Daily World of Magic: An Elf’s Immortal Life

Chapter 5: Pictures from a certain bunny-girl

Leon could only sigh in disappointment as he realized the problems with moving out of this mansion.

Not to mention legal violations that would occur undergoing the various procedures from buying a house due to being a ‘child’ from an elven perspective.

It’s outrageous, at nearly 254 years old, long-past the age of sexual maturity and mental maturity, elves considered him a child simply because he hadn’t graduated high-school. If it was 1000 years ago, elves would be considered adult at 200 years old, but new regulations were made shortly before he was born to improve the education of elven children… 

The cell phone vibrated, indicating a message had arrived.

Opening the phone, Leon another message had arrived from the bunny-girl doctor.

Levi: [Picture] ‘Profile picture’

The photo was slightly less erotic in nature.

At the very least, nothing explicit was visible in the photograph.

Dr. Levi Kella wore the same white bunny-suit with a lab coat as before.

The bunny-girl doctor sat with her legs in a wariza position, the angle of the camera photographed her from above and partly showing her side-profile to allow her buttock and rabbit tail to be visible as it caught the loose lab coat behind her.

The bunny-girl’s hands were between her legs as her arms squeezing her breasts together.

Everything seemed to be designed to showcase the depths of her cleavage from the top-down angle, along with her fluffy rabbit ears poking toward the camera and bright blue eyes glancing toward the camera.

The composition utilizing various leading lines and the rule of thirds in an attempt to highlight the bunny-girl’s cleavage.

Although there was nothing about the photo that was explicit, everything about the picture had a general feeling of seductiveness and brought subtle desire to those seeing it.

The artistic concept of the photographic was ridiculously high.

Leon decided to save the photograph to his phone…

In the end, he couldn’t bear to let such a good photograph be wasted and added the picture to Dr. Levi Kella contact profile in his phone.

Another message arrived shortly after saving the photo.

Levi: [Picture] ‘Other profile picture’

This photo had an identical pose, composition, and angle to the previous picture… but this time the bunny-suit clothing that covered her chest had purposefully been wilted.

The bunny-girl seemed to be explicitly showcased the full view of her bare breasts with her arms squeezing them.

A teasing smile on her lips and with a playful glance toward the camera showcased that the photograph was completely purposeful.

Leon blankly stared at the stunning photograph; sighed at the beauty that existed in the world and added it to his collection.

He sent a message in response.

Leonardo: ‘Dr. Kella, although you are quite beautiful... Can you stop sending photograph that are not suitable for all ages?’

The phone was silent for a moment before vibrating in response.

Levi: ‘...non-explicit pictures are fine, then?’

Leonardo: ‘Yes?’

Levi: ‘Understood.’

Another message was texted to his phone approximately one minute later.

Levi: [Picture] ‘fixed.’

When Leon glanced at the photograph, he could only hiss with a sharp inhale and staring at the suggestive photo.

The bunny-suit that Levi was previously wearing was on the floor in front of the bunny-girl.

The doctor with beautiful bunny-ears and tail was in the same wariza position as before... but, underneath the lab coat, she was completely naked.

Vast swathes of white skin were visible beneath the lab-coat showed and that cover her shoulders and back.

The bunny-girl’s left arm and fingers covered the nipples on her breast, her fingers were slightly open as if teasing the viewer with the prospective of seeing everything if the angle was slightly changed. 

Her right hand hid the lower groin with purposeful manipulation and covered everything important.

A fluffy white rabbit tail extended out of her tailbone, directly above her exposed buttocks, preventing the lab coat from lowering further and cover the exposed skin that should be hidden.

The buttocks of the bunny-girl seemed to be purposefully lifted and tilted toward the camera as if to showcase itself to him. This accentuated the charm of the photograph with simple movements and utilized leading lines to gently draw his eyes toward her fluffy tail and buttocks.

