Daily Life of A Caretaker

Arc 1: The Meeting – Chapter 2

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


Arc 1: The Meeting - Chapter 2

Hey! Welcome back, crazy voices!

What? How did I know? Because I just do, it comes with the benefits of being alone most of the time. You tend to do anything to deal with the loneliness.

It has been a good few hours since I last talked to you guys. Yeah, sorry for ignoring you guys a few times. But, could you blame me? I nearly got taken away by those shadow hands!

So, you guys are wondering what happened after Nyarla hugged me? Nothing happened other than Nyarla made me play Kingdom Hearts with her; well, more like making me watch her play as she talked about the game. I was half-listening to her while I read the next book to gain another cheat to prepare for the next monster to appear.

Nyarla is a pretty chill girl and has barely any common sense. It might be because she is from another world that she didn't learn about the common sense I grew up with, or maybe no one taught her about common sense. Ugh, so damn confusing. Forget it. Common sense isn't used that often, even back in my world. If anything, everyone has their version of common sense.

Going back to why Nyarla has barely any common sense. She decided that it was acceptable to sit on my lap while gaming. Not even caring about the raging boner she is sitting on. Fuck it's painful and not being able to do anything about it is frustrating.

I'm too paranoid and scared for my life if I dare do anything, let alone ask her why. So, the only thing I could do was try my best to ignore Nyarla's sexy big ass and focus on finishing reading my new book that would become my next plot armor.

I figured out that I needed to read the entire book from front to back and have a rough understanding of it to make it my own. Otherwise, just reading a few pages isn't going to cut it.

Luckily, I finished reading on Nen, huh? Because I swear, I might have died if I wasn't so nosy about finding out why the books were glowing. I can understand in some way why the others before me didn't read any of the glowing books or even bother to touch them.

Nevertheless, I can gain more cheats as a side benefit in this crazy situation.

Now, I'm sure some of you crazy voices claim to be an alpha and whatnot and show who is boss after absorbing all the glowing books; afterward, you would go through an epic training montage and beat whoever tries to mess with you. Then, you would have your way with Nyarla's sexy busty body, showing how much of an alpha male you are.

Here is a question for you, crazy voices in my head.

Suppose whoever left these glowing books here for anyone to take them. Not to mention how long Nyarla had been alone up to this point.

Who to say how powerful the one behind all this that wouldn't care about these glowing books like worthless things without caring where they are placed or handled? What can you do to them if they do this? Or maybe Nyarla did this and secretly watched everything in the amusement without you realizing it?

There is a butt load of what-ifs, and any of them can be true.

So yeah, fuck all those alpha males, wannabe. Do that shit only when you're genuinely overpowered, even among the broken of broken ass characters. Then, go beat those guys up. Until then, just be normal crazy voices in my head.

Ah, where was I? Right, the book I'm reading right now. Not a bad cheat as my second one. The Stillness of an Object's Time and Lion's Heart. Both belong to the series Re: Zero and under the Authority of Greed and used by the character: Regulus Corneas.

Stillness of an Object's Time is Regulus' main offensive ability, named by Subaru. Regulus could stop the time for anything he was wearing, touching, or even his breath, which in turn stopped the object's or thing's interference from the outside world, only allowing its interference outwards and even granting Regulus the ability to freely manipulate the objects' shape. Small objects imbued with Stillness of an Object's Time could be used either as a form of a platform that allows Regular to freely traverse on it or be utilized as objects of imminent death and destruction as they created devastating and destructive attacks when used with malicious intent.

Lion's Heart is what Regulus used to stop the time of his own body for anywhere between 5 to 10 seconds, granting him complete invincibility with anything past the 5 seconds mark causing excruciating pain to him, prompting him to deactivate it immediately. In order to compensate for this shortcoming, Regulus gave his Lion's Heart to his wives, preventing any recoil from the ability, allowing him to become invincible for as long as he wanted; no form of recoil went to his wives, and they weren't even aware of harboring his heart. Once his pseudo-heart was destroyed, the side effects of Lion's Heart returned to him.

Seriously, whoever made these glowing books and just left them randomly in Nyarla's bedroom isn't someone I like to mess with or meet in general.

Nevertheless, I focus even harder on comprehending everything, or at least as best as possible, to gain these two abilities. And if my guess is right, then I'll also gain full mastery over it from the get-go instead of slowly training in using them. Like with Nen, since I use En to cover the entire bedroom so easily, it is as simple as breathing.

