Cute Beast Store No. 138

Chapter 29

Chapter 29

I sold the little milk wolf, although Jin Yu felt a bit of reluctance and sigh, but like the buns, they are all on the same planet, and they don’t always see each other. It’s really not too sad. .

What’s more, the little milk wolf is really too small. After the rebellious period of adolescence, there are more and more messy things. He believes that after a long time, the blue goods will come to the door for help.

It is always the business of the first village, Jin Yu’s mood is still very good.

However, when he was in the mood to see the various cars and animals that were disfigured and messy, the original good feeling was like a roller coaster ride, and then there was no power to die when he went up. It is.

The pressure of the whole body, how low is it.

And the same as the boss of Kim, the release of the low pressure is also the big boss next to the gold boss. When the boss sees these disabled animals, he thinks that the chaos that should belong to him will be a little bit of gold. If you use a different animal to heal, even if it is chaotic, you can recover, but Nima is so many injured and beasts, when it is his turn, at least half a month later! ! Then the low pressure boss of the air pressure turned quite gloomy and looked at the orange light and the big tail wolf behind him. If it weren’t for you, how could Laozi use it with these lower animals? ! The orange and big-tailed wolf sensed the killing and yin of Qi Qinglin in the first time. When the scorpion smashed all kinds of sputum and then orange and decisively pulled up, Li Xiao, who had not figured out the situation, stood directly. Say goodbye: “That, gold! Today, you see that your business has become, and the store has opened.”

Next, you should be very busy. I will not bother with Xiaoxiao. Take a step first. After a few days, we will come back and invite you to dinner! “This way, the orange and the big tail wolf run is called a fast.”

The little green is more than the owner of the home can feel the uncomfortable big boss, so he also screamed Li Xiao running fast, so the store left the group of A, B, and D.

As the most close-knit team of the big boss, the group of A, B, and D is collectively representing Yalishan.

If possible, they also want to run like the two guys just ran! Nima, if they ran, the consequences are absolutely unbearable.

Therefore, four of A, B, and D did not run.

Not only did not run, but also find ways to calm the anger of their own master.

“Hey… Master,” Ding Bai just said what he wanted to say, and immediately received a sharp look from Yan Qinglin.

Then I closed my mouth and rubbed it! Now the master is a grade unhappy! Normally, you should kill an a-class beast to vent… “What are you doing? If you are idle, come over and help. These beasts are about forty or so, hey, there are a few injuries, I don’t know. Can you save it?

“Jinyu is not releasing yin at this time. After all, he is willing to treat these disabled animals. The previous low pressure was only because he saw so many other beasts being abandoned and hurt, and he felt uncomfortable.” .

After the unhappy, naturally it is to quickly treat.

But this time there seems to be a rather thorny presence among the forty-three exotic animals. It is a wolf dog that looks like a big husky at first glance, but it is slightly different. The guy’s forehead has a black one-of-a-kind. Because of the existence of this one-horned horn, the Husky, which was originally in the heart of Jin Yu’s heart, has become quite fierce and fierce, plus that should have become very The unicorn of the powerful offensive weapon, at this time has been broken, still flowing with pus and blood, coupled with the low-pitched look of this cargo, well, it seems quite close.

“Let me think about it, Xiaobai! Go and bring my big animal dictionary to me. I don’t know what kind of race this class is.

I have to understand it first.

“Jinyu’s sentence is said to be exported. A, B, and B are almost collectively dumped, no! You don’t even know the most famous a-class mutant animal. What store do you open?! But Jin Yu can have nothing at all. The feeling of shame, anyway, he is a stranger of a half-hanger, even if he is a long-time native, it is still a foreign land! Do not ask local people for knowledge and common sense to ask him.

Otherwise, disappointment is affirmative, and if you are not good, you will be desperate.


The sorcerer’s dictionary, which came from the little white pheasant, took a photo to the siberian husky of the broken corner. The next dictionary directly turned to a page directly. The black-horned safari dog: canine family, with the wolf family pedigree, belongs to the mutant thunder dog. a family.

Compared with the Thunder dog family, it is more threatening and wild, and the number is much less than that of the Ray-Flash family.

Melee and running ability a+ level, defense b+ level, mental power b+ level, comprehensive ability a level.

The character is calm and fierce, with a high degree of loyalty to the owner and strong support.

The black corner of the head can be used to provoke the thunder attack, which is a rare a-class battle.

