Daily Life of A Caretaker

Arc 1: The Meeting – Chapter 33

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


Arc 1: The Meeting - Chapter 33

Update on what happened last night.

Yeah, that's right. It's morning right now, crazy voices.

I took a bite from that roasted boar and passed out instantly. Not even a chew or two, but straight up knocked out cold just from biting into the roasted boar for a second was enough alone to nearly kill me if I didn't have the Senzu Beans already prepared inside my mouth. Perfect Timing told me right away to swallow them before taking the bite.

My stomach was awfully in pain and required ten Senzu Beans before it went away. That's how bad Yor's roasted boar was and still affected me once I woke up.

"Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!" Yor continue to apologize to me with a teary face.

"I-It's okay, Yor." I replied, looking her in the eyes to show that I accepted her apology. "Just give me a moment to rest a bit." I toss another Senzu Bean into my mouth, swallow it, and feel refreshed as I don't have to rely on Zetsu for the time being as my aura reserve has got to the point that the girls have a hard time detecting me, which is good and bad. Because that means I won't be able to rely on it too often or risk the girls attacking me once I 'reappear' after I stop using Zetsu.

So, in a way, the Pot of Senzu Beans came at the best time. Well, until I create a fourth Nen ability meant for healing. Until then, I have to rely on Senzu Beans for the time being or briefly use Zetsu at a quick burst for a brief recovery in the middle of a fight.

"I'll try harder in practice cooking, and it would be better." Yor promised me, not noticing how Takamine tries her best not to laugh loudly on the side, barely succeeding.

"R-Right." I said nervously, unsure if I should reject her, but I decided it might not be a good idea to deny Yor. I don't want to face a depressing Yor, or worst; she forces the food down my throat. I wouldn't put it past her to do such a thing.

Expect the unexpected, as a perverted ninja has once said.

"So, should we continue to wait here?" Takamine asks everyone, ignoring Inuyasha growling at us, which is mainly muffled due to his mouth being sewed shut to stop him from talking; well, yelling a few minutes ago—done by Takamine, who took too much joy in doing so. Inuyasha's scream of pain, while his mouth was being sewed is music to Takamine's ears.

"I mean, we got a cabin here." I point behind us, which we could also use to return to the apartment easily.

In hindsight, I forgot that the girls only needed a door as a medium to link us back to the Crawling Dreams. But can anyone blame me? I was kind of forced into eating Yor's roasted boar.

So we don't have to go to Kagome's era to use a door to return to the Crawling Dreams. And yes, it's horrifying as it sounds to say that in my head. But, it's true, Crawling Dreams is my present home world until something make me say otherwise as I work for the Boss.

"That we do." Takamine nods, "But, I mean should we stick around in this world? We have three fate's chosen ones before us for the taking."

"That's for you girls to decide. I'm just taking care of you girls, not being the one to make all the decisions." I point this out while secretly praying to the Boss that the girls would stop making me decide for them. I don't have the proper status to do that. I'm just a simple caretaker, for fuck sake.

"It's boring here." Nyarla frowns, "I rather we leave since there isn't much to do here."

I sweatdrop hearing that, but I can't fault Nyarla for being bored out of her mind. But I feel like Nyarla would still be bored if she were in Death Note, as there isn't much action or drama in that world. Maybe Naruto would have been a better world to go to.

"I don't mind returning since I have access to the kitchen and cooking tools." Yor agreed with Nyarla to go back to the apartment.

"I kind of want to stick around a bit longer. I'm curious about her school." Takamine pointed at Kagome, who flinched. "But, seeing that I'm outvoted. I guess we can go back home." She pouts, glancing over at Inuyasha, who hid behind Kagome and Kikyo.

Yeah, Takamine traumatized Inuyasha in a way no one else could.

"So, we should take their fate's influence before we leave." Nyarla looks at Kikyo, Kagome, and Inuyasha in pure greed.

You know, crazy voices. I just realized something stupidly annoying and disappointing.

I won't be able to do much in most worlds because these girls are damn too easily bored and would instead leave the world that might take some time to explore to see what interesting the world could offer, but instead return to Crawling Dreams and test their lucks with another world the next day.

Overall, I feel like I can see a pattern going on here. Crawling Dreams is the world where the girls are born, or at least I think they do, and like most dreams. Not many would remember and briefly recall it before it fades one's mind. Because either it wasn't interesting enough to keep on thinking about, or one just had other important things to focus on than the dreams that weren't so important.

Hell, this is the first time I have been unconscious since I became these girls' caretakers. Those nights were me just using Zetsu as a replacement for sleep. After last night with Yor's roasted boar, even if I was knocked out cold. I still was unconscious, and I nearly wished this whole thing was a dream, only to see it was anything but a dream.