Although all of the key portion of her body had been hidden and nothing was explicitly shown, the swathes of beautiful white skin of the bunny-girl with her private parts covered with by a mere hand-bra was more erotic than the previous picture.

Gulping, the only thought that ran through his mind was that this bunny-girl doctor was seriously testing the limits of his self-control.

Leonardo: ‘Do you seriously consider that non-explicit?’

Levi: ‘There is no explicit content… R-15+ at most…? Hold on…’

A good thirty seconds later…

Levi: ‘Hey, why are you bully my cat? The picture isn’t explicit at your request. I don’t understand what you are complaining about… Also, isn’t the first picture good enough for a profile picture?’

Levi: ‘Stop complaining about our photography choices! In the meantime, enjoy a picture of my pet cat in the meantime.’

Levi: [Picture]

The photo was indeed of a kitten… but it was also not a serious photo of an actual cat.

The subject in question was a cat-girl in a maid uniform.

The viewing angle was a slightly downward, side-profile of a beautiful young girl with fluffy brown cat-ears and a similarly brown cat-like tail with white spots poking out of a beautifully decorated maid outfit.

A naïve cat-girl was slightly blushing with her mouth cutely open in an ‘O’ shape; she had an endearing pose with her hands in a paw pose portraying a cute rawr toward the viewer.

The composition of the photo seemed to drag his eyes to the long-winding tail that flowed from the front of the cat-girl and up to the base of her skirt.

Surprisingly, the background of the photograph was exactly the same, even the loose white bunny-suit could still be seen on the floor.

In other words, the photograph was taken at the same time as the previous picture.

Leonardo: ‘No- where did you kidnap this innocent cat-girl from?’

Levi: ‘I didn’t kidnap her; she is my roommate! Isn’t she pretty?’

Levi: [Picture]

The viewing angle of this photo was that of an upskirt shot, the camera showcasing the thighs and teddy-bear panties of the innocent kitten.

The kitty with her panties exposed was leaning over in a panic and attempting to cover her skirt with her left hand yet completely failed to accomplish that feat before the picture was taken.

A beautiful hand was grasping toward the camera in an attempt to prevent the photo from being successfully taken.

The cat-girl in question blushed deeply and seemed angry.

A fluffy brown cat-tail was raising the skirt behind her in alertness.

The photo was slightly blurry indicating it was taken in a hurry and with strong movement. The photograph was so dramatic that he could completely imagine the scene of the bunny-girl taking it.

… Leon was speechless staring at the photograph and his head was covered in question marks.

Leonardo: ‘No? Why have you started sending me pictures of your roommate? -Hold on! So, your roommate was the one sending the erotic photographs to me?’

Levi: ‘Well, I had her to take the previous photos and send them. Anyway, we’re a special package deal! Like those at the supermarket with buy one, get one free!’

Levi: ‘If you want to be my boyfriend, you’ll also need to accept her as a pet. I’ll introduce you to her on Saturday.’

Levi: ‘The kitty is a little shy and verbally opposed to being a pet, but secretly enjoys it in her heart… So tease her to your heart’s content.’

Levi: ‘-My little kitten is quite talented at cosplay and photography; the previous photographs were all choreographed by her. She loves taking picture of various erotic cosplay~’

Levi: ‘Although she’s too shy to remove her clothing in front of the camera herself and vehemently opposing my attempts to have some erotic photographs of her.’

Levi: ‘I don’t suppose you can send a few photos of yourself stripping to help convince her…?’

Reading the various messages that the bunny-girl doctor sent him left him speechless. Leon felt deeply apologetic toward the innocent cat-girl that was harmed by the brain circuits of this crazy bunny-girl.

Also, who wants a package deal when searching for a girlfriend? Love isn’t a supermarket! Also, why are you offering to share your roommate as a pet with someone when she has voiced opposition to the idea beforehand?

No, wait- I didn’t agree to be your boyfriend in the first place!

