Daily World of Magic: An Elf’s Immortal Life

Chapter 1: School

The sun shone on the high buildings of the city. A cold wind blew over the streets picking up old newspapers and carrying them throughout the streets.

There is almost nothing interesting about this world.

Life is just… boring and dull.

Despite everything being exactly as he hoped… this extraordinary world still managed to disappoint all of his expectations.

Sighing to himself with various nihilistic thoughts, Leon stared out the window of the classroom ignoring the rest of the world.

Ignoring the nagging teacher that was attempting to educate the class.

Ignoring the lecture and problems that were presented on the whiteboard.

Ignoring his classmates that were enjoying the beauty of youth.

It could be said that Leon was ignoring everything.

The ultimate state of ignorance that occurred when someone completely gave up all hope for the future, Leon didn’t want to imagine another hundred years of magical classes.

“Tsk.” Leon’s nihilistic thoughts, soon transformed to anger as he clenched his teeth.

How could he transverse into an ordinary daily world after being reborn? Isn’t this completely against common sense.

What about his adventure? Beautiful school life? Fighting wits and courage with demons? Journey to save the world from the demon king?

How could this world be lacking in anything interesting at all?

There was none of it.

This extraordinary world was simply so… ordinary…

After all, how could there be any adventures or brave heroes in reality? Those are simply works of entertainment.

Although Leon had managed to become a tier 1 magician, his power was too pitiful to accomplish anything. Even if there were problems with the planet, it wasn’t something that a relatively ordinary person like himself could solve.

The only consolation prize was that this world had many dominant species other than humans, for example… the cat-girl that was sitting in front of him.

The cat-girl had straight flowing black hair that reached her shoulders, wore a beautiful blue and white school uniform that was pristinely clean.

A long cat-like tail flowing out from the bottom of her skirt providing occasional glimpses of her panties, and two black cat-ears protruding from the top of her head that wandered about showcasing her various emotions.

A beautiful cat-girl whose body glistened in the light and whose eyes shone with youth and beauty of the world.

The utterly pointless optimism of life can be seen shining through her movements.

A straightened back showcasing her seriousness to the class and focused eyes staring at the teacher, and her cute cat-like tail swaying behind her in harmony with her cute thoughts. The cat-ears following the teacher’s body.

The cat-girl’s sincerity to her studies could be seen at a glance.

Unlike Leon behind her, who leaned on his desk and emanated an atmosphere ‘I do not care’ and ‘Do not bother me’ to the entire world. His general atmosphere of ‘Do not talk to me’ and location at the back of the classroom completely avoiding the regular conversation of ordinary people.

Despite his poor posture and messy clothes signifying his lack of care for the world, Leon was extremely attractive in appearance. At least, his appearance was not inferior to anyone else.

Of course, Leon’s unique attractiveness had nothing to do with careful design or any consideration about his appearance.

No, his attractiveness was entirely related to his race as an elf similar to those in fantasy stories with pointed ears.  

If there was a trait that signified elves in fantasy stories, it was their unimaginably beautiful appearance and long life-span. As a typical example of an elf, Leon certainly didn’t disappoint in this regard and was extremely attractive in appearance without any effort.

However, extremely long lifespan and low fertility rate were also characteristics of elves.

In other words… unlike the cat-girl in front of him with a beautifully short lifespan of eighty years, any random elf would live indefinitely and without worry of lifespan.

Such a disparity made Leon feel extremely desperate.

When the cat-girl in front of him grew old and died, Leon would likely only be entering his freshman year of college.

Leon had already been in school for nearly a hundred years! That meant his elementary school friends had already lived a full life, got married and had children… and some have died.

In the meantime, Leon hadn’t even graduated from high school!

The lifespan disparity made it basically impossible for him to make friends.

Goodbye, beautiful school memories…

Goodbye, picturesque romance.

He couldn’t even imagine making regular friends as there weren’t any other elves on campus.

The new teaching method for young elves sent them into the schools of other races due to their experience in teaching children, and systematic practice.

-But this made it difficult to keep in touch with classmates for more than a year.

Technically speaking, Leon was considered an adult from the perspective of most species and even the vast majority of elves… but new policy from the elven council have adjusted conditions for adulthood amongst elves. This meant that Leon couldn’t even be considered an adult until he graduated.

