Cyberpunk: Arasaka Secret Son

Meanwhile II

Above they launched themselves in the direction of the Av recording them who was parallel to them as they went over the bridge, as they jumped they approached the Av, who was able to record, the two teenagers singing/shouting with fear in their voices, but smiles on their masks the end of the song, as they jumped into the void.

"[♪ What if I say I'm not like the others? (Keep you in the dark) ♩]"



"[♪ What if I say I'm not just another one of your plays? (You know they all) ♩]"



"[♪ You're the pretender (pretend) ♩]"



"[♪ What if I say I will never surrender? ♩]"



When they stopped, they started to run still holding on, to the opposite side of the truck which was starting to tip forward as it was approaching the water, as the young ones ran in the opposite direction of the fall to get to the back, when they arrived.....

They jumped again, but this time from the truck, still holding hands, instantly when they were in the air falling the young man in the air embraced the girl as if protecting her from the impact against the water putting his feet in front so that he is the one who hit the water, while they fell following the same trajectory of the truck of which the last verses sounded ....

"[♪ So who are you? ♩]"

"[♪ Yeah, who are you? ♩]"

"[♪ Yeah, who are you? ♩]"

Ending only seconds before.


The truck hit the water raising a column of water that made the young men who fell a few seconds behind the truck disappear from everyone's sight.

A few moments later when the water calmed down a little. Before what seemed to be the end of the scene, the sound was heard.


A large underwater explosion that created another column of water, but it was much larger than before, I imagine that by the smoke that was coming out of the truck, it was the same truck exploding. Giving a sense of closure to all this hooliganism, as if it was the fall of some curtains after finishing the show or the last solo of the song that was playing.

After all these events I was speechless until a shout of joy brought me out of it.

"FUCK THAT'S HOW IT'S DONE, AWESOME! Did you see that mom!!!! HAHAH. Tch I should have asked Big bro's fucking name when he saved us today from that one, fucking Junkie, fuck I hope he records a Bd himself of the whole chase it would be GREAT, I'd be first in line to buy it!"

" David FUCK, control your fucking mouth, since WHEN do I let you say `FUCK' in front of me!"

I chided my son who seemed ecstatic at what he had seen, almost infected by the boy's spirit, making him say FUCK as he laughed, jumping up and down excited at what the young Punk had done live.

Damn what I feared this morning is coming true faster than it weighed, finally David is going to start following the young man around like some Fan or as he is calling him ``Big bro'' in some role model sort of way.

"But mom if you're just like me." When David said that, I realized my state, I was standing in front of the TV like David, like a little girl excitedly watching her favorite cartoons and I had no worries, I had forgotten, the charge on my account from those crooks at the bank and my worries about the money without even realizing it!

I had even got up from the sofa, without even noticing! My hands were cold, full of sweat from my nerves, my mouth was dry and my heart was pounding hard, almost stinging in my chest, because of the young man's crazy actions, which apparently it wasn't just David who had been infected.

Showing up had infected me too, without me knowing it! And I knew how many other people! Making us excited, surprising us and making our depressed, worried or sad hearts go into overdrive with a kick, by making the feelings excited!!.... ALIVE!

By the irresponsible actions of the young man, who acted without filters, like a child playing with toys imagining a chase.

The young man was acting like that, as if he was that kid who was crashing his toys, his fire truck against the other toys of the police, while laughing out of pure happiness for what he was imagining, but the YOUNG MAN in question was doing the same, but with the real Ncpd chasing him creating a spectacle for his carefree, childish and joyful way of acting with which he was doing it.

There was something about the Kid I don't know how to describe it .... that made it resonate with anyone who saw it, as if his lighthearted attitude while smiling and enjoying the whole crazy situation, made you rethink that maybe it's not so important to live a long life, but a full life, full of those kinds of memories that made your heart dance, with emotion, that the KId seems to be full of, almost making it glow! Without fear!

That, in doing so, was somehow inspirational, making you re-examine your life and make you ask yourself.

`Have I ever in my whole life had as good a time as that kid looked like he was having?'

It was obviously scary is dangerous, stupid, almost suicidal, you would gain nothing but trouble with that way of thinking and wouldn't let David do what the young man was doing, but hence the almost inspirational part, while either you couldn't enjoy that situation because of the fear of what could happen or what is going to happen, like a bad pothole when the cops seemed shot to the wheels could have gotten either of them killed, or that hypothetical bad pothole could get the kid knocked off the truck when he was walking over.....

