

Dinah's vision blurred with tears of pleasure, cunt overwhelmed by the sheer size and power of Aaron's cock. He was fucking her the same way Oliver did yet she felt like she was being split open from the inside out. Every nerve in her body was on fire, every muscle straining against the incredible orgasms rocking her. They just didn't stop.


Eyes rolled back, tongue lolled out, and jiggling boobs. Oh yeah, Oliver just knew sex would never be the same for his girl or for any man in her life that tried to fuck.

She came again, her body convulsing around his thick member. Her juices flowed freely, coating his cock and spilling onto the mat beneath her. Oliver's mouth went dry, his own cock hard and aching. He wanted to jerk, to relieve the tension building inside him, but he couldn't tear his eyes away from the sight of Dinah being utterly ravished by Aaron.

What if she needs me?


She probably didn't. Oh well. More for Aaron since he got to fuck while the future husband stood back.

Dinah's world narrowed down to the feeling of Aaron's fourteen inch cock inside her, the relentless orgasms building and building until she thought she would explode. Her muscles tensed, then released in a powerful, shuddering climax that left her gasping for air.

"AAARRRROOONN! MORE~! MORE~! MOOORREE~! I WANT YOUR COCCKKK~" A shriek that wanted more. A moan that testified to getting more. A cock that answered every little concern she could have. "OH GOD, I'M CUMMING AGAIN!"

Oliver's balls tightened, his cock twitching with precum as he watched his fiancée reduced to a quivering, pleasure-drunk mess. He had never seen her like this, never imagined she could reach such heights of ecstasy. And yet, here she was, lost in the throes of passion, her pussy responding to Aaron's every stroke. Aaron thrust forward again and again. Dinah's scream turned into a high-pitched wail, her limps spasming uncontrollably as another orgasm ripped through her. God, just how many were there at this point? Her pussy throbbed around his dick, sucking him deeper, demanding more.

"You're so tight," Aaron muttered, his hips snapping forward with brutal precision. "So fucking tight around my cock."

Dinah's nails dug into his shoulders, her breath coming in ragged gasps. "Yes, yes, yes!" she chanted, her voice a breathless mantra of submission. "Take me, Aaron! Fuck me harder! HARDEER~! MMPPPPHHH~! GSSSSHKKKK~!"

Eyes rolled back, face tilted back, boobs bouncing, and a big, sloppy grin.

Black Canary had never looked so slutty and broken.

Oliver's heart pounded in his chest, his blood roaring in his ears. He could see the strain on Dinah's face, the way her muscles quivered with the effort of taking Aaron's massive cock. Yet, despite the pain, there was something transcendent about the way she looked, her eyes glazed over with pleasure, her lips curved into that blissful smile.

Each stroke brought him deeper inside her, filling her up until she felt as though she might burst. Her screams grew hoarse, her body a sweat-slicked mess of tangled limbs and heaving breasts.

"Oh God, Aaron!" Black Canary huffed and puffed and looked down at the dick that was destroying her. She smiled and yet had to ask, "I'm so full... it's too much... I can't….I caaaan't…!" 

But even as she said the words, her hips lifted instinctively, seeking the friction, the pressure, the overwhelming pleasure that only Aaron could give her. Her pussy clenched around his cock, wanting every ounce of sensation. Every inch of this cock that was so much bigger than her future husband's. 

"You can keep going, Dinah," Aaron said. "You've trained for so much more. You're a Justice League member. Come on."

Dinah's body went rigid, her muscles tensing as another orgasm built inside her. Her pussy spasmed wildly around Aaron's cock, squeezing him with a force that made his eyes roll back in his head. 'So damn tight, I love it! It's like Oliver didn't fuck her properly! Not the tighest but definitely fucking amazing!' He could feel her inner walls contracting, releasing, over and over again as she rode the peak of her climax. 

"Aaron, I'm... I'm..." she gasped, her voice trailing off as her body convulsed around his cock. "Oh God, I'm cumming AGAAAAIIIN~!" 

"How good is my cock?"

"I-it's…!" Gasp and a moan. "It's shoooo biiiiigg~! Soooo gooood~! Soooo deeeeep~! Haaahhh~! Nggghhh~!" 

Holding her ankles, his cock blinked in and out of her pussy. Dragging, fucking, destroying. Those words did not properly describe how badly he was rearranging her guts. Dinah's eyes fluttered open, gasping and moaning and managing to keep her sanity in tact. He thrust, thrust, thrust, and Dinah's gaze locked onto his. There was a wild, almost feral light in her blue eyes, a reflection of the pleasure that had consumed her. 

"T-this coooccckkk~! Nggghhh~!" Her eyes almost rolled back again. She managed to keep herself stable, however. She stared and gasped and said, "God, it's so much BIGGER than Oliver~!"

Spurt, spurt, spuuurt! Balls suddenly twisted and cumshots raged out. That wasn't Aaron, it was Oliver, spilling his load onto the blue mat. Those words and her face and the way she was still getting dicked down…

He couldn't help but nut. He had to. No touching himself, no feeling Dinah's pussy, he simply came from her moans and her admission.

