Cyberpunk: Asuka Vektor

Chapter 14

A few days later, Asuka and Jackie were sitting at Joe’s, their usual spot, sharing a greasy meal. The bar was its typical self—grimy, low-lit, with the faint smell of synth-meat in the air. Jackie, with a mouthful of food, looked at Asuka with raised eyebrows, clearly trying to make sense of what she’d just told him.

“So, let me get this straight, chica,” Jackie said, setting down his fork. “You’re tellin’ me you befriended a fifteen-year-old girl, you’re helpin’ her repair a scrapped firetruck, and now you’re giving her rides on that pink rocket of yours?”

Asuka rolled her eyes but couldn’t help smirking. “Yeah, pretty much. Her name’s Judy, and she’s smart, Jack. Really knows her way around machines. She’s got talent, just... y’know, rough around the edges, like the rest of us.”

Jackie leaned back, crossing his arms with a bemused expression. “Uh-huh. And you’re just out there playin’ the big sister role? Not exactly your usual style, Asuka. What’s the deal?”

Asuka shrugged, taking a sip of her drink. “I dunno, Jack. Maybe I see something in her. She reminds me of myself when I was younger—except she’s not lookin’ for the same kind of trouble I was. Kid’s just tryin’ to figure things out, and it’s not like there’s a lot of people in Night City who give a damn about anyone else, especially some kid.”

Jackie gave her a sideways glance, a grin creeping onto his face. “Look at you, chica, gettin’ all soft on me. First, you’re out here chippin’ chrome and takin’ down corpos, now you’re helpin’ some kid with a busted firetruck?”

Asuka laughed, nudging him with her elbow. “Don’t get it twisted, Jack. I’m still gonna raise hell. But Judy’s cool. She’s got this fire in her, and I kinda like that. Besides, it’s not like I’m out there babysitting her. Just helpin’ her out now and then.”

Jackie took a sip from his drink, shaking his head in amusement. “Just never thought I’d see the day. The great Asuka Vektor, the pink terror of Night City, is now playin’ the mentor role.”

Asuka smirked, flicking a fry at him. “Oh, shut up. I’m not some role model or anything. She’s just a kid tryin’ to survive in this city like the rest of us.”

Jackie laughed, dodging the fry. “Hey, I’m not judgin’. Just sayin’, if you start teaching her how to klep bikes or pull gigs, I want in on the action.”

Asuka rolled her eyes but smiled. “Yeah, yeah. But don’t get too excited. I’m not turning her into an edgerunner. Just giving her a ride and making sure she doesn’t get into too much trouble.”

Jackie leaned in, his grin wide. “Well, whatever you’re doin’, you’ve got a soft spot for this kid. That’s somethin’ I never thought I’d see. Just don’t go gettin’ all motherly on me, alright?”

Asuka laughed, tossing another fry at him. “Don’t worry, Jack. I’ll leave the motherly stuff to you.”

As Asuka got up from the table at Joe’s, she stretched, tossing a casual goodbye to Jackie. “I gotta head out, Jack. Promised Judy I’d drop her off at school this morning.”

Jackie raised an eyebrow, chuckling. “There she goes again, the ultimate big sister. Alright, chica, don’t let the kid turn into a mini-edgerunner on your watch.”

With a smirk, Asuka waved him off and headed out the door, firing up her Yaiba Kusanagi with a smooth rev. The pink glow from her bike lit up the early morning streets as she rode toward Judy’s apartment complex in Watson. Pulling up, she honked the horn lightly, and within a minute, Judy appeared, looking a little tired but happy to see Asuka.

Judy climbed onto the back of the bike, sliding in close and holding onto Asuka as they sped off toward her school. Judy couldn’t help but be impressed by the Yaiba again, and being so close to Asuka’s curvaceous frame made her heart race a little—though she wasn’t quite sure why yet. Asuka, on the other hand, didn’t think anything of it, focusing on dodging the morning traffic and making sure they weren’t late.

Arriving at the school gates, Asuka stopped the bike, glancing back at Judy. “Alright, kid. You’re all set. See you around.”