En is an advanced application of Ten and Ren. In Ren, aura usually envelops only a small amount of space around the user's body. En is when one extends their Ren so that their aura extends further than normal, then uses Ten simultaneously to contain and give shape to that aura, normally a sphere. The minimum requirement is to extend one's aura to a radius of more than 2 meters and hold it longer than 1 minute. Someone using En can feel the shape and movement of anything within the area covered by their aura, with a degree of awareness and finesse depending on their level of skill. Nen users can be told apart from regular people due to their stronger reaction to the En user's aura.

Those who master En can typically extend it to a circle with a 50-meter radius. There are exceptions; however, a powerful Nen is able to extend their En up to a radius of 300 meters, while other powerful entities have an irregularly shaped En and can extend a tendril up to 1 mile. The downside to this technique is that it is extremely tiring and draining for the Nen user to deploy so much aura constantly.

I don't feel any drain, making me wonder if I was subconsciously thinking I was using up my lifespan while using Ren at the time. Or maybe my body is adapting to having Nen, making me able to use Nen more often and stronger than the average Nen user.

"Jin, do you think I should stock on potions or save up my money for something else I might need to buy? I could grind for money, but I want to keep moving forward into the plot." Nyarla turns her head to look at me, and I quickly move the book to the side with my thumb being used as a temporary bookmark.

"Unless you're planning on fighting non-stop, then there is no point in buying anymore. Since you can only equip so many potions before you run out. You get as many potions per battle as you currently have equipped to your item slots. If you have a potion, you get a potion. If you have 5 potions equipped with 5 slots, you get 5. So just be sure all of your slots are full in your item menu." I answered with the best I could remember about KH2.

"I see." Nyarla looks at me in awe, making me wonder if this is the first time she is playing Kingdom Hearts 2, or even the first game. "You must be an amazing gamer."

"I'm a casual gamer." I'm glad Nyarla is playing a video game I have some knowledge of.

Nyarla turns to face the TV screen and resumes playing as she asks a few more questions, which I'm glad to know the answers to. Then I continue reading the book to obtain my second cheat. I have no idea how long until the next monster appears. But that doesn't mean I'll neglect Nyarla as that might make the Boss, yeah, I'm just going to call the mastermind behind this whole thing as Boss instead of a random no-name almighty entity, be mad at me for not doing my job of taking care of Nyarla.

Speaking of taking care of Nyarla, I notice no food or drinks in the bedroom. Wait, forget that for now and finish the book! I'm nearly finished! Just a few more pages... and done!

The glowing on the book disappears just like the one on Nen, then I place the book on the side and close my eyes briefly to let my brain rest before opening them again and picking Nyarla, causing her to yelp as I place her on the side.

"Hey! Why did you move me?" Nyarla pouts at me, nearly making me want to squish those cheeks of hers.

"Because it's time for lunch? Or is it dinner?" I look out the only window in this bedroom, but I can't see anything other than its pitch black outside.

Nyarla tilts her head, "Really? Then, let's go out to eat!" She got up, causing her large breasts to jiggle from the momentum.

Fuck, I'm going to have to beat some horny boys... and maybe horny girls too.

I watch Nyarla move to her bed and reach underneath her pillow to take out a purple wallet.

"I'm ready!" Nyarla moved over to hug my right arm, giving me the pleasure of feeling her breasts, and holy shit, she wasn't wearing any bras.

"Do you have an idea what you want to eat?" I ask Nyarla, trying my best to ignore the raging boner that has yet to disappear, and I'm glad I'm wearing black jeans and an oversized T-shirt to barely cover my boner.

"I want to eat a cheeseburger." Nyarla smiled in excitement.

"You want to eat one at a burger place, or do you want me to make one instead?" I have experience in cooking, but I got an idea of how to improve it massively, along with the daily chores I'll have to do while living with Nyarla.

"Oh! I want to try your handmade cheeseburger!" Nyarla looks even more excited than ever. "Come on, let's go!" She begins dragging me to the door, not afraid of any potential dangers standing behind the door.

Of course, there isn't anything behind it after I extend En's range outside the bedroom to check for any sneaky entity wanting to kill me. But one can never be too sure in this crazy world. I'm not even entirely sure if I was in the Crawling Dreams or if it's a crossover.

For now, I just have to survive.

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