Daily Life of A Caretaker

Arc 4: Experience the Story – Chapter 8

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


Arc 4: Experience the Story - Chapter 8

It has only been about half an hour since Yuri's tragic, accidental killing incident. The girl, visibly shaken, appears on the brink of collapse, her wide eyes betraying the uneasiness within. It is only due to the calming presence of Ruby and Weiss, with occasional soothing words from Octavia, that Yuri remains grounded, if only barely. Their whispers, though soft, anchor her to the present, helping her hold onto the fragile threads of stability. Yet, there's no mistaking the shift within her. This event has scarred her deeply, altering her life in ways that will echo through her future. Yuri, in this moment, is forever changed.

We find ourselves in an unassuming break room, much like one you'd find in any average office company—clean, functional, and stocked with the usual fare. A few snacks and drinks are laid out, though none of us have bothered to touch them. Instead, I opted to use my Boundary Manipulation to retrieve them, ensuring a safer option. This way, we eliminate any concerns over food tampering, whether it's something as mundane as food poisoning or the more malicious chance of poisons laced by students and/or contractors.

Though, in truth, poisons are hardly a concern for me. With the Ultimate Poison, I can easily counter poison with the poison itself. Even the most lethal of toxins would be powerless against me. Still, better safe than sorry when it comes to the others.

"Hey, Jin. I have a question... Well, more than a question. Like, a couple of them, in fact... if you don't mind answering. If not, it's cool." Octavia's attempt at indifference is almost convincing. Her tone is casual as if she's trying to appear unfazed by the possibility of being dismissed, but her body language betrays her. The quick, nervous glances she shoots my way before looking away tell me she's not as apathetic as she'd like to seem. There's an unspoken tension in her hesitation, revealing that being turned down might affect her more than she's letting on.

"Go ahead, what are your questions?" I respond, gesturing toward the chair beside me.

As I settle into the Supreme Relaxing Chair, I can feel its unparalleled comfort, easing away any tension in my body. It's a throne of luxury, designed to melt away stress, and I can't help but let a slight smirk form as I take a sip of my WellCheers root beer soda. The refreshing taste, along with the subtle boost in my mood it provides, makes the moment even more enjoyable. I glance at Octavia, feeling just the right balance of relaxed and curious, waiting for her to ask whatever's on her mind.

"You know how my parents were difficult and hated each other at first, right?" Octavia asks with uncertainty.

"Until it was revealed by Ghost that they secretly lusted for each other, yes." I slowly nod, acknowledging the turbulent history between her parents as I hand Octavia a WellCheers grape soda.

The can makes a soft hiss as she opens it, and I settle back into my chair, still curious about where this is leading.

"What about them?" I wonder what direction Octavia is steering this conversation toward. Given the complicated relationship between her parents, it feels like there's more she wants to unpack.

"Well... do you have any way to make it stop? I mean, make it so I DON'T have to witness how my parents act every time I try to get a private moment to myself?" Octavia's right eyebrow twitches madly, betraying the frustration boiling beneath the surface.

I can only imagine the irritation she's dealing with, constantly stumbling into her parents' less-than-subtle displays of affection. It's not something anyone should have to deal with, especially when just trying to find a bit of peace and solitude.

"Either it's just bad luck, or someone might be deliberately influencing you to 'accidentally' stumble upon your parents when they're... showing affection to each other." I say slowly, as I feel a stiffness creeping into my expression. "In any case, I don't think you'll need to worry too much about them for a while. It'll be a long time before you leave high school."

The thought of her predicament brings a faint tension to my face. The idea that someone could be manipulating these encounters or that it's just an unfortunate series of coincidences doesn't exactly make the situation any less awkward. But for now, at least, she has the relative safety of school life to keep some distance between herself and those awkward moments at home.

Or she could always escape to the human world like in the series. But knowing her father, he won't be chasing after her anytime soon. He'll probably be too preoccupied with his wife to even realize she's gone.

I smirk slightly at the absurdity of the situation, imagining Octavia slipping away unnoticed while her father is too distracted by his own... priorities. It's almost comical, but it paints a clear picture of just how detached and consumed her parents have become after the big secrets revealed by Ghost. It might just be the perfect way for her to carve out some much-needed space for herself—no one would be the wiser.

"I guess," Octavia says with a slow blink as if still processing the thought. Then, without much hesitation, she moves on. "Right, my next question is... can you get me some headphones and a music player?"

Her tone is more casual this time, but I can tell this request is particularly important. Whether it's to drown out the noise of her home life or just to give her some peace of mind, the headphones seem like a much-needed escape.

"Sure." I reply, snapping my fingers. A small gap appears in front of Octavia, and a set of headphones and a sleek media player drop into her hands. "I'll just assume the type of music you like based on your attire alone." I glance at her outfit style. "But if you'd prefer different songs, let me know. I can always get another for you to listen to."

