Cyberpunk: Arasaka Secret Son

The song ends

Night city 6:35pm Sora's house

"Musashi today seems like the city is noisy, more hectic than usual, don't you think?"

I said as the Ncpd Sirens could be heard from our house, `looks like someone is making them earn their paycheck' I thought.

"What do you expect from this damn city..... some Punk or as they call themselves now `Cyberpunks´ will be stealing from some corporation, or not even that, maybe they are doing it `for the laughs´ as they say..... Because of things like this I don't understand why Hanako-sama, wanted us to raise Sora in this city."

"It's true that you can tell that this city is dangerous looking for all kindness and generosity in your heart when you say it, but doesn't it have a certain beauty, some of the people-"

Interrupting what I was about to say I received a proxy IDn message from Hanako-Sama who gave us her contact in case of emergency, when I read it I froze for a second as I related the message from Hanako-Sama, to the unusually activity in the city this afternoon.

"Musashi, Turn on channel 54, it looks like Sora is doing a Show like you said not to."

My husband Musashi looked at me at first as if he didn't understand what I was saying until the next second his face changed almost turning pale, as he activated the Tv on the wall with the pad in his hands.

When we saw the images that were being broadcasted on channel 54 I did not know what to say when I recognized the young man who was on top of the fire truck in motion, without much trouble to imagine who he was and the young driver who was acting as a sidekick in the only thing I can describe as ... something a `Punk´ would do `for the laughs´, who was shooting water at the police cars while making them run off the road or crash into each other, not knowing what to say next, I could only laugh to try to reactivate Musashi's brain that seemed to have gone on strike, seeing what our grandson was doing

"Ara-Ara, Musashi-Shisho are you sure you were awake when Sora swore to you that he would think about the bushido teachings before acting, when he finished saying that, you wouldn't find yourself next act waking up in your bed would you?"


"Ara the same reaction as Hanako-Sama!"

"HANAKO-SAMA? did she contact you? was she the one who warned you?"

"Yes, she sent me two messages saying literally ``what the hell is Sora doing'' and ``Put, right now channel 54, I WANT AN EXPLANATION'', the Explanation I leave to you sweetie, I know how well you get along with Hanako-Sama."

"This damn kid, I saw his disappointed look when I've blocked his attacks with murderous intent out of spite when I hit him training, but it seems, since he can't, he wants his mother to be the one to kill me.... Fucking Sora"

"Where are we going...they still haven't managed to stop him" I said as I saw Musahi get up after cursing maybe he hasn't noticed, but he had a small smile on his face, his character has changed a lot since we live in this city he says he hates so much.

"Let's go pick up the Alvarez's first, then we'll head to the Watson police station....Shit, I knew the kid, he wouldn't stop just by almost blowing up the house.... And I know he's got some base or some abandoned place he's found, to store all the stuff he doesn't want us to find, you know how there are nights he comes home reeking of explosives, chemicals and welding...Fucking Sora"


Pov Sora.

"Fuck, there's no end to it, if the Ncpd acted like this always, NC would be world capital for their safety."

Before I knew it the 7 cars following us down the road around Watson were joined by 3 more carrying 10 Npdc cars following us, which made me stop playing around and turn the power up to 120% of its original capacity, which if I have to be honest I have been working 2 whole months on improving...Judy should have supervised me more if I wanted the truck functional sooner....

Soon after I reduced the number of Ncpd cars back to 6, by fucking up 4 police cars that couldn't handle the tricked out pressure of the water cannon the problem I'm running out of water and the song is ending.... time to figure out how to get out of here without a BUSTED.

As I was thinking about how to get out of this one, I cut the power back off the water cannon to save as much as I could, seeing that the 6 Ncpd cars had stopped firing, making me have a bad guess as to why they had stopped, when I turned to see what we were in front of us, after the curve judy was taking with the truck

Which left us on the straight, where the bridges are, to go to Corporate Center and also..... the entrance to the alley where Afterlife is.