Only graduation is the condition for adulthood by the standard of elven council. Despite being older than all the teachers in the school, he was still a ‘child’ by his elven standards.

Elves tended to learn information at a slower pace than other species, but had an infinite lifespan.

More importantly, elven tradition demanded an impossibly high standard of knowledge for elves to ensure that young elves were properly educated.

The time it took for young elves to stay in school and study was a tiny fraction of their lifespan, it was simply the blink of an eye for elves.

As such, Leon was forced into endless classes.

Classmates would come and go every year and only Leon would remain. Even the teachers changed classes more often than Leon.

After all, for shorter-lived species, unless they managed to reach higher tier of extraordinary power, a hundred years was their entire lifespan…  

Therefore, most teachers only taught a particular class for 10-20 years.

Meanwhile, only when Leon had completely learned everything that was taught in a single year and achieved a perfect score would the school allow him to enter the next grade.

It’s not like Leon was short of this little lifespan needed to study properly. So the school just keep throwing him into the system until he knows the knowledge by heart.

Anyway, from an elven perspective, why should he be in a rush?

If other species barely needed to understand the material to score 60% to pass, Leon needed to memorize all knowledge points and make reasonable inferences, then apply unrelated knowledge to create new knowledge that the textbook’s author would not know in order to pass.

Simply put, it was already a miracle that Leon managed to reach the third year of high school at his current age of 254 years old.

Leon was a rare genius amidst the elf race.

Normally, elves take approximately four hundred years of study to accumulate knowledge and reach tier 1 of the magician pathway.

-But the Elven council simply considered his genius as an indication that the new policies were working correctly, which left Leon extremely depressed.

The optimistic cat-girl interrupted his thoughts by leaning forward to pick up a pencil that she dropped over the front of her desk, accidentally showing off her panties as a result of her tail’s playful movements in the process.

“Something needs to be done about this girl’s defenselessness.” Leon muttered to himself, slightly helpless as he covered his eyes.

This semester has just started… and Leon already knew that it was going to be constant torture if he did not do something about this cat-girl providing him with benefits at regular intervals.

Although Leon certainly didn’t mind receiving such “benefits” as the cat-girl was extremely beautiful and cute, the benefits were relatively torturous to his youthful mind.

After the cat-girl picked up the pencil that she dropped, she started scribbling on a piece of paper on her desk in a frenzied manner.

Huh, the cat-girl seemed to be taking a test?

Leon looked at the cat-girl’s test paper in confusion, before looking at his own desk and realized that a review test had been placed on it at some point.

The questions were simple review of material covered in the second year of high school. In other words, it was a review test and to provide the female teacher with knowledge of the student’s current level.

Leon absentmindedly answered the questions.

They were mostly relatively simple questions about magic and various spell models. Along with a few questions about mathematics, biology, and programming.

The difficulty of the problems was extremely low and could not compare to the final exam, so Leon didn’t think about it and absentmindedly answered the questions.

One of the questions was about the tiers of extraordinary individuals, which Leon quickly scribbled down the answer.

Tier 0: Ordinary Mortal

Tier 1: Extraordinary

Tier 2: Perfect mastery

Tier 3: Law Creation

Tier 4: Integration

Tier 5: Demi-god

Tier 6: Godhood

The extraordinary pathway of the magician was focused on magic. Each improvement of a tier is a qualitative improvement and extremely difficult.

The majority of individuals only reach tier 1 in their entire lives.

When a magician reaches tier 2, the mana stored in a mage’s body will sublimate and every spell they cast will be infinitely more powerful. This sublimation to tier 2 requires learning enough information on magic, perfecting a certain magic to a limit, and having extraordinary willpower.

As for higher tiers, Leon didn’t even bother to write about them. Most individuals will never reach tier 2, so knowledge of higher tiers was completely unnecessary to include in the paper.

It was near impossible for an individual of a lower tier to defeat someone of a higher tier in frontal combat, thus knowing about tier 3 and above was pointless.

Thinking about how he’d spent nearly 200 years to reach tier 1, Leon felt frustrated and yawned. He closed his eyes to sleep until class was over.

Waking up as the bell began to ring, announcing the end of class and signified that the students could act as they wished. The classmates around him quickly disappeared.

Meanwhile, the cat-girl in front of him breathed a sigh of relief the moment the class ended and relaxed.

