Cyberpunk: Asuka Vektor

Chapter 79

Asuka sat in Saburo Arasaka's traditional Japanese castle, dressed in a formal kimono, her posture straight but her thoughts far away. Beside her, Hanako Arasaka sat calmly, her presence soothing but also a reminder of the weight of the meeting. Saburo and Hanako discussed matters of Arasaka and Japan’s legacy while Asuka stifled a yawn. The weeks of intense preparation and learning about Arasaka history, Japan, and corporate etiquette had left her both mentally and emotionally drained.

Saburo turned to her suddenly, his sharp gaze sizing her up. "Tell me, what have you learned of Arasaka's legacy and its importance to Japan?" he asked, his voice measured and commanding.

Asuka straightened, keeping her answer respectful. "The Arasaka family has been a pillar of power in Japan for over a century. It represents not just strength but the preservation of order and tradition in a world constantly evolving. Your influence, not just in business but in politics, ensures that Japan remains a dominant force in the global arena." She paused, keeping her tone steady, though she could feel Saburo's intense scrutiny.

He nodded, seemingly satisfied with her response. "And Japan's role in the world?" he pressed.

"Japan has been, and continues to be, a leader in technological innovation and economic stability. Arasaka's contributions ensure that, even in the face of competition from the West, Japan retains its cultural identity and supremacy." Asuka responded with the rehearsed words she had been drilled in over the past few weeks.

Saburo held her gaze for a moment longer, his face unreadable. Then, without a word, he stood and exited the room. The silence was palpable as Asuka let out a small sigh of relief.

"I think that went well," Hanako said softly beside her, a small smile tugging at her lips. "He has no objections. We can leave now."

Asuka's face brightened, finally allowing herself to relax. "Good. About time, too. As much as I appreciate Tokyo, I can’t wait to get back to Night City."

Hanako chuckled softly. "I understand. But this trip was necessary. Now, let’s return home."

As they left the castle and made their way toward the AV, Asuka stared out over the sprawling skyline of Tokyo, its sleek buildings reaching toward the sky. "Tokyo’s beautiful, but... it doesn’t feel like home. I need to get back to my father, to Judy, to Jackie. Night City’s chaotic, but it’s where I belong right now."

Asuka stepped into the apartment she shared with Judy, the familiar smell and warmth instantly filling her senses. She didn’t even get a chance to take off her jacket before Judy rushed up to her, wrapping her arms around her in a tight embrace. Without a word, Judy pressed her lips to Asuka's, and Asuka melted into the kiss, her own arms pulling Judy even closer.

"I missed you," Judy murmured against her lips.

Asuka chuckled softly, kissing her again. "Missed you too, Judes. It's good to be back."

The moment lingered, filled with warmth, until a soft chime from the door interrupted them. Before either could react, the door slid open, revealing Viktor Vektor, Asuka's father. The older man walked in with his usual laid-back expression, though a smile tugged at the corner of his lips when he saw his daughter.

"Thought I'd stop by and see how you're settling back in," Viktor said as he approached, his voice carrying the familiar comfort of a fatherly figure. He wrapped Asuka in a hug, which she gladly returned.

"You doing alright, kiddo? After everything that happened in Tokyo?"

Asuka pulled back from the hug, laughing. "Didn’t I already tell you, Dad? I’m just a brain in a vat now!" She spun playfully on her heel, her arms stretched out dramatically. "Completely chromed out, better than ever!"

But as fate would have it, her spin sent her arm colliding with a nearby table. The sharp sound of something falling to the floor echoed through the apartment. Asuka froze, looking down to see a delicate piece of Judy’s latest project scattered across the floor.

"Oops," she said with a sheepish grin.

Judy groaned but couldn’t help but smile. "Seriously, Asuka? You’ve been back, what, five minutes?"

Asuka gave an exaggerated shrug, still grinning. "What can I say? It’s just part of my charm."

Viktor just shook his head with an amused sigh, a familiar expression of parental exasperation crossing his face. "This is exactly why I worry about you," he muttered, though his tone was fond.

