CyberPunk New Game Plus

Cyber 1

Cyberpunk New Game Plus

Relaxing in my computer chair, I smirked as my character on screen flipped over the dildo sword, then grinned evilly as I used it to beat Adam smasher to death with it. With That finished, I completed the game and then watched as my character, V, rode off into the sunset with Panam, one of the few good endings. With a stretch and a yawn, I discovered that it was well past two and I had to be up in just three more hours for work, fuck.


With the revelation of the time, another yawn escaped my lips and I was forced to concede that yes, I would need to go to bed right about now. Well, since I had beat the game, I could wait till tomorrow to check on that new game plus feature. So with that thought in mind, I shut down my rig, stripped to my boxers, and then just fell into bed not caring about anything else. Within seconds, I was lost to the world with the thoughts of possibilities in Night City, I never noticed my computer turning itself back on or that the Cyberpunk 2077 new game plus self-activated.


Pain, the pain was all I had left as my eyes snapped open blurry but rapidly cleared as adrenaline flooded my veins. The word, idea, and thought of MOM!!!! Slammed into my skull and had me moving toward the downed person in a bright caution yellow jacket. Coming to a quick stop by her side, my first aid training kicked in as I rolled my mother onto her back and then checked to make sure that her airway was clear. From there I checked for any other injury, and found broken ribs but found that all of her limbs were alright. The bruising along her abdomen, on the left side, none of it was not giving me any good feelings and I would need to get us out of here quickly.


Wild, frantic, and on edge near to blind panic, I spot one of the gangers from the gang known as the Animals and their junker car off to the sides. One was dead and laying outside of the car while another was dead and hanging outside of the passenger side door. There was a jackass in the back, and he was alive. Well, fuck him with a rusty, fucking spoon. My steps were hard and with purpose and I almost tripped up, not even noticing that my legs were far shorter and my arms were a lot scrawnier than I could remember.


My worry about all that would have to wait till later as I pulled up on the Animal Ganger and picked up his shotgun, checked it over, and then walked up, turned it around, and then brought the back end down hard onto that bastard's fucking face.


“Aaarrrggghh, the fuck!”


Ignoring that, I kept using my shotgun as a club, brought it down onto his hand hard and knocked the pistol from his grip, yanked open the car door, and then used my club on him some more. Then grabbed his leg and yanked his punk ass from the car. Turning the shotgun around, I loaded a shell, placed it next to his head, and pulled the trigger.





“Fuck, Fuck, alright, alright!” The ganger screamed out as blood leaked from his ear. I was all out of fucks to give and I was running on a combination of my military training and reality bleeding together with the adrenaline signing within my veins, and this Animal Ganger asshole was GOING TO LEARN TODAY!.


“Get the fuck up!” I yelled, my shotgun aimed right at his fucking face even as I gave him some space to get up. “Right fucking now, get up.”


“Alright, alright, don't shoot.” The ganger answered even as he got up.


Ignoring him, I made a motion to walk and had him follow me over to my mother. “Pick her up.”


“What?” The ganger asked, confused, he was not ready for the swift kick to the nuts.


“I didn't ask for fucking talk!” I screamed at his bent-over form. “Just do it, now pick her the fuck up and place her in the back seat!”


He was still bent over, but that changed when I placed the barrel of the shotgun at his ass. I was at wit's end, half driven mad by panic, and was not going to deal with anyone's shit until my mother was taken care of.


“Pick her up NOW!” My voice cracked a little from the yelling but the ganger knew that I was being extremely serious and he was moving quickly. Good for him because I was not over-giving him a new blow hole.


Between me getting him and him picking up my mother barely a minute had passed and we were in the new vehicle that the gangers had tried to pull off their drive-by in. Before taking off, I had the moron take his friends to my mother's crashed car and then blew his leg off and forced him to send me the rest of his eddies. Combat out in the sand was not the same as combat here and this David mind was bleeding into my own, but one thing was certain, my/our mother was in critical condition and I would do absolutely anything to make sure she got through this.