Leonardo: ‘Please allow me to refuse, also I do not want to be your boyfriend. I doubt my heart could handle a wild rabbit like you as a girlfriend, or my heart could accept such a cute kitty as a pet.’

Leonardo: ‘Also don’t casually offer your roommate as pet to others or take lewd pictures of her without her permission.’

Leonardo: ‘Leave the poor kitty alone…’

Levi: ‘Hmph~ She is my pet! I can do what I like with her!’

Levi: ‘Send me a picture… Or I’m holding this kitty hostage!’

Levi: [Picture]

It was a selfie that appeared in the messaging app.

A bunny-girl in only her lab coat was holding the phone with her right hand and the kidnapped kitten in her left hand.

The bunny-girl doctor’s left arm was wrapped around the innocent cat-girl’s neck with her hand reaching into the front of the maid cosplay with playful eyes glaring at the camera. A hand could be seen groping the kitten’s breasts through the clothes.

Soft lips of the bunny-girl were gently nibbling on the lower neck of the kidnapped kitten.

A certain innocent kitty’s face was completely red in embarrassment, and averted her face with an expression of wanting to die from shame… But seemed to have resigned herself to the fate of a toy as there was no struggling visible in the picture.

The bunny-girl mastermind behind the photograph of the kidnapped kitten was utilizing the innocent kitty’s physical body to ensure that her own seductive body was not explicitly visible.

It was a picturesque scene that was complemented by the slight downward angle on the selfie’s viewpoint to purposefully accentuate the size of the relatively small breasts of the kidnapped kitten.

The picture was quite seductive and arousing with the glimpses of nudity of the bunny-girl behind the completely embarrassed kidnapped kitten.

Leon looked at the distressed kitten in the photograph and couldn’t bear to let her continue suffering at the hands of the wild bunny-rabbit. Although it wasn’t his problem, he still felt semi-responsible for the bunny-girl doctor’s nonsensical behavior as the recipient of the messages.

Standing up and ensuring that his appearance was fine, Leon casually snapped a photograph of himself in his clothing. Confirming that the photograph was acceptable and nothing strange was included, before sending it to her.

Leonardo: [Picture] ‘Here’s your ransom, release the poor kitty!’

Levi: ‘Tsk~ You gave in really quickly, and I still wanted to take a few more embarrassing photos of my little pet kitty…’

Levi: ‘Thankfully, I’m a mad scientist with no moral bottom line and have no intention of released my pet kitty for such a pitiful ransom. Furthermore, you didn’t even remove your shirt!’

Levi: ‘Whatever, I’ll definitely send you something tantalizing later~’

The messages were returned one after the other at a speed before the phone went completely silent. It appears that his attempt to rescue the kitty from her fate had been unsuccessful. Leon shook his head and understood that this was a trial and tribulation that the little cat was going to be forced to go through.

Leonardo: ‘Try to avoid traumatizing the kitten.’

He could only send a message along with thoughts and prayers for the kitten and pray that the bunny-girl left the kitten’s purity unaffected.

“Forget it… go with the flow.” Leon signed and wasn’t that annoyed with the behavior of the crazy bunny-girl doctor.

It was relatively common knowledge that a degree of pushy and eccentric behavior was somewhat necessary to get close to an elf.

Most elves simply do not associate with non-elves.

It’s not a matter of racism, but lifespan.

Many elves that have extremely close friends from other races eventually regret it later in life.

There are only so many times that a person can accept losing their friends before their heart turns completely cold...

Although some elves maintain their optimism with an eternally childish heart, most harden their hearts and refuse to associate with non-elves in most situations.

Therefore, without an extremely unique and pushy personality, it’s basically impossible to have prolonged contact with any elf.

At least, the bunny-girl doctor named Levi had managed to successfully get him to remember her.

That was not an easy feat to accomplish.

Levi’s relatively nonsensical and straightforwardly playful nature contained a unique soul that made him hesitant to cut-off contact.