Aaron was bigger. He knew that. He admitted that but—

"S-so much better too~! Better~! Better~! Ngghhh~! SO MUCH BETTTEEER~!"

Dinah did not mean it as an insult. That was what made it so hot. Aaron wasn't intentionally cucking Oliver or telling him he was inferior. He just was. In the art of sex, Gotham's biggest cock could fuck the engaged woman better than the future husband could.

"Good girl," Aaron purred, his thrusts growing more deliberate, more controlled. "Cum for me, Dinah. Cum all over my cock."

"Cumminnnnggg~! CUMMIIINNNG~!" 

His thrusts fucked and fucked until that final orgasm subsided and all that was left was heavy breathing.

They stopped. Finally. Oliver swallowed thickly and stood a step forward—

"Ngghhhh~! Fuuuck…!"

Only to stop upon hearing Dinah's moan. It was damn erotic and low. Exhausted and drained, her blonde hair on the mat and behind her. She was still lying on the mat, after all, and still filled by Aaron Reigner's gigantic cock.

Dinah's body jerked from the aftershocks, her pussy clenching around Aaron's cock as another orgasm tore through her. Her gasp was a sound of pure, unfiltered pleasure. It was fucking insane to Oliver. Fake orgasm or not, Dinah never made sounds like that with him. 

"I…haahhh…" She rose. Dinah picked herself up and pressed her boobs to Aaron's chest. They were close, foreheads touching but not kissing. Her hips rocked slowly.

Oh fuck.

That was just round one, wasn't it?

She tried to take more, to give more, to lose herself in the overwhelming sensations flooding her body. Oliver's dick was erect courtesy of his own training, playboy nature, and the drugs Cupid put into him. He walked over, an arm extended, "H-hold on, wait, can I…?"


A thrust. Fuck, it was too late! Aaron was already holding onto her ass cheeks! Aaron was already about to fuck her again! 

"Oh, Oliver." 

Until he didn't. Aaron looked him and cocked his head. 

"What's up, man? You were saying?"

Dinah was melting in his arms. Dinah was breathing as though she had ran several fuck marathons. But no, this was just one dick. This was all Aaron Reigner. 

"Uh…" His mouth moved on its own. "Why not fuck her doggy-style? Dinah is really good at it."

"Ah, really? It's my favourite too. Good suggestion."

"Yeah, man, it's awesome, especially when you rip those fishnets." Oliver let out an awkward chuckle. "It's just…chef's kiss."

Did that just happen? Did he really give advice on how to fuck his fiancée properly? Yes. Yes, he did. Because honestly, this was great! See, Dinah loved doggy-style but the fishnet ripping got old after several years. But with Aaron, well…


Her pussy was dripping. She was excited. This was fresh and new and with a cock that hot and fucking amazing. Seeing them get into position suddenly erased any regrets he had.

Dinah, his future wife, on all fours and with those jutting ass out. Getting to see this, this rare Dinah go on all fours was masturbation worthy. And behind her…


"She has a pretty big ass," Aaron complimented. 

"Y-yeah, I know," Oliver stammered, laughing a bit more genuinely now. 

Aaron Reigner. The stud with a cock that could not be ignored. The cock so lengthy that it boggled the mind. This was porn. Literal fucking porn for Oliver Queen.

Hearing that classic tearing of fishnets…


Pre-cum oozed out and his breath grew heavy. His future wife's pussy had been stretched and fucked already and now exposed while in fishnets. The visual was so hot and husky. Fuck! He grabbed his eight-inch cock very proudly. "Don't hold anything back, man."

Aaron smiled, the crown of his fourteen-incher pressed to her entrance. "I never do."

With one clean thrust, he was inside. Inside and already getting Dinah to arch her back like a slut.

"Fuuuuck~! F-fuck, y-you…! Nggghhh~!" A climax already!? Honestly, Oliver just laughed and stroked his dick. Of course she came that fast. "Ngghhh~!"

The second stroke, the third stroke, the fourth stroke…

"Cumming, cumming, cummiiiiiiing~!" Dinah tried to keep herself quiet and dignified. This wasn't just her favourite position, it was her best. She bit her lip to keep the slobber from stopping.


But it was damn hard not to. Saliva leaked out. Her gasps became louder and louder. Her world was blending between orgasmic bliss and the grounding of the big cock. But eventually, she got a grip. She was a member of the Justice League! She was no easy bitch!

"I-I won't lose~! N-n-not like thiiiiis~!"

She was throwing that ass back! A bit pathetically, if Aaron was being honest, but she was slamming that ass back! Meeting his strokes like an eager rival! She looked back. Her blue eyes were determined and sloppy and full of addiction. 

"Fuuuck meeee…!" 

Aaron smiled and grabbed a heapful of her booty cheeks. Thicc and soft, it was perhaps the greatest heart-shaped ass he had ever encountered. Combined with her hypertight bod, it was glorious.

Glorious to watch jiggle.

Glorious to see get slapped by his big balls.

Glorious to see in ripped fishnets.

"Good. I like it when it isn't easy."


Dinah looked so sexy as she was stumbling forward. The lower her head angle, the hotter it became—specifically for Oliver. Reading his mind, it was clear what he was thinking.