I was up another three grand in eddies and I put that into the combined bank account. Getting back in the car, I almost sighed in relief when I discovered that we were just a little outside of little Chinatown three blocks from Watson. I had played the damn game more than enough to pick out Viktors ripper Clinic right behind Misty’s shop.


Before I could even take off I had to pull the car seat forward and I was not happy with my now discovered still short as fuck legs, but none of that mattered once my lead foot hit the pedals. I ran lights, over curbs, and even stop signs on my way to Misty’s shop, and even when I got there I was not in any mood and ignored the people on the sidewalk as I made sure to park right out front.


Hopping out, my feet hit the pavement as I dashed through Misty’s shop, grabbed the railing, and not even noticed the stairs as I ran along the wall and then started to bang onto the gate leading into Viktor’s ripper clinic.


“Doc!,” I yelled with my lungs burning from the force. Less than a minute later Viktor was at his gates with a scowl on his face. I didn’t give a fuck as I pushed the gate open the rest of the way and pulled him up the stairs and out Misty’s shop.


“Hey, wait for a sec’ kid, hold up,” Viktor grumped, but that attitude didn’t last long with how clearly incensed I was with panic.  “Where’s the fire…”


His words stopped as he caught sight of my mother in the back seat of the car. That was all the prompting he needed as I was pushed out of the way and he started his own checks of her condition, I just hope to all hell, she didn't get any worse as I drove like the devil.


Viktor took over from there and I ran around following all his little commands. My train of thought was that ripper docs had to be damn good doctors because they were not only carving people up like steaks, but they were also installing mechanical parts into paying customers. Hell, with how diverse the human body was, there had to be all types of complications with all those different types of cyber-tech out on the markets.


And from the look of things, Viktor was a damn good bet. So I could take a second to sit down and catch my breath because damn, it's been a fucking day. I was down for maybe a few seconds before things went dark.


There was no telling how long I was asleep, but I awoke when someone kicked my leg. I jumped awake, hoping to all hell that was just a nightmare of some sort. Instead, the sun was glaring down bright as fuck and I had to shield my eyes from the intense rays. The shadows shifted and I noticed that someone was standing beside me the entire time. Working up the motivation to look over at him instead of the garbage all around, I found the one looking back at me with a cig in his mouth.



"Wake up Samurai, you got a city to burn."


KEANU, the one himself, stood before me with a silver metal arm, some dope aviator shades, and a lit cig in his mouth. His ganic arm was stretched out for me to take and I took it. Standing, I brushed the dirt off and took a look around only to discover that we were no longer in the garbage dump. No, this time we were on a bridge overlooking the city.


"You see that shit," Johnny stated motioning towards the city with a hand.


With a grimace, I stood next to him and stared out at the city, "Yeah…"


"Good, good, that's what I would expect from someone not born into this cesspool," Johnny commented, taking a long drag from his cig before speaking up again. "Burn it all down or fix it, I don't care, but I want something from you."


The winds shifted as the sun started to rise behind Night City and illuminate the buildings. "And what's that?"


"I want you to flatline Adam Smasher and Saburo," Johnny stated, his eyes glowing an eerie red.


Well, shit fuck, "That's a tall order for a scrawny kid don't you think?" I couldn't help but ask, and I had to because I did not want to go the way of borg with all that cyber-tech.


"No worries, I gave you a party favor." Johnny chuckled at me with a discontented look. "Heard about a little thing called Inspired Inventor. I heard it's all the rage to give out little powers when you send out errand boys."


Okay, that was good and bad, but fuck me I had one of the good ones at least, "So I'm an errand boy now?"


"Yup, now get to it, chop-chop." Johnny Silverhand chuckled then flicked his cig at my face. My arms went up reflexively as I jumped up from where I was sleeping on the couch.


My mom's jacket was thrown across my chest and my feet were dangling over one of the arms. I felt good, great even, and from the weight in my pocket, it sure as shit was not a dream as I pulled out the data shard and inspected it. Who the hell gives power in a skill shard, but I guess Johnny wouldn't be a rocker boy if he didn't do things differently.