Without having time to overthink, I could see a large Ncpd blockade, with several cars and armored transport trucks, creating a barricade, where the cops were entrenched pointing their guns....looks like even the Barneys have run out of patience, by the vibe they give with the big guns up front it looks like it's game over for them.

[YOU IDIOT, CYBERPSYCHO! What the hell do we do now] (judy).

[I find that offensive, I don't have any Cyberware installed in my virgin body](Sora)


[Sora, even now you have to make jokes] (judy)

[Judy, Even now you have to call me an idiot.... you know! I have a heart too, Every time you insult me my shy little heart can't stand it, you make it cry with your mean words...] (Sora)

[.....] (judy)

[HeHe, have you calmed down?, Judy before you reach the Npdc blockade take the detour to the bridge] (Sora)

[.....] (judy)

[Oi sora. Do you hate me?] (judy)

[Uhm...I don't know why you would think that, but if I have to say I would say that I like you, why do you ask?] (Sora)

[....] (judy)

[I see, I thought I liked you too, but when you said to take the bridge, I realized that maybe, you hate me and you want to kill me] (judy)

[Are you planning to get us killed?] (judy)

[Nope, as far as I know, unless there's a Dark-Sora, that I don't know inside me, I don't have such plans]. (Sora)

[I'm glad to hear that, because I still can't figure out how taking the bridge to the FUCKING CORPORATE CENTER can help us in this situation where I might as well stop the truck and declare myself a hostage] (judy).

[Sure, I'm the bad guy here..... you didn't do anything, I give you that I started it, but you're just as guilty as I am for all this shit...sure play your victim card...but you know.... you're not fooling me and if we get caught I plan to play the Shy asian guy card. Putting all the blame on you and your hot blooded Miss ALVAREZ, head of the Vabys Valentinos]. (Sora)

[..... fucking motherfucker...cunt, jackass, pendejo, retard, stupid, demon....] (judy)

[Stop please Judy you're making me turn red, besides trust me, I still have something prepared for the drones. We have little water left and there are still Ncpd cars following us, when we pass to the other side, head for the exit back to Watson without wasting time do you hear me?] (Sora)

With no more to talk Judy got ready to take the detour, but before arriving I noticed the entrance to the Afterlife alley, as we passed by, there were 3 people watching the whole show with what seemed from their expressions that they liked what they saw.

I for my part was surprised to see them. Making me smile, and do my best theatrical bow for the queen of Afterlife. There were also Dorio and Maine who were being entertained by our little performance, with guest star being the Ncpd.

Which when I did it made Dorio and Maine laugh. Rogue only drew a smile on her face, but when our eyes met she seemed to erase that smile and she dropped the cigarette she had between her fingers, almost seeming to recognize me, something that surprised me, she wouldn't know who I am just by looking at me, would she? It's not like she was my mother to recognize with just by glace at me.... when I thought that I don't know why, but I felt goose bumps without any reason that I can explain.

Focusing back on the chase after that indescribable feeling of fear I felt a few seconds ago just naming my mother in these circumstances, Judy was taking the exit of the bridge, leaving the cops at the barricade looking at each other somewhat puzzled, as if it hadn't even occurred to them that the truck would swerve before reaching their barricade....

When we got to the bridge I waited until the Ncpd cars following us were also on the bridge to re-activate the water cannon aimed at the closest one on the truck, hoping to take more than one on a tighter spot like the bridge.


Aiming at the first car until the windshield gave way causing the driver to swerve closed.


BAAAM!!!! BAAM!!!! BAAM!!!

With the sound of braking from the car I was shooting at, it was followed by two more brakes, from Ncpd cars that tried to avoid the first car that made the tight turn, causing the 3 to crash into each other which is good news because there are only 3 left the bad news was that I had already run out of water by increasing the pressure also increases the amount that consume....

[Judy I'm coming to you, I've already run out of water]

[GREAT, this way when they kill us, they won't have to look too hard to find us...]

I smiled at that reply and stepped out of the water cannon control hole and headed for the roof of the cabin as we were just crossing the bridge. I reached the inside of my jacket and pulled out 3 real BEAUTIFUL, silver, spherical shaped ones about the size of a small grenade

"HEHEHEHEHE come to me, drones!"

