Daily World of Magic: An Elf’s Immortal Life

Chapter 16: Greenhouse

Feeling strange after the encounter with the teacher in her office, Leon ordered the analysis system to do a full comprehensive scan of his body and list any changes.

The [analysis system] didn’t find any physical abnormalities during the search. 

However, the data returned from the scan reminded Leon about the [Dimensional Blessing].

[Dimensional Blessing – A blessing that furthers your connection with a certain subspace, improves comprehension of spatial laws, additional unknown effects are detected.]

“Give a detailed description of effects this specialty.” Leon mentally ordered the program to obtain a more comprehensive understanding of this blessing.

[Rewording dimensional blessing description.]

[Dimensional Blessing – A blessing that provides a connection to a magical sub-spatial backpack that can store a limited number of items. The spatial connection can improve comprehension of spatial laws, additional unanalyzable unknown effects remain.]

“Magical backpack?” Leon was confused and followed the instructions of the analysis system to establish a connection with the spatial backpack with his mind.

A strange spatial location appeared in his mind and Leon felt that there was an item inside, and removed the item to examine it.

The item that appeared in his hands was a bag of seeds.

[Bag containing the seeds of various plant monster-girls]

This was the result of an analysis of the object by the [analysis system]. At this point, Leon finally remembered where the [bag of seeds] originated.

The Alraune in [Monster-girls and Magic].

Monster and magic?

“No, how exactly did I get a magical sub-spatial backpack?” Leon muttered in confusion, and scratched his head.

If Leon remembered correctly, the analysis system indicated that the [dimensional blessing] originated from the mimic.

The difficulty of spatial manipulation in a separate space was unprecedented.

This sub-spatial backpack should be theoretically impossible based on his current understanding of magic... Then again, time travel should also be impossible by his current magical standards.

“Let’s worry about the specifics later.” Leon shook his head, and focused his thoughts on the seeds of plant monster-girls. “…it sounds interesting to grow your own monster-girl.”

Leon’s eyes flashed in a dangerous light, and put away the seeds in the dimensional space and pulled out his cell phone.

The abilities of monster-girls were definitely worthy of study. Having a controlled environment to study their existence would be beneficial to his understanding of magic.

Like a mad scientist that suddenly discovered a new field of research, Leon immediately decided to perform a risky experiment and plant the seeds of the Alraune. 

After a short phone call with his parents, Leon commissioned a large greenhouse to be built in the backyard of the elven villa.

An hour later, a specialized construction team had arrived at elven villa and would build a large greenhouse in the timeframe of a couple of hours.

Although Leon had decided to take a risk and plant the monster-girls, he remained cautious.

The danger of introducing an invasive species that could grow wildly in this world was extremely apparent to him. Introducing species that are not native to a continent and didn’t have any predators can wreak havoc on an ecosystem.

Leon wanted to experiment with growing plant-type monster-girls and analyze their abilities, not spread the seeds of these monster-girls to the entire world.

Therefore, he designed powerful magical barriers and traps with destructive effects to prevent the creatures inside from escaping.

There were already plenty of problems in this world, Leon didn’t need to change the entire ecosystem by releasing monster-girls…

Therefore, Leon took every precaution and used his [analysis system] to design a complete set of anti-contamination procedures. Each procedure had multiple redundant elements, and the outer barrier had multiple precautions to prevent foreign invaders from gaining access to the greenhouse.

Going online to further reference the various safety procedures to be taken when dealing with magical diseases, and etcetera…

The greenhouse that had been built by the construction team was relatively large, and the size of approximately similar to a normal house.

Leon’s safety procedures included recycling the air in a magical filtration system to prevent seeds and pollination from occurring between other native plants. Along with a disinfection chamber with an advanced cleaning spell to completely destroy any foreign substances.

Even if a powerful biological virus emerged from within the greenhouse, theoretically, it should not be able to escape.

After installing the various procedures and artifacts, Leon gently sighed at the productivity that was possible in a magical society. In several hours, a complete magical greenhouse that can serve as a virus containment site had been built.