After inspecting the data shard, I reached up and inserted it right behind my ears. Yup, this was my world now and most definitely not a dream I thought as flashing lights across my eyes lit up my hands. The data shard finished loading and I almost creamed my pants from the sensation. It was as if lightning, mint-flavored dental floss, and a cool summer breeze tingled at the edges of my senses. Biting my lip and squeezing my eyes shut, I clenched my abdominal muscles and forced away the sensations before I ruined my boxers.


My cheeks were flushed a deep red as I breathed hard and worked my way through the sensations of the data shard caressing my mind and nervous systems. I sat up and green fell from my chest, my hands snapping outwards to catch it as the realization that it was my mother's EMT jacket struck me. The scent, feel, and comfort hit me like a ton of bricks, then that all changed as I hugged the jacket to my chest. A hard metallic feeling rubbed against my chest and when I inspected the jacket some more. I found the Sandivistan taped to the inside along the back. Okay, now I knew that this was a mixture of the anime and the game. Also, I had five power charges in the back of my head begging to be used.


Putting the Sandi to the side, I looked around where I was at, for a moment as more parts of my idea formed and I decided to bite the bullet after a few minutes. Settling back down on the couch with the Sandi in my lap, Call of Duty Advanced Warfare came to mind. Then I pushed the thought of the game aside as I focused on the exo-frames. I felt the charge spin up before syncing with the idea as information on how to make myself a bare-bones one-man army flooded my mind. Viktor had a basic walking frame and I could already see ways of improving the damn thing, I just didn't have the skills, yet.



The next two points were burned on engineering because it would be a waste to split out electrical and mechanical engineering, plus they were in the same knowledge tree. Taking the time to make sure that my brain wasn't leaking out of my skull, I spun up another charge and spent that on programming, before spending the last on weapons mastery. Vegging out for a little on the couch, I snapped my mouth shut as I felt the drool leak down the side of my face.


Snapping into motion, I got up and with one swift movement, I removed the sandi from the place my mother had it taped up, put the jacket on, and grabbed the bare-bone exo-frame that Viktor had in the corner for the disabled. Moving like a man possessed, I searched around to discover that I was in Misty’s apartment, but paid most of everything no mind as I made my way out the door and down the stairs. Walking from the stairs and through the back of her shop, I found Misty at the counter looking at a tarot card.


Looking up, Misty turned to me with a neutral expression on her face. She spoke up cryptically and I almost paused to hear the rest of what she had to say. “The black knight righting a pale horse.”


No, I don’t think that I want to hear the rest, I know enough to understand what the knight on a pale horse represents. Johnny asked me to burn down Arasaka and kill the Emperor along with his pet dog. To get there, I would need to put a lot of bodies into the ground. Knowing my own temperament and knowing what I knew about this city, I would be putting alot of bodies in the ground sooner than later. There was also the little fact that Maine would be after either myself or my mother and I couldn’t have that. Misunderstandings or not, no one strong-arms my mom without my foot going up their ass. I didn’t have the skills for power armor, but an exoskeleton was the next best thing.


My thoughts on everything ground to a halt as I came to a decision, it was time to get ready for war. We needed a lot of eddies and there are a lot of Animals and Scavs that I could knock over. Plus, crashing their party came with the added benefits of cyber-parts. The gate was open and I walked right in to find Viktor watching a boxing match, but instead of freaking out, I found my mother sleeping off in one corner with a medical wrap around her midsection.


“Ohh, hey kid, you’re up early,” Viktor called out with a raised hand to catch my attention. “Come to check on your mother?”


Turning to look him over, I had to say that the games didn't do the man justice. The dude was jacked and it's very much clear that he was a retired boxer for sure.


Looking him over, I gave a nod of the head while motioning towards his open workstation off towards the side. "You mind?"


"Nah, Kid, go right ahead."


"Thanks, so how much do I owe you?" Was my way to answer the question as I dropped the old prosthesis and sandi onto the table.


Viktor was silent for a bit, I turned towards him and caught him really inspecting me now, "For everything, going to cost you twenty-five thousand.”


My knees almost buckled at that price as David's panic slammed around in my head. Spreading my hands out onto the table, I took a deep breath before turning around. "I have ten thousand eddies on me right now, and I can get you the rest within forty-eight hours."


