Daily Life of A Caretaker

Arc 1: The Meeting – Chapter 10

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


Arc 1: The Meeting - Chapter 10

Okay, with the help of En. I can see no one in the alley. Nor do I see any shady people nearby that are eyeing the alley. However, going by my gut feeling, there is bound to be trouble the moment we go through this alley in the middle of the night, which is a lot worse, in my opinion.

Alleyway plus nighttime equals a crime scene waiting to happen.

"How-" I was eager to go to the second closest unlocked door, only for Nyarla to walk into the alley without hesitation.

Come on! You didn't even let me finish my sentence, let alone say a second word!

I sigh deeply at this, but I chase after Nyarla. Being secretly overpowered or not, I got to make sure no one tried anything with Nyarla. Especially if her original ego act up.

As I kept En up and running, I made sure to stick close to Nyarla in case some random portal appeared and pulled her into it. I should have plenty of time to jump in with her.

What? Do you guys think there won't be some random portal appearing out of the blue and in an alley? Then, you, crazy voices, have forgotten that this is Nyarla we're talking about. She is a magnet for random bullshits to happen.

"Hands off the girl, you Asian bastard!" A woman's voice appears above us, with the sound of someone coming down very fast.

Right, I forgot about Glory Girl, aka Victoria Dallon. One of the icon characters in Worm for how reckless she is most of the time in the canon and being lucky to obtain a set of powers that make many people envy. Also, many common uses in fanfictions for one of her power affecting people as a significant factor.

Mainly she radiates energy that makes anyone within her presence feel an emotional charge of awe and admiration. It is a feeling of raw intimidation for those with a reason to be afraid of her. She has displayed the ability to ramp up this energy to increase its effects or tone it down to decrease it.

Funny enough, it's because of this that many fanfiction writers made use of by making it similar to her power being a master type due to having a long-term effect on Panacea, aka Amy Dallon and Victoria's adoptive sister, where Amy has romantic feelings for Victoria.

I don't know what canon is and what is made up, but I can feel the energy created by Victoria to be similar to Ren to intimidate others as a form of bloodlust. All I know is that this bitch is trying to mess with me and no doubt misunderstood that I'm with Nyarla, not someone trying to kidnap her. Fuck! I don't have such courage to do such a thing! Crazy voices; you guys can back me up on this!

So I blast back with Ren in a high amount of aura, leading Victoria to pause in her flight in shock, and I can see the cold sweats on her forehead. My body reacted before I could think and through Nen to make it possible. I appear in front of the shocked Victoria and grab her face while using Delayed Effect on her forcefield from affecting me. Let me bypass her default defense measure and ruthlessly throw her downward with enough force to make her facepalm into the ground to crack the concrete itself.

The Old Ways didn't think it was enough going by how my body moved again without my input, appearing next to Victoria and pouring a large amount of aura into her body.

Oh shit!

I quickly use Delayed Effect on Victoria before she ends up dead. Because I can see through the Delayed Effect of Victoria's bones are about to shatter and her organs are going to rupture. So, at the same time, I use Delayed Effect to prevent Victoria from gaining access to Nen and use Lion's Heart to make the effect null and void. I continue using the Delayed Effect to prevent all her injuries from appearing. Lion's Heart is reactivated once more to make said injury permanently disappear before they even appear.

Everything was done in less than a few seconds, nearly causing one of the essential characters in Worm to be killed.

With swiftness, I pull unconscious Victoria out of the ground and sigh in relief that she is alive and well. Although, I find it weird to see her coming here instead of continuing to head home from what I saw in En. Not suddenly change direction at the last second and come here to be a hero she is to save Nyarla.

I narrow my eyes at the unlocked door not far from where we are and down at Victoria.

"Who is she?" Nyarla asks in confusion, but when I glance at her, I feel a shiver go down my spine. "Is she here to give us a quest to take on?"

"Nope, not at all. She just dropped by and made a mistake. We can be on our merry way." I use Delayed Effect on Victoria, forming an invisible barrier around her so others can't perceive her until she wakes up. That way, no one would have any funny ideas while she is unconscious. Also, making it, so she doesn't wake up until we're completely gone from here and without her seeing us the moment she wakes up.

Adjusting Victoria in a better position so she won't wake up with body aches. Then, I extend my En behind the unlocked door to see if anyone is behind it and watch through the peephole or have any hidden cameras around in the alley to see who is going near the unlocked door and prepare for an ambush or not.

"You sure? She seems like someone with a quest for us to do." Nyarla look at Victoria in a way I don't think is good.