Although this level of advanced productivity was basically limited to magicians and was extremely expensive, it was still extremely impressive.

Leon entered into the greenhouse and began planting the seeds into soil.

Digging into the soil with a trowel, Leon gently put one of the plant monster-girl seeds into the soil of a relatively large pot that was approximately the size of a bed.

After settling the most important experimental subject, Leon began to place regular seeds into other smaller pots with soil to experiment with. He needed to understand whether ordinary seeds would mutate if exposed to the plants in [Monster-girls and Magic].

Since the monster-girl plant seeds were from another world, Leon felt that his precautions were completely necessary.

Leon simply didn’t have a comprehensive understanding of monster-girls, and didn’t know if they were contagious. Nor did he know if plant-type monster-girls would discharge their seeds into the air like dandelions.

As such, the optimal solution was to treat the monster-girl seeds as B-Class pollution objects that would endanger others if spread.

If it weren’t for the inability to build a protective dome of solid concrete, various cost concerns, and the eye-catching nature of such a site, Leon would have piled up physical barriers and treated the monster-girl seeds as an S-Class pollution object.

The cost of such protective measures was too high and would completely expose his purpose.

Leon was only a junior elf with no income.

Why on earth would a junior elf need a complete S-class anti-pollution site?

It was reasonable to request a greenhouse from his parents… but asking for a site that was consistent with the standards of preventing the spread of S-Class pollution objects would definitely be investigated.

At that point, nothing could be hidden.

Leon didn’t want to unintentionally offend whatever god was playing a joke and spreading the boardgame [monster-girls and magic].

Therefore, Leon could only settle for magically reinforcing the greenhouse and utilizing various magical equivalents to reduce costs.

This had obvious risks.

If the magical artifacts surrounding the greenhouse ran out of mana, they would be effectively useless. In addition, if there was a species of plant monster-girls that could somehow ignore magical barriers, their seeds could easily spread to the outside world.

Leon could only minimize the risks by creating various backups for the most important safety systems, like artifacts to automatically recharge the other magical enchantments in-case of power failure.

After planting seeds in various pots of soil, Leon summoned streams of [water] and provided all of the plants with sufficient water.

Observing the pots of soils that had been planted with seeds, Leon confirmed that these plant-type monster-girls did not instantly grow.

Leon created an encrypted recording artifact that would record the surroundings activity by taking occasional pictures in regular 30-minute intervals. The recording artifact was extremely primitive in nature to reduce the possibility of exposure and the decryption algorithm was stored in the [analysis system].

The main difference between science and messing around is recording and writing down the experimental results.

Since Leon planned on studying plant monster-girls, the results needed to be recorded to analyze various information like their growth-cycle.

After confirming that all the safety features were in place and working correctly, Leon began a semi-regular schedule.

Step 1: Go to school and learn various spells, along with the changes in spell models.

Step 2: Assist Ms. Elina with her milking.

Step 3: Return to the elven villa to check on the plants.

Step 4: Record the progress of the plants and take care of the greenhouse.

Step 5: Return to the school library, read magical books to improve the research progress of the [analysis system].

Step 6: Repeat.

As Leon went about his daily routine, he recorded down his observations of plant growth in an encrypted journal.


Day 1: Seeds planted in flowerpots, no visible indications of growth.

Analysis revealed that the species of the monster-girl planted was [Dionaea Muscipula - Monstrum Femina] or [Venus Flytrap - Monster-girl]. The monster-girl seemed to be transformed from the Venus Flytrap plant and analysis revealed the inherent danger was extremely low. 


Day 2: Single leaf has been grown by monster-girl plant. Suspected rapid growth cycle.

No growth of regular plants.


Day 3: Large green bud (kitten-size) has appeared in center of pot of the monster-girl plant. Rapid growth cycle confirmed for monster-girl plants. The leaf has grown to the size of my forearm.

For regular plants, slight green has broken the surface of soil.