Viktor shook his head at me and I tried not to show my heart jumping into my throat, "Kid, you can use my payment plan."


Okay. That tracks with how he was in the game, "Thanks, but a Martinez pays their debts.


"Hmm, is that a touch of pride I hear?" Viktor asked with a chuckle. "Well, just stay alive for your mother and just take the payment plan.


"Thanks," I said and then turned around and went to work on the exo-frame. The battery was shit and needed a charge every week or so, and that would only get worse as I shifted and changed things. Hell, it would maybe only last me twelve hours from all of the adjustments that I planned to make.


“So what are you working on kid?” Viktor asked as he got up from his seat and walked over to take a look at the workbench.


Stripping the spinal supports out, I swapped it with the Sandivistan and started connecting control cables and a few other things even as I shared my thoughts on the matter with Viktor, "I don't want any chrome right now, but I'll settle for an exo-frame." Double-checking the hip servos and rotation points for the arms and legs, I pointed at a few hydraulics points. "These are far stronger than what is really advertised, so I plan to remove the limiters along with a few other things."


"Hmm, alright and you plan to pay for those parts right?" Viktor asked, a hand going to scratch at his chin. "You know what, you can keep the prostheses, same with the bench time, but I need to know that you're not about to start a gang war."


My silence said a lot and I could hear Viktor shuffle in his seat.


"Kid?" Viktor pressed.


Releasing a sigh, I turned and gave him my full attention. "I can't promise you that, but I don’t plan to leave anything behind after I hit them hard.”


Viktor leaned back in his seat, reached for a cig then stopped when I raised a brow and pointed a finger over to where my mother was laid out and still on an IV bag.


He sighed and put the cig away. “Kid, I shouldn't be the one that has to tell you this, but this will pull a lot of attention if you do what I think you're planning on doing. And not the type of attention you want either."


"There are just some things a man just can't tolerate, and an attack on my mother is one of those things Vik." I replied and smiled as the diagnosis finished running. Standing, I strapped my legs up first, then hips before finally finishing at my hands, the velcro straps right and tight in place. ”Those that figure it out will know that touching my people resulted in the utter destruction of those that did it. Word on the street will get out and my rep will rise. I do nothing and I'm just another gonk kid on the streets, not my style and I refuse to let others create a narrative for me."


"So taking advantage of a bad situation then," Viktor replied with a shake of his head. I watched as he got up and walked back over to my mother and checked her vitals. "She'll be awake soon, and I don't want to tell her that her son went off and died."


Turning around I went back to work, and threw a few programs together before running a stress test on it all. Once I was happy with everything, I hooked the sandi into my systems, then grimaced at what it did to the human body. The sandevistan was a massive limiter removal implant, everything from neural limiters to muscular limiters. These mad bastards had figured out a way to take into the human body's reserved fight or flight response. The ultimate do-or-die strength the body kept hidden for that one situation that just might save your life. That extra bit of speed, strength, and critical thinking. They took that and then ramped it to eleven and beyond. That beyond is exactly why things looked like it was all moving in beyond slow motion to the user. The human brain was not made to overclock that high and for so long.


The sandi would force your body to produce the adrenaline and hormones that pushed you beyond in large amounts. It's why the body broke down along with neural degradation. Now that I really understood things better, I could really see why they were surprised at David, but damn the kid was a fucking moron. It was confirmed that shit was not going inside of my damn body. For now, I would have it run at 30% to help supplement the damn exo-frame. Once I was happy with everything, it was time to roll.


Standing, I looked at him, nodded my head, then walked out of his clinic. Before I went out the door, I threw on my mother's EMT jacket. David's memories put an animal rink over by the dooms out of a warehouse.


Walking up the stairs and through Misty's shop, I noticed her hand shaking a little even as she complained about pulling the black knight on a pale rider, again. Her eyes flicked up at my approach and I gave her a nod of the head even as she gulped in nervousness.


