Dark Magus Returns

Chapter 987: Red's Struggle

In particular, Lince was worried that after running away from the giant white-furred monkey, he might run into an even more dangerous beast. Instead, he had come across a man with dark red hair.

While travelling through the jungle, in order not to gain the attention of others that might be here including other beasts, Lince was using his light footwork technique. It would be next to impossible for someone to detect him or his Qi, even if they were a highly skilled middle-stage warrior.

Yet as soon as he had entered the strange desert sand-looking area among the ruins, the red-haired man had stared directly his way, and had an unsettling smile on his face.

"What did you say?" Lince asked, raising an eyebrow. "Did you say you wanted to kill me? And people say we from the Demonic Faction are unhinged."

Right after finishing his sentence, the red-haired man had disappeared from his sight, who had been at least thirty meters away.

The red-haired man then swung his arm trying to catch Lince, but had hit nothing but air. The man seemed confused as he looked at his hand and nothing was in it.

"My, you are a fast one. I was quite shocked there that I had to move on instinct," Lince commented, who was now standing on the edge of one of the ruins, out from the sand. "I didn't know there was someone in the Light Faction as fast as you. That is where you're from, right?"

Immediately, Red smiled, and then quickly moved from his position again. The leftover ruins were crushed and ripped through, broken down, and the man was startled as he looked around for the mysterious person.

"Such bloodlust, this doesn't feel like someone from the Light Faction, more like someone from the Demonic Faction," Lince said.

This time, Red moved again, but Lince was unable to get away, and both of their faces were staring right at each other.

"You're right, I'm nothing like them!" Red bashed his head trying to headbutt Lince, but he had already disappeared and was behind Red. Now Lince struck with his dagger from behind, but Red quickly stopped the hit.

Lince pulled away, and the two were in a situation where they were constantly moving to each other's strikes, trying to take the other one down. In the end, Lince then unraveled one of the bandages on his arms and used it to swirl in the sand, creating a dust tornado.

He was hoping it would block the sight of this stranger from him, but once again, it seemed to not affect the man as he charged right through and headed toward the ruins where Lince was hiding.

Lince continued to jump back and eventually stayed on top of one of the ruins that were at the highest point.

"Wait, think about this, do the two of us really have to fight?" Lince asked.

Immediately, Red had stopped the chase and looked up at Lince. Although he hadn't managed to catch him yet, he could tell that he was getting close. It felt like he was getting closer each time.

The fact that they had that little scuffle and exchange was proof of that as well. Red had figured the person in front of him was someone who was skilled in foot techniques, which was why he was betting once the two of them fought head to head, that it would be a battle he could easily win.

"If you are not from the Light Faction, and some sort of inhabitant of this island, then I will leave you be," Lince said.

"I'm not an inhabitant, and I'm not with the Light Faction," Red answered.

"Then who are you?" Lince asked.

Red straightened himself.

"I'm a man from the Red Fortis army, and my name is Red, so that might give you a clue as to who I am."

"Right, right, so if you're not with the Light Faction, there's no reason for us to fight. I will be on my way."

"No," Red said. "I know who you are. No one from Pagna is allowed to get their hands on the item, and all of those that are here for the item must be eliminated—that is my job as a Deleter!"

Lince was hoping it wouldn't come to this. He was confident in his strength; he was, after all, the head of a clan, and not just any clan but one of the three major clans in the Demonic Faction.

The Faction was known for having far fewer people and caring about power above all. To reach his position, there was no one that could call him weak, but there was one trait everyone knew about Lince.

Seeing the situation, he let out a big sigh.

'I really can't be bothered with this one!' Lince thought as he gathered his Qi into his dagger. He saw Red charge right at him, moving at his fast speed again. Then Lince hurled his dagger right at Red.

Like a bullet, it had knocked him out of the air, and his body was skidding across the sand. Two large waves of sand were created due to the large force of Qi that was used.

As for what Lince was known as to those in the Demonic Faction, he was known for being incredibly lazy, wishing to take the simplest route in things, and in this situation, he thought the simplest thing to do was to finish this battle in one go.

'Red Fortis army, I can't say I've ever heard of them, and judging by his name being Red, was he the leader or something?' Lince wondered.

When the sand settled through, he saw Red hunched forward, the cloth he had on his body had disappeared, and now his black tight skin suit could be seen with red energy pulsating through his entire body.

As for the dagger, it had pierced through his suit, hitting the top of his shoulder. Blood was drawn but it hadn't sunk in too deep. Red pulled it out with a big smile on his face.

"You might be the first person I'll have to go all out on," Red said as he lifted his hand in the air. "I'll show you why I was considered the strongest in the Red Fortis army!"

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