Day 4: Multiple large leaves have grown around the outskirts of the monster-girl plant. Large bud has approximately doubled in size (bud is suspected to birth the monsters-girl).

Regular plants have grown extremely small leaves.


Day 5: The bud in the center of the plant has grown (child-size), slight yellow discoloration has occurred on the bud. More leaves have grown in the pot and surround the large bud.

(Applied a large amount of extra water this day to the monster-girl plant to ensure that it was healthy).

Regular plants have grown taller, and the number of small leaves have increased by approximately 2 per plant. No abnormality was detected in their growth pattern.


Day 6: The bud has further increased in size (large child-size).

The discoloration of the bud has intensified, and is currently yellow and red-ish.

The leaves of the monster-girl plant have grown “traps” with spiky protrusions (palm-size) at the end, akin to a Venus Fly Trap with reflexes that rapidly tighten around objects that are placed within them. (Desensitizes to touch after multiple probes).

Inside of these “traps” was a red liquid that emits the aroma of delicious food and creates a strong desire to consume it.  The “traps” of this monster-girl are coated with a red chemical that has an extremely strong adhesiveness to bare skin.

It takes several minutes to remove an ordinary individual’s fingers after being caught by one of the traps, despite being able to easily open the “traps” due to their currently weak grip strength.

Future containment procedures should involve avoiding touching these “traps” with bare skin, physical contact with the subject should be limited to through gardening gloves.

No abnormality shown in regular plants.

Further analysis is needed, but preliminary results seem to indicate that monster-girl plants do not have any contagious characteristics.


Day 7: The bud of the plant monster-girl has opened, revealing a cute and innocent girl of roughly 16 years old in appearance.

The young female humanoid has green hair and pale skin, with green leaves approximately the size of two palms growing from the top of her head. The plant monster-girl remains naked, except for a natural bra that was made out of the “trap” component of her leaves that coiled around from the back and covered her breasts.

Under the soil, the legs of the female subject could be seen having a darker color and skin that was visually akin to roots.

The eyes of the plant monster-girl are amber, or bright yellow with touches of orange.

According to analytical comparison, this monster-girl subject can be defined as a variety of the common Venus Fly Trap with extremely similar genetic sequences. It can be confirmed that genetic DNA mutation is not the cause of the monster-girl’s existence.

The monster-girl’s humanoid shape and appearance appear to be caused by an unfamiliar energy reaction that is being generated in the monster-girl’s body.

Source of energy is unknown, and appears to be self-generated.

These monster-girl species remains unknown in origin. It remains unclear whether the similarity of monster-girl to other plant species is the result of convergent evolution or purposeful mutation.

Plant monster-girls do not appear to be capable of speech at birth, but are acutely aware of surrounding stimuli and can imitate sounds.

The humanoid subject appears to be healthy and is visibly responsive to external stimulation. Upon watering her soil, the monster-girl moved to allow the water to dampen her body. The female subject proceeded to spread her arms and close her eyes, and let her leaves catch various water droplets.

The plant monster-girl seemed completely defenseless against the presence of the individual watering her. It is unknown whether this is a result of natural imprinting, or if the subject is similarly defenseless against all foreign individuals.

The behavior and reactions of the subject indicates that the monster-girl has complete control over her leaves.

Every action of the subject can be defined as cute and kawaii.

It remains unknown whether this is instinctive predatory behavior, or simple innocence...


Leon closed the notebook.

The monster-girl had an extremely innocent appearance and her eyes sparkled in his direction. Her feet were rooted into the ground, but her body was leaning toward the edge of the flowerpot. The hands of the beautiful plant-girl were resting on the soil.

The cute plant girl tilted her head, expressing curiosity about his existence.

Although the plant girl’s breasts were covered by the leaves of her spiky traps that grew from her back, her lower body and stomach was completely visible.

“She is a monster-girl that was literally born today… Control yourself.” Leon muttered to himself and forced himself to not think about her nudity.

Feeling that he should learn more about monster-girls in general before continuing forward.

Leon began to look up the subject online and an article on the subject of [monster-girls and magic] was quickly found.