We both knew why she kept pulling that card while I was around, but I wasn't going to say anything if she wasn't. I had a belly full of fire and brimstone that couldn't be quenched without action. I found the car that I drove here in the back parking lot right as I stepped out of Misty's shop, popping the trunk during my inspections, I found two shotguns, a rocket launcher, a few grenades, and a couple of Lexington handguns in the back. Checking to make sure nothing would explode on me, I stuck the Lexingtons on mag points at the hip and closed the trunk with pockets filled with grenades. Dropping into the driver's seat, I adjusted my position, placed the known warehouse up on GPS, then took off.


It was time that night city learned my name.

[Ten minutes later]

Sitting at the light, I glared at the warehouse that was clearly a chop shop as I thought over my plan. I wanted stealth but this clearly wasn't a stealth situation, and I damn sure didn't have the wet gear to approach by the water. I mulled it over for a minute, then slammed on the gas pedal when I saw that muscled asshole from the highway look around before banging on the garage door. The same rat bastard wearing green fucking short shorts from the bridge, the same fucking bastard that was also part of why my mother was laid up in the clinic right now. The wheels screeched, then I was pushed back into the seat as the tires bit into the asphalt.




My roar of rage was cut short as I ran through the garage door. Bright light shifted to muted darkness and my eyes adjusted in time for me to catch the look of surprise on the asshole's face. Then the front of my car slammed into him, then slammed him into another car, then pushed that car until we all crashed into a far back wall. Not even waiting for anyone to shoot at me, both arms came up with a Lexington in each hand. They barked harshly multiple times and I just kept firing before the slide locked into place as I ran out of ammo.


Raising my left leg, I kicked off the door, grabbed my seat belt, and pulled it out of the holding along with breaking the entire unit apart.


"Kill that motherfucker," A ganger yelled out, but I had already killed four of them, two on each side. Wait, that asshole I ran over makes five. I checked my sides and found only one magazine for the Lexington, so I threw away the left Lexington to give me a free hand even as I finished ripping the rest of the seat belt out.


Turning around, I was just in time to move my hand out of the way of the sledgehammer aimed at me. The banger didn't get me, but I lost my second gun. This Animal ganger was well over six feet and built way too big for any kind of CQC, but I tried anyway. Ducking down, I went for the nut shot and heard *tink* sound from the impact.


My eyes went wide at the fact this dude chromed his fucking dick, then a scream died in my throat as he grabbed my arm and swung me around. I was yanked off my feet, brought over the chrome junkies head, and then slammed down on top of the car, once, twice but he never made it a third time. My hand whipped out for a punch but completely missed, the seat belt in my grip didn't as it slammed the granger across the face.


"Arrgh, fuck" the granger screamed a hand letting go of me to cover his face and I took that as my chance. Rolling over, I slapped him across the face with the seat belt again, even as I used my other hand to pull me from the top of the vehicle. The servos built into my exo-suit whined, then I was off the roof of the car and down on the ground with my knee grinding into the ganger's lungs, the seat belt around his throat pulling hard. His neck went snap, crackle, and pop as his neck broke as I strangled him to death with the seat belt. There was no time to relax and catch a breath as I heard scrabbling and movement to the side.


With a snap decision, the Sandi along my back and underneath my jacket lights up, green trailing down my spine as it activates. I moved and took five steps to their one. I was at the back end of the car before they were even able to swing around and see me, I was already in their personal space. The gang banger was a big Asian one with a metal jaw instead of flesh with something metal on top of his head. His eyes opened wide, but it was already too late as I pushed his gun up and underneath his own chin.


The shotgun barked and he was half a head less, and I kept on moving towards the second who got shoulder checked across the room. The trunk of my car opened and I grabbed the shotgun along with a handful of shells. Three spun through the air as three went into the chamber. Another five went into my jacket pockets before I snatched the three floating rounds.


Easing off the Sandi, the world returned to its normal speeds and I was back at it with my shotgun up and ready. It barked and the one on the floor lost his head. My military training and I was on the move, my pie slices textbook perfect as I took corners with speed and precision. Turning down a hall, I noticed the reflection of a granger in a  room. Pulling a grenade from my pocket, I tossed it in through the window. He tried to run out but my shotgun was there to catch him.


What I wasn't able to catch was the round that tore through my shoulder blade from another room that I was not watching. As I went down in a spin. I activated the Sandi once more and gave him two to the chest before Making sure that I didn't fall onto my bleeding shoulder.


