Cyberpunk: Arasaka Secret Son

The Trip

Pov of Judy

"All we have to do, if we can get the engine started, is to make that trip, THE BEST OF OUR LIVES!!!" he said as he sketched a somewhat maniacal grin.

Those words caught me a little off guard, but the almost maniacal grin he was making seemed to be infectious, because before I knew it, I too was smiling and climbing up behind the steering wheel, with a Sora as excited as I was by my side.

"Everything or nothing!!!"

With those words from Sora I hit the `ENGINE STAR/STOP' button on the truck, while praying to every religion I know for the truck to start.


"YESSSSSSS" I shouted with joy after the engine made a loud starting noise, and stayed almost "purring" for me, as it stabilized.

"COOL, come on, Judy let's see what this junk on wheels can do."

When Sora said that I stepped on the accelerator, while removing the brake and ...THE TRUCK STARTED MOVING!!!

When it started moving, I directed the truck to the road, I was starting to feel more nervous than excited, then when I saw Sora starting touching buttons on the dashboard of the truck. Making me ask; "S-Sora what the HELL are you doing?" Nervously.

"Don't worry and drive, I'm just getting ready.....hehe don't worry" He said repeating ``don't worry'' too much causing the opposite effect by fearing what he was doing to `getting ready'.

Tehn I could hear something that made my blood curdle, and curse for our bad luck.

(NCPD Siren)


(NCPD Siren)


When I heard that I can only curse seeing how a police car pulled in front of us, when I turned to see what Sora thought of our situation.....he.....he was laughing

"YOUUUU-YOUUU JACKASS you knew this was going to happen RIGHT"

"What are you saying? How could I know? That as soon as you put the truck on the street, we would be stop by the NCPD....."

"YOU fucking slit eyed demon, you knew!, it don't how!, but you lie to me, that's why you were so happy and preparing suspicious things when we worked on the truck, it's over ,I'M GOING TO STOP."

When I said that seriously, I saw how Sora's smile was erased from his face, while I released my foot from the accelerator, making us slow down little by little....Then...something pushed my leg down

When Sora's hand pressed my leg down and made me accelerate suddenly, against the car in front of me "The police car" Staking him out of the carriage a little bit making him... crashing into a lamppost, embedding the police car.

"Upsi!" said Sora while smiling again.

I didn't know how to process after what just had happened.

"¡¡YO-YOUUU REALIZE WHAT YOU HAVE JUST DONE!! with luck, you have managed to get us ARRESTED and with bad one.... KILL US!, you fucking IDIOT and if it's not them it will be our grandparents.

"HEHEH don't worry about that Judy" when I heard what Sora just said in a calm but happy tone I stared into his eyes, if my eyes could disintegrate with a look, Sora wouldn't exist right now.

Seeing my expression Sora moved his arm while making 3 clicks withs his fingers, coinciding with the swinging of his arm, making Sora look like the most sassy woman you can imagine.

And Sang...

" ♪ Let it go, Girl ♩ "

" ♪ You Can't hold it back anymore ♩ "

" ♪ Let it go, let it go ♩ "

" ♪ Judy don't care about what they will say. ♩ "

" ♪ let them in, let them see ♩ "

" ♪ Be the Bad girl you always have been ♩ "

I was puzzled... I liked it..... but puzzled. Sora seeing my expression said while still wearing his smile, in the little time in peace we have before more police cars appear.

"Tch, I thought all the girls loved Frozen...."

Not that I didn't like it, I liked it, but the situation doesn't allow me to say anything.

"Sora now seriously we have-"

"JUDY, tell me, can you hear your heart beating?" said Sora interrupting what I was going to say putting a serious face for a change.

But when he finished talking, what I feared the most happened, more police cars were coming to us and now there were 3 of them, FUCK DAMN, I don't know if my heart can take it, I thought while my heart was beating even harder than before, so much that I started to feel like I had a needle inside... but it wasn't painful at all, there was something exciting in that pain.

"You're kidding, I can hear it, it feels like it's going to escape through my mouth, it hurts even in my chest".

"Tell me Judy, that pain how does it make you feel".