Monster-girls and Magic Wiki

*Game Description*

This is a mature game that is intended for adults.

[Monster-girls and Magic] is an immersive roleplaying experience with mature elements and a variety of monster-girls inside that will forcibly rape the players at every opportunity. The goal of players is usually to survive for 2 hours in the hostile environment of various monster-girls or to defeat the “boss” of an area.

The game relies upon advanced magical enhancements to connect the player to the game and allow them to experience everything their character undergoes.

[Monster-girls and Magic] has been criticized for having overly difficult encounters that often lead to non-consensual sexual conduct, and lack of procedures that allow players to quit from dungeons midway. Supporters have argued that players have already provided consent to sexual content upon agreeing to play [Monster-girls and Magic] and that lowering the difficulty will cause the game to lose a large portion of the charm.

The creator has remained silent on the issue, and have not made any indication that they will be changing the game based on the criticism.

Female players will be trapped and penetrated by a variety of tentacles, vines, and other sexual replicants. Male players are rewarded with their own unique encounters and experiences that are typically different from females.

It should be noted that the game will avoid explicit sexual penetration.

This setting can be enabled in-game by waving your innate protection by the god of adventurers by simply stating in game, “I surrender the protection of the god of adventurers.” Enabling direct penetration sex between opposite sexes will result in a drastic increase in pleasure in certain situations.

After enabling, the setting cannot be disabled.

It has observed that monster-girls will lure and suggest that male adventurers disable this protection. It is strongly recommended that male adventurers ignore such recommendations by monster-girls as the strongest capabilities of some monster-girls are related to their vagina.

Monster-girls have been observed to target any individual that have enabled this setting with increased frequency.


Monster-girls and Magic Wiki


[Monster-girls and Magic] is set in a medieval period, where various gods are striving for power. The most notable gods for the sake of the background are the [God of Adventurers], [Goddess of Light], and [Goddess of Monster-girls].

Different from our own world, gods inside of [monster-girls and magic] are born from the belief of individuals.

The [Goddess of Light] is the goddess worshiped by the most people in the world and is generally considered the most powerful deity. Upon encountering NPCs in the wild, praising the [goddess of light] is usually a friendly greeting.

The [Goddess of Monster-girls] is the creator of the various monster-girls (link) that litter the continent. Utilizing her divine power to manipulate regular animals and plants, they are turned into monster-girls that are strengthened by absorbing the sexual pleasure of other individuals and will attack nearby individuals as prey to obtain strength.

Evidence from various scholars indicate that the [Goddess of Monster-girls] godhead was condensed by a large cult that strongly desired sexual relations with various monsters.

The [God of Adventurers] is the god that protects adventurers that travel the world and encourages them to hunt monsters. This god was born due to the frequent hunting by monster-girls and the desire to restrain their actions to a degree.

Players of [monster-girls and magic] serve as adventurers with the goal of hunting down powerful monsters, and ensuring an ecological balance.

It is speculated that the [God of Adventurers] was forced to reach a temporary agreement with the [Goddess of Monster-girls] and is using adventurers that fail in battle as sacrifices to satisfy monster-girls.

The main evidence for this theory is the ten-minute defeat cutscene to feed the monster-girls after being completely defeated… Further evidence for this theory can be found in the lore. It is stated that in recent years, monster-girls have been exercising restraint and have recently avoided blatantly attacking human settlements and farms.


Monster-girls and Magic Wiki


The monster-girls are creatures or objects that have been mutated into various females. They have an extremely strong sex drive and hunting instinct.

Although the vast majority of monster-girls in the world have beautiful appearances and humanoid-level intelligence, they typically have a strong sexual drive and desire for power that will inevitably cause them to have sexual relations with any passing individual to satisfy these desires (regardless of gender).

The individual’s thoughts on the matter are irrelevant to the monster-girls, and many monster-girl have capabilities to ensure that their prey will orgasm repeatedly regardless of their personal wishes…

Not all monster-girls will attack passing individuals on sight, monster-girls that are relatively weak may be welcoming and friendly to passing adventurers.