Hitting the floor with a grunt, my breathing heavy, I sent out a quick hack pulse to see if anyone was left in the building. So far I had zeroed nine fools. Five with my initial assault, one by a seat belt. Another two by shotgun, one more by grenades. And there he was, my implants glowed orange at the office near the end of the hall. He was waiting on me with what clearly looked like it should be a mounted fucking machine gun.


Yeah, I wasn't about to play his fucking game. I wanted that gun, sure, but I wanted him dead far more. With a grunt, I got back to my feet, shoulder leaking, but when I stuck a finger inside, things felt clean and I could feel the exit wound on the back of my shoulder. With a hiss of pain, I walked back to my trunk, and took out the rocket launcher. Walked along the garage, then aimed at his location.


Since I was a teenager and being an asshole was excused for my age range, I didn't even yell fire in the hole. I just depressed the trigger and sent the rocket up his juiced-up asshole.




I was knocked off my feet and slammed into the far wall, okay. Yeah, that was stupid of me, but as I pushed myself up onto my knees I saw that it got the job done and I couldn't complain. Things were clear that this wasn't a game or a movie and explosions did have Shockwave. Patting myself down and finding nothing wrong other than my shoulder. I went about looting the place before finding a medical hypo in a run-down bathroom. The only other good thing I found was the wrap that I used to bind my shoulder.


Checking my account, I found that I had more than enough to pay Viktor with, and there would be more than enough left over for rent and other things. Damn gangers were sitting on a nice pile of eddies. Snorting as I finished wrapping my shoulder, I put my jacket back on minus the shirt to leave my bare chest open to the air. The gold necklace my dad got me before he was zeroed hung around my neck. Sigh, so that's what happened to David's dad in the anime, at least now I knew.


Pushing that memory aside, I rigged the place to blow, then connected it to a clicker. It was time to delta and put an end to this chapter.




Rebecca, also known as Becca to her friends, grumbled at the memories of her gonk of a brother pawning off this job on her. Just because the gonk didn't want to get out of bed. Stupid gonk, Becca continued to grumble until she reached a spot a little ways off from the destination her GPS was bringing her towards. Pulling over and grumbling, Becca got out and kicked the tire of her little right for a second, before popping the trunk and getting her gun. Recently she was able to get her hands on one of the Militech stationary auto-cannons and had someone mod it for her.

Smiling at her new baby and loading up with all of the high-octane armor-piercing rounds, Becca turned around the weapon on her shoulder. The savage smile on her face dropped when she noticed a gonk in a bright and shiny green vest leaving the building her targets were in. Stopped and staring transfixed, Becca watched as the gonk walked, his pace was neither hurried nor slow, but what really caught her attention was the hand he raised. Brows furrowed, a snarl on her lips, Becca started to stalk forward and she must have caught his attention because he looked her directly in the eye and pressed whatever it was in his hand.


“Hey, what's the big idea?” Becca yelled at the gonk brain as she got halfway to him, but that was all she was able to get out before the building exploded with extreme force. The wind was knocked from her, and her legs went weak in the knees. Not only was the explosion nova as hell, but he was prime as he walked away from the explosion without even looking back. Her nipples hardened and her nether lips moistened as she watched this nova gonk walk right up to her, placed his arm around her waist, and pulled her in close.


“You look like a nice piece of fuckable meat.” Tall, dark, handsome, and smoldering spoke while a hand gave her ass a firm squeeze.


Her cunny spasmed as Becca spoke, her knee’s shaking, the building on fire and the heat in her loins damn near unbearable. “Yes,” Then she shook her head as the lost eddies came to mind. “No, yes, but no.” She really needed a moment to gather herself, and he gave it to her but not after giving her ass one last squeeze.


“You can take the credit if you want, I already made my statement.”  He replied with a shrug, never looking back at the destruction.


Blinking at him stunned, Becca looked around and then started to pull at his sleeve, “Fine, but we gotta delta before NCPD arrives.”


He shrugged at her, one shoulder going up but his other was stiff and it was clear that he was injured. “Alright, where did you park, my car was taken to the shop and well, it didn’t make it.”