Her posture of seriousness changed to a relaxed as a playful personality took hold.

The cat-girl began to stretch her body across her desk and half-stood up, raised her butt high in the air to stretch her legs with her breasts pressed against the desk.

Her arms stretched forward toward the desks in front of her.

The stretch was likely done for comfort from sitting for a prolonged period of time, stretching her legs and backside.

However, such an extreme action provided Leon with many “benefits”…

The cat-girl’s stretching action caused her tail to rise high into the air, which lifted her skirt to a degree that her panties were on full display.

Leon could only look dumbfoundedly at the cat-girl who provided him with a full view of her private area.

The cameltoe of her blue-stripped panties were fully visible.

Fortunately for the modesty of the cat-girl, there was no one else besides Leon that could see the scene as he sat at back of the classroom.

In his twenty years of high school experience, he’d never run into a girl as crazy as this.

If it weren’t for the fact that he’d never met the cat-girl before and she was relatively oblivious natured, Leon would have wondered if she was purposefully seducing him.

“Ahem.” Leon decided to interrupt the cat-girl stretching and moved to the side of the girl. “Classmate?”

“Hmmm?” The cat-girl’s ears tilted and followed toward the voice, and she glanced in Leon’s directions with an expression of ‘is something wrong’.

“Classmate, you might want to pay more attention to your posture?” Leon was helplessly and subtly hinted toward the defenseless girl in front of him without trying to sound particularly crass.

Like a cat with its tail stepped on, the cat-girl angrily directly stood up and refuted his words. “My posture in class is absolutely perfect!”

“No, that’s not-” Leon was confused and attempted to explain the misunderstanding.

“Instead of picking on every little thing that others do, why don’t you take care of yourself! Your own posture is terrible.” The cat-girl angrily grabbed her bag and walked away. “It’s none of your business how I sit!”

The cat-girl slammed the door when leaving the room, Leon was alone at the end of the classroom speechless after receiving a scolding from the cat-girl for interfering with her business.

“What… just happened?” Leon stood alone in astonishment for a long time after the girl had disappeared.

Judging by the response, the matter of posture was a sensitive matter to the cat-girl.

Have others reminded her in a similar manner? It cannot be that the cat-girl misunderstood everyone’s good intentions.

“She cannot be that oblivious, right?” Leon rubbing his eyes from tiredness and felt exhausted from the simple exchange of words. He could only say silently shake his head and sigh.

Glancing at her desk, Leon found that the cat-girl had left behind the graded version of the review test after storming out in anger.

“Huh?” Leon glanced at the red number at the top of the paper. “No… How could someone score 8 points on the review test?”

Rereading the paper to ensure that Leon hadn’t mistaken the number, Leon confirmed that the cat-girl had scored less than 10% on the review test, merely receiving 8 points from the various questions.

“Uh- I see…” Leon understood why the cat-girl snapped at him.

It should be a combination of a bad mood from the low grade and other personal reasons that she snapped at him. Although Leon really didn’t understand how it was possible to score so low on a review test.

Despite her studious attitude, her actual grades were terrible.

After all, if a regular student fails to reach 60% on the final exam, they will be held back. Students should at least be able to answer the majority of these questions. Even if they forget all the related information about the test, they should remember enough to score 80-90% on this review paper as it has only been a month since the final exam of the second year and the material was simple.

He had no idea how the girl had reached the third grade of this magic high school with her current grades.

After understanding the reason for the sudden meltdown of the cat-girl, Leon didn’t bother thinking about the girl yelling at him any longer.

Everyone needs to vent sometimes.

“Let’s see what your name is…?” Leon’s mouth turned into a smirk and glanced at the name at the top of the paper and found the cat-girl name. “Sylvia?”

“Cute name for someone so clueless.” Leon shook his head and threw his own review test paper with 100% marked on it into his bag and walked out of the classroom.

Of course, venting is venting… as for bothering Sylvia further on the matter of her defenselessness? Leon had no such thoughts.

His kindness had already been fed to the donkey.

As the optimistic cat-girl said it herself, it’s none of Leon’s business how she sits.

Since the cat-girl doesn’t care about giving away benefits and exposing her body to him, why should Leon care about it as an outsider?

Leon didn’t pay much attention in class.