Night city 6:35pm Sora's house

"Musashi today seems like the city is noisy, more hectic than usual, don't you think?"

I said as the Ncpd Sirens could be heard from our house, `looks like someone is making them earn their paycheck' I thought.

"What do you expect from this damn city..... some Punk or as they call themselves now `Cyberpunks´ will be stealing from some corporation, or not even that, maybe they are doing it `for the laughs´ as they say..... Because of things like this I don't understand why Hanako-sama, wanted us to raise Sora in this city."

"It's true that you can tell that this city is dangerous looking for all kindness and generosity in your heart when you say it, but doesn't it have a certain beauty, some of the people-"

Interrupting what I was about to say I received a proxy IDn message from Hanako-Sama who gave us her contact in case of emergency, when I read it I froze for a second as I related the message from Hanako-Sama, to the unusually activity in the city this afternoon.

"Musashi, Turn on channel 54, it looks like Sora is doing a Show like you said not to."

My husband Musashi looked at me at first as if he didn't understand what I was saying until the next second his face changed almost turning pale, as he activated the Tv on the wall with the pad in his hands.

When we saw the images that were being broadcasted on channel 54 I did not know what to say when I recognized the young man who was on top of the fire truck in motion, without much trouble to imagine who he was and the young driver who was acting as a sidekick in the only thing I can describe as ... something a `Punk´ would do `for the laughs´, who was shooting water at the police cars while making them run off the road or crash into each other, not knowing what to say next, I could only laugh to try to reactivate Musashi's brain that seemed to have gone on strike, seeing what our grandson was doing

"Ara-Ara, Musashi-Shisho are you sure you were awake when Sora swore to you that he would think about the bushido teachings before acting, when he finished saying that, you wouldn't find yourself next act waking up in your bed would you?"


"Ara the same reaction as Hanako-Sama!"

"HANAKO-SAMA? did she contact you? was she the one who warned you?"

"Yes, she sent me two messages saying literally ``what the hell is Sora doing'' and ``Put, right now channel 54, I WANT AN EXPLANATION'', the Explanation I leave to you sweetie, I know how well you get along with Hanako-Sama."

"This damn kid, I saw his disappointed look when I've blocked his attacks with murderous intent out of spite when I hit him training, but it seems, since he can't, he wants his mother to be the one to kill me.... Fucking Sora"

"Where are we going...they still haven't managed to stop him" I said as I saw Musahi get up after cursing maybe he hasn't noticed, but he had a small smile on his face, his character has changed a lot since we live in this city he says he hates so much.

"Let's go pick up the Alvarez's first, then we'll head to the Watson police station....Shit, I knew the kid, he wouldn't stop just by almost blowing up the house.... And I know he's got some base or some abandoned place he's found, to store all the stuff he doesn't want us to find, you know how there are nights he comes home reeking of explosives, chemicals and welding...Fucking Sora"


Pov Sora.

"Fuck, there's no end to it, if the Ncpd acted like this always, NC would be world capital for their safety."

Before I knew it the 7 cars following us down the road around Watson were joined by 3 more carrying 10 Npdc cars following us, which made me stop playing around and turn the power up to 120% of its original capacity, which if I have to be honest I have been working 2 whole months on improving...Judy should have supervised me more if I wanted the truck functional sooner....

Soon after I reduced the number of Ncpd cars back to 6, by fucking up 4 police cars that couldn't handle the tricked out pressure of the water cannon the problem I'm running out of water and the song is ending.... time to figure out how to get out of here without a BUSTED.

As I was thinking about how to get out of this one, I cut the power back off the water cannon to save as much as I could, seeing that the 6 Ncpd cars had stopped firing, making me have a bad guess as to why they had stopped, when I turned to see what we were in front of us, after the curve judy was taking with the truck

Which left us on the straight, where the bridges are, to go to Corporate Center and also..... the entrance to the alley where Afterlife is.

Without having time to overthink, I could see a large Ncpd blockade, with several cars and armored transport trucks, creating a barricade, where the cops were entrenched pointing their guns....looks like even the Barneys have run out of patience, by the vibe they give with the big guns up front it looks like it's game over for them.