With a giggle, Becca curled a lock of hair around a finger before leading him back to her ride. Guiding him behind her, Becca walked him over and showed this nova guy her primo ride, a hot pink Mai Mai with her MOX colors.



He took one look at the Mai Mai, smiled at her with a wink then rested a hand on top, “You know, we could both really enjoy this ride.”


Puffing out a cheek at him, Becca cocked a hip, then felt her juices run down her inner thigh. “I don’t even know your name and you're already trying to become my input.”


He stepped in close, those rock-hard abs rubbing so sweetly against her nipples as he leaned down to whisper in her ear, “The name is David, you can call me D though.”


Then the gonk pulled back and her nipples crinkled from the air hitting them.


“Just put your stuff in the back,” Becca groused, cheeks puffed as she tried not to show her blush. The smile he gave her was panty melting, she also noticed that not once did he even look back to enjoy the explosions. Even now, the building that he had blown up with the Animals ganger was still popping and crackling from minor explosions. Each time there was another pop, her panties grew damper and damper.


Putting away her Militech weapon, Becca walked back around to the front of the Mai Mai and could only lick her lips at the sight of abs, a strong frame, and a little bit of dripping sweat. There was even a smudge of blood to add some texture to his already caramel skin tone and Becca was liking every bit.


He got in the driver seat and she blushed hard as he made a motion for her to straddle his lap, which she did. Then they were off, driving at breakneck speeds without even any seat belts, but none of that registered as she kissed the gonk hard.


His control stick was pushed against her spanks and Becca didn’t even know when he had whipped it out. They hit a bump, and the kiss broke along with their position shifts which allowed his dick to rip right through her spanks. She was so wet that her lips instantly parted and she slide down David's dick to the base.




Ohh nova, she was so stuffed, if she wasn’t mistaken, David was poking her heart from the inside. Then he bit at her neck and tweaked a nipple before pushing up hard. This was so preem that Becca was lost for breath, her inner walls clenched down hard, but that didn’t stop D.


No, David kept drilling into her from below, goosebumps traveled up her spine and Rebecca had to rethink things as an orgasm ripped right through her. She never had a chance to say anything as they pulled into a parking lot, D grabbed the steering wheel hard, and used that as a lever to drill into her poor little snatch.


The seat was pushed back as David pulled her forward, his lips latching onto a nipple and sucking hard. His hunger was ravishing and he was eating her whole, but Becca couldn’t see anything wrong with it. Maybe after this, she would keep his deets and make this more than one and done. A hand went down her stomach and played with her clip sending her over the top once more, another orgasm burning through her. That same hand moved behind her and before she could stop him, rubbed at her back door before two fingers slipped in with her own lubrication.


“AHH! AHH! DAVID!!!!!” Rebecca screamed at the top of her lungs, her entire body going out from such an intense orgasm.  She stayed a nice little kitten ball of nicely fucked flesh, enjoying the warmth of another body while David trailed little kisses up and down her neck, cheeks, and lips. Her bra went back up along with her jacket before the door of her Mai Mai opened.


David got out with her still planted on his lap and dick still buried deep inside of her abused and well fucked snatch. David’s hands shifted from her hips to getting to both hands full of ass, then stood there and fucked her like one of those joy-toy oni-holes, and he fucked her hard. There was just no stopping him as he attempted to fuck her back out.


Something finally shifted after some time because his hips went from hard drives to desperate pumps, then there was an eruption of warmth in her lower belly. Becca’s eyes rolled back into her head as the sight of her belly swelled along with an overwhelming sense of euphoria. When she came to, her panties were back on, but Becca could have sworn that she heard a sloshing sound when she moved.


She found herself in the back of her Mai Mai wearing another pair of her spanks. With a snort, she sat up but almost didn’t make it when her legs didn’t want to work. Or it could be that very large deposit of spunk that was not making her look like she was at least three to four months pregnant. Pushing the green jacket off of her body, Becca noticed that David was sitting near her feet with the back of the Mai Mai up, his gaze was hard as steel and directed at anyone who looked their way.


