Dad! Love My Daughter To Death

Chapter 47 - Those who know the current affairs are the best!


After seeing the caller ID, Smith’s face instantly turned green, his hands trembling even the phone almost fell off!

“Hurry up, this group of people are not as easy to talk as I am!”

Liu Zhengyang picked up the teacup and took a sip.

“Yes, yes… you are right!”

Smith didn’t react, and quickly changed his face, and answered the phone flatteringly.

“Mr. Doug! Why did you call me suddenly?”

“Huh! I heard that the **** stock you borrowed from me for 50 million is about to be suspended?”

“No, no…Mr. Doug, you listen to my explanation, this stock will definitely not be suspended, and the period I borrowed has not yet expired? Don’t worry, I will pay back all the capital and profits at that time. yours!”

Smith explained it hurriedly.

“I don’t listen to any explanation from you! The person I sent has already set off and will come and find you tomorrow! If you don’t return 50 million to me tomorrow, then I will let him come back with your head! You look at it for yourself Do it!”

After speaking, the other party hung up the phone!


Smith’s phone slipped from his hand and fell to the ground!

And he didn’t realize it!

The whole person has been completely wet with cold sweat!

Because he knew that Mr. Doug was not joking with himself!

If you don’t pay the money tomorrow, you will really die!

“It seems that those guys who like to wear black gloves are not very promises?”

Liu Zhengyang took a cigarette out of his pocket and lit it with a smile.

“You… how did you know they would call me?”

Smith reacted and looked at Liu Zhengyang in surprise.

“It is not easy to borrow 50 million in a short period of time! So, I will ask someone to check your account!

Although those people who like to wear black gloves should not care much about the stock market, I happened to arrange people to let them out!

So they should be very anxious to get the money back!

What I said should be good, right? “

Liu Zhengyang spit out a smoke ring and looked at Smith with a smile!

“So, all of this is in your calculations?”

Hearing this, Li Changan on the side looked at Liu Zhengyang with some horror.

This handsome and young man is really terrible!

Both myself and Smith were played like monkeys from beginning to end!

“Hahaha… Youdao is fighting with people, and it’s fun! Although you two, I feel that IQ is extremely limited! But it still gives me a little bit of fun!”

Liu Zhengyang laughed, then stood up and patted Smith on the shoulder lightly.

“Mr. Smith, I don’t know how you are thinking now? I have to rush back to cook for my wife and children. Time is precious. Please make a decision as soon as possible, otherwise I will leave!”

“I agree!”

Smith struggled for a long time, and finally he was extremely reluctant, and spit out the word agreement with some humiliation!

Go to the tmd task!

Go to tmd to make money!

If you don’t hand over 50 million tomorrow, you will lose your life!

“Haha… As the saying goes, those who know the current affairs are the best! Our Mr. Smith is the best of the best!”

Liu Zhengyang laughed, then waved at Li Kaide, and said, “What are you doing stupidly? Mr. Smith has agreed to sign the contract!”

“Huh? Oh!”

Only then did Li Kaide come back to his senses, and quickly took out the stock transfer contract he carried with him.

After waiting until the signing, Li Kaide felt like he was in a dream!

Brother Yang is Brother Yang!

Really awesome Klass!

Actually, it really only spent 150 million to buy all of Smith’s more than six billion stocks!

Perhaps, in front of Brother Yang, there is really nothing impossible, right?

And taking advantage of the time when Li Kaide and Smith signed the contract.

Liu Zhengyang walked to Li Changan with a smile.

Smiled and said: “In all fairness, you are indeed a talent! Are you interested in chasing after me?”

“Thanks to Mr. Liu for his kindness, but the loyal minister is not the second master! Mr. Smith has the kindness of knowing me!”

Without thinking about it, Li Changan shook his head and refused. Then he stared at Liu Zhengyang’s eyes and said loudly, “Although you are indeed very powerful and terrifying! But I believe that I will definitely defeat you in the future! “

“Hahaha… ambitious! Yes, I like it!”

Hearing that, instead of being angry, Liu Zhengyang laughed.

“Brother Yang! The contract has been signed!”

Li Kaide said excitedly at this moment.

“Yeah! It’s almost 5 o’clock, I’m going back to cook quickly! Let’s go!”

When Liu Zhengyang looked at the time, he couldn’t help but exclaimed.

Immediately after taking Li Kaide, he turned and left.

But when I walked to the door.

However, Liu Zhengyang stopped suddenly, turned his head and smiled at Li Changan: “I still like you!

There is a poem I want to give you!

Xiaochun loves every day and melts warmly,

It’s not hard to know something in mind.