The selection is likely tailored to match the vibe she gives off—perhaps something edgy or alternative. Still, I'm open to swapping it out if she's in the mood for something else.

Octavia stays silent as she slips on the headphones and turns on the media player. She selects a random song, and within moments, her expression softens. A small smile creeps onto her face, and she gives me a nod—brief but unmistakable. It's subtle, but I take it as her way of thanking me, in her own understated style.

I offer a faint smile in return, satisfied that she's found some comfort, even if she doesn't say it out loud.

I glance over at Ruby, seated at the table, focused on her drawing. My eyebrow arches slightly as I wonder what she's up to—perhaps sketching out a new summoning circle or drafting some kind of plan. Ruby's always been the type to keep herself busy with something; whatever it is, it clearly has her full attention.

Across from her, Weiss is deep in conversation with Yuri, who is still visibly shaken. Weiss, as usual, maintains her composed demeanor, speaking to Yuri in a calm tone. She's doing her best to soothe the girl, who sits stiffly, her movements tense. Yuri's smile is strained, barely concealing the lingering trauma, and she nods occasionally, acknowledging Weiss's words. It's clear that, despite Weiss's gentle efforts, Yuri is still very much in the grip of her emotional turmoil. But at least, for now, she's not alone.

"Here, you should drink this to calm your nerves, Yuri." I snap my fingers. A small gap forms in front of her, and a WellCheers apple soda pops out, settling softly on the table.

Yuri glances at the drink, her stiff smile faltering for a moment. She hesitates but then reaches for the soda, her fingers trembling slightly as she lifts it to her lips.

I observe closely, even extending my senses through En to get a better read of Yuri's mental state. Sure enough, the WellCheers apple soda does its job. Yuri's posture softens as the tension gradually drains from her shoulders. She no longer sits rigidly, and I can see her muscles slowly unwind as the calming effects of the drink take hold.

The shift is subtle but noticeable—her stiff smile fades into something more natural, and there's a bit more ease in her movements now.

"Eh...?" I blink rapidly, momentarily taken aback by what I sense through En. Something unexpected has caught my attention. "Right." I announce, my voice firm as I shake off the surprise. "Girls, break time is over." Without wasting any more time, I dismiss the Supreme Relaxing Chair and the WellCheers sodas I had conveniently placed nearby.

"What's wrong, Jin?" Ruby asks quickly, folding up her paper and slipping it into her pocket with practiced speed. In the same fluid motion, she straps Suzumebach back on, her eyes sharp with readiness. "Are there students and contractors coming our way?"

"Do we need to relocate to a new place?" Weiss asks me, moving to help Yuri to her feet. She's ready to move at a moment's notice. Her eyes meet mine. "Unless you think we can handle whatever it is you sensed?"

"Did something happen?" Octavia asks, sliding her headphones around her neck. She glances around at everyone, confused, as she takes in the sudden shift in her surroundings.

"In the following order of your questions." I begin, addressing them all at once. "I detected a couple of people approaching. None of them are students or contractors. Yes, we do need to relocate. While you girls could handle these people under normal circumstances, you can't right now because of the restrictions Featherine placed on you." I glance over at Octavia, making sure she understands the gravity of the situation. "Yes, something did happen. People we can't touch have shown up and will be gathering here in about half an hour."

"To the shady bedroom!" Ruby exclaims. She tosses a Gold Ring into the air, and it whirls before opening a portal that leads to another room—most likely in a different building within this world.

I swiftly scoop up almost all the girls, tossing them into the portal with practiced ease. Octavia is the first to go, letting out an owlish screech as she's launched through. Next, I follow suit with Weiss and Yuri, both of whom react with a mix of surprise.

As Ruby leaps in before me, I step through the portal myself. The portal closes behind me, shrinking back into the Gold Ring that returns to Ruby's hand.

"Uh, Ruby. You do know that Jin is still with us, right? He could have easily gotten us away instead of you wasting one of the Gold Rings today." Weiss points out, rubbing her sore backside after landing on the ground. "Also, next time, just let me walk through, Jin." Shooting me a sidelong glance. "I'd rather not land on my butt after being tossed through the portal, if possible."

"No promises." I grin at Weiss. "Besides, I can help massage your butt later to ease the pain, if you want."

Weiss shoots me a scowl, but the faint blush creeping onto her cheeks tells a different story. The mix of annoyance and embarrassment, and I can't help but chuckle lightly at her reaction.

"I have soda spilled all over me..." Yuri announces, looking at me with a mix of confusion and mild distress. "Could I go use the shower, please?"

I nod, understanding the need for a quick refresh after the chaos. "Of course, Yuri. There should be a bathroom nearby. Go ahead and clean up; we'll be here when you're done."

Note to self: It seems like Featherine prefers us to stay on our toes.

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