Judy knelt down to pick up the pieces of her project, glancing up at Asuka with a smirk. "You better make this up to me, babe."

Asuka knelt down beside her, grinning. "Oh, I plan to," she said playfully, before turning back to Viktor. "So, you sticking around for a drink, or do you have some fancy chrome to install?"

Viktor raised an eyebrow. "Maybe both, but you better promise not to break anything else first."

After the warm reunion at the apartment, Asuka decided to head down to her father's clinic with him. The familiar streets of Night City greeted her as they made their way through the bustling city. It didn’t take long before they arrived at the clinic. The smell of antiseptic and chrome filled the air as Asuka stepped inside, feeling a strange sense of comfort in the place she had helped out in so many times before.

Viktor gestured for her to follow him into the back room, where they often installed chrome for clients. Asuka was half expecting to see a stranger in the chair, but her eyes widened when she saw a familiar, massive figure sitting there instead.

"Maine?" Asuka raised an eyebrow, smirking as she approached. "What the hell are you doing here? Swapping out your old clunky chrome finally?"

Before Maine could answer, Viktor chimed in, holding up a few sleek pieces of cyberware. "Yep, swapping out the last of it today. Most of his chrome is brand new. You wouldn’t believe how much better it is than the outdated stuff he was lugging around."

Maine chuckled, his deep voice rumbling as he glanced at Asuka. "Gotta stay ahead of the game, chica. Can’t be running around with relics, y'know?" He flexed one of his arms as Vik began working, the chrome glinting under the clinic lights.

Asuka nodded in approval, leaning against a nearby counter as she watched Viktor get to work. She let out a low whistle. "Looks preem, Maine. Didn’t think I’d see you in here, though. Been a while."

Maine grinned. "Yeah, well, been busy. Oh, by the way, Lucy started running with my crew now."

That caught Asuka's attention. "Lucy? Running with your crew?" she asked, her tone shifting to surprise. "What happened to Sasha and Lucy? Haven't seen them around since I got back."

Maine shifted slightly in the chair as Viktor continued the installation. "Yeah, Lucy's been pulling her weight. But Sasha? Haven't seen her much since they moved."

Asuka frowned, the mention of Sasha and Lucy tugging at her. "Moved? Where?"

Viktor paused briefly in his work and glanced at his daughter. "Sasha moved into an apartment in Corpo Plaza and Lucy in megabuilding," he said, a small sigh escaping him as he adjusted one of the chrome pieces. "Sasha’s been working for Hanako now, Asuka. She’s not really an edgerunner anymore."

That hit Asuka harder than she expected. "Wait, what? Why? I thought Sasha was all about sticking it to corpos."

Viktor's expression softened as he continued working on Maine. "It’s complicated. After what happened, she felt indebted to Hanako for saving you. She’s got a strong sense of loyalty, and I think she felt responsible for you almost flatlining. She... hasn’t really been the same since."

Asuka’s brow furrowed as she processed what Viktor was telling her. She couldn’t imagine Sasha working for a corpo, let alone one as powerful as Hanako. "And Lucy?"

Maine gave a answered. "Lucy’s is with us. She’s a tough one, but I think Sasha’s path shook her a bit. They're relationship is strained."

Asuka stood there for a moment, staring at the chrome on the counter. Sasha, working for Hanako. But then again, she could understand why. The whole Biotechnica HQ mission hadn’t gone as planned, and Asuka knew better than anyone how much that could weigh on someone like Sasha.

"I need to talk to her," Asuka muttered under her breath. "Find out what’s really going on."

Viktor finished the last adjustment on Maine’s new chrome, giving the man a satisfied nod. "All set. You’re ready to go, Maine."

Maine stood up, flexing his newly enhanced arms. "Thanks, Vik. Feels good. But, Asuka, if you’re planning to visit Sasha... just take it easy on her. She’s been through a lot."

Asuka nodded, her mind already racing. "I will. But I can’t just let this go."

Viktor rested a hand on her shoulder, his voice gentle. "She made her choice, Asuka. Just... be there for her when you talk. That's all she needs."