Although he was hesitant to admit it, Leon did like the experience of being teasing by the playful bunny-girl doctor and her pet kitten… but it was impossible for Leon to allow himself to get too attached and truly let them into his heart.

Leon shook his head and sighed, and bringing up the various photographs that the bunny-girl sent him and appreciated them for a moment with a slightly depressed mood.

The kitten was truly talented at taking seductive picture and the bunny-girl doctor truly was an extremely attractive woman.

The pictures truly had value in collecting.

Although Leon was staring at the photographs, his thoughts turned to 20-30 years in the future when the bunny-girl doctor turned old, lost her energy and youthful spark… and changed into something completely alien to him.

Then his thoughts imagined a hundred years in the future, when these two beautiful girls have long-since died of old age.

Sighing to himself, Leon knew that he needed to adjust his mentality. Thinking about the deaths of others upon meet them and refused to enjoy the moment because of future sadness is some kind of madness.

Leon really envied the child-like mentality of some older elves, but he also knew that part of their childishness was pretend. Nobody can remain unchanged by time… time is utterly ruthless and unlike elves, other races change far more quickly.

By the time an elf has finally got to knew someone, their personality and maturity had already entered the next stage of their life.

Criminals have changed their ways and gone to the battlefield, dying as heroes.

War heroes that have fought side-by-side have learned politics and turned corrupt from the power it brought. 

Babies have matured and had grandchildren.

Therefore, most elves had an intense desire for collecting items and anything that fluctuated the emotions of an elf was ground for collection.

The most significance of an elf’s collection was not the monetary value of the items, but the strong memories associated with it…

Many older elves value their collection more than their lives. The longer an elf has lived, the more important their collections become to them.

In addition to the sense of novelty that unique collections can bring to an elf, the memories attached to the item that bring forth fondness and nostalgia are more important to elves.

Battlefield relics from certain friends, or last necklaces that a past lover had bought them. Many items in an elf’s collection were worthless to others, yet were irreplaceable to elves.

After 254 years of life in this world, Leon already understood why elves had a similar collection habit.

The passage of time was too daunting if you didn’t have a goal to strive for or something unique to aspire toward.

Time sometimes passes slowly, and at other times a speed that is incomprehensively fast.

Collecting objects allow elves to remain grounded and freeze time in a specific moment. Before pictures were created, elves used various paintings and art to assist in remembering the past.

As a modern elf and a human in his past life, Leon’s collections objects were more of photographs, digital drawings, and small board games from his previous life.

Planning to print these photographs out later and add them to his photo-collection. Part of the reason that Leon saved all the pictures that had been sent to him by the bunny-girl and backed them up to an external hard-drive… was that they were all precious memories.

Although today was rather chaotic, it was an extremely memorable experience.

Maybe in hundreds of years, Leon would be looking back on them with fondness and nostalgia.

So, Leon unwaveringly saved the pictures without any shame. If these turn out to fade into obscurity, he could always delete them later.

Suddenly, Leon thought of something.

If he went to class with this supernatural charm buff, ghost knows what would happen. The thought caused a shuddered to run down his spine and decided to avoid school at all costs until a solution had been found to this supernatural charm.

He didn’t want to deal with his various female classmates to attempting to seduce him.

Leonardo: ‘Yo- Improper bunny-girl doctor, can you sign a leave of absence with an indefinite time frame so I can avoid school?”

A good twenty second later, a message was received on his phone.

Levi: ‘What nonsensical nickname are you giving me? Why can’t you choose something more passionate? Like sexy bunny-girl? Beautiful little bunny? Seductive rabbit?’

Leonardo: ‘I think improper bunny-girl doctor is an appropriate enough description of you.’

Levi: ‘No- absolutely not!’

Levi: ‘That nickname is horrible… I absolutely refuse to be called that.’