[YOU IDIOT, CYBERPSYCHO! What the hell do we do now] (judy).

[I find that offensive, I don't have any Cyberware installed in my virgin body](Sora)


[Sora, even now you have to make jokes] (judy)

[Judy, Even now you have to call me an idiot.... you know! I have a heart too, Every time you insult me my shy little heart can't stand it, you make it cry with your mean words...] (Sora)

[.....] (judy)

[HeHe, have you calmed down?, Judy before you reach the Npdc blockade take the detour to the bridge] (Sora)

[.....] (judy)

[Oi sora. Do you hate me?] (judy)

[Uhm...I don't know why you would think that, but if I have to say I would say that I like you, why do you ask?] (Sora)

[....] (judy)

[I see, I thought I liked you too, but when you said to take the bridge, I realized that maybe, you hate me and you want to kill me] (judy)

[Are you planning to get us killed?] (judy)

[Nope, as far as I know, unless there's a Dark-Sora, that I don't know inside me, I don't have such plans]. (Sora)

[I'm glad to hear that, because I still can't figure out how taking the bridge to the FUCKING CORPORATE CENTER can help us in this situation where I might as well stop the truck and declare myself a hostage] (judy).

[Sure, I'm the bad guy here..... you didn't do anything, I give you that I started it, but you're just as guilty as I am for all this shit...sure play your victim card...but you know.... you're not fooling me and if we get caught I plan to play the Shy asian guy card. Putting all the blame on you and your hot blooded Miss ALVAREZ, head of the Vabys Valentinos]. (Sora)

[..... fucking motherfucker...cunt, jackass, pendejo, retard, stupid, demon....] (judy)

[Stop please Judy you're making me turn red, besides trust me, I still have something prepared for the drones. We have little water left and there are still Ncpd cars following us, when we pass to the other side, head for the exit back to Watson without wasting time do you hear me?] (Sora)

With no more to talk Judy got ready to take the detour, but before arriving I noticed the entrance to the Afterlife alley, as we passed by, there were 3 people watching the whole show with what seemed from their expressions that they liked what they saw.

I for my part was surprised to see them. Making me smile, and do my best theatrical bow for the queen of Afterlife. There were also Dorio and Maine who were being entertained by our little performance, with guest star being the Ncpd.

Which when I did it made Dorio and Maine laugh. Rogue only drew a smile on her face, but when our eyes met she seemed to erase that smile and she dropped the cigarette she had between her fingers, almost seeming to recognize me, something that surprised me, she wouldn't know who I am just by looking at me, would she? It's not like she was my mother to recognize with just by glace at me.... when I thought that I don't know why, but I felt goose bumps without any reason that I can explain.

Focusing back on the chase after that indescribable feeling of fear I felt a few seconds ago just naming my mother in these circumstances, Judy was taking the exit of the bridge, leaving the cops at the barricade looking at each other somewhat puzzled, as if it hadn't even occurred to them that the truck would swerve before reaching their barricade....

When we got to the bridge I waited until the Ncpd cars following us were also on the bridge to re-activate the water cannon aimed at the closest one on the truck, hoping to take more than one on a tighter spot like the bridge.


Aiming at the first car until the windshield gave way causing the driver to swerve closed.


BAAAM!!!! BAAM!!!! BAAM!!!

With the sound of braking from the car I was shooting at, it was followed by two more brakes, from Ncpd cars that tried to avoid the first car that made the tight turn, causing the 3 to crash into each other which is good news because there are only 3 left the bad news was that I had already run out of water by increasing the pressure also increases the amount that consume....

[Judy I'm coming to you, I've already run out of water]

[GREAT, this way when they kill us, they won't have to look too hard to find us...]

I smiled at that reply and stepped out of the water cannon control hole and headed for the roof of the cabin as we were just crossing the bridge. I reached the inside of my jacket and pulled out 3 real BEAUTIFUL, silver, spherical shaped ones about the size of a small grenade

"HEHEHEHEHE come to me, drones!"