These types of monster-girls may offer objects and trinkets in exchange for having sexual relations with them, akin to the mysterious merchant and goblin traders. These deals can be accepted depending on personal preference.

These “friendly” monster-girls typically have a timid personality and will fulfill any promises that have been agreed upon. If you refuse to trade and are actively showing vulnerability, it should be expected that these monster-girls will seize the opportunity to attack you.

Regardless, it strongly recommended to avoid killing these “friendly” monster-girls as they are relatively harmless to human settlements.

The intelligence of monster-girls is extremely high and they have been known to set up traps, lure, and deceive passing adventurers to ensure that they can successfully hunt their prey. It is ill-advised to presume that monster-girls will not attack you, regardless of stature and appearance.

Monster-girls will completely sexually mature a few days after birth, reaching their adult form in an extremely short time-frame. After this time passes, the majority of monster-girls will no longer have any changes to their appearance.

The appearance of monster-girls is not a reason to relax vigilance, some goblins have been known to rely upon their child-like appearance to bring compassionate adventurers into traps and rape them.


Leon read through the material online and felt he had a stronger understanding of monster-girls, but also felt more confused.

“Monster-girls are sexually mature a few days after birth?” Leon glanced toward the plant-girl.

The plant monster-girl looked at him with innocent eyes that seemed to be observing his every move.

It should be reiterated that the monster-girl has plant-like characteristics similar to the standard ‘Venus Fly Trap’ and a humanoid appearance of approximately 16 years of age. Her appearance was extremely innocent, yet similarly erotic due to some subtle actions that showcased her body.

The plant-girl, consciously or unconsciously, was constantly releasing a sweet aroma from her body that was an aphrodisiac.

“Can you understand me? Are you able to speak?” Leon asked, further attempting to probe a response from the subject.

The plant girl tilted her head at the sound of his voice, and showed no recognition for his speech patterns.

“Well… No luck with talking to her.” Leon sighed, thought about what to do and finally an idea came to mind. “Huh…. Isn’t there a [comprehend creature] spell?”

Leon thought of the magic in the library that had been read over this period of time, and pulled up the spell stored in the analysis system.

[Comprehend creature – Allows the castor to communicate with intelligent creatures]

The [analysis system] provided a statistical analysis of the likelihood of the spell working successfully, along with reasoning for the high rate of success.

Although the grimoire could cast spells whilst de-summoned, in order for spells to be recorded, Leon needed to physically summon the grimoire.

Looking at the spell model of [comprehend creature] that the system projected, Leon frowned.

Normal spells couldn’t be copied directly into the grimoire and needed to be changed into complex runes that are more specific in nature to be compatible.

The [analysis system] would usually automatically translate spells into a usable format before showing it to him.

“What’s going on?” Leon asked the [analysis system].

[Spell model is currently untranslatable.]

Leon carefully studied the [comprehend creature] spell in detail and instantly understood the problem.

The [comprehend creature] spell relied heavily upon the user’s imagination in the process of casting to achieve the effect of communicating with intelligent creatures.

As a spell, the [comprehend creature] relies heavily on instinctive willpower and talent, rather than on the modern method of utilizing runes and spell models to simplify and standardize the process.

This spell is effectively primitive magic without a spell model. The standard runes and spell models were later added as an auxiliary to reduce the difficulty for modern magicians.

Trying to translate the spell into complex runes would basically be no different than creating an advanced spell from scratch, and would require the creation of new complex runes.

Leon didn’t even know how to begin.

Certainly not an impossible feat, but far beyond the scope of what will automatically be done when querying the [analysis system].

“Tsk, can you translate the plant-girl’s behavior?” Leon clicked his tongue and de-summoned his grimoire.

[System analysis can observe the subject’s behavioral patterns and micro-expressions to theorize on subject’s thoughts.]

“Try it.” Leon ordered, and looked at the plant-girl that had moved to the edge of the flowerpot.