Asuka took a deep breath, her resolve hardening. "Yeah. I owe her that much."

Asuka arrived at Sasha’s apartment in Corpo Plaza, her mind swirling with questions. She had spoken with Sasha briefly while in Tokyo, but something told her she hadn’t gotten the full story. Pressing the alarm at the door, it slid open to reveal Sasha standing there, looking as if she had been waiting.

Before Asuka could say anything, Sasha wrapped her in a tight hug. “Good to see you back, Asuka,” Sasha said, her voice soft but laced with relief.

Asuka smiled, hugging her back. "You too, Sasha. It’s been too long."

After a moment, Sasha stepped aside to let Asuka in, leading her into the sleek, minimalistic apartment. The furniture was stark and modern, a far cry from the chaotic clutter of their old digs. Sasha motioned for Asuka to sit on a plush, low couch, then took a seat beside her. There was an air of tension as they settled in, both knowing why Asuka was really there.

"So," Asuka began, leaning back but keeping her gaze on Sasha, "I called while I was in Tokyo, but I didn’t really get the whole story. What happened, Sasha? Why did you move here? Why are you working for Hanako?"

Sasha sighed, her shoulders slumping slightly. She stared down at her hands, the soft pink lines of her cyberware catching the light. "After what happened at Biotechnica HQ... after almost getting you killed... I don’t know, Asuka. It messed with me. Big time."

Asuka frowned, sitting forward. "Sasha, none of that was your fault—"

Sasha cut her off with a shake of her head. "No, it was. I was supposed to handle that job. But I let my emotion take control, and you almost died because of my suicide run." She paused, taking a deep breath. "And then, after we leaked the data, I thought... maybe we’d done something good, something meaningful. But nothing happened, Asuka. Biotechnica didn’t even flinch. The drug that killed my mom? Still out there. Still being produced. It felt like everything I did was for nothing."

There was a silence as the weight of Sasha’s words hung between them. Asuka didn’t know how to respond at first.

"And Hanako?" Asuka asked quietly. "She promised you revenge?"

Sasha nodded, her voice lower now. "She offered me something I couldn’t turn down. A chance to get back at Biotechnica. And... after what happened with you, I felt like I owed her. She saved your life, Asuka. How could I not work for her after that?"

Asuka leaned back, letting out a slow breath. "So, you’re not an edgerunner anymore?"

Sasha gave a small, sad smile. "No, I’m not. Not anymore. I’m doing things differently now and I lost the taste for it. And Lucy... she’s started running with Maine’s crew."

Asuka processed this, her brow furrowed. "Maine mentioned that. But what about Jackie? What’s he been up to? I haven't heard much from him lately."

Sasha shrugged, a slight smirk on her face. "Jackie’s been busy, too. From what I heard, he’s been running with some new girl. Her name’s Valeria, but most people just call her V. Misty mentioned her once or twice, said Jackie didn’t want to ruin the surprise for you."

Asuka raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Valeria, huh? So, Jackie’s got a new merc in the mix. I wonder why he didn’t tell me."

"Knowing Jackie, he probably wanted to make a big reveal," Sasha said with a small laugh. "Maybe he’s proud of her."

Asuka chuckled, though the conversation left her feeling more grounded in the changes around her. She reached over and squeezed Sasha’s hand, offering her a smile. "Sasha, you didn’t fail. And if you need to work for Hanako to find your peace, I get it. Just promise me you’ll stay true to yourself."

Sasha looked at her, eyes softening. "I’ll try, Asuka. I’ll try."

They sat in silence for a few moments, the weight of the past lingering between them. But there was also a sense of understanding, of acceptance that their paths were diverging but still intertwined.

Finally, Asuka stood, stretching her arms above her head. "Guess I’ve got a few people to catch up with. You, Lucy, Jackie... and now this V, too."

Sasha stood up with her, her smile returning. "Yeah, better not keep them waiting, also take it easy on Lucy she knows of your Arasaka connections. But hey, don't be a stranger, alright?"

Asuka grinned, pulling Sasha into another hug. "Il take it easy then, Sash. I’ll be around."

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