Night city 6:35pm Sora's house

"Musashi today seems like the city is noisy, more hectic than usual, don't you think?"

I said as the Ncpd Sirens could be heard from our house, `looks like someone is making them earn their paycheck' I thought.

"What do you expect from this damn city..... some Punk or as they call themselves now `Cyberpunks´ will be stealing from some corporation, or not even that, maybe they are doing it `for the laughs´ as they say..... Because of things like this I don't understand why Hanako-sama, wanted us to raise Sora in this city."

"It's true that you can tell that this city is dangerous looking for all kindness and generosity in your heart when you say it, but doesn't it have a certain beauty, some of the people-"

Interrupting what I was about to say I received a proxy IDn message from Hanako-Sama who gave us her contact in case of emergency, when I read it I froze for a second as I related the message from Hanako-Sama, to the unusually activity in the city this afternoon.

"Musashi, Turn on channel 54, it looks like Sora is doing a Show like you said not to."

My husband Musashi looked at me at first as if he didn't understand what I was saying until the next second his face changed almost turning pale, as he activated the Tv on the wall with the pad in his hands.

When we saw the images that were being broadcasted on channel 54 I did not know what to say when I recognized the young man who was on top of the fire truck in motion, without much trouble to imagine who he was and the young driver who was acting as a sidekick in the only thing I can describe as ... something a `Punk´ would do `for the laughs´, who was shooting water at the police cars while making them run off the road or crash into each other, not knowing what to say next, I could only laugh to try to reactivate Musashi's brain that seemed to have gone on strike, seeing what our grandson was doing

"Ara-Ara, Musashi-Shisho are you sure you were awake when Sora swore to you that he would think about the bushido teachings before acting, when he finished saying that, you wouldn't find yourself next act waking up in your bed would you?"


"Ara the same reaction as Hanako-Sama!"

"HANAKO-SAMA? did she contact you? was she the one who warned you?"

"Yes, she sent me two messages saying literally ``what the hell is Sora doing'' and ``Put, right now channel 54, I WANT AN EXPLANATION'', the Explanation I leave to you sweetie, I know how well you get along with Hanako-Sama."

"This damn kid, I saw his disappointed look when I've blocked his attacks with murderous intent out of spite when I hit him training, but it seems, since he can't, he wants his mother to be the one to kill me.... Fucking Sora"

"Where are we going...they still haven't managed to stop him" I said as I saw Musahi get up after cursing maybe he hasn't noticed, but he had a small smile on his face, his character has changed a lot since we live in this city he says he hates so much.

"Let's go pick up the Alvarez's first, then we'll head to the Watson police station....Shit, I knew the kid, he wouldn't stop just by almost blowing up the house.... And I know he's got some base or some abandoned place he's found, to store all the stuff he doesn't want us to find, you know how there are nights he comes home reeking of explosives, chemicals and welding...Fucking Sora"


Pov Sora.

"Fuck, there's no end to it, if the Ncpd acted like this always, NC would be world capital for their safety."

Before I knew it the 7 cars following us down the road around Watson were joined by 3 more carrying 10 Npdc cars following us, which made me stop playing around and turn the power up to 120% of its original capacity, which if I have to be honest I have been working 2 whole months on improving...Judy should have supervised me more if I wanted the truck functional sooner....

Soon after I reduced the number of Ncpd cars back to 6, by fucking up 4 police cars that couldn't handle the tricked out pressure of the water cannon the problem I'm running out of water and the song is ending.... time to figure out how to get out of here without a BUSTED.

As I was thinking about how to get out of this one, I cut the power back off the water cannon to save as much as I could, seeing that the 6 Ncpd cars had stopped firing, making me have a bad guess as to why they had stopped, when I turned to see what we were in front of us, after the curve judy was taking with the truck

Which left us on the straight, where the bridges are, to go to Corporate Center and also..... the entrance to the alley where Afterlife is.

Without having time to overthink, I could see a large Ncpd blockade, with several cars and armored transport trucks, creating a barricade, where the cops were entrenched pointing their guns....looks like even the Barneys have run out of patience, by the vibe they give with the big guns up front it looks like it's game over for them.