[Behavioral and thought analysis in progress…]

[40%... 70%... 89%]

[Analysis complete, vocal communication will be imitated with illusion magic.]

[Notice: Accuracy is extremely limited and will be prone to large errors.]

As the plant monster-girl’s eyes followed him, her trap leaves trembled slightly and released the sweet aroma into the surroundings.

The analysis system began to project the monster-girl’s voice into his ears as if she was speaking.

“Did this boy grow me for mating purposes? Judging from his reaction to my body, it should be...?” The monster-girl looked at him with curiosity and looked around the greenhouse, “This place is different from my inherited memory, the sun’s rays are very warm and comfortable… but why can the goddess not be sensed?”

“Hmmm~ It’s so comfortable here… so it doesn’t matter.” The plant monster-girl yawned slightly with one eye closed, and stretched her arms forward over the edge of the flowerpot. Her breasts almost touched the dirt of the flowerpot and her buttocks held high. “This really is paradise. A comfortable environment with warm sunlight, no competition against other monster-girls. I wasn’t expecting to be grown by a male, and he was considerate enough to water my soil.”

“Mmmm…” The plant monster-girl rubbed her left eye and crossed her legs in the soil to sit down, and stretched her right arm into the sky with a cute yawn. “I’m getting sleepy.”

Leon silently listened to the plant girl’s stream of consciousness generated by the analysis system with interest, and silently recorded some information in his notebook.

The plant-girl seemed to have a rather lazy personality with slight curiosity and showed no desire to leave or escape from confinement.

She seemed content with remaining inside her flowerpot.

The plant monster-girl was not worried about being harmed. The greenhouse was obviously an artificial creation, and the plant-girl was planted in a flowerpot that was purposefully large enough to accommodate her.

Both of these indicates that her birth in this location was not an accident, but a purposeful decision.

More importantly, since Leon planted her seed, the plant monster-girl would not purposefully hunt and prey on him. When the plant-girl could comprehend his words, she would also listen to his instructions to a certain degree and avoid hunting other individuals that Leon brought with him.

Leon was completely regarded as a friendly individual instead of prey to be hunted.

This was a simple matter of instincts amongst plant monsters-girls. A beneficial trait retaining over generations of retaining loyalty to the person that grows them.

This has allowed plant monsters to spread further and avoid purposeful hunting by powerful individuals. Moreover, some powerful wizards purposefully cultivate plant monster-girls to defend locations and prevent intruders.

Of course, not all plant-type monster-girls will inherit this trait of loyalty to the person that grows them… but the “Venus Flytrap” only managed to survive to the modern day through a symbiotic relationship with various intelligent races.

Therefore, the plant-girl would not purposefully hunt or harm Leon… but the plant-girl’s body is instinctively tempting.

Not treating Leon as prey is part of her instinct, but that didn’t mean that her sexual desire had disappeared. The plant-girl was constantly tempting Leon to have sex with her body through subtle movements of her body and releasing a sweet aroma to further his desire.

This level of hunting is not even a conscious thought or decision, it was simply her body’s instinctive reaction to seeing a male individual. The release of her aphrodisiac is a reaction similar to human hairs standing upright in response to cold, completely unconscious and uncontrollable.

“Interesting…” Leon observed the reactions of the plant-girl, gulped and he felt the movements of the monster-girl were slightly special.

The plant-girl was quite seductive and beautiful with her movements, the subtle spreading of her legs when sitting down and her arms squeezing into her breasts to emphasize them as she stretched.

The tempting aroma of the natural fragrance of the plant girl was relaxing and pleasant like a scented flower. 

Feeling his body reacting to her presence with strong arousal, Leon stroked his chin with his fingers in confusion as he thought about the situation.

“This level of arousal is not proportional to the situation.” Leon felt like he wanted to rape the plant-girl and could feel his desire for her body continuing to grow.

Past experiences had resulted in Leon gaining a certain resistance to erotic situations, and the current level of exposure should not result in arousal to this degree.

“Leave for now.” Leon knew that he could not remain in her presence and left the greenhouse. After leaving the range of the aphrodisiac fragrance and calming down, the strong desire in his body calmed down.

