Dark Magus Returns
Chapter 1159: Kill The Deleter (Part 2)
It wasn't the first time that Alba had considered using her special weapon's power. The great power that would double her overall strength if used. She had thought about it when meeting the Deleter with the iron helmet.
The truth was though, she had hesitated to use it, and she knew the reason why. She was scared, scared of what the effect of the Curse would entail to her. The effects, the unknown, and not having it be a consistent thing.
It deeply frightened her, and more so than she thought. Every time when she thought about using it, she could feel all the cells in her body shaking, fighting, and pleading her to not use the effect of the weapon.
So this time, when she charged forward with the plan to use the effect of the sword again, she needed to think what was different. Her body was still trembling, her mind, her heart, every ounce of her didn't want to go through what she was about to do.
But it made her wonder, is this how everyone else had felt the first time they had used their weapons? Did they think about how the effect of the curse would affect their life? If she was Tilion with the shield, would she never use the shield again?
Would she have been able to block any attack or would the fear of the shield breaking from such an attack and her losing her life stop her? How brave was Tilion to use it every time.
For Reno, each time he created poisons, the added power of his mortar would increase. Eventually, that had to have been far too large an amount even for him. How could he be confident that the effects of the mortar wouldn't overwhelm him completely to the point where his life would perish?
Then there was Forma, who she wouldn't blame if she never shot an arrow again. Yet every single one of these members still used the items of the DM. They were selfless for the group.
Thinking of all these things, Alba couldn't help but laugh at herself as she thought.
'I'm pathetic. I'm the leader of all of these, I should be setting an example, but here I am scared of using my weapon. If I can't do this, then I don't deserve to be leading them, all of them are so brave.'
She saw it, the moment the Deleter's staff was about to hit the floor, and then she gripped the handle, and the energy swirled out from the bottom. It encased her entire body, swirling around her in a light dark color, almost a grey.
"I'll reach him!" She kicked off with her feet, and the staff touched the ground. She had instantly made progress, leaping across at a fast speed and charged ahead.
Meanwhile, the rest of the Crimson Crane, just like before, had been pushed back. They were moving further and further away and could see that somehow, Alba hadn't been caught up.
'His power is strong, and he has great control, so he must have timed to move the area that we were all in rather than the entire area. So a burst of speed at just the right time, too fast for him to calculate, I'm out of his range and can close the distance!'
There was another thought in her mind as she had done this though. What had she lost? After activating the power, it was instant, it wasn't after the effects wore off. So in some ways, using the power could also make it worse. If she was to go blind, or something else in the middle of the battle.
Yet she had to dig deep, and ignore all of those thoughts.
"What, how has she gotten so fast!" Kush then started to move himself back, pushing the land, and in the middle of him moving back he was ready to hit the staff again. "You will not get close to me!"
Kush lifted the spear, and was about to slam it on the floor.
There was still some distance between the two, but Alba didn't expect that Kush could move back and push her away. She had underestimated him, but there was still one more thing she could do. Still one more option.
She twisted the bottom of her other sword, and dark almost yellow energy swirled around her arm, and started to mix in with the grey energy. It was intertwining around her entire body. She then kicked off the floor once again.
And charged forward. The effect of both swords were being used at once, meaning her strength hadn't just doubled, but it had doubled on top of that, in total quadrupling her power. Just with the simple kick of her foot, almost an entire hill of dirt had kicked up behind her and created a mound.
She charged, and her two swords were in front of her like tusks, and had pierced right through her target. She stayed there still holding them out in front of her. She breathed slowly, as she looked on the ground, she could see red blood finally drip on the floor.
Lifting her head up, she looked at the Deleter's face, blood was falling from his mouth, and he didn't exactly have a smile on his face as he looked at her.
"I…I.." Blood dribbled out of his mouth more as he tried to speak. "I hate you damned warriors…it's a good thing….that all of you, will be taken care of…it's just a shame…..a shame….a shame, I won't be there to see it."
Alba pulled out both of the swords, and immediately Kush's body fell to the ground. His life had instantly ended, both of the swords had directly impaled his heart filled with Qi. She had managed to close the distance.
The second Deleter that had arrived at the Demonic Faction Neverfall Clan's funeral had perished, but as she looked at the dead body on the ground, she started to think, just what had it cost her.
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