'I would absolutely lose it in this position!! First, my girl's ass is perfect!! Thicc and heart-shaped! You can't find anything better! The ripped stockings are super sexy too!! The look back while getting fucked is insane!! The moans are driving me crazy!! And begging "fuck me" while taking that dick would push me over the edge!!' 

"You're fucking me, you're fucking me, you're fuuucking meeee~! It's so much bigger and better than anything else I've fuuuuucked~! Godddd~!" The slobber was getting out again. "Shooo goood~!" 

Jiggling ass cheeks. A wonderful woman. This was the best way to fuck a female Justice League member. 

"I'm gonna cum…!"

"Huh?" Oliver stopped jerking off. "Um, uh, if you—"

"Insshiiide~! Inssiiiiide~!"

Huh? Huuh?


Aaron went balls-deep, slamming his pelvis to her ass, and let his cum lay its seed inside her. Oliver wasn't able to put in a single word. The Green Arrow just watched a big ass dick plunge into his fiancée's pussy and then ravage her with an obscene amount of cum.


Spurt, spurt, spurt, spuuuurt! Spurt, spurt, spuuuurt! So many jets of cum. So much pumping. Oliver himself nutted in that very same second and yet, Aaron's climax lasted longer. The quality and quantity of his load was ten times greater than his own. No jealousy spread throughout him. Only awe. Only respect. Those balls were fucking huge and they were huge for a reason.


"Haah…" Aaron sighed and pulled out. Each inch of cock that left Dinah's pussy earned a meek twitch from Oliver's hard dick. Both of them were still hard, both of them could still keep going.

And Dinah…

"Cock…shoo…big….sho bigggg….ngghhh…"

Delirious. As expected. It happened almost every time he creampied a woman for the first time. Aaron's cum was like delicious yogurt and fell in huge globs. Aaron stood on his knees, jerking out more of his cock until—squelch! The final inch was gone and smacked onto her ass. "Phew. Nice."

Oliver hesitantly circled over. He stared at Dinah's ravaged hole and the cum that was globbing out. He looked and he blinked twice. "Wow."

Aaron and Oliver, side by side. The hung stud nodded to himself as if it was the most normal thing in the world. Oliver just stood and stared, flabbergasted.

Legs trembling, ass raised high, high up, and her hole pouring with his hot, thick viscous seed. Baby batter that was capable of impregnating every single female member of the Justice League. The load of the biggest balls in Gotham. Aaron finally got up on his feet and Oliver glanced at his fourteen inch cock.

Still hard. Still big. Still almost double his length. 

Oliver looked down at Dinah's hole and the cum that had pooled under her. Oliver's little pouch wrinkled in envy.

"T-that's a lot of cum, dude."

"Is she going to get pregnant?" was what Oliver wanted to ask.

Aaron put a hand on his hip. Side-by-side, Oliver clearly had the bigger muscles and Aaron the bigger cock and balls. He had the authority here. "Don't worry, it'll be fine after a quick shower."

"Y-you think so?"

Because seriously, that was a lot. 

"I know so. I do it to Selina all the time."

Oliver suddenly felt bad for the Batman. His girl was getting creamed every fucking day and, in Oliver's mind, he probably didn't know it either. 

"Want to go to my bedroom?" Oliver suddenly suggested after a small silence. "It has a nice, big shower and the bed is super bouncy there."


The strong, independent Black Canary moaned out, "I love cocckkkk~!"


A big, bouncy king-sized bed. A luxurious room. Big balls and a massive bathroom connected to it. This deserved to be the main bedroom of the Queens, of billionaires whose fortune spanned generations. 

It was the bed, the kind of bed that could make anyone feel like royalty. It was massive, with a carved headboard that reached halfway up the wall and intricate designs that looked almost medieval. The mattress itself was thick and plush, topped with a mountain of pillows and soft, silken sheets. But the best part? It had just the right amount of bounce. Not so soft that you sank into it like quicksand, but with enough give that when you sat down or fell back onto it, you got that satisfying, gentle rebound that made you feel like a kid jumping on a trampoline.

The comforter was a deep, luxurious navy, heavy enough to keep out the chill but not so thick that it weighed you down. The bed practically invited you to sprawl out, limbs askew, and forget about the worries of the day. In fact, just looking at it made you want to kick off your shoes and dive in.

The only way to use such a bed—


Was to fuck a slut senseless? And how one might ask?

Matting press her. Balls slapping and cock drilling deep, deep inside. Never leaving. Always together. Always fucking. 

That was the right way to use the bed.

Dinah Drake's body arched and convulsed as Aaron Reigner's fourteen-inch cock plunged deeper into her. She was pinned beneath him in a mating press, her legs wrapped tightly around his waist, her arms clinging to his broad shoulders for support. 


Orgasming, tightening, and feeling a dick that like no other. Oliver was plenty big. He just wasn't Aaron big. 


Dinah's cries echoed through the big room, her voice breaking with the force of her orgasm. Her entire body shook uncontrollably, her muscles clenching around his massive shaft as wave after wave of orgasms struck her. Her mouth was open and full of loving saliva. Her eyes were staring at Aaron, at the grey eyes that were responsible for fucking her hole senseless. 