Note: The number of black-horned thunder dogs is relatively rare, and most of them are wild stars. Before being untamed, they are fierce and violent, and they are b-class beasts.

If you are below the hunting level of seven or seven, please avoid it automatically.

Listening to the introduction of the automatic voice of the Dictionary of the Great Beast, Jin Yu’s eyes on the black-horned thunder dog became more and more interesting.

I did not expect this seemingly savage and proud of the goods turned out to be a class A beast, just do not know which it is more powerful than its own buns, Xiaoxue and Xiaobai? Dabai is a different kind of a+, this is no match.

Jin Yu’s black-horned thunder dog, which flashed the calculations and the eyes of the gold coins, was a bit violent.

It couldn’t help but lick the fangs again and make a posture to guard against attacks.

It is said that the black-horned thunder dog feels that he has been unlucky recently, and it belongs to the kind of **** mold.

Originally it lived well on the Star of the Stars, and the mountain was king. Although the site was not large, it was quite comfortable.

I don’t know which one is full, and the seven-level hunter takes his b+ level beast to catch it. Which of the two can kill or kill them, but the group is Not kind! ! So it was caught.

Then he was sent to a noble family’s home.

In fact, the nobleman was a landlord of a nouveau riche. He was inadvertently seen at a high-level aristocratic gathering. A young nobleman led the black-horned thunder dog to feel the unique style, and he spent a lot of time to find a family.

But this product is a brain damage! I don’t know if they are hard to tame in the wild. ! The black horn led by the young nobleman must have been cultivated since childhood. The aristocrat who also lost money did not know, so, on the third day of his aristocratic family, he left with a broken corner.

The days after the break angle were hard, and its strength fell to b, and with the hunters and round-hunters catching it the previous month, it was even worse.

Fortunately, it did not kill the rich man, otherwise, the person who catches it may be more.

Just, what is the situation now? ! It was still sleeping in the garbage pile last night. How come it was directly sent to the stun here today? Is it some research institute? ! Looking at the peach-eyed Sven man in front of him, he was so uncomfortable. The black-horned thunder dog decided that this guy would just take a step forward and it would bite his neck! ! “Hey, I said, really, even if the goods are loaded, it is also a second.”

“Jin Yu looked at the series of actions shown by the black-horned thunder dog. Basically, it can be judged that the goods are wild violent goods, but they have not seen other sly beasts have been taken to bathe for so long. I have a meal, this is not a natural second, it is a ghost.

However, this black-horned thunder dog does not seem to be a very heavy injury. The most troublesome thing is the broken corner on top of it. Now that it is so spiritual, I still have to go to see other animals. It looks like he just I saw a very old, old black eagle.

Jin Yu lifted his foot and stepped forward. The next moment, the black-horned thunder dog snorted and bowed and was about to bite! At this moment, a huge, black-horned thunder dog couldn’t help but slammed the tail and fled. The moment it was overwhelmed.

The flustered low screamed, and the black-horned thunder dog looked up and saw a pair of ice-cold and killing gold crickets.

“Shut up and sit down.

“The faint sound of a little cold sounded in the ear of the black-horned thunder dog. The latter was almost instinctive, and quite honestly sat on the ground in the most standard sitting position, and did not dare to move.

And Yan Qinglin saw that the thunder dog of this broken angle was so obedient, and the unhappiness that had been ignored by Jin Yu had finally been released.

And just after this, Jin Xiao turned his head and smiled, and let the big boss directly put more dissatisfaction.

Some helplessly looked at the partner who was seriously treating the beast, and Yan Qinglin sighed and forget it.

There are words in the ancient times, the family has a difficult experience, his partner is at most a workaholic? A little, no out, rail, climbing, wall, elbows are very good, and, boss can definitely say that his own partner is also absolutely special in the three tribes, he also has to guard against other The heirs of the tribe came to dig the wall, well, he is not easy, he is also great.

Watching the master of his family slowly turned the anger into a strange emotion, and A, B, and D were all relieved, and while they were relieved, they couldn’t help but sigh again. Nima, this is really the case. Is one thing falling? ! The boss that should have been violently stunned was comforted by a smile, rubbing! The old saying goes against me! ! The author has something to say: express big boss> all the thorns and beasts> ordinary beasts> life beasts.

Then, the boss of Kim is jealous in some way (infinity).


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