Leonardo: ‘Is the nickname really that important? Anyway, the nickname fits you. Can you provide a signed absence request or not?’

Levi: ‘Pah, why should I sign anything for you when you are calling me by such a rude nickname?’

Leonardo: ‘Little bunny, please?’

Levi: ‘Good enough.’ [SignedAbsenceRequest.pdf (encrypted)]

Levi: ‘Valid for three-months. If you need more, we’ll talk about it at a later date.’

Leon swiftly informed the teacher through a text that he wouldn’t be going to class for a while due to a medical emergency and forwarded the absence documentation. Then apologized and stated that another tutor should be found for Sylvia until he returned.

Relaxing from the releasement of responsibilities, Leon pulled out the magic books and began reviewing various magic spells.

Leon paused as he looked at the various spell models and runes in the books for creating the [dispel] spell. 

Seeing the various spell models, he felt that he could treat them as functions in a computer.

Adding the runes of the spell model into a spell is no different than adding programming into a specialized function.

Wouldn’t it be easier treat these magic models as functions in a program and simply them? Why do write them out completely for each spell?

Additionally, computer get bugs and have runtime failures, spells combine magic with will and ideology… so small loopholes in programs can be basically ignored. Even his basic programming knowledge is enough to create a functioning magic programming language.

All that Leon needed to do was store the spell models in a separate library so that they could be called when needed.

Although editing and creating runes to form a functional library for magical models would be slightly complicated… after successful creating the new system with functions, the speed and modulation ability of magic would drastically increase.

Essentially, it was no different than creating a personalized engine for the magic to run and only needed to call upon functions in that engine.  

As long as Leon cast spells that he’s added to library of the engine, the speed of magic creation would be almost instant.

Even if modifying magic models into a function into a library eventually failed, the attempt to modify the basics of rune magic should result in learning a lot.

The sudden realization puzzled Leon as he wondered why he hadn’t thought about doing this earlier.

Searching through his desk for a whiteboard and several empty notebooks to write inside, Leon quickly thought of a solution and began to write down his ideas…

A magical book can serve as a grimoire and hold the functions of the magical models, Leon would only need to call upon functions defined in the book to cast spells.

Creating a practical grimoire can save him a lot of braincells and serve as a medium to cast complex spells.

Furthermore, if a function is stored in a grimoire, then someone with no idea how to cast some spells could easily cast the complicated spells by calling upon the function! The era of relying on memory to cast spells would be over!

This would be a magical revolution!

Leon’s face suddenly changed as he realized something and burned all his papers into ashes.

Slightly unnerved by his thoughts, Leon cast an anti-divination spell on everything in his bedroom. If it weren’t for his lack of knowledge of other anti-tracking spells, Leon would have cast countless other spells to prevent spying.

This sort of proprietary knowledge must be closely-held and cannot be publicly available.

Most magical artifacts are extremely rare, and relatively simple in design. If his idea is feasible, grimoires would encroach on the interests of too many people.

Grimoires would allow even those with little knowledge of magic to cast complicated spells with a bit of mana.

The definition of mage would change.

A grimoire is an artifact that could fundamentally change how people cast magic. The interest groups that are involved in such a fundamental change are astronomical. Leon didn’t think his weak body at tier 1 could survive such a large storm if such a revolutionary idea appeared from him.

Simplifying the casting of magic to such a degree would essentially negate many of the advantage of elves in learning magic over short-lived species. Most elves rely on their long lifespan to learn countless spells.

If grimoire became public knowledge, many tier 1 elves would likely be the first to turn hostile to him as the creator. Even if other elves don't care that much, it would still be a complete disaster. Although elves are fiercely protective of elven children, Leon would never overstatement other people’s bottom line.

There would only be bad result of losing the backing of other elves turn, there are countless people from other races that desire elven slaves. 

Essentially, grimoires would put most combat mages out of the job and only some theoretical mages could survive.