Aaron's hands gripped her ass firmly, lifting her slightly to meet his thrusts. This was a two-pronged assault. His eyes were locked onto hers. Canary could only bounce and nod along to the orgasms, her mouth hanging open in a silent gasp as another orgasm tore through her. She felt as though she were being split apart by his relentless thrusting, yet it was the most incredible sensation she had ever experienced. 

"YES…! YES, YES, YESSSHH~! AARON~! AARON~! COCK~! YOUR COCK~!" Black Canary whimpered and loved and enjoyed.

From a short distance away, Oliver Queen watched the scene unfold with fascination and admiration. He leaned against the wall, a satisfied smile playing on his lips as he observed his fiancée being thoroughly dominated by Aaron Reigner. "Ha, look at them go." He crossed his arms, shaking his head. "How is she doing, Aaron?" Oliver called out, his tone light and teasing. He knew that Dinah was beyond words at this point, trapped in a cycle of relentless orgasms that left her mindless and delirious.

Aaron stopped the mating press for the briefest of seconds, letting her breathing do the talking for him. 

Oliver snickered to himself. "Stupid question, huh?"

Dinah's response came in the form of a strangled moan, her body quivering as yet another orgasm ripped through her. She could barely focus on the conversation, her mind consumed by the overwhelming sensations flooding her system. All she could do was cling to Aaron, her nails digging into his back as she rode out the storm of pleasure.

"It's fine."

Then Aaron got to fucking again.

Aaron's thrusts grew even more powerful, his cock slamming into her with a force that made her entire body jolt. He was driving her toward yet another climax, one that promised to be even more explosive than the last. 

Her vision blurred, stars flashing before her eyes as tears of love fell out. "AAARRON! OH GOD, I'M GONNA... I'M GONNA CUM AGAIN!"

And cum she did, her body convulsing violently as an earth-shattering orgasm exploded from within her. She screamed his name, her voice raw with passion, as her muscles clenched and spasmed around his invasive member. It was a release unlike any other, her senses overwhelmed by the sheer intensity of the pleasure.

Oliver couldn't help but chuckle softly as he watched Dinah's reaction. "Looks like she's enjoying herself," he remarked, pushing off the wall and put a foot on the bed. "You really know how to work a woman, Aaron. Where'd you learn it?

Aaron did not look back and lightly fucked the taken woman. "I aim to please," he said. 

"Dude, I feel that she won't even be able to feel me after what you did," Oliver joked. As much of a joke it was…Aaron couldn't reply because it was probably true. 

Right now, the Black Canary was a mess. A weak whimper, her hourglass figure still trembling from the force of her latest orgasm. She could feel her strength ebbing away, her limbs growing heavy and unresponsive. Yet despite her exhaustion, there was a part of her that craved more, that needed to feel Aaron's immense cock inside her just a little while longer.

Aaron seemed to sense her need, his thrusts slowing but not stopping, allowing her to catch her breath while still keeping her on the edge of arousal. "Ready for more, Dinah?" he asked, his voice a low, seductive purr. "Or have I worn you out already?"

"Heh." Oliver started jerking his cock off. "Dinah, if you can't handle him, don't worry. This eight inch terror is ready and waiting for you, honey."

"A-Aaron…" Dinah managed a weak nod, her eyes fluttering shut as she tried to gather her strength. "More... please... I need more..."

Oliver laughed lightly and stopped stroking himself. "She's never going to want me again after this," he mused, his tone light and teasing. "Not with you around, dude."

Aaron's response was a grunt of agreement, his attention focused entirely on Dinah's body. 

He resumed his powerful thrusts, driving his massive cock deep into Dinah once more. She cried out. 


Each thrust was a reminder of just how big Aaron was, how much he dominated her body, and she loved every second of it. 

But he decided to switch up. The mating press was nice but so were other positions. He decided to draw himself back and threw her legs on his shoulder, then fuck her.

"Oh, even we haven't done that—"

A position that even her fiancé hadn't done. That was Aaron was aiming for. An unforgettable experience for a woman that deserved it. She was a hero.

"Oh~! Ngghhh~! NGGGHHH~! FUUUCCCK~!"

She deserved to be saved by a big dick. 

"Shooo goood~! SHOOO GOOODD~!" 

A big, sloppy smile appeared once more. Dinah was in love with this position. 

Her legs were hoisted high on his shoulders. Each plunge of his fourteen-inch cock drove deep into her core, splitting her open with a force that left her gasping and shuddering uncontrollably.

Dinah's hands clawed at the sheets, her nails digging into the fabric as she tried to anchor herself against the tidal wave of good dick crashing over her. Aaron's hands went from her ass to squeezing her big breasts, thumbs pinching and rolling her nipples. 

"Yessshhh~! Ngghhh~!" She couldn't stop the stream of delirious cries that poured from her lips. It was impossible, not with this sudden switch up and attention to her tits. 

"Oh god, Aaron! So deep... so big!" she whimpered, her voice breaking with every word. "Fuck me harder, please... I can't take it... I need more..."

