Danmachi: Strongest Familia

Chapter 169: Chapter 168: Miach’s Sense of Unease

Singed would go to any length for his research—even use himself as a test subject if it proved beneficial. The mere development of medicines wasn't enough to satisfy his ambitions.

Years of human experimentation flickered through his mind. For the first time, he mentioned it to Renata, expecting the Alchemy Baron to support him. But to his surprise, she rejected the idea immediately and reflexively.

Singed realized that Renata was uninterested in his proposal. To her, the title of Alchemy Baron seemed little more than a guise, a stepping stone for her real objective: financial gain. In her eyes, he saw not the fervor of an alchemist, but the cold, calculating focus of a profit-driven capitalist.

"Only through live experiments can one truly observe the effects of a potion. Plus, it makes updates much easier," Singed insisted, justifying his stance. And it wasn't entirely dishonest—human test subjects would indeed allow him to see immediate results. But Janna, Renata's God, would never approve, and Renata herself didn't see the need to inform her.

Although Janna tended not to interfere, she wouldn't turn a blind eye to her familia's ventures down darker paths, especially with so many vulnerable souls now under her care. Renata, for her part, had no desire to incur Janna's disapproval.

"Here's what we'll do," Renata finally decided. "Soon, I'll arrange for some live monsters from the dungeon. Use them to run your tests if you must."

After some hesitation, Renata found a compromise that would appease Singed. Human experimentation was out of the question, but experimenting on monsters was a less restricted alternative. With the dungeon's endless supply of monsters, he'd have ample resources for his work. If that didn't suffice, he could even set up shop in the dungeon itself.

"Fine, but don't keep me waiting too long," Singed agreed, recognizing that this was Renata's final offer. It was better than having no materials to work with.

Singed had grown weary of using Mundo as his sole test subject. That brute hardly reacted to the potions, showing neither pain nor any change in expression. Teaching Mundo to communicate the potions' effects was nearly impossible—it'd be easier to teach Gnar how to speak.

("Gnar: You've got some nerve!")

Just then, Janna entered, her presence gentle but unwavering. "Renata, the medicinal herbs from the Demeter family have arrived," she announced, revealing that she'd been waiting outside for some time.

Since their familia lacked management, Janna had taken on additional responsibilities herself.

"I understand, and I've already made arrangements with the Miach familia to counter the Dian Cecht family," Renata replied, explaining the progress to Janna. Now, with the Demeter family's herbs, their plans could officially take off.

Janna listened patiently as Renata shared details of her negotiation with Naaza. Though she hesitated, Janna gently reminded her, "No matter what you're planning, I'll support you. But please, tread carefully."

Renata acknowledged her goddess's advice with a nod. She knew Janna had a kind, gentle nature and would naturally be cautious about these schemes. Yet, compared to other deities, Janna rarely interfered; she simply trusted Renata to know her own limits. And that was more than enough for Renata.


With the rising popularity of health and magic potions, Renata seized the opportunity to introduce a new potion to the market. Singed, now fully stocked with Demeter's herbs and backed by the Miach family's prescriptions, could conduct his research without limitations.

Within a week, Singed had already refined multiple potions, though some had limited effects. Faced with constraints on manpower, Renata chose to discontinue the production of lower-return potions to focus on the more profitable ones. She knew they could expand into other markets once they had the resources to do so.

"How's the recruitment of pharmacists going?" Renata asked, rubbing her temples with a sigh.

"The current recruits can only handle basic synthesis tasks," Janna replied apologetically. "We need more qualified pharmacists."

"Any luck finding skilled ones?"

"Not yet," Janna admitted. "Top pharmacists are highly valued by all familias. Recruiting them is a challenge."

Since opening the pharmacy, Renata had been actively searching for experienced pharmacists in Orario. However, their familia's reputation was still too low to attract top talent.

"Then we'll raise the pay. We're not exactly hurting for funds," Renata decided, taking the direct approach.

At present, wealth was one thing they didn't lack. If money could solve this problem, she was more than willing to spend it.

"You could also consider working with the Miach familia's pharmacist," Janna suggested, "if you're not worried about formula leaks."

"That's an idea. I'll keep it in mind." Renata welcomed Janna's advice, finding it practical. Naaza, though the sole remaining member of the Miach familia, was an excellent pharmacist, capable enough to keep her familia afloat. In fact, all Miach potions were crafted by Naaza herself, with her deity assisting only marginally.

"I'll look for more helpers. Our production can't afford to slow down," Renata reminded everyone as she left, exuding the familiar energy of a shrewd capitalist.

Thanks to their earlier conversation, Renata had managed to cultivate a cordial relationship with Naaza. Though God Miach had initially been skeptical of their alliance, Naaza's confidence in Renata eventually swayed him. With Naaza already on board, Miach had little choice but to accept the partnership.

Yet he couldn't shake a nagging sense of unease. Since Renata had entered their lives, he felt as if events were slipping beyond his control.

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