Many mages that spent their lives studying specific complex magic spells for power would fundamentally hate him for designing it. The average mage only knows a couple of complex spells and many basic spells. If the grimoire works the way he intended, the vast majority of mages would be out of the job and have little purpose in existing.

The complex spells that most mages rely on for employment could be easily cast with the grimoire.

Leon doesn’t want to bet on whether others would assassinate him to monopolize this knowledge. 

If Leon was to create a proper magical grimoire, the runes inside must be encrypted and unrecognizable to others. Various cryptography measures must be utilized to ensure that nobody else can copy the knowledge and magic traps must be included to prevent others from analyzing it.

This is a long-term project and cannot be done in a short time.

One person can have superpowers and be superior… but everyone having superpowers means that nobody is special.

If they are to exist, grimoires must be rare and nearly impossible to replicate. People can accept a genius having a special artifact that improves the casting of complex spells, but not an artifact that allows ordinary people to cast those exact same spells.

There is a fundamental difference in the interest groups involved.

One enhances the personal power of an individual, the overthrows the concepts of the entire magic society.

Of course, Leon has no intention of giving up on creating a grimoire.

-But acting in a more low-key manner was necessary to avoid potential risks.

Before starting on grimoire creation, Leon needs to ensure absolute secrecy as he dare not bet with his life.

The main goal is creating a specialized permanent encryption spell that constantly adjusts all runes in the grimoire in a specific mathematical pattern to ensure that others cannot ever decipher the grimoire.  

Preferably, a personalized anti-modification spell needs to be designed to prevent others from adding their own runes to the book and analyzing the encryption spell.

Then, a several magic enchantments to ensure the durability of the grimoire and other spells to ensure that others cannot analyze the grimoire through magical methods.

Anyway, there are various spells that need to be personally designed and created before Leon dared to begin the process of creating a proper grimoire.

“This might take a while…” Leon sighed and pulled out a notebook and added the various spells as prerequisites to creating the grimoire to them.

[Task 1: Permanent encryption enchantment / decryption spell]

[Task 2: Anti-divination and analysis enhancement]

[Task 3: Durability enhancement modification]

These were the spells the minimum requirement before going further into the creation of a grimoire… preferably others should be added to ensure security after the viability of the theory of grimoires has been verified.

Starting with the permanent encryption enhancement, it’s essentially a normal encryption procedure that relies upon certain factors to distort the runes on the grimoire into an unreadable state.

This is slightly complicated to create for several reasons.

[Problem 1: Spell needs to be effective on all text and runes, whilst constantly changing the appearance of the runes and text.]

[Problem 2: Encryption enchantment needs have enough mana and ensure that runes are constantly changing when observed.]

[Problem 3: Enchantment needs to be permanently applicable.]

Each of these problems are not simple to solve, but perfectly achievable with enough time and research.

The first difficulty is creating a rolling encryption mechanism that can a decryption spell can unravel.

Leon only vaguely remembers that it is possible from his previous life and does not remember any of the details of how a rolling encryption mechanism works. Only vaguely remember that regular encryption on the computer involved utilizing prime numbers to encrypt and decrypt the information.

In other words, before creating the spell, Leon first needs to work out how mathematical encryption works and how to express runes in numerical format… then figure out a method of rolling encryption.

This is obviously a long and arduous task.

However, after completion, nobody else should be able to decrypt it. 

After all, Leon had never heard of such an encryption method in this world. Nobody else should even understand the method of encryption as it as especially designed for computer security, not to mention how to decrypt the information afterward.

Although there was phones and similar modern technology in this world, the principles were completely different and relied heavily on linkage magic. 

Fortunately, Leon has an infinite amount of time to experiment and a relatively solid math foundation from his previous life.

Another message caused his phone to vibrate, which caused Leon to hesitantly pick up his phone and check his messages.

Levi: ‘Kitty got into the milk.’ [Picture]

The beautiful cat-girl from before was sitting cross-legged on the floor, completely naked.