So he did. He fucked her nice and steady. He fucked her the way any woman wanted to be fucked.

The way that Oliver, the man that failed to make orgasm, simply couldn't. He didn't have the dick or the passion or technique. He wasn't Aaron.

With Aaron, everything was perfect. 

Dinah's body thrashed beneath him, her orgasms coming in rapid succession. Each one was more intense than the last, leaving her trembling and breathless. She could feel his cock twitching inside her, pulsing with the buildup of his impending release. The thought of him cumming inside her, filling her with his thick, virile seed, sent another surge of ecstasy through her already overloaded system.

"Cumming, cumming, cuuummiiiiing!"

He reached down and pinched her nipple hard, the sharp act acting as a catalyst, pushing her over the edge once more. "Aaaarooon~! AAAAROON~!" She screamed his name, her entire body convulsing as a torrent of climax tore through her. Aaron grabbed the ankles seated on his shoulder to keep her steady.

"Gonna cum…!" 

Aaron's exclamation earned a sound from Oliver. He loved seeing his fiancée being brought to such heights of ecstasy. It was a sight he would never tire of. So when Aaron declared his balls were tightening up and ready to shoot—

"Do it!"

Oliver was happy to give permission. 

Aaron's dick was so good that the future husband was perfectly okay with him cumming inside. 

Aaron let out a triumphant grunt and began to flood her depths with his cum, Oliver's eyes widened in awe. The sheer volume and intensity of the ejaculation was staggering, and he could see the ripple of it moving through Dinah's body, her stomach swelling slightly as her womb failed to take it all in.

When Aaron finally withdrew, his enormous cock slipping free with a wet suction noise, a stream of creamy white liquid followed, oozing out of her well-used pussy and dripping onto the sheets. Oliver's jaw dropped as he realized just how much cum had been deposited inside her. The amount was astonishing.

"Jesus, man…" 

Dinah lay panting, her chest heaving as she slowly came down from her sexual high. Her legs slipped off his shoulders and fell down, automatically spread. Aaron ran a hand through his hair.

Oliver stepped onto the bed and approached Dinah from the side. He crouched down. He wanted to slap his eight inch cock on top of her face as a way to mark her, but well…

With the sheer amount of cum pouring out of her, he failed to gather the confidence to do it.

"How are you holding up, darling?" Oliver asked gently, kneeling beside the bed and brushing a strand of hair from Dinah's face.

She blinked and gasped for air, dazed but smiling. "Better than ever," she whispered, her voice hoarse from screaming. "Never felt like this before... it's incredible."

"So, uhh…" An awkward smile. "Your first orgasm, huh?"

An almost delirious smile appeared. "Yeah…" No regret. No fear. No hesitation. Oliver had genuinely never made her orgasm before.

Oliver chuckled softly, leaning down to press a tender kiss to her cheek. "I'm glad you enjoyed it. Would you like some water?"

Dinah nodded, her throat dry and parched. The deepthroating combined with the screaming was too much, even for her. "Yes, please... that would be great."

As Oliver got to his feet and headed towards the door to fetch the water, he glanced back at the bed. Aaron was wiping the knob of his dick, probably prepping for round four. "Better not get started without me," Oliver mused aloud, stepping out of the room. The mansion was huge so he jogged. 

When he returned with a couple bottles of water, he stumbled upon a harrowing scene. 

Black Canary, his fiancée, was already up and smirking. Not at him, no—god no. Oliver didn't have the dick size to earn that kind of smirk. Her ass cheeks were sandwiching Aaron's giant cock. She peered over her shoulder toward the Gotham stud. "So?"

"You want to do anal, huh?" Aaron tilted his head, thinking about it. "Are you sure?"

Dinah's high waist-hip ratio accentuated her godly, toned ass, making it the perfect cradle for his prodigious member. She knew what she had and Aaron knew what he had. A cock that no other man could possibly match up to. 

"He's going to rearrange every fucking hole, Oliver…" muttered Oliver himself.

"You big dick stud. You better fuck me."

"And Oliver?"

Dinah's gaze swept the room and landed on her fiancé. She smiled then went back to looking at Aaron. "I'm sure he'll understand."

Ultimate gut destroyer treatment.

That was what Aaron was. 

And this was the result of it. 


Oliver Queen was in the kitchen, nude and making food. Approximately an hour had passed since Aaron fucked Dinah's anus and came in it. Oliver was hungry and he was sure they would be too at some point so he started cooking.

"Bucatini pasta," Oliver told himself. "But how much sauce…?"

His attention suddenly shifted when he heard a loud moan. Following that, footsteps. Someone was coming down but who?

Squelch! Squelch! 

Who else could it be but the stumbling big titty Black Canary. She was gasping and had a hand to the wall to balance herself. Her eyes were glued down too. She looked drunk out of her damn mind. Tripping and smacking the paintings and furniture. 


That wasn't the case though. She was drunk but not by alcohol. No, she was drunk from cock addiction. All her holes were filled. Her pussy, her asshole, and her throat. All of it had been ravaged by Aaron Reigner. 