“It should be the fragrance.” Leon thought about it with a clear head, and understood the reason with confirmation from the [analysis system].

The delicate aroma of the plant girl was a powerful natural aphrodisiac and was enough to send an average humanoid into an uncontrollable horny mood.

At this point, Leon decided to ask the [analysis system] to portray a constant health indicator in his visional reference and provide a flashing warning in his field of vision if any chemicals or magic were detected that could affect his normal state.

At the same time, Leon added to his notes that wearing a gas mask was a necessary containment procedure for dealing with monster-girls.

“Tsk, boys really need to learn to protect themselves… what’s wrong with this world? It keeps getting more erotic as time progresses.” Leon complained absentmindedly. “Why does it feel like I’ve traveled to a cringy smut manga?”

That thought caused Leon to pause, and take a serious thought about the current state of the world…

There was a large war that caused the population of men to drastically decrease and the ratio of females to male was extremely skewed.

All woman were basically extremely beautiful and were basically willing to have sex if asked.

The cultural normalization of female nudity and men having relationships with multiple women.

Various perverted magical spells like hypnosis and lust crest… and aphrodisiacs that were vastly more potent than anything that could be found in his previous life.

The lack of care regarding crimes of sexual nature, like rape and non-consensual sex.

… Leon fell into silence, and thought about the twin succubus’ blessing and the various sexual experiences in the past. Then considered the crooked direction that the world seems to be heading in based on his previous experience.

“This world isn’t actually a smut manga, right?” Leon’s eyes twitched, he felt like he’d stumbled upon the dangerous truth.

He suddenly felt that the world was infinitely more dangerous than he thought.

In smut, logic was irrelevant and the only thing that mattered was sex and arousal. Anything was fair game, as long as it was an arousing experience.

Forced feminization. Brainwashing. Transformation. Erotic Parasites. Impregnation.

Smut logic was completely incomprehensible to normal logic consequences, common sense simply failed to work.

“Sure enough…” Leon sighed, and swallowed his saliva. “Cautiousness is the optimal way to survive.”

Leon pulled up the analysis system and began making edits to his settings.

The program’s settings became more extreme and defensive in nature.

Previously, Leon was worried about the potential dangers of leaving his lifeline in the hands of a program… but Leon would rather risk mental death than be turned into some brainwashed idiot in a smut story.

The terrifying thing about brainwashing is that you don’t even realize it is happening.

In comparison, death is not scary…

After some adjustments to the analysis system, the analysis system will turn unresponsive each month for several hours and perform a [mental backup]. Then forcibly simulate the mental backups that are available in the analysis program to audit himself.

Leon designed it so that he couldn’t change this feature to prevent his brainwashed-self from messing around.

An explanation was written in the analysis system for his past-self that was being simulated to explain the situation.

The system will create a short video of his actions in the previous month, along with an examination of his mental state for the simulated self, any data relevant to the situation, and a livestream of his current situation. The [analysis system] will attempt to focus on important events that have occurred and any abnormalities.

Then, several versions of his past-self will perform an audit of his actions to determine whether he has been significantly affected by anything and make appropriate plans.

If the simulated versions of himself believes it appropriate based on his current situation, the [analysis system] will forcibly perform a [mental backup] and the grimoire will automatically use the [mental restore] spell.

As for whether his past-self will have any bias when auditing? Leon knew himself quite well… at least, Leon trusted that he would avoid using [mental restore] when it was unnecessary.

Furthermore, his stimulated past-self can only perform [mental restore] 10 times in total. Then, the permanent nature of the subroutine will be disabled. At that point, Leon would be able to edit the subroutine to fit his preferences.

If Leon cannot escape from whatever situation that has occurred after 10 resets, a new strategy is obviously required.

Everything was based around survival.

With an immortal lifespan, Leon was determined to survive. 

Even if his past-self wanted to perform a body seizing operation, he could go ahead. That was simply a risk that Leon had to take.

