Cursed Explorer of the Arcana

Chapter 10 - Decision of a Lifetime

It takes a solid two weeks for my leg to make a full recovery, way too long even with a healer’s frequent checkups. It was long, it was boring but at least I got relieved from doing any chores. The day after I woke up Mom put down her spear and retired from her adventurer career, choosing something less dangerous and with more free time to spend with us, to focus on me.

The two whole weeks without my usual romps in the city with the gang or even getting started with my new goal of reaching for some strength made me all itchy to get to work and fed into my resolve to never allow something like this to ever happen again. They came to visit of course and huddled in for a long hug after hearing what happened to me and it was nice. I managed to shed no tears although it was a close call.

Nia and Jappo are two months older and their families are breathing down their necks to get the preparations going for their System, just like mine.

Now that I’m fully healed and ready to roll it's time to learn the ropes of fighting like a pro from mom and dad. Will I do some cool backflips, or graceful dance-like footwork, or maybe some quick and devastating punches?

“Ok, run twenty laps around the backyard.” My enthusiasm instantly vanishes at Mom's first task. “Why do you look so stupid? Did you expect to get a sword right away?” I nod. ”Get to running!”

“C’mon Mom, why do I have to run around like some happy-go-lucky dog?”

“Because your stamina is basically nonexistent.” Short, harsh, and truthful explanation, running it is then.

“Stamina training is important whether you try to become a mage or a fighter. If you can’t run away you’re dead, if you can’t catch your prey you worked for nothing, if you collapse before the end of the fight, guess what, you die." Mom doesn’t mess around. I get it stamina is important but damn.

“Dear, she’s only eight, you know that right?” Nice save papa, at least I have someone on my side. “So let her run as much as she can but be more selective with your words.”

What the hell is with them and running?? You were my last hope, Dad and you betrayed me.

“Why should I? She’ll need to realize sooner or later that just because you’re strong doesn’t mean you can’t die. Quite the opposite, the stronger you are the more danger finds you whether you like it or not and the more you have to do to reach higher levels." Mom drill instructor mode activated, sheesh.

I get it, she was an active adventurer for many years, she’s seen many things, and knows better. On the other hand, I’m only eight, okay almost nine, I've got time, no? No?

After they make me run till I can no longer walk, Dad comes up to me. “Good, now that you’re finished with the warm-up, we can start with coordination.” I can't believe my ears. Warm-up?

“I can see the question in your eyes, yes, warm up. You need the stamina anyway, however, the main point is to make you border on exhaustion and learn how to operate on that level.” He smiles widely. “You won't always be in top condition when it's a question of life and death so if you learn how to run, climb and jump when you are at the end of your rope then you’ll be able to perform in any situation.”

I’m not too sure about the reasoning. I mean, if you’re exhausted and have to flee you probably already messed up pretty badly, but whatever.


After feeling like I died, came back, and got all the water and air drained from my body my tormentors finally decided I’d done enough. I fall onto my back and greedily gulp the air while Mom brings me a waterskin.

“You are evil.” I mutter after making all the water disappear.

“Eli dear, you didn’t even last five minutes.” Dad adds insult to injury with a poorly hidden smile.

“Eh, tomorrow she’ll do better,” Mom adds. What do you mean tomorrow? “More importantly, wash your face and wear something less sweaty, we’re going out.”

Now that idea is more to my liking. What are we going to do, get me a sword, or daggers like Dad, or maybe armor? And thanks for pointing out how disheveled I look, almost like someone who ran until they could no more.

I make myself pretty again without voicing any of my thoughts and we leave home walking in the direction of the market square. Maybe my guess was right.

Arriving at one of my favorite areas in the city, I notice the increased number and diversity of people around the center of the market square. It’s not even lunchtime yet so having to push through a wall of bodies is unusual, unseen beside festivals.

Dad picks me up and gives me a shoulder ride so I can watch over the crowd as normally the back of a bunch of adults would be all I can see. From my new perch, I finally catch a glimpse of what the main attraction is.

