Daily Life of A Caretaker

Arc 1: The Meeting – Chapter 29

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


Arc 1: The Meeting - Chapter 29

With my One Holy Spear thrust into one of the gaps, I've pierced thousands of monsters all at once. Killing all of them instantly due to the Ultimate Poison taking effect.

I spoke a few words, casting a spell through Solomon's Gate to burn the monster's corpse to be erased, as some of these eldritch earthworm-like creatures would come back alive after a few seconds if I didn't erase their bodies. But, only for those that barely avoided the gaps, which the gaps themselves are plenty enough to kill them alone.

I learned this after killing so many of these things an hour ago. Yeah, this has been going on for an hour now.

Other than those eldritch earthworm-like creatures. There are some other eldritch creatures. One of the common among them is a humanoid with a human head freaking upside down and eyes for mouths, while the mouth has numerous baby size tentacles coming out of it, with the end of the tentacles being eyeballs. The rest of their bodies have rag-like skins and spikes all over their bodies. For arms, they are just like human ones, but the thing is that the arms themselves are a bunch of human arms forming into a single 'arm'. This is the same with the legs.

These eldritch humanoid creatures are slow in movement but can ignore the gravity barrier. However, I can deal with them by forming gaps for them to walk into their deaths just like the others.

In addition to these things, another eldritch creature is bird-like, made out of human tongues. These things kept on making that deep rumbling voice outside. I finally found out as I expanded the En's range to outside for me to see everything due to Perfect Timing letting me it's a good time to check outside the apartment, allowing me to get a better look at the wave of monsters coming to disturb the girls.

I've already tried to block these eldritch creatures from entering the apartment with Boundary Manipulation. Still, it only took a few seconds for them to figure out how to bypass it by changing how they entered.

Those few seconds are enough for the Old Ways to take advantage and, with the Ultimate Poison attached to the One Holy Spear, to deal with them by attacking through the temporarily created gaps in space and time. In addition, I've started casting spells stored inside Solomon's Gate. Giving me another edge against these monsters.

I would have guarded against the windows in the apartment, but it seems they are unbreakable, and only the doors on the ground floor for the front and back entrances are weak. Even the building itself couldn't be destroyed. Otherwise, forget not to let the girls wake up on their own. I would have difficulty fighting this army of monsters alone while trying to protect them from all directions.

So because of this, I knew straight away this is the Boss was doing and made it so my first task wouldn't be a 100% death rate. However, that doesn't mean it has a 0% death rate, not when I have the Reset & Restart as among my cheats.

Another stab to my right, killing numerous monsters through the gaps.

Crazy voices, what are the odds of this task becoming common in the future? Or maybe it's to prepare me to deal with an army formed of all past enemies made by the girls before I came into the picture? I wouldn't put it past the Boss that I'm also their bodyguard to deal with these people that want nothing more than their deaths.

I know the future tasks will be more dangerous than the last. I have no idea why I'm being given such tasks, but all I know is that parts of keeping my job as a caretaker secure, or else there is only one way for me to leave this job. And it won't be fired like typical jobs on Earth.

I grab the Newtonian Apple floating next to me and take another couple of bites to increase the gravity indoors to stall some of the monsters so I can deal with those that aren't affected by the sudden increase in the gravity again.

Honestly, this feels like a tower defense game, with many horrors and monsters out to kill me.

I spin the One Holy Spear to form a thin circular black line around me, causing the shaft of the spear to pulse, causing one to feel its evil coming from it instead of holiness.

"Malice." The One Holy Spear releases a strong presence of evilness to the surrounding. I stab forward into a new gap form in its path, and the thin circular black line swirls around the spear until it merges at the last second before the speartip enters through the gap.

Soon, numerous monsters outside begin exploding, and even the areas outside are being destroyed by the high strong stabs filled with evil that aims to eradicate everything in its path. Spreading like a virus of destruction, the evil aura infused in the spear attacks warp reality around it, bending the impossible, and more explosions transpire.

Malice is one of the spear techniques belonging to the One Holy Spear. No idea if this was canon or something the Boss created. Either way, I'd to use this more than once by now and it takes a lot out of me that requires me to rest for a brief moment with Zetsu. The evil aura it produces is converted from my aura and would cause numerous horrifying effects that would lead to death instantly upon being hit.

I glance over at the girls, still not awake! Come on already! I swear this better not last for long!

