Dark Crow Rising

V2 Incline 4: Vapooliar

This is it, the horns have been sounded. The orbit I finally repay my debt to Nin is here. Though, it has already been far too long since it welcomed my sleepless mind with open arms. Thankfully for my impatience, I just need to get ready.

Moving my fingers about my arms and legs, I secure the straps and hooks as tightly as needed. I am not used to wearing silky dresses with armour, let alone dresses at all and I am very fiddly over it. Flexing the fingers of my right hand, I try to get used to the long, arm-length, white silk glove. I feel strange wearing so much soft, flexible material on its own.

I've worn rather fanciful gambesons before, but, that's still armour, no matter how soft.

It's a shame the aelenvari are the way they are, really. Everything is lacking in the ways I want it to be, and what suits me better is arcanely worse due to its 'stem' intendence. However, it feels lovely to wear this, even if I cannot stop worrying about it. But, there is one issue sticking with me...

My now pointless matrimonial scar is far more exposed than I am used to it being. The v-section of the dress is exposing my chest and an unfamiliar draft is blowing down past it. The scar seems to react differently to it as well. It's far more sensitive and there is this feeling, like the wind is tracing a breezing finger across it.

I can't even try to cover up my chest by adjusting the dress, it's not designed to move how I want it to. The Ivy-Mother as well, for all her hospitality towards me, she's refusing to help me cover myself up anymore. These rose-coloured medallions and their little, white leather straps are sort of her promise to that. She even had the back of the dress cut open at some point...

In a strange turn of events for someone like me, I find myself glad I am wearing modest underwear.

I look towards the mirror they had been kind enough to lend to me and I try to keep the dress still. But, the reach of the wind's fingers are greater and I can't stop my legs from being exposed. I tried my best to save what armour I could, but, so much of it was in urgent need of repair. Circumstances forced me to take up the talents of the aelenvari's metalworkers.

Their so-called 'Iron-Gardeners' as they like to call them.

Though, as I put a hand near my short, brown hair, I think of my superior, the Zaphadren-Valkinvar. It's nowhere near the same as hers, but with these metal heels and these new decorative plates, I feel like her. I feel like I am able to emulate some of that gracious beauty she carried herself around with when I met her. Then, my mind wanders away from her as I move my body about in the polished glass.

"I wonder if Nin will like it..." I quietly say as the Ivy-Mother's and Vadei's words come to mind. They like the dress, but, I cannot say I am too fond of its loose nature. The Ordoar Staguiffmani might dress their members somewhat like this, but I was of the Ordoar Imdvarce. The type of combat I am trained in, the kind of battles I fought in, such loose attire is anathematic.

Running a finger along the now-altered end of my old thigh armour, I touch my mostly bare skin. A finger from the other hand touches my dress. Getting over it, I shake my head and step out into the light of the Orbital-Halo, leaving the tent behind. My right arm reaches outwards with an open palm-

But, I retract it as I remember how my sword is absent.

I frown as I try to recall where I put it, yet, I shake my head. With this much help coming for Nin, I think I can justify a lower-quality weapon. Besides, it's a good excuse to try something the aelenvari have made, I'm sure they won't mind me looking. So, walking through the caravan's noble district, I wander towards the nearest militarised area.

The thorns to the rose might be an apt comparison given their Ivy-Mother's birth flower.

Though, with all these holes in the ground because of the aelenvari's needle-shaped legs, I struggle slightly. I'm already not used to heels and now I am taking them through a well-treaded path covered in perfect slots to slip them into. My focus is mostly on walking, but I also make a point of trying to return some acknowledgement to all the compliments I am getting. The aelenvari certainly admire me quite easily...

"No, I should make a point of at least asking for one." I suddenly say as I adjust my course back to the noble's district. Spotting the Ivy-Mother's rose-red tent, I walk up to it. Moving one of the flaps out of the way, I step into it just as she slips on some... Light clothing.

I turn away in an act of modesty, but she giggles at my actions.

"Ah, Valkinvar, you look beautiful as usual." she compliments me with as she secures the last of her clothing to her body. A slight heat hits my cheeks but I focus on her now, mostly covered body. She insisted to me not that long ago that this is serious, combat-intended attire when I asked about it. But, I am struggling to agree...

Reinforced bedwear, that is all I can really say. She gestures for me to pass over her tubes and I do so. Briefly looking them over, they enter her hands shortly after. She hooks them onto a garter belt of some description and finishes fitting into them.