<.....>I thought about how that pain in my chest made me feel as I listened to the NCPD's last warning and the sirens of the rest of the police cars.

Wiiuu-Wee-oowW(NCPD sirens)x3


I said whispering to myself, as I inadvertently let go of one hand from the steering wheel and took to my heart ignoring the sirens and NCPD threats, everything faded away, even Sora, I could only hear my heartbeat.


When I got back to the truck, I had a smile and ....

"HAHAHAHAHA!!!, I FEEL ALIVE, FUCK!!!" I screamed excitedly, knowing it was that needle sticking in my heart making me feel ALIVE.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA""HEHEHEHEHEHEHEH" with my answer I started laughing hysterically and Sora followed me a few seconds later.

Wiiuu-Wee-oowW(NCPD Sirens)x3

"This is the plan...MAKE THAT FEELING LASTS, BE YOUR GUIDE, Judy I'm going to the gap in the water cannon installed above the water tank." Said Sora as he turned on the radio splicing the audio output of the cabin with the speaker system of the fire truck sirens sounding music all over the street, drawing the attention of the entire block.

"[ ♪ C-CAN YOU FEEL IT? ♩ ]"

"ARE YOU CRAZY, we've never tried it, nor do we know if there is water in the tank..."

"[♪ Can you touch it? ♩]"

Wiiuu-Wee-oowW(NCPD Sirens)x3

"Don't worry, the water cannon was one of the first things I repaired on the truck and I checked the tank is also 56% full, apparently the tank kept the seal for 10 years" said Sora as if what he said wasn't a problem at all, HOW MUCH TIME he must have wasted fixing unnecessary things, and then he complains that we took so long..... while he pulled up the scarf I gave him and activated it, illutating some robotic toothy maw.

Seeing that I copied him and reached into the wide pocket of my mechanical overalls on my leg and pulled out a light gray closed scarf. With the same shape and functions as the one I gave to Sora.

"HEHEH, apparently I wasn't the only one who expected things to be like that, right Judy?" said Sora with an amused face when he saw me also wearing a mask/scarf with lights with the cat animation.

I couldn't deny it, I knew that at some point Sora would get me into some kind of trouble... proof the 3 police cars that were starting to surround us from the front, back and one side.

"[♪ Get ready 'cause here we go ♩]"

Wiiuu-Wee-oowW(NCPD Sirens)x3

"[ ♪ C-CAN YOU FEEL IT? ♩ ]"

"[♪ Yeah ♩]"

"[♪ Yeah ♩]"

"[♪ Yeah ♪]"

"Shit! it's ending" said Sora as he was about to leave the window, but stopped and sit again, to wait for the next song to come on the radio, which made me want to hit him with a hand to get him to come out at once and do something.

"Oi, stop it Judy, I'm coming out, ok? I'm coming out, stop hitting me."

With all of Sora's nonsense I noticed, I wasn't as nervous as before and when the next song came on the radio, with a soothing and calm guitar solo.

I quickly realized what song it was and thought `Ah I love this song, I love Jackie!!!, this song was one of my favorites `The Pretender''.

"[♪ Keep you in the dark ♩]"

"Keep you in the dark"

"[♪ You know they all pretend ♩]"

" You know they all pretend "

"[♪ Keep you in the dark ♩]"

"Keep you in the dark"

"[♪ And so it all began ♪]"

"And so it all began"

When the lyrics of the song started I also started singing without realizing it, and making me forget the cops as well....

"hehehe, You seem to like Jackie a lot, don't you Judy? it makes me get `almost' jealous you know, even your nerves are gone, like singing while 3 NCPD cars are chasing us and threatening to shoot us. But you know this song is not by Jackie, the original band, it was called Foo Fighters."

"What are you saying, that the one who sings is not Jackie's?" I said somewhat offended by what Sora said about Jackie.

"NO, it's definitely ME singing, but the lyrics are by Foo Fighters" said Sora with a smile as he went out the window, before winking one of his eyes at me, making the jaws of his face do the animation of a kiss and throwing an animated heart.

Wiiuu-Wee-oowW(NCPD sirens)x3


"!!!! ARE YOU JACKIE? IT CANT BE!!!!" I screamed, as I was able to process what Sora just said.

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