Recovering from using Malice, I allow the Divine Dogs to take over in killing the monsters indoors while ignoring the ones outside that have yet to enter the building. I can continue to cast spells with Solomon's Gate, for this grimoire doesn't use my aura and use its magical energy source that's always generated to no end. Thereby, I have access to the vast spells inside Solomon's Gate to use without limitation due to not having to consume any resources to power the spells themselves.

This is the same with the legacy of Yukari and my other cheats.

So with my aura on low, I just rely on my other cheats.

I snap my fingers, opening up a massive gap outside, from which an enormous train speeds out, slamming into everything with exceptional force and causing a chain reaction of explosions.

The Old Ways took charge once more as I snapped my fingers, and multiple large gaps formed in the night sky where lightning bolts struck down.

Headache! Damn it, Old Ways! There is a reason why I don't do that!

I shake my head, then wait for the next wave of monsters to come as Zetsu overworks itself.

The small purple book popped out of my shadow and floated in front of my face, flipping open to the first page to show the Boss' message.


I would have jumped in pure joy if I weren't still recovering.

I look over to the girls; sure enough, they are starting to wake up independently, just like the Boss said in the small purple book. Also, I can sense all the monsters are moving away from the apartment.

I toss the One Holy Spear and Ultimate Poison back into my mindscape. Along with the Newtonian Apple, then dismiss all the Divine Dogs.

Checking the wall clock, it's precisely noon. So I've been fighting off those monsters since last night and straight over the morning.

All the girls are clothed before they fully wake up, and I clean them up via Boundary Manipulation. Switching between naked/cloth and dirty/clean. Something I should have done way before everything has gone bizarre and dangerous. But the Perfect Timing wouldn't let me. Talk about plain weird.

Nonetheless, it's finally over, and... I better recreate that Save Point!

Quickly, I remade the Save Point before doing anything else. I would rather not go through all that again, but with many deaths involved—my deaths, that is. I got lucky to go through all that without dying once.

I won't lie, but this has changed me more than I thought possible—even more than on my first day as the caretaker.

"Morning, Jin...!" Nyarla let out a yawn, stretching and causing her breasts to bounce.

"I don't think it's morning, Nyarla." Yor said softly, slowly blinking as she stared at the wall clock. "It seems we've slept through the morning."

"I don't care if we've slept through the entire day. I'm hungry." Takamine groans in the end before pushing herself up. Then she looked down before looking at her sisters, "I could have sworn we were all naked before going to sleep."

"Our caretaker should be the one that puts out clothes on for us." Yor replied, then slowly got off the bed and headed to the bathroom, nodding at me as she walked past me.

"Jin, I'm hungry!" Nyarla smiled at me while lying back down on the bed. "Make me a Subway tuna sandwich!"

"I want eggs with white rice and whatever you could make as a side dish." Takamine said what she wanted to eat.

I just nod and head to the kitchen, taking the small purple book with me to see if there is anything else the Boss wants me to do. Hopefully, it won't be another task anytime soon.

I asked Yor before heading into the kitchen, and she was fine with anything as long it was filling, so I'll just make fried rice for her then.

Crazy voices, it seems like the Boss is satisfied with my efforts and rewards me by letting me know ahead of time which world we will end up in by whoever opens the door at the time. This is huge because that means I can plan ahead of time and figure out the best routes to let the girls' day become boring.

Wow, it's not even a month into this job, and I've already thought about planning the girls' schedules for the incoming next world.

"Hey, Jin, do you need any help?" Yor asks me from the side as I've finished taking out all the ingredients to make everyone's breakfast while reading the messages from the Boss.

"You can help me prepare everything, so you can start ahead by cleaning anything that needs to be wash." I said to Yor, giving her the benefit of the doubt. She won't end up causing the food to go bad.

"Okay!" Yor said happily, which put a smile on my face.

Of course, I checked what she washed and how she washed them. I rather not take out more ingredients to replace the ruined ones. We are still limited in how many ingredients it is available in my shadow to cook with.

"Here you go, Jin." Yor handed me the washed ingredients with a bright smile on her face. "Is there anything else you need help with?" Her eyes look at me with the desire to do more.

"Mind getting the pan?" I place the washed ingredients on the side of the cutting board, grab the kitchen knife, then start cutting.

"Sure!" Yor cheerfully agrees.

Well, crazy voices. I guess it isn't too bad having Yor helping out in the kitchen.

I'm still not going to taste any of her cooking anytime soon. Not until another few days before my aura should have grown enough to give me the iron stomach needed to deal with Yor's handmade food.

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