Or leaving the hypothetical and thinking that crazy jumping off the top of the bridge, who would be mad enough to sing and enjoy all that while falling off the top of the bridge, most possibly killing you, even the friend who accompanied him was doing it, which increased my belief in how infectious the boy's actions were.

After "Ahmmm" sighing again and calming myself, I refocused on David who was still excited, meanwhile, he would rewind the program to find the beginning of the chase he hadn´t seen.

Reassessing the future I wanted for David, after seeing how the crazy young man, who knew us somehow, was living, made me rethink what he said about paying for the triumph of corporate life with the smile....


The apartment doorbell rang, cutting through my ruminations about the future, making me long for those seconds when I had been distracted by watching the percussion.

When I opened the door I was met by a Wups! delivery man, which surprised me since only the platinum service carries a delivery man instead of a delivery drone.

When I looked at him surprised, the delivery guy spoke without caring about my face, looking nervous, he looked like he wanted to get out of the Megabuilding as soon as possible, I understand him.

"Gloria Martinez? I have a package to deliver to your son...ppppf..... what was it? A Davis Martinez."

"It's with a D, DaviD!..... asshole" shouted David from behind me, listening to what the delivery guy called him, but not getting up from in front of the tv.

"Pfhmm" which amused me somewhat satisfied, at how rude this delivery guy was and my son's response, as I muted what I could my laughter.

"Yeah yeah whatever, I have a package for you, so come here, so you can sign this with your organic signature, and I can get the hell out of this place."

"What is it?"

"A package... don't you see ma'am?"

"You're either dumb or playing dumb, because with you I'm not safe..... I mean what's inside the package and who is that the sender" I said at the nonsensical response the delivery man had made while pointing to the Wups Courier Corporation brand!

"I have no idea Ma'am, but the package came from a music store downtown, and the sender is...FUCK!.... seriously!?"

"What's up?"

"Ma'am, do you know him? Do you know who he is? if if if you would tell me please, I would be eternally grateful, it's true forgive my manners, nice to meet you Miss Martinez, my name is Mark, also DaviD sorry for saying your name wrong hahah what a fool I am and and and I'm a big fan of HIM."

"Hey hey slow down, what are you talking about?, who is Him?, tell you who he is? I don't know anything about what you're talking about... Mark ..... because you've changed your ways and everything."

With all the chaos the delivery man was making David was also interested, he paused the beginning of the chase he was watching, and walked over to with a curious expression about what and who had sent him a package from what he saw quite large.

"The The Sender Miss Martinez, I am a big fan of him and his music."

"Yes yes Mark that's as far as I've gotten I mean who is the sender."

"He is JACKIE!!!JACKIE BLACKHAND!!!! Ma'am, Jackie, sent a package to your son and I was the one who delivered it, this I will tell all my mates at work hahaha maybe my future kids too hahaaha."

I was shocked by the identity of the famous sender, his songs are always on the radios, hell I just heard one of his songs as background music in that irresponsible chase.

With all that I turned to my son who had a face with his mouth open as if he couldn't process what the delivery man had just said, while one of his eyes looked like he had a nervous tick almost glitched, when he reacted he moved at full speed, for me almost disappearing because of his enthusiasm from where he was, he put his hand on the delivery man's pad making a little Beep! of affirmation, grabbing the package with both arms as if hugging it as he entered the house as fast as he could, closing the door behind him without directing so much as a response or a glance at the delivery man who had been frozen by my son's quick action, almost looking as if he had a sandervista installed in his body.....

"M-om, what do you think it is? I-I-I can't wait any longer."

Pak-pak-pak (package breaking).


"AMAZING!!!, HAHAHAHA Best day of my LIFE!!!!"

" MOM you're watching this!"

Said my David, so excited he was turning red from his excitement, as he picked up the pale yellow guitar shaped instrument, the color reminding me of my work jacket, with blue lights decorating the instrument.

I just had questions in my head, why would the popular singer give something to David as a gift? what would he know him from?

As David hung up the BASS, I could see a note inside the case, the note was addressed to David, it appeared to be a printout of a message to my son that read.

"To David, from a Fan who seeing your story helped him a lot in bad times, even giving me a glimpse of how I wanted to live my life. Thanks for that, this is just a small payment for that, stop the Bd's will eat your brain, play this, if you get better enough we may play together.

By Jackie Blackhand"

"P.S.; Tell your mom to be more careful of her surroundings, especially when she drives... I'm not always going to be there to help you like this morning with the junkie. You know ^^"


"Who can't be jackie? That's the note that comes with the bass mom?"

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.