Judy slid off the bike, “Thanks, Asuka. You’re the best,” she said with a grin, though her tone was softer, almost shy. She watched as Asuka gave her a quick nod and sped off, the roar of the Yaiba fading into the distance.

Just as Judy turned to enter the school, a girl from her class, one of the more popular ones, came up to her, eyes wide with curiosity and a bit of envy. “Hey, techie,” the girl said, glancing at the fading pink blur of Asuka’s bike. “Who was that cool edgerunner? The one with the pink Kusanagi and the pink chrome? She your... output?”

Judy froze for a second, her heart pounding in her chest. The idea of Asuka being her output was... strange, but she couldn’t deny the rush it gave her to be seen with someone as awesome as Asuka. Wanting to fit in and gain some respect from her peers, Judy didn’t hesitate. She nodded, lying through her teeth. “Uh, yeah. Yeah, she is.”

The other girl’s eyes went wide. “No way! You’re dating an edgerunner? She’s so preem! That Yaiba and her chrome are sick. I didn’t know you had connections like that.”

Judy felt a flush of pride, but also a pang of guilt for lying. Still, the admiration and approval in the other girl’s eyes were intoxicating. “Yeah, she’s... cool,” Judy said, playing it off as casual as she could.

The girl grinned. “Damn, you’ve got it made, Judy. I’m telling everyone.”

Judy waved her off with a nervous smile, watching the girl rush away to spread the news. She bit her lip, wondering how long she could keep the lie going. Deep down, she knew Asuka wasn’t her output, but the idea of being connected to someone like her made the rough edges of Judy’s teenage life seem a little smoother.

As Judy walked into school, she couldn't shake the feeling of excitement and guilt swirling inside her.

Back in the heart of Night City, Asuka was strolling through the market, navigating through the crowded stalls and neon lights. Her goal? To track down Karim Noel, the elusive Samurai super fan known for having rare recordings and memorabilia of the iconic band. She was determined to get her hands on one of those Samurai recordings—something special for her collection.

After a bit of asking around and using her connections, she finally found him—a scruffy-looking guy standing at one of the stalls, deep in conversation with another collector. Asuka approached with her usual confident stride, flashing him a smile. “You’re Karim Noel, the samurai superfan right? I’m looking for a Samurai recording.”

Karim looked her up and down, skeptical. “You? A Samurai fan?” he asked, his eyes narrowing as he took in her bright pink look. “You don’t exactly scream ‘Johnny Silverhand’ to me.”

Asuka smirked, not missing a beat. “Yeah? Let me prove it to you then.” Without waiting for him to question her further, she launched into the verses of Chippin’ In, her voice confident as she rattled off the lyrics:

"I'm chippin' in
Roll the bones
I'm chippin' in
No more waitin’
I'm chippin' in
Get the chrome
I'm chippin' in
They’ll never fade me..."

Karim’s eyebrows shot up in surprise, and by the time she finished, he was nodding, clearly impressed. “Well, shit. Didn’t expect that. You actually know your stuff.”

Asuka crossed her arms, grinning. “Told you. Just ‘cause I’m rockin’ the pink doesn’t mean I don’t know the classics. So, how about that recording?”

With a chuckle, Karim reached into his bag and pulled out a rare Samurai recording, handing it over to her. “Alright, alright. You earned this. I didn’t think a fan like you would be rollin’ around looking like... well, like that.”

Asuka took the recording, a playful smirk on her lips. “Hey, never judge a fan by the color. I love Johnny’s vibe, but I’m still gonna do things my way.”

Karim laughed, clearly warming up to her. “Yeah, guess that’s the whole point, right? What would Johnny say? ‘Do what you want, don’t give a damn about what anyone thinks.’”

Asuka grinned. “Exactly. And if I ever find Johnny’s Porsche, you better believe I’m painting the whole thing pink.”

Karim let out a loud laugh, shaking his head. “Now that I’d like to see. Johnny would probably rise from the grave just to throw a fit.”