I glance at her clothing once again and focus on how much, thin, see-through fabric there is. So much of her soft, dry earth-coloured skin is showing outright and the real intent of the so-called armour is all the clearer for it. I turn my eyes away to her badge of office and look the almost willowy staff over. It reminds me of home, of that lone willow tree inside the Great Temple.

A gentle tune blows through its dangling decorations and small wisps of bright wind-magic float about the tent.

"You are trained in combat?" I ask as the moments of silence drag on. She turns to me and it is as if she is prepared to laugh at my words.

"By the gods and goddesses, no! I am more or less coming along for medical purposes... Should my Gilded-Bark find what he is personally looking for. Or I..." she explains, though, her tone seems to change quite a bit. Very slight changes, but I can't help but sense resentment.

I do not have an interest in being involved with aelenvari problems, though, "Is there no one else qualified enough for the task? Pardon the intrusion, Ivy-Mother, but you do not strike me as the kind who wants to be out of the comfort of their home."

"You would be right in that regard, Valkinvar. But, the Gilded-Bark requested me personally and I choose not to disappoint him." she answers as she steps to take up her staff. The decorations on it seemingly come to life and they stiffen. Stubbornly following the manipulation she inflicts upon them with her magic. I keenly eye the process and smile slightly.

"That is some fine control." I compliment as I start to think of my own magic in comparison. We both use the dominant magic element of our home continent. But, mine is always pinpoint-focused on destruction. When we save Nin, it might be ideal to have him speak to the Ivy-Mother.

She can probably teach him about magic far better than I ever could...

"You praise me far too much, Valkinvar. It is only a small effort compared to that of our thorns and your own power." she dismisses, playing down the amount of skill needed to constantly maintain a bond through a conduit. I suppose, what might be hard for me isn't the same for her. So, I nod and leave it at that.

"So, I assume the tales of your warriors using magic-laced chains are true?" I ask as my mind somewhat returns to my original intent. Though, I do want to genuinely know this. I rarely looked into other cultures back home, even during my solitude at Giant's Victory.

"Yes, that is correct. They train with the wind-magic we first learned from those of the great Emerald-Peak. Forgive me for keeping its name short due to our rushed circumstances." she answers as a hand brushes some of her petal-like, rose-red hair away from her eyes. Her bulbs flicker between various shades of brightness but I hear nothing. She must be yawning or something similar.

"I see. Though, on the topic of weapons. Will it be alright if I loaned one from the armoury of your caravan?" I ask and her mouth opens as her eyes widen.

"Sure, sure... I'm just not sure you'll find one suited to your talents. We keep few swords in our armouries." she explains rather nervously as if I am going to be offended by what her people can offer. I try to ease her with a gentle smile as I want to use something else, anyway.

"It's alright, Ivy-Mother, I am trained in more than just swords." I explain to her as some otherwise forgotten memories come to mind. I've spent so long using my sword that I could almost forget I ever trained with anything but it.

"I... I thought the Valkinvar-Imdvarce uses swords exclusively?" she questions as she irons out the kinks in her posture.

"We do, specifically a smaller, pointer kind than what the wide-sweeping Ordoar Wiswipide use. But, when it comes to training, we use a variety of weapons. Our muscle memory is far more suited to battle, then, should we lose our weapon. In particular, polearms are something all Valkinvar train in heavily due to the preferred weapons of our fellow soldiers, the Ironcoats." I clarify for her as I decide on what I might want to choose. A polearm is what I have the cravings for this moment, for lack of a better saying.

She nods quietly and she gestures for me to follow and we leave the tent behind. Walking beside her to an armoury or what might be more of a personal weapon storage. However, the Ivy-Mother makes a point of keeping me away from the tent with the strongest weapons. I can only assume that they are the weapons of the Gilded-Bark.

We arrive at a structure more akin to a metallic shell and the Ivy-Mother shines her bulbs at the guards. Telling them to open it, they undo all the locks and then step aside. I follow the intrinsic mechanisms as they carry on the process until a loud thud signals their completed task. She then gestures for me to enter and I do so.

Turning around, I notice that she has something to say, "Find something to your liking then meet up with the Gilded-Bark at the far end of the valley. Where you told us to assemble. Do not look for me, I will be heading on ahead with our wild-seers for the time being."