Eight men kneeling in chains on a small podium, guards stand grimly on all sides while the crowd is hurling rocks and curses at them. Figuring out the reason behind this commotion and all the hate takes only a few seconds as I take a better look at the victims.

Ghostly pale skin, light purple veins, yellowish eyes. It’s the same as that night. Emotions bubble inside me with hate and fear being the most prevalent so I grip Dad’s shoulder a little harder and look for those three bastards among them. The three thieves, the ones left with almost everything we have and left me with something valuable. A goal.

My hopes turn to dust after I fail to find any of the three faces I’ll never be able to forget so I ask. “Where are the ones who robbed us?”

“Maybe they disappeared, maybe they left the Meliorport already and are hiding in the woods.” Mom answers in a cold voice. “Maybe they got what they deserved already.”

As the crowd gets more fired up an official or guard captain or basically just some important dude takes the stage and starts preaching. I really hate loud noises. Not a word he says reaches my ears through the curses and hateful shouts but I can still draw a conclusion. Guilty, verdict, punishment.

“What is this all about?” I ask my parents without taking my eyes off the events.

“The bad people who broke into our house were part of a larger web of crime held together by a dangerous drug called the purple prickle.” Mom explains and I remember them talking about that purple stuff. “Needless to say people were up in arms after that day and the guards slowly peeled back the layers of intrigue following the lead left by those three idiots.”

Ah, so this is that small fish big fish type of situation. I mean, I’m a bit disappointed the ones I’d like to see punished the most are not around but eliminating the source also sounds good.

Before I could ask anything else collars of some weird metal are placed on six of the men while the other two are dragged over to a chock and made to kneel. Before I could find out what’s next Dad puts me back down and pulls me to leave.

“She’ll have to see reality sooner or-” Mom huffs before Dad cuts her off.

“Later then, as late as I can make it.” Dad stares at her before looking down at me.

I can guess the fate of the two bawling their eyes out and have seen those collars before. People forced to wear those have lost the right to their freedom, to choice, to their own future. They will be slaves. It’s a weird thing because I find it disgusting and logical at the same time.

What should we do to bad people, like really bad ones? Lock them up in prison to waste space and food? Like keeping animals around the house except they aren’t livestock and not even remotely cute… Similar to keeping mosquitoes for fun, stupid. Make them pay money? Maybe, if the price is not too high. Or use the eye for an eye logic…

I think they got what they deserved.


Even after justice was served I did not find peace. Just because that gang of scums was no longer a threat didn’t change a thing so I kept working and preparing for my Initiation Day diligently. To shed this weakness.

It wasn’t all just resolve and grit, we had our fun and even with the gang we often practiced things like memory games and tree climbing in preparation for our future. The adults told us that anything no matter how insignificant has a chance to be taken into consideration by the Journey Guide so did our best and were dead serious when… playing tag or when it came down to a brawl.

When it came to practice supervised by my parents things were a lot more thought out and methodical, mostly focusing on my agility, stamina and strength. Why, do I plan on becoming a Warrior like Mom? I have no fucking clue.

However, that's not too important at the beginning as the very first starter Class isn't really focused on anything of your choice. It’s more generalized, like Unruly, Citizen of Valeria, or Guided by the Wind, things like that, things we have no influence over. The outcome is determined at birth or maybe in some cases based on one’s personality so all this hard work won't amount to anything in that regard.

“Remember Eli, this is just the starter Class, you have nothing to do.” Yeah, I remember. “And don’t forget, it means you’ll only unlock the general Skills and the Class will be entirely useless.” Yeah, how could I forget? “So all you need to do is-”

“I get it, Mom, you told me like thirty times already.” I huff indignantly.

She narrows her eyes before moving on. “Starting tomorrow we’ll get you some Skills and help you reach level 9, the first actual milestone. Once you can fend for yourself we’ll travel to the outskirts of the forest and teach you the basics.”

“Sounds good, can’t wait, good good.” I’m just hopping in place. “Three days seem like forever at this point. But what will I do later when I’m around level eighty?”