The teacher could not achieve as high a score as him on the exam, nor did she know as much as him on any related subjects. So it wasn’t like Sylvia giving away ‘benefits’ during class was distracting him. 

Leon prided himself on knowing most of the subjects better than most teachers.

At least, Leon already understood from nearly 100 years of schooling that if he followed the teacher’s lecture, he could not achieve 100% on the exam. Only by learning, digesting the knowledge, and innovating to thoroughly understanding the material could he pass the exam.

The main subject of his classes was magic and related spell models.

Leon didn’t plan to pass the exam this year… or even in the next few years.  

The final questions on the third year’s exam were too difficult and would require multiple years of study to understand the concepts. Although Leon achieved 95% on the exam last year, it would take him at least 5 years of study to perfect his theoretical foundation and achieve 100%.

The constant repetition and reading of books related to the learning material of school had long since lost any enthusiasm for the school curriculum. They didn’t teach any interesting, or useful spells.

Only things like light, plant growth, and other spells of a similar nature.

Basically, they were all miscellaneous and useless spells that were quick to learn and only demonstrated that you understood the theories that the teacher taught.

The spells were worthless for combat, and self-defense.

Instead of the course material, Leon would continue focusing spending time on studying survival-related spells.

Anyway, at least Leon had an interest in learning them.

Interest was the best motivator for progress.

In the empty library, Leon searched through the material and found a book on healing spells.

After finding a table to read, he completely ignored the outside world and directly began to study the basic healing spells.

Naturally before learning other magic, Leon felt that learning the related healing magic and defensive magic to prevent unexpected situations from threatening his life.

With an infinite lifespan, the most important factor was survival.

Reading the various precautions and knowledge points of healing spells, Leon carefully considered the spell to begin practicing.

There was various magic used in the healing field detailed in the book.

[Cure] – Restore any injuries on the target.

[Dispel] – Remove the spells from the target.

[Purification] – Remove foreign substances and eliminate negative effects.

In the end, Leon focused his studies on [dispel]. Although [purification] was versatile enough to cover all the effects of [dispel] and could also deal with most negative spells, Leon instinctively felt that [dispel] had more potential than the described in the book.

Of course, Leon actually wanted to learn all of them.

Whilst these were only the basics of healing spells, they were able to deal with almost any situation. Most doctors would only ever use these spells in their practice. Obscure situations that require other spells were extremely rare and impractical for him to learn at the moment.

However, despite the fact that these were only the basics of healing spells, they required a strong foundation and a strong understanding of various magical theories.

Leon simply didn’t have the magical attainment to learn any of these spells at the moment.

It could be said that as long as one of these spells were memorized and could be cast proficiently, you could work at any hospital as an intern.

As such, Leon could only focus on learning a [dispel] by brute force. Which basically means, learning the related theories and runes required to understand the spell in related books and practicing related magical control exercises… Until Leon reached a level where he was able to completely understand the spell model of [dispel] and attempt to cast the spell.

Leon put down the book and went to grab the books that discuss higher-level academic magical theories related to the [dispel] spell model.

Spending the majority of the day in the library studying the related magical theories, Leon put away the book when it began to get dark and rented a single book for usage in class tomorrow.

Leon was not in any rush.

Learning was a slow process, Leon estimated based on his current pace that it would be a month before he could begin attempting the spell [dispel].

Leon hoped the spell would be mastered by the end of the year.

Setting an ambitious goal for himself, Leon walked back to his home that was directly outside of the campus.

The place that he stayed was a relatively large villa that was publicly owned by the elves and was almost exclusively used for young elves going to school in this area, since most elves didn’t like living in the city.

Leon was the only elf living here as he was the only elf born in this area for the past 800 years, and so It was basically exclusively used by him.

The low birthrate of elves was no joke.

It was basically a miracle if the elf population gave birth to a pure elven child every 2,000 years, but it was not that surprising considering the average lifespan of elves was basically infinite. At least, Leon had never heard of any elves dying of old age.

There were many empty bedrooms in the villa that were almost entirely unused.

The villa had several floors and was extravagantly decorated in the decorative style of elves, which meant that there were various wooden animals and plants carved on every piece of furniture in the house.

Despite the luxury, beyond a select few rooms that Leon used, the villa was simply accumulating dust. Leon only kept on top of cleaning the select rooms like the kitchen and bedroom that were utilized by him.

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