"Yup, so how about we return home for you to try some of your new games before going to bed." I said to Nyarla, reminding her why we came out of the apartment in the first place.

"Oh yeah!" Nyarla grabbed my hand and dragged me to the unlocked door, shoving the unlocked door open, and we were back in the apartment.

After that, as if what we have gone through in the world of Worm had never happened. Nyarla began to play one of her new video games. At the same time, I took this chance to create my second Nen ability, which was to help me with the sleeping problems, aka being used as a body pillow by Nyarla and having trouble breathing with my face shoved into between her breasts. I decided to make my second Nen ability to be something else with an idea popped into my head, thanks to meeting Dinah.

Similar to the Delayed Effect. It would be helpful in everything and could be used together with all the rest of my cheats. Furthermore, thanks to my massive aura that has yet to stop growing. I didn't have to place many limitations onto this second Nen ability other than it requires using aura to power it.

Perfect Timing is the name of my second Nen ability, reaching a state of complete context with whatever situation I find myself in, in other words being in the right place at exactly the right time. This grants me unnaturally high degrees of luck in whatever I attempt, prevents fatal injuries from occurring during accidents, intuition to take the right actions to get the advantage in any situation, meet the right ally for the situation, etc.

In other words, I've obtained what is considered a temporary control of plot armor in many stories of main characters that would be supported in a way that shouldn't be possible. But I have to use extra aura to see the results of my actions before doing them.

Thanks to Perfect Timing, I knew the best moments to take or to avoid. For example, it seems like it isn't the best time for me to obtain the set of superhuman abilities from Food Wars, from what I could tell with Perfect Timing. Good to know that I didn't do something that may or may not cause my death due to causing Nyarla's clothing to explode while having a food orgasm.

Anyway, fast forward to the following day. I find myself refreshed, and you want to know why guys? I managed to breathe perfectly normal last night by relying on Perfect Timing. I position my face to allow my nose not to be trapped between Nyarla's breasts at the best moment before she shoves my face in. In addition, thanks to Perfect Timing, I know when to use Zetsu or not.

Also, today's breakfast is better than ever, thanks to Perfect Timing working so well with Housekeep Mastery.

"So yummy~!" Nyarla rubs her stomach in satisfaction with a joyful smile on her face. "I don't think I can eat another bite."

"Well, I'm glad you like it." I smile, trying to suppress the urge to smack my past self since I was right to guess if I had made enough food to fill Nyarla's stomach the last time I cooked for her.

"Let's play some video games!" Nyarla prepares to head to the living room to begin her daily route.

However, that has to change as I got something from the Boss this morning. Seeing something drop off without my notice nearly gave me a heart attack. I was awake the whole night and I detected nothing with En. Talk about scary and dangerous. Am I right, crazy voices? Man, are you guys still keeping quiet? Fine, be that way.

"Nope, today we got to do something besides gaming all day." I said to Nyarla, causing her to stop in her steps.

"What do you mean?" Nyarla looked at me with narrowed eyes.


"Well, your." I bring out a small purple book and open the first page, pausing for a few seconds after I realize something I'd forgotten when making breakfast. "Your, uh... parent wants me to take you outside more often instead of staying indoors all day long." I by no mean 100% believe the Boss is Nyarla's parent. For all I know, the Boss could be someone like a protector or guardian of Nyarla before her original ego temporarily goes into sleeping to watch over in the shadow for whatever reasons. Also, I'm not sure the Boss even has a gender, but they decided to pick parent as their alias.

"Parent?" Nyarla frowned, thinking deeply. Then she grabbed her head in pain and released a menacing presence that would nearly stop my heart if I didn't quickly use Delayed Effect and Perfect Timing to prevent that from happening, then use Lion's Heart near the end. "Right... I remember I was told to go out often."

"So how about we go out on a nice relaxing walk and maybe we will find something interesting to do before we head to a local restaurant to eat. Afterward, we can return to the apartment and have plenty of time for you to play games." I replied, trying to ignore how I nearly died from a heart attack.

Also, I'm willing to bet the Boss found out about me creating my second Nen ability and what it does before giving me this small purple book, leading to me using the word: parent on Nyarla and causing her to react to it.

But, for fuck sake, I almost die! And this wasn't even Nyarla trying to kill me! Purely by accident. What the fuck.

"Sure! Maybe we can find an arcade!" Nyarla said joyfully, no longer in pain, and didn't notice she nearly caused me to die a few seconds ago.

"Alright." I wasn't in the mood to deny her request, not that I had a choice to stop right now.

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