Daddy Academy

Chapter 7 Fierce

Chapter 7 Fierce
As soon as Zhang Tan went to work, he was notified to have a meeting in the conference room. There were 9 other colleagues, all young people, who attended the meeting.

The deputy team leader came in and said, "You have been in the company for a while, the longest being more than three months, and the shortest being Zhang Tan and He Chao for a week. Now I will give you a theme, one day, and write a lot of papers. With a 5000-word story outline, leave it to me after get off work."

The crowd cheered.

"The title is "The Adventure of Little Mud". It is about a mud toy, Little Mud, who escaped from a toy factory. He met a group of toys and a lot of interesting things happened. You can write down this line of thinking..."

The deputy team leader left after the introduction, and the meeting was dissolved.

Everyone left, Zhang Tan sat back in the cubicle, thinking about the plot.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, he printed out the written outline of the story, bound it, and handed it to the deputy team leader.

"quite fast."

The deputy team leader took his manuscript, glanced at it, and put it on the right hand side, where there were already two copies.

It seems that Zhang Tan is the third submission.

After handing in the manuscript, Zhang Tan went back. Aunt Huang called and asked him to go to her house for dinner at night.

Zhang Tan bought some fruit and came to Aunt Huang's house. Her husband was also there.

When Aunt Huang heard the movement, she stuck out her head from the kitchen: "Sit Zhang Tan for a while, 10 minutes is fine. Old Huang, talk to Zhang Tan about your sour novel."

Lao Huang is Aunt Huang's husband, so he was a little embarrassed to hear that.

"I don't know how to appreciate it, how can I be sour?"

Aunt Huang said in the kitchen, "It's not sour or sour, it's my teeth that are sour."

Zhang Tan smiled at Lao Huang: "Uncle Huang likes to write books?"

Lao Huang was a little embarrassed and said with a smile: "It's just a hobby. I heard that you are working in the Pujiang Film Studio now? You specialize in writing scripts?"

Zhang Tan: "Still studying, by the way, hasn't Amei returned from a business trip?"

"No, I heard that it will be two days longer than the original plan."

Lao Huang looked very dissatisfied. An unmarried woman traveled abroad for more than ten days, and the company did not know how to be considerate. She really used the female paper as an animal.

The two chatted for a while, and soon got to the table for dinner.

Zhang Tan looked at the table full of dishes and was suddenly moved.

"Thank you, Aunt Huang, you've got the heart, it's all Grandma's specialty."

Although Aunt Huang has no blood relationship with her grandmother, she grew up with her since she was a child.

Perhaps thinking of her grandmother, Aunt Huang sighed, then smiled and said, "If you like it, just eat it."

I thought, if your grandmother saw that you had changed, she would be happier.

During this week, Aunt Huang observed Zhang Tan silently, and found that he had really changed.

"Eat, eat, Zhang Tan, have you learned your grandmother's craftsmanship?" Uncle Huang greeted.

Zhang Tan tasted a crystal elbow: "It tastes exactly the same."


After dinner, Aunt Huang said, "I went to the police station today and saw Xiaomi. That little girl lost a lot of weight. It's so pitiful to see my crying pear blossoms with rain."

Zhang Tan asked, "Have you found her family yet?"

Aunt Huang: "Her hometown is in Shandong. She has already contacted the police over there to look for it, but there is no one for now."

Lao Huang said angrily: "It's too irresponsible to be a parent, such an old child will lose it if he loses it."

Aunt Huang said: "Who said no, I have seen Xiaomi's mother, a thin and weak woman, raising Xiaomi alone in Pujiang, the pressure is too great, she may not be able to bear it, she usually loves her, I must love her. Daughter, just don't know what happened, let her go."

Lao Huang raised his voice and said, "If you love your daughter, you won't leave it behind if you love it. Is this something a mother can do?"

Aunt Huang glanced at him and said casually, "Then let me ask, where did the father go? I'm so sorry to leave the mother and daughter behind! Is that what a father can do?"

Lao Huang was a little weak: "Now we are discussing the abandonment of Xiaomi."

Aunt Huang was unforgiving: "Her father went too far, not only abandoned Xiaomi, but also abandoned Xiaomi's mother. Is he a person? Is he a man?..."

Zhang Tan was there, and Lao Huang was a little embarrassed: "Nong, don't be emotional, restrain yourself a little bit, and let's talk about things."

Aunt Huang glanced at him: "I won't talk to you, I'm going to the academy."

It can be seen that her status in the family has always remained at the top.

Zhang Tan got up when he heard the words: "Uncle, I'm going back too."

Lao Huang sent them out: "Come again next time."

On the way back, Aunt Huang suddenly said: "Today, the policeman at the police station asked me if I could bring Xiaomi back first, and then pick it up when she finds her family. I haven't replied yet, it's up to you to decide."