Gasping, smiling, legs trembling, Dinah walked down the stairs and to the kitchen—to her future husband. Oliver smiled and waved her over. "Dinah, you're back! 

Toned legs, long and muscular, powered her every jump and sprint. Her hips flared out smoothly from her narrow waist, leading to a firm, rounded backside, sculpted from years of work as a superhero. His legendary fiancée who many wished they could fuck in their dreams.

She was nude. She was brimmed with the cum of another man. She managed to look up and smile when she reached the kitchen and put a hand on the counter. "A-Aaron is taking a shower," she explained. "S-so I came here for a drink."

"Ha, fair enough. Want juice or something else? I always stock up everything here." Oliver went over to the fridge and opened it up. Dinah limped over, a hand remaining on the counter. When it came to part away from the counter and head toward the refrigerator—


Dinah stumbled over. She nearly went splat until her instincts kicked in and her arms kept her up. All of a sudden, she was eye level with her fiancé's cock. She blinked. Eight inches long, it might have impressed some women. "Heh." But not to a woman that had been fucked by Aaron. Rather than go wide-eyed, she giggled.

Oliver helped her up. "What, I don't measure up?"

"N-not exactly." She held back a louder giggle.

"Hey, it's not fair to compare. That dude has a pro grade cock. You're playing at an All-Star level, babe."

"I know." 

As if understanding his qualms, her hand grabbed his cock and started jerking him off. "D-Dinah…"

"You didn't think I'd leave you alone, did I?" Dinah was huffing and puffing. Sweating like crazy too. Her scent clearly belonged to another man.

Despite all that, she jerked him off. She pumped his cock with one hand. Perfect. Such expert technique and attention. It was so satisfying to watch and feel. Oliver stood there and sighed.


His cock twitched. Dinah's expression lit up. Seeing that, his cock twitched harder. His balls tightened. He wanted to cum and he wanted to cum now. He wanted to mark her again. Every man wanted to see an "oh wow" facial expression from their girlfriend; they wanted to have their dick handled by their girl, reach the brink of a climax, and enjoy seeing their girl's reaction to their cumshots.

It was primal. It was what made men like Oliver playboys.

Except in this case…

"God~! Dinah moaned, eyes rolled back. Oliver's eyes lit up, still thinking he was causing her pleasure—until she added, "There's just sooo much cum inside me. God, it's so good. My legs are shaking. I feel like I'm going to cum again."


Schalp, schlap, schlap! 

Somehow, this was still hot. Maybe not as hot but still fucking hot. 

Dinah sighed. "God, Oliver…" 

"Was it that good?"

"So good~" 

"I loved that moan you made when you first took his dick. Big dick gets to hear all the best noises." Oliver then joked, "Is it possible to steal another man's cock?"

"Definitely not." Dinah closed her eyes. "But I definitely wish." 

'Even above average, I'm sitting here feeling inadequate in comparison. Girls can't even help it at that point.'

It was such a nice handjob she was giving him. Perfect rhythm. Oliver's cock was big and nice and when it came, what a great cumshot. Dinah could feel that cock twitch and the cumshots fight against her cum. She didn't want it touching her thighs or her pussy. She didn't want a mess right now.

"Haah…hahh…" Oliver came and came, stumbling back, his hands gripping the edge of the counter. "Fuck, Dinah…you're so amazing…I think you emptied the tank well and truly."

A giggle left her lips. Dinah truly appreciated her man. 

"Ah, dinner. Nice."

But every time she heard Aaron Reigner, she had to look. She had to see. 

Aaron was leaning on the wall, his huge fourteen inch monster pipe awaiting. White and impossible to dismiss as ordinary. The engaged couple glanced down to his dick. Good god, it never went down and it never looked ugly. It was always this perfectly sculpted monster cock.

Dinah swallowed and met Oliver's gaze. "I…"

That was the fear, panic, shame that many women had. They felt intimidated knowing that certain men had bigger cocks than their husbands, that they would not be able to enjoy their husbands ever again and so preferred to stay with the small equipment. They preferred to live in hypocrisy, lust, deception and not recognize that there were no limits with sex.

"Don't be ashamed," Oliver said. He grabbed both her ass cheeks and squeezed them. Dinah inhaled and laced her arms around him. "We agreed to this, didn't we?"

"But…" She bit her bottom lip.

Oliver decided to kiss her on the lips. Once parted, he released her ass and gave the most encouraging smile he could. "Dinah, go get 'em."

His finance nodded and reeled back. Turning, her ass to him and swaying, Oliver found himself throbbing. He nearly nutted again when she reached Aaron and dropped to her knees. With one hand, Aaron grabbed and slapped his juicy cock on her face.

Light slaps that meant nothing but authority.

A cock that shadowed half of her face and could not be ignored. A sloppy, juicy, mess of cum and saliva. A mushroom beige member of godly proportions.

Smacks that Dinah already knew to stick her tongue out for.

Oliver had cock smacked Dinah a few times but never like this. Never eclipsing her head and making her look so slutty. Aaron slapped his beefy cock onto her face until a sliver of pre-cum leaked. Dinah lapped it up and, as though they had rehearsed, got up and slipped into his embrace.