Shi Junmo was looking for spring time,

The dense trees and the cool town resemble autumn,

Who is like me like this. “

After speaking, Liu Zhengyang left with a big laugh.

Only Li Changan and Smith were left with inexplicable faces.

“That bastard, what do you mean by the poem for you?”

Smith frowned and asked.

“It’s just a bullshit, but I don’t know what he means!”

Li Changan was also confused.

Then he asked: “Mr. Smith, now we only have 150 million left, what shall we do next?”

“Oh! I don’t know! Wait until tomorrow to return Mr. Doug’s 50 million yuan, and then take one step and count it one step at a time!”

Smith lowered his head and sighed heavily, but Li Changan didn’t let Li Changan see his flickering eyes.

And this time.

Li Kaide’s Mercedes-Benz car.

“Brother Yang! You are really amazing! This is a 20% equity transfer letter of our CapitaLand Group. You can become one of the major shareholders of CapitaLand Group by signing it!”

Li Kaide laughed with admiration on his face and handed over a contract.

Liu Zhengyang didn’t hypocritical, so he signed it directly, after all, this is what he deserves.

“By the way! Brother Yang, what do you mean by the poem you gave to Li Changan just before leaving?”

Li Kaide asked curiously.

“Actually, the poem itself has no special meaning, but this is a hidden poem!”

Liu Zhengyang said lightly.

“Hidden Poems!? Watch out for Smith? Are you letting Li Changan guard Smith? Is it possible that Smith will be against Li Changan?”

Li Kaide was a little confused.

“You can think about it, what situation is Smith in now?”

Liu Zhengyang asked with a smile.


Li Kaide curled his lips in disdain, and then analyzed: “He now only has 150 million, and after returning more than 50 million to the group of people who like to wear black gloves, he only has 100 million in his hand!

And now, not only has he not completed the tasks assigned by the headquarters, but he has only lost 100 million of the 10 billion principal of the headquarters!

If the headquarters knew it, some coercive measures would be taken against him!

So he is actually a bereaved dog now! “

“Your analysis is correct, but he has another choice besides being a bereaved dog! After all, he still has 100 million in his hand! This is not a small amount of money. With this money, he can go anywhere in the world. You can live a half-life in a chic and unrestrained manner!”

Liu Zhengyang smiled.

“You mean he will abscond with money!?”

Li Kaide was surprised!

“What do you think?”

Liu Zhengyang frowned.

“Yes, this possibility is very great! In this way, Li Changan is indeed in danger! After all, one hundred million, one person is better than two people! And one less person knows, and one less danger!

Are you actually doing this to remind Li Changan? “

Li Kaide suddenly realized.

“You can say yes, you can say no!”

Liu Zhengyang shrugged, and then said: “Li Changan is a bit foolish, I guess he can’t understand what I mean!”

“Then why can you give him this poem?”

Li Kaide just didn’t understand.

“So I have to ask you one thing next!”

Liu Zhengyang looked at Li Kaide with a smile.

“Brother Yang! Look at what you said, what do you mean by entrusting? You have done me such a big favor. Can’t I help you with a few things?”

Li Kaide was actually polite.

“Actually, I want you to send someone to protect Li Changan! And after you kill the man, you will find a way to save it and send it to me!”

“This… it’s a bit difficult to do, I can only say that I did my best!”

After hesitating, Li Kaide nodded and agreed.

Then he asked curiously: “Brother Yang, why are you so optimistic about Li Changan?”

“Actually, it’s not optimistic or optimistic! This guy does have a hand in the stock market, and my brother-in-law happens to like stocks!

But as for me, you also know that I am usually busy, picking up children and sending them off, and cleaning up. How can I spend so much time to teach him to trade in stocks?

So I wanted to recruit Li Changan and let my brother-in-law learn to trade stocks with him! “

Liu Zhengyang spoke solemnly.

Then, Li Kaide was directly shocked!

Brother Yang’s reason is also strong, right?

Early the next morning.

“Old Li! Mr. Doug’s people have already arrived, I’ll go to meet him, will you go with him?”

Smith asked with some flickering eyes.

“No! I’ll stay in the room and wait for you to come back. I also want to see, what exactly will Liu Zhengyang do? Pull up the stock price!”

Li Changan spoke without looking back.

“That’s good! Then you just wait in the room, don’t run around!”

Smith was obviously relieved and walked away casually.

Li Changan crouched in front of the computer and opened the stock software.

Then he swiped his phone and flipped through the news.

Half an hour before the opening of the stock market, a piece of news caught his eye!

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