[YOU IDIOT, CYBERPSYCHO! What the hell do we do now] (judy).

[I find that offensive, I don't have any Cyberware installed in my virgin body](Sora)


[Sora, even now you have to make jokes] (judy)

[Judy, Even now you have to call me an idiot.... you know! I have a heart too, Every time you insult me my shy little heart can't stand it, you make it cry with your mean words...] (Sora)

[.....] (judy)

[HeHe, have you calmed down?, Judy before you reach the Npdc blockade take the detour to the bridge] (Sora)

[.....] (judy)

[Oi sora. Do you hate me?] (judy)

[Uhm...I don't know why you would think that, but if I have to say I would say that I like you, why do you ask?] (Sora)

[....] (judy)

[I see, I thought I liked you too, but when you said to take the bridge, I realized that maybe, you hate me and you want to kill me] (judy)

[Are you planning to get us killed?] (judy)

[Nope, as far as I know, unless there's a Dark-Sora, that I don't know inside me, I don't have such plans]. (Sora)

[I'm glad to hear that, because I still can't figure out how taking the bridge to the FUCKING CORPORATE CENTER can help us in this situation where I might as well stop the truck and declare myself a hostage] (judy).

[Sure, I'm the bad guy here..... you didn't do anything, I give you that I started it, but you're just as guilty as I am for all this shit...sure play your victim card...but you know.... you're not fooling me and if we get caught I plan to play the Shy asian guy card. Putting all the blame on you and your hot blooded Miss ALVAREZ, head of the Vabys Valentinos]. (Sora)

[..... fucking motherfucker...cunt, jackass, pendejo, retard, stupid, demon....] (judy)

[Stop please Judy you're making me turn red, besides trust me, I still have something prepared for the drones. We have little water left and there are still Ncpd cars following us, when we pass to the other side, head for the exit back to Watson without wasting time do you hear me?] (Sora)

With no more to talk Judy got ready to take the detour, but before arriving I noticed the entrance to the Afterlife alley, as we passed by, there were 3 people watching the whole show with what seemed from their expressions that they liked what they saw.

I for my part was surprised to see them. Making me smile, and do my best theatrical bow for the queen of Afterlife. There were also Dorio and Maine who were being entertained by our little performance, with guest star being the Ncpd.

Which when I did it made Dorio and Maine laugh. Rogue only drew a smile on her face, but when our eyes met she seemed to erase that smile and she dropped the cigarette she had between her fingers, almost seeming to recognize me, something that surprised me, she wouldn't know who I am just by looking at me, would she? It's not like she was my mother to recognize with just by glace at me.... when I thought that I don't know why, but I felt goose bumps without any reason that I can explain.

Focusing back on the chase after that indescribable feeling of fear I felt a few seconds ago just naming my mother in these circumstances, Judy was taking the exit of the bridge, leaving the cops at the barricade looking at each other somewhat puzzled, as if it hadn't even occurred to them that the truck would swerve before reaching their barricade....

When we got to the bridge I waited until the Ncpd cars following us were also on the bridge to re-activate the water cannon aimed at the closest one on the truck, hoping to take more than one on a tighter spot like the bridge.


Aiming at the first car until the windshield gave way causing the driver to swerve closed.


BAAAM!!!! BAAM!!!! BAAM!!!

With the sound of braking from the car I was shooting at, it was followed by two more brakes, from Ncpd cars that tried to avoid the first car that made the tight turn, causing the 3 to crash into each other which is good news because there are only 3 left the bad news was that I had already run out of water by increasing the pressure also increases the amount that consume....

[Judy I'm coming to you, I've already run out of water]

[GREAT, this way when they kill us, they won't have to look too hard to find us...]

I smiled at that reply and stepped out of the water cannon control hole and headed for the roof of the cabin as we were just crossing the bridge. I reached the inside of my jacket and pulled out 3 real BEAUTIFUL, silver, spherical shaped ones about the size of a small grenade

"HEHEHEHEHE come to me, drones!"