Aaron gave the Green Arrow an appreciative nod as he put an arm around her waist.

"I'll be back with her when the pasta is ready."

Oliver nodded back. Aaron's hand went lower and grabbed Dinah's ass. He guided her to the living room.

Left alone, all Oliver could say was, "I swear I'm not a cuck."


Pasta was eaten. Everyone's thirst was quenched. What next?


Getting fucked on the kitchen table, that was what.

"Unh~! Ngggh~! Gsshkkk~!" 

Head on the table, breasts flat, and arms stretched forward and gripping the end of the table. Aaron Reigner pounded into the Black Canary from behind. His massive cock filled her completely, each thrust sending waves of pleasure radiating through her body. She could feel every ridge and vein of his fourteen-inch erection as it pressed deep into her womb, stretching her to her limits. Her breaths came in short, ragged gasps, her chest heaving with the effort to keep up.

Aaron was a machine. A god. He just…he just couldn't be human! 

"Aaron... oh god, Aaron!" Dinah cried out, her voice breaking with each orgasm that ripped through her. Everything about him drove her to the brink of madness. She had never felt anything like this before, never experienced such raw, unadulterated ecstasy. Aaron was a shotgun that repeatedly fucked her guts.

Oliver was a finger or something lesser.

Dinah's hands gripped the edge of the table tighter, her fingers white-knuckled as she tried to steady herself. Aaron's hands clamped down on her hips, holding her in place as he plowed that ass.

Jiggle, jiggle, jiggle.

Pale white round ass cheeks. Delightful.

Each stroke lifted her off the floor slightly. Each stroke practically led to an orgasm—and if not, the retreat stroke would. The sound of their flesh slapping together filled the room, accompanied by Dinah's moans and cries of pleasure.

"Yes, yes, yesssh~! God~! Goddd~! It's the biggest, oh god, it feels so good! Ngghhh~!" 

On the other side of the table, jerking off, was Oliver Queen. He was mesmerized by his fiancée. He could see the strain on Dinah's face, the way her eyes rolled back in her head. She was lost in the pleasure, consumed by it, and Oliver couldn't help but masturbate. Cock red and pointed to her face. Cock schlicking up and down, up and down, mirroring Aaron's thrusts. 

His cock ached, demanding release, and finally, Oliver couldn't take it anymore. "So, uh, can I fuck you afterward?"

For two hours, it had been Aaron and Aaron alone. He accepted that. Hell, he loved it. But come on, give a guy a chance here…

Dinah's eyes fluttered open, focusing on Oliver for a brief moment. "Oh, Ollie," she gasped and trembled and orgasmed. "I... I can't... not now... I'll take care of you in a minute, I promise..."

But even as she spoke, Aaron's thrusts grew even more ferocious, sending her spiraling back into oblivion. "O-Ollie! Ollieeeee~! I—jsshhhttt~! Gsssskkk~!" Her words trailed off into incoherent moans, and Oliver knew she wouldn't be able to follow through. Not while Aaron was fucking her like this.

He sucked in a breath. Guess he was going to be here for a while. He went faster and faster as the sight of Dinah being ravaged by Aaron's massive cock drove him wild. His gaze flicked between her face, Aaron's hands gripping her hips, and the jiggle of her ass.

Dinah's moans grew louder, more desperate. Her figure trembled violently, her orgasms coming one after another without respite. She could feel the pressure building in Aaron's cock, signaling his impending climax. It sent a thrill through her, knowing she was about to be filled to the brim with his seed.


And in front of Oliver.


"Here it comes, Dinah," Aaron said, smacking her ass. "Get ready to take it all."

Dinah could only nod, her vision blurring as another orgasm tore through her. She felt Aaron's cock swell inside her, the pulsing heat of his impending release making her insides quiver. And then, with one final, earth-shattering thrust, he came. He poured his seed deep inside her. Dinah could feel the hot spurt after spurt filling her womb.

At the same time, Oliver reached his peak. He jerked off furiously, his hand moving in time with Aaron's thrusts. His balls tightened as he felt the familiar rush of his orgasm approaching, and with a groan, he came. His cum shot out in thick streams, splattering across Dinah's face and hair.

Dinah hardly noticed. She was too lost in the euphoria of Aaron's climax, her mind blank except for the overwhelming pleasure. Her pussy pulsed around his cock, sucking every last drop of his cum into her depths. She could feel it leaking out around his shaft, dripping down her thighs, but she didn't care. All she cared about was the blissful oblivion he had plunged her into.

Aaron pulled out, leaving her empty and quivering.

The sight of Dinah, now a creampied and facially coated mess, was enough to make both men smile. She lay there, panting and spent, her body still twitching from the lingering effects of their combined efforts. Oliver couldn't help but feel a sense of pride, knowing that despite everything, he was still the one who got to call her his.

Although the distinction was a bit awkward to make given that he was totally, utterly empty. His cock went limp while Aaron was hard as steel. Fourteen inches long and proud. It seemed that whatever amplifiers Cupid injected in Oliver, it was not enough to match Aaron Reigner.

The future husband was soft and empty.

The stranger was hard and ready. 

Aaron jerked his cock off a couple times. "Hey, do you mind if I borrow her for tonight?"