The photograph was taken from above with the cat-girl appearing slightly distracted in the picture.

Her cute tongue was sticking and licking a white liquid on the back of her left hand. The fluffy brown cat-ears on her head were loosely focused on the floor.

The only clothing on the cat-girl’s body was a black leather collar with a leash tied around her neck.

Her right hand was in a paw-pose loosely on her breasts covering one of her nipples, but still showed vast swathes of her breasts and a tinge of the redness of her nipple poking out from around the fingers.

Meanwhile, a beautiful red nipple from her left breast was completely visible and exposed with white liquid dripping down the beautiful smooth skin of the girl. The white liquid pooled on portions of her breasts and her legs, with countless droplets across her body.

The kitty’s fluffy tail atop her thighs was damp from the liquid and scarcely protected the beautiful thighs of the cat-girl. The fluffy tail wrapped onto her upper thighs seemingly to attempt covering the private area of her groin, but on closer inspection left everything visible.

An empty milk container was askew on floor signifying the nature of white liquid on the cat-girl.

A small bowl with milk inside was resting in the foreground of the picture with ‘Kitty’ written on it. The leash tied around the collar was also gently rested on the floor and loosely spiraling on the ground.

Leon gulped whilst glaring at the extremely erotic photograph and saved it.

The picture clearly took advantages of the cat-girl’s unique features and teased the viewer by pretending to hide portions of her nudity. However, on closer inspection, everything that shouldn’t be seen was clearly visible.

The photograph was extremely explicit and induced the desire to ravage the kitty in those that looked at it.

Leonardo: ‘To be honest, I can somewhat understand sending erotic photographs of yourself… but why exactly are you sending erotic photographs of your roommate???’

Leonardo: ‘No, wait- How did you possibly get the embarrassed kitty from before to agree to take such a picture? She doesn’t even look embarrassed?’

Levi: ‘Ahem, nothing… just a few white lies.’

Leonardo: ‘Why do I detect a hint of understatement?’

Levi: ‘Why cannot you just send a few compliments? Do you know the effort I went into to take these pictures for your benefit?’

Leonardo: ‘The photographs of the cute kitty are indeed extremely beautiful. It’s extremely impressive to behold and creates a subtle desire to bully her.’

Levi: ‘I knew you would come around~’

Levi: ‘Kitty lapping milk.’ [Picture]

This picture was similar to the previous one, the cat-girl wore only a black collar with a leash loosely attached…

The photograph was taken at a low angle, with the cat-girl squished her beautiful breasts against the floor in front of the bowl labeled ‘Kitty’ that was filled with milk.

The cat-girl was lapping at the milk in the bowl with her tongue outstretched with her eyes closed. The fluffy ears on her head, gently tilted to the side.

The soft white buttocks of the cat-girl were raised into the air in the background, and her fluffy brown-tail was playfully waving behind her.

Everything about the photograph was extremely eye-catching. Pinching his forehead and rubbing it, Leon felt that he needed to do something.

Leonardo: ‘Ahem, regardless of how beautiful these pictures are to behold, you shouldn’t be sending them to me…’

Levi: ‘Why not? Send these pictures to you can be regarded as giving them an audience, and it wouldn’t be appropriate to post these types of pictures online. So, it’s a good compromise to send them to you and receive feedback.’

Levi: ‘You like them, right?’

Leonardo: ‘Yes…’

Levi: ‘Then there’s no problem.’

Leonardo: ‘*Eyes rolling* I think we have different definitions of no problem… Regardless, I don’t want to be blamed unreasonably later. At least ensure that you have informed consent from any individuals in the photographs that you send me.’

Levi: ‘Kay~’

The agreement from the bunny-girl caused Leon to gently shake his head, and he felt that she would cause more trouble in the future.

Whatever, as long as the photographs do not cause him any problems later.

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