In this world with magic, where personal power and strength was paramount, Leon was in a constant state of insecurity.

Losing a few memories was better than the alternative of being brainwashed in this world.

If his past-self believed that his chances of survival had been drastically diminished for any reason and performing [mental restore] would improve those chances, Leon knew that he would unhesitatingly perform the operation.

The grimoire allowed him to easily cast any spells that were included in it.

This meant even if his past-self performed a body seizing operation, he would retain a degree of combat effectiveness.

This reduced the need for memories by a large margin and improved his safety factor, even if he lost his memories, the grimoire could easily cast any spells that were forgotten.

“-But [mental mind] still needs to be learned and implemented as soon as possible.” Leon frowned, and understood the need to implement defensive mental protections as soon as possible.

After all, if a [mental restore] has occurred, it most likely means his mind was distorted by something and required it.

As a mental defensive spell that would take any mental attack in his place and prevent damage from affecting him, [mental mind] needed to be learned and permanently applied as soon as possible.

Except for some extraordinarily powerful mages that specialized in mental attacks, it was impossible to bypass [mental mind] and influence his thoughts.

“We also need to work on a physical restore spell…” Leon frowned, thinking about the dangers of the world. A phone buzzed and vibrated, Leon temporarily put down his thought process and pulled out his phone.

Skitty: We’re going to play monster-girls and magic tomorrow, directly after school… do you want to join?

Leonardo: Alright, I’m assuming the library.

Skitty: Yep… Unless you want to go to a love hotel? It might be fun to play in a more private location…

Leonardo: Library. I might be a bit late; the teacher usually wants my help after class.

Skitty: That’s fine.

Looking at the text messages, Leon fell into thought… he felt that he was becoming extremely paranoid of anything related to sex.

Is the decision to agree to play monster-girls and magic the result of hypnosis? Or something else? Or a choice of his own free will?

Leon wondered whether it was unusual for him to agree to her invitation.

“Analyze the probability that my decision to play monster-girls and magic has been affected by external factors.” Leon ordered the analysis system.

[Analysis in progress…]

[Analysis complete.]

[No evidence of interference has been discovered]

[Probabilistic analysis based on personality matrix indicates there is a 74% chance that your decision was influenced by an unknown external force.]

Leon silently read the analysis of the system and gulped.

If Leon has been affected by something and the analysis system cannot find any traces, the forces involved in this matter are extremely dangerous.

At least… a tier 3 individual? Possibly with stealth and mental interference attributes.

The possibility of a deity personally acting against Leon is basically nonexistent.

If a deity was actually paying attention to him, there would be no need to influence him silently. By stating his request outright, Leon would not dare to disobey in the slightest and would do his best to fulfill them.

Leon would never dare to have other thoughts.

A deity could easily kill all the elves in the world without much difficulty.

The influence could be caused by believers of an unknown deity, a tier 3 individual playing tricks on him, or an accidental encounter with a powerful artifact.

Monster-girls and Magic.

Leon quickly thought of the potential artifact in question.

The artifact should be the boardgame itself. It might be an artifact created by a certain god with a hidden divine blessing to encourage people to play it.

If you treat that world as real, the cause and effect of the matter can be understood. The god that created the game should have created a domain enchantment to encourage people within a certain distance to play monster-girls and magic.

Knowing that he hadn’t been specifically targeted by a deity, Leon relaxed and stopped caring about his abnormality. His small body couldn’t possibly withstand the attention of a deity, but the risk was drastically reduced if it was just the influence of an artifact.

Even if Leon knew the forces involved in monster-girls and magic were extremely dangerous, Leon was unwilling to give up the possibility of exploring an unknown world.

The knowledge of magic that can be learnt by exposure to another system of magic was enough to allow him to take a degree of risk. More importantly, Leon could bring back any items earned from that world with his [dimensional blessing].

Losing only meant embarrassment and pleasure.

Victory meant unknown magical items and magical knowledge.

Of course, there were definitely risks, which the [lust crest] proved… but Leon felt the risks were acceptable.


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