Well, at least the gonk didn’t just fuck her and leave.


“Welcome back to the land of the living,” David said in a low rumble that did all kinds of good things for her.


Yet, Becca could admit that she was entirely fucked out for right now. So she asked the more important question, “So where are we D?”


He was silent for a time, then answered her, and Becca could see that he was keeping one eye on her, “The clinic I left my mom at when those Animals attacked us.”


“Soooo, you wiped them out, I can understand that,” Becca answered, then smiled as her legs got some feeling back in them. Then she slapped him on the back, “Well, no sense moping out here, let's go see if she survived.”


Well, shit she was not good with emotional things.


Again, she noticed his gaze hardened before he stood up and Becca had to grab onto his hands since her legs almost gave out on her again. Rebecca's heart fluttered as he not only caught her but palmed her ass and pulled her in for a searing kiss. Feeling like an imp, she grabbed his hand and placed it over her womb so he could feel her totally huge belly.


David leaned close and nipped at her ear, “Keep that up and I’ll have to see if I can’t make your belly button pop out.”


Then he tweaked her nipple and made some space so that she could walk with him. As they strolled, Becca finally took in where they were and could recognize the location and street. Yeah, she knew this place, it was near Viktors. They walked off the street and into Misty’s shop and she noticed that the girl was clutching one of those weird cards of hers.


Walking over and ignoring David as he strolled through the store, Becca went over to say high, “What’cha got there Misty?”


“Black Knight riding on a pale horse,” Misty whispered, and Becca could see that she was on one of her crazy things again.


“Well, bye girl, we can hang later,” Becca replied then backed away before heading down to Vic’s clinic. She sloshed a little but Becca was trying not to pay attention to the sensation of being so full. When she got to the bottom of the stairs to Vic’s clinic, Rebecca walked in and stopped cold in her tracks. Gloria the chick Maine has been looking for was wrapped up in bandages and talking to Becca's input.

“What in the world were you thinking David, you could have died,” Gloria spoke and it was clear that she was frustrated.


Becca blinked as David shrugged as if the dressing down bothered him none. "But, I did die."


Gloria went silent tears on her face, "What?"


“Old David died when we got ambushed, old David died when he woke up to his mother bleeding out on the street while the Trauma team left us behind. Old David died when he had to pick up a gun. The David that you knew died on that little strip of highway.’ David answered face serious. Then he clapped his hand together as if to dispel the atmosphere. “Your medical bills are now paid in full, so we have no worries on that front.”


Gloria fumed, her eyes narrowed, and it was clear that she was not ready to let things slide. But that was also when Becca got closer and Gloria’s demeanor shifted as she caught sight of Rebecca. “Becca, what are you doing here?”


She snorted, “Not here looking for you, that's for sure.”


“Urgh, is he mad?” Gloria asked a very rhetorical question that died in her throat from how David shifted posture and just radiated menace.


“Who worries you?” David asked in that low slow growl of his that sent a shiver down Becca’s spine. That tone, the narrowness of his eyes just spoke of pain to anyone that drew his displeasure and it got Becca all wet again.


“David, no, I can handle it,” Gloria spoke but it was clear that she would get nowhere with David.


David turned towards her and raised a brow. “What are you both talking about and what is his deal?”


Becca shivered, licked her lips then spoke, “Maine, leader of my brother's crew, bought a cyberwear off your mother. Been bitching since she never showed for the drop.”


David gave a nod of his head, “I’ll deal with it.”


Then with a swish of the large green jacket, he was stalking out of the clinic like a panther on the prowl. A few minutes passed and then David was back.


“Who’s this Maine and how can I get in contact with him?” David asked, a blush on his cheeks, and Becca couldn’t help but laugh. Then she had to run to the bathroom, there was at least half a gallon of cum sloshing around inside of her and as much of a turn-on as it was. Her poor tight little cunny needed rest before it could take such a pounding again.

Author Note:


Also trying something new that I don't usually do, pictures to help the story flow better.


Wouldn’t leave my brain so I just wrote it down and shared.


Nothing like sex to reaffirm that you're alive and still kicking.

Militech MK. 31 HMG


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