Zhang Tan: "What's the matter? Why do you want to do this?"

Aunt Huang said: "Xiaomi was crying and making trouble at the police station. No matter how hard she tried to coax her, she lost a lot of weight. If it goes on like this, I'm afraid her family won't be found, and she's already ill. She has many friends in the school. Bai is her little sister, and the police feel that returning to the academy can make her emotionally stable, ask us for our opinion, and of course, the police station will pay for it."

Zhang Tan: "I don't understand this very well, what does Aunt Huang think?"

"It's pitiful, it's not a big deal, I think it's okay."

"Okay, then take it back."

Take Xiaomi back, Xiaobai should put down his hatred for him, can you stop shouting, butt hei will be beaten if you shout again.

As soon as I thought of Xiaobai, there was a commotion in the academy. I saw Xiaobai's fierce claws and claws, chasing and beating a little fat man, shouting melon baby!

The little fat man couldn't run away from her and was beaten to the ground, but he was stronger and overturned Xiaobai, tearing the two together.

Zhang Tan: -_-||
Ferocious, ferocious, you are really fierce, little white children's shoes, you dare to do anything to a little fat man a circle older than you, where did you get the courage?Moreover, it was even possible to achieve an equal share, so I had to obey.

Teacher Xiaoliu and Lao Li rushed up, separated them, and ordered them to stand.

The two were covered in ash, the little white hair was messy, the palm-sized face was stained with mud, and there was a bloodstain, just like a little wild cat fighting in blood.

The zipper of her big "China" clothes was broken, and she kept fiddling with her head down.She seemed to care more about the quality of her clothes than the scars on her face.

The little fat man wasn't much better, his pants were half dropped, revealing his butt groove.

There is a clear shoe print on Bai Bai's butt, and the side is red. It was pinched by Xiao Bai. Zhang Tan just saw it clearly.

This is not over yet, there is a fake snake with a brown and white pattern stuck in the ditch of the fat man's ass!The snake's head is inward, and the snake's tail is exposed on the outside of the pants, shaking and shaking, very rhythmic, it seems that this is an electric fake snake, which makes people speechless.

Not only that, the little fat man's chubby face was covered with a layer of ashes, his mouth was also bleeding, his nose was bleeding, and he was terrified.

"Woooooo, Xiaobai hit me~~~"

The little fat man cried and said, after all, he is only a 5-year-old child, and he has never seen such a fierce little girl.

Xiaobai said fiercely, "Are you talking about a paw? You are a fool with a square head, ha poke!"

If it wasn't for Teacher Xiao Liu, she would have rushed up.

Aunt Huang said with a cold face: "Take Luo Zikang back first and let Xiao Tang show him to stop the nosebleed."

The little fat man walked away crying, Aunt Huang stared at the indignant Xiao Bai without speaking, and planned to suppress Xiao Bai's arrogance with her temperament and eyes first.

Xiaobai gradually realized that it was not good, put away his little claws and fangs, and changed from a little wild cat with fried fur to a docile little cat.

"Why are you fighting?" Aunt Huang asked.

Xiaobai raised his hand and wiped his face, but there were more stains on his face.

"Luo Zikang, that melon child, used his second child to scare Cheng Cheng..."

"Speak Mandarin!" Aunt Huang interrupted.

Xiaobai said in Mandarin obediently: "Luo Zikang used a snake to scare Cheng Cheng..."

She is articulate, she says one thing clearly and clearly, she has no responsibility whatsoever, it's all Luo Zikang's fault.

Aunt Huang was speechless, Zhang Tan exclaimed in his heart.

In a nutshell, Luo Zikang used a toy snake to frighten a little girl named Cheng Cheng, which made her cry. Xiaobai complained and quarreled with him, and then Luo Zikang started.

It is estimated that Luo Zikang can't quarrel with her, Zhang Tan thought to himself, he has been so angry with Xiaobai these days that he wanted to beat her a few times and show her some color.

Aunt Huang asked, "Did Luo Zikang do it first?"

Xiaobai nodded again and again, with such a cute look, he couldn't imagine how cute and fierce she was just now.

Seeing that she didn't intend to change her words, Aunt Huang said, "Xiao Liu, take her there, wash her face, her clothes and hair, and the skin on her face is torn, so be careful not to leave any scars, well, let's go with Luo Zikang. Take it to my office."

Xiaobai was led away by Teacher Xiaoliu, and before leaving, he did not forget to give Zhang Tan a fierce look.

Zhang Tan: -_-||
"Be sure not to leave scars, then I won't be cute."

Xiaobai raised his head and told Teacher Xiaoliu, nagging.

Zhang Tan: Do you want to tell her that she is no longer cute?
(End of this chapter)

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