Cute Beast Store No. 138

Chapter 159

Chapter 159

Long Chang’s words are like opening a cover of a horror comic, which opens up everyone’s imagination of ‘human purgatory.’

“I have gone, not so horrible!” Shan Bailu gave birth to a beggar, a little white face was scared of pan-green, seeing him like this night phoenix a few inexplicable, only Jin Qian this The unscrupulous doctor took a slap in the corner of his mouth and photographed it on the head of Shan Bailu. He said with a black face: “What kind of inconspicuous pictures do you think of?” Hurry up and take it back!” Shan Bailu heard a blank eye. How do you know that Xiaoye thinks of something inexplicable? Xiaoye is not as unhealthy as you are! But then again, although Shan Bailu may have thought too much, but after the reminder of Long Changyi, everyone felt that things were big.

However, most of the people present are small bosses who have quite a brain. When they encounter difficulties, their psychological quality will be quite good, so the first time they think about how to solve the problem.

After the people in the room looked at each other, they suddenly laughed. Ling Chong touched the head of the little golden monkey that had not been seen for a long time. “I really say what is good. I think that I know who is behind the scenes.” According to our strength and power, we should solve him well. Although I should be careful of his poison, he should be nothing special.

Compared with the force, he is better than the younger than the forces. He is better than all of us.

So let’s just go out and open up his bad deeds. I believe that the first one can’t spare his fault or the people of their side.

“Ling Chong’s words let the people present nodded, and then in order to stay up all night long, they decided to leave here earlier. After all, their identity is very important, and in order to prevent Feiyuyu from doing something special, they are still hurrying. It is better to go back.

As for Yu Qinglin, this person has absolutely no possibility to do other things when Jin Yu is in a coma, so it is unrealistic for him to let him leave with you at this time to stop the idea of ​​Fei Yuxi.

After thinking about it, everyone is ready to leave. If you leave, you will have to bring your own beast. Because of the existence of the triangular tombstone, the relationship between the beast and the human being has finally been a little bit moderate, and the owner’s beast is not now. Will be taken away by force and random, naturally their baby eggs do not have to be with them.

And the way to leave the earth, because Jin Yu is still sleeping, they can only yell at the sky ‘I want to go home! ! ‘This sentence.

It’s just that there is a price to pay for the noise. All the shouts are thundered.

The second black that I saw was a laughing and rolling on the ground.

… Nima, thief God! ! This is the voice of all those who are thundered.

When everyone was thrown into the capital star without any pity by an old guy, although he felt that he was thrown into the street and attracted countless surprises, he was relieved – at least not thrown back into the unseen forest. what! That place is definitely going to go once and I don’t want to go to the pit and relics for the second time.

Everyone used the fastest speed to go to the Longmen Hotel, the nearest Longchang hotel, and sorted out the appearance with the fastest speed. Only then did a personal model come out very gracefully. They were thundered.

It was only at this time that everyone could finally breathe a sigh of relief. After all, it was only a day after they were passed to the earth, but when everyone saw the picture on the screen in the living room, They were angry and found that it was already late! ! For Fei Yuxi, there are too many things to do in one day, and when he starts to race against time, he will make everyone feel uncomfortable.

Just like he designed to die, Jin Yu, and crazy.

Although he himself has an amazing speculation about the existence and ability of Jin Yu, Jin Jin is now dead. The speculation is not even more amazing, and there will be even more amazing things he has to do now.

He is going to recreate the existence of a world! ! No one is too worried about him.

And when he succeeded in the poisoning of the little milk wolf and the five A-class beasts, he was even more capable, desperate! ! “Oh, the idiots of the military and the institute, I am afraid that it is still unclear what they have been studying all the time!! Studying the drugs that relieve the mental contract? That is the poison that enhances the spirit control!! Hahahahaha! Now I can even control the A-class beasts. The entire capital star, even the beasts on the wild star, are not all obeying my orders?!” Fei Yuxi laughed so crazy, and then he pushed At the moment, the controller in front of the center, centered on the military bases in the south, northeast, and western parts of the capital star, burst into a powerful air fluctuation visible to the naked eye! ! It was like a missile that exploded silently, and did not blow up anything, but it blew out the air.

And from this moment, but the strangers who have come into contact with these air streams outside, almost all form a rather ruthless command in their minds – killing innocent people! ! So the tragedy that followed was more shocking than what happened at the Southern Trading Conference that day! ! The beasts beside them are starting to bite themselves without warning! The fierce look and eyes almost made their heart beat! ! And it is so incomprehensible that human beings are completely unacceptable. This kind of attack is after the triangle monument is set! ! Then the angry humans looked at the fierce beasts, and they affirmed a little in their hearts – the beasts are never reliable, they are absolutely not good! ! Nothing is trusted, except for killing, it is control! ! So in this short day, the angry humans and the controlled beasts launched the most serious and heavy battles in history. No one or some people’s wall view, only one day, all efforts It’s all gone.

In addition, the full-fledged Feiyuyu did not forget to find trouble for the Three Emperors on the star, and several satellites with the spirit-toxin controlled by the beasts sprinkled on the wild star. This is pure without instructions. The toxins that make the wild animals frantic are the variants derived from the spiritual control contract.

Don’t look at it as a variant. I believe that even under the violent situation of so many people, even the Three Emperors will not be more relaxed.

Jin Qianlong Chang Hao did not think that Fei Yuxi’s movements would be so fast anyway, but they would be removed directly in the unmarked forests of the day. Otherwise, they would come back soon. Finally, there is no way to change the current result.

“What should I do now? Can you pull him out directly?” The face of Ling Chongqi is green. It is necessary to know that this behavior of Feiyuyu has brought considerable disaster to the top ten families. After all, the top ten families have a high degree of disaster. The beasts are relatively more, and the beasts are rioting, and they are absolutely devastating.

“Hey, are you really a soldier and a family of ten people who have left their homes?! With such a big thing, even if ordinary people don’t know what’s going on, the air fluctuations are seen by too many people, and Still in the military’s stronghold.

“Night Phoenix sneered out loudly: “I don’t know what the military’s old man and the dragon’s general will want to be… The most important thing is whether the flying general will lead his army to the military.

When several people gathered to discuss the problem, the door of the living room was suddenly kicked open. When Jin Qian and others instantly thought about the problem, it was only Baisha and Bai. Ling also has a second generation of several other families.

Among them, Long Chang Li is also included.

“What have you done in the end!! Do you want humans and strange animals to die together?” Yan Tiancong’s voice was with a strong question, and after he spoke, Long Chang looked at him with a very gloomy face. Jin Qiang said: “Where have you gone, what have you done? It is best to give me a real move!”

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