Night city 6:35pm Sora's house

"Musashi today seems like the city is noisy, more hectic than usual, don't you think?"

I said as the Ncpd Sirens could be heard from our house, `looks like someone is making them earn their paycheck' I thought.

"What do you expect from this damn city..... some Punk or as they call themselves now `Cyberpunks´ will be stealing from some corporation, or not even that, maybe they are doing it `for the laughs´ as they say..... Because of things like this I don't understand why Hanako-sama, wanted us to raise Sora in this city."

"It's true that you can tell that this city is dangerous looking for all kindness and generosity in your heart when you say it, but doesn't it have a certain beauty, some of the people-"

Interrupting what I was about to say I received a proxy IDn message from Hanako-Sama who gave us her contact in case of emergency, when I read it I froze for a second as I related the message from Hanako-Sama, to the unusually activity in the city this afternoon.

"Musashi, Turn on channel 54, it looks like Sora is doing a Show like you said not to."

My husband Musashi looked at me at first as if he didn't understand what I was saying until the next second his face changed almost turning pale, as he activated the Tv on the wall with the pad in his hands.

When we saw the images that were being broadcasted on channel 54 I did not know what to say when I recognized the young man who was on top of the fire truck in motion, without much trouble to imagine who he was and the young driver who was acting as a sidekick in the only thing I can describe as ... something a `Punk´ would do `for the laughs´, who was shooting water at the police cars while making them run off the road or crash into each other, not knowing what to say next, I could only laugh to try to reactivate Musashi's brain that seemed to have gone on strike, seeing what our grandson was doing

"Ara-Ara, Musashi-Shisho are you sure you were awake when Sora swore to you that he would think about the bushido teachings before acting, when he finished saying that, you wouldn't find yourself next act waking up in your bed would you?"


"Ara the same reaction as Hanako-Sama!"

"HANAKO-SAMA? did she contact you? was she the one who warned you?"

"Yes, she sent me two messages saying literally ``what the hell is Sora doing'' and ``Put, right now channel 54, I WANT AN EXPLANATION'', the Explanation I leave to you sweetie, I know how well you get along with Hanako-Sama."

"This damn kid, I saw his disappointed look when I've blocked his attacks with murderous intent out of spite when I hit him training, but it seems, since he can't, he wants his mother to be the one to kill me.... Fucking Sora"

"Where are we going...they still haven't managed to stop him" I said as I saw Musahi get up after cursing maybe he hasn't noticed, but he had a small smile on his face, his character has changed a lot since we live in this city he says he hates so much.

"Let's go pick up the Alvarez's first, then we'll head to the Watson police station....Shit, I knew the kid, he wouldn't stop just by almost blowing up the house.... And I know he's got some base or some abandoned place he's found, to store all the stuff he doesn't want us to find, you know how there are nights he comes home reeking of explosives, chemicals and welding...Fucking Sora"


Pov Sora.

"Fuck, there's no end to it, if the Ncpd acted like this always, NC would be world capital for their safety."

Before I knew it the 7 cars following us down the road around Watson were joined by 3 more carrying 10 Npdc cars following us, which made me stop playing around and turn the power up to 120% of its original capacity, which if I have to be honest I have been working 2 whole months on improving...Judy should have supervised me more if I wanted the truck functional sooner....

Soon after I reduced the number of Ncpd cars back to 6, by fucking up 4 police cars that couldn't handle the tricked out pressure of the water cannon the problem I'm running out of water and the song is ending.... time to figure out how to get out of here without a BUSTED.

As I was thinking about how to get out of this one, I cut the power back off the water cannon to save as much as I could, seeing that the 6 Ncpd cars had stopped firing, making me have a bad guess as to why they had stopped, when I turned to see what we were in front of us, after the curve judy was taking with the truck

Which left us on the straight, where the bridges are, to go to Corporate Center and also..... the entrance to the alley where Afterlife is.

Without having time to overthink, I could see a large Ncpd blockade, with several cars and armored transport trucks, creating a barricade, where the cops were entrenched pointing their guns....looks like even the Barneys have run out of patience, by the vibe they give with the big guns up front it looks like it's game over for them.