Honestly, I feel a little depressed. I can't even do much in these fictional worlds. I even have thoughts of trying to fix a problem here and there, then show off like most main characters that are self-inserted into the fictional worlds—making everyone be in awe at how overpowered I am.

"Done." Nyarla looks satisfied. "Time to go home."

I sigh, but I follow the girls back to the apartment after using Invasion on Kikyo, Kagome, and Inuyasha. Wincing at how much Kikyo felt upon seeing Inuyasha with Kagome, then Kagome felt that Inuyasha continued to have feelings for Kikyo.

Yeah, I'm not going into that. I've already watched the love drama as a child—no need to be personally involved when I have no business being in. But, I will wish them good luck, which they will need it. Kikyo won't be dying anytime soon, nor should she end up like in the canon. I've already helped her and Kagome plenty enough by making it so they can survive as they are without being affected due to their soul being separated.

As I close the door behind me, I narrow my eyes, then start rubbing my eyes before looking again to see if I am seeing things.

Nope, it's still there.

In the middle of the living is a giant, human-size teddy bear with a creepy ass smile made out of black buttons.

I appear in front of it, with Ren boosting all my physical aspects and following the directions of the Old Ways, shoving my right fist into the giant teddy bear's chest where the heart is located. Rip the beating heart, crush it, infuse it with the Stillness of the Object's Time, and throw it back at the giant teddy bear, completely shredding it and leaving nothing more than an unrecognizable pile of bloody mist.

I snap my fingers, creating a gap to send the bloody mist outside the apartment before it can stain anything in the living room.

All this was done in a matter of seconds.

The girls claps at the brutal display.

"I'm glad you dealt with the unwanted visitor of that salesperson, Jin." Nyarla smiles cheerfully.

"The way you kill it was efficient and you made sure not to leave any evidence is praiseworthy." Yor smiles politely.

"Perfect, you killed it before it could do anything. I couldn't have done it any better myself. You even prevent it from doing anything." Takamine praises me.

"I'm going to take a break." I said to the girls, causing them to look at me surprised, but they didn't stop me as they watched me sit down on one of the available chairs in the room. "If you need me, just tell me." I take out the small purple book to check today's list of godlike items to get.

The girls stood where they were for a few seconds before they went to do their own things. Yor heading into the kitchen, no doubt trying to cook up something. Nyarla is playing her video games, and Takamine decides to tease me while I'm on break. I can't do anything about it other than do my best to ignore her.

Option 1: Freed Suit

Option 2: Ninja Suit

Option 3: Philosopher's Stone

Option 4: Fragarach

Option 5: Tsukuyomi Unit

Okay, not too bad. Two of them are suits, which should be easy enough to determine what they could do. The Philosopher's Stone is a big gamble because too many versions exist. I could get one that could do so much more, but I could also get one that only converts leads into gold and makes one immortal somehow.

I don't need gold or something like the Philosopher's Stone to make me immortal. My Nen alone is doing that already for me.

Then the last two are similar to the Philosopher's Stone. Too many versions exist for me to consider which one it could be.

Ah fuck it, I'll grab the last two. I don't feel like wearing any suits other than the one I'm wearing, which is being messed with by Takamine.

Anyway, Fragarach and Tsukuyomi Unit are stored inside my mindscape. Something I think will become a common place for most of my present and future godlike items if this keeps up.

So Fragarach is from the Nasuverse. A Noble Phantasm and Mystic Code with the ultimate form of counterattack. It warps causality to consistently strike the opponent in the heart with a needle-thin concentrated blast right before they unleash their ultimate attack. The condition for its use is that the opponent must use their strongest attack, and Fragarach must be used directly after the enemy's strike. It would typically be that Fragarach would kill the enemy, and the opponent's attack would also simultaneously destroy the user.

Yeah, the Boss removed that condition and made it so it would counterattack before the opponent's attack could be made. Along with other changes to it, to make it the standard of being a godlike item.

Now, the Tsukuyomi Unit was something I had a rough guess what it could be, and I was a bit skeptical of it being the one I knew of and as expected. It's nearly the same one as from Blazblue.

The Tsukuyomi Unit, also known as the Time-Protecting Tsukuyomi, has tremendous defensive capabilities, also known as the 'absolute defense'. Its true purpose is to protect time. But, under the hands of the Boss, it also works on space, protecting my soul, mind, body, etc.

Overall, I guess today's list is mainly a defensive theme. I can't say I hate this because I barely have anything meant for defense. If anything, I go full-on offensive as defensive.

I drop the small purple book into my shadow.

Break time is over.

I mentally sigh and prepare to resume my role as a caretaker.

Starting with Takamine, who is now trying to figure out how to unzip my pants.

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