After wrapping up her conversation with Karim and securing the Samurai recording, Asuka was just about to head out of the market when her HUD lit up with a notification—a call from Jackie. She answered it and Jackie’s face appeared in the corner of her vision, his broad grin a welcome sight.

“Yo, chica!” Jackie called out, his voice carrying that typical upbeat energy. “Mama Welles wants you over for dinner tonight, like the regulars. You in?”

Asuka couldn’t help but smile. Mama Welles always made sure her door was open to friends and family, and Asuka had long since become part of that circle. The invitation wasn’t just dinner—it was a family gathering, a chance to escape the usual noise of Night City.

“You know I wouldn’t miss that, Jack,” Asuka replied, her voice carrying a warmth that she usually kept hidden from most of the world. “Besides, last time, Mama said she’d make her special dish, and I’ve been thinking about it ever since.”

Jackie laughed, nodding. “Yeah, yeah. She’s got the whole spread ready tonight. Figured you’d wanna get away from all the chrome and drama for a few hours.”

“Sounds perfect,” Asuka said, her smile widening. “Give me some time, and I’ll be there. Should I bring anything?”

Jackie shook his head. “Nah, just bring yourself, chica. That’s all Mama wants.”

The evening had been everything Asuka needed—Mama Welles' cooking was as amazing as ever, filling the air with the warm, rich aroma of home-cooked mole and tortillas. The Welles' household had a way of making her feel at ease, like she could forget about the chaos of Night City, even if just for a few hours. Dinner was filled with laughter and stories, the kind that only happens when you're surrounded by people who truly feel like family.

After dinner, Jackie and Asuka found themselves at the bar in El Coyote Cojo, Pepe behind the counter pouring them drinks. The bar had that familiar hum of regulars chatting, the old jukebox playing soft tunes in the background. Pepe slid a couple of shots their way, and Jackie lifted his glass with a grin, looking like he was about to start in on her again.

“Alright, Pink Pillow,” Jackie teased, taking a sip of his drink. “You think your Yaiba Kusanagi is all that, huh? I’m tellin’ you, when I get my hands on an ARCH Nazaré, you’re not gonna stand a chance in a race.”

Asuka groaned, though she couldn’t help but smirk. She picked up her own shot, giving him a side-eye. “Are you seriously still calling me that? I swear, Jack, you push it any further, and I’m making sure ‘Jackie Nodick’ sticks.”

Jackie laughed, nearly choking on his drink. He shook his head, his grin widening. “Nah, nah, you wouldn’t do that. You love me too much. But for real, chica, the Nazaré is a beast. All torque, all power—no fancy chrome. Pure, raw ride.”

Asuka rolled her eyes playfully. “Yeah, but the Yaiba Kusanagi isn’t just about raw power, Jack. It’s about speed, agility. It’s made for a rider that knows how to handle something that responds instantly. Yours is just... a muscle bike,” she teased, leaning back, crossing her arms.

Jackie raised an eyebrow. “Just a muscle bike? That’s fighting words, chica. I mean, look, Yaiba might be a slick ride, but the ARCH—it’s about style, power, and making a statement. It’s like rollin’ thunder.”

Asuka laughed, knocking back her shot. “Sure, Jack, whatever helps you sleep at night. When I leave you in the dust, remember, it’s not about the size of the bike, it’s about how you ride it.”

Jackie shook his head, grinning ear to ear. “You’re always so damn confident. Alright, alright, we’ll just have to settle this the old-fashioned way—when I finally get my ARCH, we’re putting them head-to-head. Pink Yaiba versus gold ARCH. Winner gets bragging rights.”

Asuka smirked, lifting her empty shot glass in agreement. “Deal. But you better save up fast, ‘cause I’m ready whenever.”

Pepe, overhearing their banter, chuckled from behind the bar. “You two sound like you’re about to start your own gang, just for bike races.”

Jackie winked at Pepe. “Only if we call it the ‘Pink Pillows’ for this one here,” he said, gesturing to Asuka.

Asuka shook her head, laughing. “You’re gonna regret that when I put you in the rearview, Jack.”

Jackie just smiled, clinking his glass against hers. “We’ll see, chica. We’ll see.”

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