I nod as she turns around with a determined swagger in her steps. Focusing on the weapons, my gloved hand moves to the gap where my ribcage comes together and I drum it. I go through the selection, deadset on finding a polearm. But, I mostly find rack upon rack of coiled-up, razor-bladed chains.

They're well-made, no doubt about that, but even with my curiosity about them, I don't touch them. Though, I make a note to maybe ask for one later at some point whilst Nin recovers here. It will occupy my mind and time well, trying to learn a weapon like this. However, continuing to move past them, I find some aelenvari leg tubes made explicitly for combat with sharper tips and jagged sides.

Beyond them, a pole with a darkly-coloured wooden shaft rests in the corner. I reach for it and tentatively run an armoured finger along the silver-ish metal that studs it. My mind goes to how there once again seems to be a lack of what I want, but the metal shifts. Like liquid, it reforms into a triple-headed weapon.

"A halberd? Interesting..." I comment as I rub the edge of the crescent axe blade against my armoured backhand. Then, firmly knocking the tips of the top and back spike, I nod at their rigidity. I let the blade head fall and swerve it back into the air, only to 'o' my mouth when I hear the scrape. I use my foot to move something over the fine carving I just made into the marble floor.

I hold the blade steady above my shoulder and quickly move to leave, briefly, in the manner of an Ironcoat. I stop the reenactment as I leave the tent and then depart the two aelenvari so they can lock the armoury again. Heading in the direction of the middle district, I fiddle with the weapon. Grasping its link to my thoughts, I revert it back to being just a pole.

Spotting Vadei, I then frown as the guards she is near hold themselves back from striking her!

I quickly step towards them to de-escalate the situation.

"Seriously! Let me pass you incapable stick-leg! I just want to talk to Vapooliar!" Vadei snaps at one of them. The three of them seemingly baiting each other with their aggressive tail swings. I don't speak 'tail,' but I seem to be a fast learner.

"You will refer to the Valkinvar respectfully, Oxfuine, or we will drag you to the dwelling of the roots and let you bark there!" one of the aelenvari threatens as the other slowly unties their weapon from their hip.

"That's enough! It's fine." I tell them as I interrupt the one reaching for her weapon. The guards nod at me, sneer at Vadei and leave. I look at my travelling companion as she bares her teeth at them before she looks at me. Lowering her tail and ears in the process.

"About time you got here..." she snorts as she turns her head away from me.

"I wasn't aware that you wanted to speak to me. I am sorry." I answer as I move to her side so she can follow me as I head out. I hope she understands that I am being sincere and honest, I really did not know! But, she scowls at me all the same...

My lips move as I prepare to ask why she wanted to speak to me, but she 'tsks.'

"Why is it they treat you with all this luxury... But I just get treated as badly as their worst off!? I can't do anything safely around here without you near me!" she seethes as she tries to mess with the dress out of spite. I stop her and frown back at her.

"I can speak to the-"

"Oh, of course, I need you to do something, don't I!? The three soldiers do nothing but they are still at least looked at with respect. Even Sootface who still somehow reeks of bitter smoke! He even tries to put on this whole 'Oh, I'm so humble, not a very good fighter at all' act!"

I sigh and think about Vadei's rant and the truth behind it. Unfortunately, by coming here, we made her draw the short stick. Without a years-long process of strengthening her own personal magic, we cannot solve this issue. Maybe I can just ask her to be patient?

"Vadei, I know being here isn't necessarily the best for you. So, how about, when I save Nin with the help of the aelenvari... We just leave, head for the closest ravineer town or a mountain-state?" I suggest and she just scoffs at it.

"Oh, just grab the Ho and leave? Please! We both know we'll be here for days on end just waiting for him to recover from his pathetic capture!" she hisses and I keep silent about her remark about what happened. Though, I think a lot about what she said in regard to him being here. I am lying by saying we can just up and go right after finding him...

He'll need time to rest, to heal. As will I now that my mind can be at rest.

"I understand it is hard for you, Vadei. Try not to worry, it will all be over soon. Just stay near me or him when we get back, we will look after you."

"Of course... The little slave needs protecting..." Vadei spits out as she moves to cover her eyes. She suddenly breaks off into a sprint and vanishes into what I hope is our shared tent. I sigh at her misfortunes but otherwise stop thinking about it. For now, I need to focus. Maybe I can try to speak to someone when me and the aelenvari return with Nin, but...

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