[YOU IDIOT, CYBERPSYCHO! What the hell do we do now] (judy).

[I find that offensive, I don't have any Cyberware installed in my virgin body](Sora)


[Sora, even now you have to make jokes] (judy)

[Judy, Even now you have to call me an idiot.... you know! I have a heart too, Every time you insult me my shy little heart can't stand it, you make it cry with your mean words...] (Sora)

[.....] (judy)

[HeHe, have you calmed down?, Judy before you reach the Npdc blockade take the detour to the bridge] (Sora)

[.....] (judy)

[Oi sora. Do you hate me?] (judy)

[Uhm...I don't know why you would think that, but if I have to say I would say that I like you, why do you ask?] (Sora)

[....] (judy)

[I see, I thought I liked you too, but when you said to take the bridge, I realized that maybe, you hate me and you want to kill me] (judy)

[Are you planning to get us killed?] (judy)

[Nope, as far as I know, unless there's a Dark-Sora, that I don't know inside me, I don't have such plans]. (Sora)

[I'm glad to hear that, because I still can't figure out how taking the bridge to the FUCKING CORPORATE CENTER can help us in this situation where I might as well stop the truck and declare myself a hostage] (judy).

[Sure, I'm the bad guy here..... you didn't do anything, I give you that I started it, but you're just as guilty as I am for all this shit...sure play your victim card...but you know.... you're not fooling me and if we get caught I plan to play the Shy asian guy card. Putting all the blame on you and your hot blooded Miss ALVAREZ, head of the Vabys Valentinos]. (Sora)

[..... fucking motherfucker...cunt, jackass, pendejo, retard, stupid, demon....] (judy)

[Stop please Judy you're making me turn red, besides trust me, I still have something prepared for the drones. We have little water left and there are still Ncpd cars following us, when we pass to the other side, head for the exit back to Watson without wasting time do you hear me?] (Sora)

With no more to talk Judy got ready to take the detour, but before arriving I noticed the entrance to the Afterlife alley, as we passed by, there were 3 people watching the whole show with what seemed from their expressions that they liked what they saw.

I for my part was surprised to see them. Making me smile, and do my best theatrical bow for the queen of Afterlife. There were also Dorio and Maine who were being entertained by our little performance, with guest star being the Ncpd.

Which when I did it made Dorio and Maine laugh. Rogue only drew a smile on her face, but when our eyes met she seemed to erase that smile and she dropped the cigarette she had between her fingers, almost seeming to recognize me, something that surprised me, she wouldn't know who I am just by looking at me, would she? It's not like she was my mother to recognize with just by glace at me.... when I thought that I don't know why, but I felt goose bumps without any reason that I can explain.

Focusing back on the chase after that indescribable feeling of fear I felt a few seconds ago just naming my mother in these circumstances, Judy was taking the exit of the bridge, leaving the cops at the barricade looking at each other somewhat puzzled, as if it hadn't even occurred to them that the truck would swerve before reaching their barricade....

When we got to the bridge I waited until the Ncpd cars following us were also on the bridge to re-activate the water cannon aimed at the closest one on the truck, hoping to take more than one on a tighter spot like the bridge.


Aiming at the first car until the windshield gave way causing the driver to swerve closed.


BAAAM!!!! BAAM!!!! BAAM!!!

With the sound of braking from the car I was shooting at, it was followed by two more brakes, from Ncpd cars that tried to avoid the first car that made the tight turn, causing the 3 to crash into each other which is good news because there are only 3 left the bad news was that I had already run out of water by increasing the pressure also increases the amount that consume....

[Judy I'm coming to you, I've already run out of water]

[GREAT, this way when they kill us, they won't have to look too hard to find us...]

I smiled at that reply and stepped out of the water cannon control hole and headed for the roof of the cabin as we were just crossing the bridge. I reached the inside of my jacket and pulled out 3 real BEAUTIFUL, silver, spherical shaped ones about the size of a small grenade

"HEHEHEHEHE come to me, drones!"

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