"Yeah, I think she can go ten more rounds." Aaron smacked her ass and a loud moan came out of her. "See? She should be fine."

Fine? This was fine?

In his head, Oliver thought, 'This dude is impossible.'

In the real world, he laughed and put a hand on his hip. "Go ahead, man. Fuck her senseless."

Aaron smiled and proceeded to wrap an arm around her stomach, then throw her over his shoulder. It was so casual that Oliver almost forgot about his giant dick.


Aaron nodded and turned, his massive member turning with him and a naked Dinah over his shoulder.

His footsteps echoed until he went up the stairs and closed the door. Oliver blinked and stood like a statue. Then he looked down at his small, flaccid cock. 

"Welp. Guess I'm sleeping on the couch." Green Arrow patted his quivering balls. "At least our job is cut for us and she's happy."


So much fucking. So much plowing. 

But what about love-making? Men did not only love Black Canary for her body. Oh, sure, her tits were glorious and her personality was hot. What about her though? What about the woman herself? Beyond being Oliver's lover, she was Dinah Drake. She was Black Canary. She wanted to be satisfied. She wanted to cum. 

She wanted to be happy.

And with Aaron, she attained that complete happiness. The type that very few felt. 

No regrets.

No sadness.

Just happiness and anticipation for the future.

Dinah's chest heaved with each breath, her large breasts pressed tightly against Aaron's muscular torso.

'Her boobs are so soft and amazing...I used to see them all the time on TV and now...'

Now, those huge mounds were pressed to his chest. As though he were her husband and not Oliver. Frankly, after how much he ravaged her hole, to not be called her husband was a travesty. Alas, romantic love and sexual love were different. Dinah loved Oliver equally as much as she loved Aaron's cock.

Heavy breathing. Soft, rhythmic claps of their bodies moving in unison, each slow thrust of Aaron's fourteen-inch cock eliciting a gasp or a moan from Dinah.

Aaron's hands rested gently on Dinah's waist, feeling the slight tremors that ran through her body with each deliberate push of his hips. "You okay?" he whispered, his voice low and tender.

Dinah nodded, her eyes fluttering closed as another wave of pleasure washed over her. "Yes," she breathed, barely above a whisper. "Just... a little tired."

Aaron chuckled softly, slowing his movements even further. "We can take it slow, just like you need." He leaned in closer, his lips grazing her ear. "Can I kiss you?"

Dinah's heart skipped a beat at the question, her lips parting in anticipation. "Yes," she murmured, her eyes opening to meet his gaze. "Please."

Aaron's grey eyes softened as he closed the distance between them, his lips meeting hers in a gentle, exploratory kiss. Dinah moaned into his mouth, her hands coming up to rest on his shoulders, fingers digging in as the kiss deepened. The world around them seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them lost in the moment.

"Where have you been all my life?" Dinah asked suddenly, pulling back slightly to look into his eyes. "You're... incredible."

Aaron smiled, his thumb brushing across her cheek. "I'm here now," he replied simply. 

Dinah sighed, a contented smile spreading across her face. "You're the greatest hall pass I could ever ask for," she said, her voice tinged with amusement.

Aaron laughed. He didn't laugh often so Dinah was surprised and smiling. "I'll take that as a compliment." He shifted his weight slightly, adjusting his position so that his cock slid deeper inside her with a slow, steady motion. Dinah's breath hitched, her nails digging into his shoulders as she felt another orgasm building within her.

Aaron's hands moved to cup Dinah's ass, lifting her slightly as he began to thrust harder, though still keeping the pace slow and controlled. "Cum for me again," he whispered. "Let me feel you cum around my cock."

Dinah's head fell back, her body arching and her pussy wrapped around his monster schlong. She needed it. She wanted it. But could she take it? "Aaron!"

Convulsing and shaking from her climax. Shrieking and calling out for him. She wanted his seed. So many creampies, so much cum stuffed inside her, yet she wanted more. 

Aaron's balls sensed it. A sort-of primal feeling between a man and a woman. Knowing when to mate. Knowing when one was at their limits and wanting to get bred. Aaron's own climax was rapidly approaching, and he knew he wouldn't be able to hold back much longer. "Dinah," he groaned, his thrusts becoming increasingly erratic. "I'm gonna cum."

Dinah's eyes flew open, her breath coming in short, gasping bursts. "Yes," she panted. "Inside me. Please."

Aaron's restraint shattered, and he buried his cock deep inside her as he came, his seed filling her womb with hot spurts of cum. Dinah felt the warmth spreading within her, a sense of completion washing over her. One hand went down to grab his balls, wanting to feel that ache. Ache, ache, ache. Cum, cum, cum. Throb, throb, throb. His cock and his balls did everything they could to paint her walls white.

Black Canary arched her back. She whimpered. She stayed. 

She received.

This was how she ought to be. Not a wife, not a superhero, but fulfilled.

They sat there, the room silent except for their ragged breathing. Dinah's smile remained, her womb filled with Aaron's seed, and his cock still buried deep inside her.

Dinah's eyes closed. 

Aaron remained joined to her for the night. 

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