“Don’t get ahead of yourself young lady, especially not that much. We’ll see, it depends on what class you choose.” Mom ruffles my hair. I hate that. “Do you still want to be like mom and dad and fight close quarters or did you change your mind?”

I’m still a little hesitant here, however, if I don't like melee I can always reset, it's less punishing early on.

“Still melee.” I say with a nod, mostly to satisfy her.


19692 The 2nd Spring

As the day of my ninth birthday approaches time slows to a crawl and every day becomes twice as long. For me at least. As the days pass I get more and more nervous, even though my input will have no effect whatsoever on the outcome. When the last night before the fateful day falls I quickly tuck myself in even without dinner and try my best to fall asleep. I just roll around in my bed for what feels like an eternity as excitement keeps the dreams away when all of a sudden… darkness, utter and total darkness

Then as if shaken by a sneeze I find myself on the beach near Meliorport where I often swam all day long, getting a sunburn almost every time. When I look the city is nowhere to be found, it’s just me, the endless beach, and the sound of the gentle waves washing over the sand.

As my eyes return to the sea I find Dolores sitting right in front of me. The cat just sits there so naturally despite appearing out of thin air as I’m absolutely sure there was nothing and no one there a second ago.

“Welcome to your soulscape, child.” Says the cat in a soothing and feminine voice.

The cat?? I must be dreaming, right? Yeah, that would explain this weird place.

“While you are indeed dreaming this one is far from the ordinary.” The damn cat talks again.

I blink in confusion. “So the cat can speak, and read my mind as well? Just wonderful, and right when I was about to get my Cla- Wait a minute this is the selection ground, isn’t it? The place everyone enters upon Classing up?” The cat nods like it’s normal. “Then why am I here? I’m only supposed to have the starter Class assigned as the number on Status next to Age: turns into nine and be happy with it. And I’ve never heard of any weird cats in one’s own soul… Nah, I’m just dreaming, a whacky, dumb dream.”

“Although you perceive me as a cat it is merely a form I’ve taken for this meeting for your own comfort. If you wish I could look like a person or even a goblin.” The cat lays down on the smooth sandy beach, its tail flicking in amusement. “And you’re right, we are not here because of your Class, we’re here because of the circumstances of your birth.”

“My birth?” I raise an eyebrow. “My mom gave birth to me nine years ago, I grew up and nothing more. What about it?”

“Did they not tell you what happened at the time of your birth, why that timeframe was special?” Now it's the cat’s turn to be confused as I just shake my head. “Hmmm, peculiar, I would’ve expected them to share something so… significant. In that case, we need to take a little detour.”

Just as the last word leaves the cat’s mouth the scenery changes around us and I find myself above a town seemingly on the Azure Shore just like Meliorport.

Wait, we're in the air?? Shit, no no no!

I close my eyes and flail helplessly yet nothing happens.

“Fear not, what you perceive is merely an image of the past.” As the cat explains the skies turn red. “That,” She indicates with her tail. “is the Crimson Comet, herald of change and scourge of the living, It crests over Aelion when the time is ripe for its purpose and you witnessed it.”

I look up seeing a blazing red light above our heads, mesmerized by the beauty of the red light. It is both awe-inspiring and ominous in an unexplainable way.

“I did?” I’m pretty sure I didn’t.

“You, Elyssia, were born under that very Comet, in a time of great suffering and countless deaths… you were given life.” The cat answers and we change location once more.

This time the sight that welcomes me is a city with great walls and tall buildings covered in the same red light I saw the last time. The city is not what captures my attention, however… it’s the visceral carnage outside its wall, the rivers of blood and the countless deaths. The disgusting otherwordly sight makes my stomach revolt and I throw up my lunch.

How can I even vomit in my dream something I ate before going to sleep?

As I relieve myself the cat continues. “As you can see, the Comet takes innumerable lives in the most cruel way but it also gives just as much in return. Natural marvels, magical resources, and a Blessing to those who were born under its light and survived its passing.” We reappear back on the beach again.

As the implications seep in I look up at the cat. I really should stop calling it a cat - whatever that thing is. A guide? Ghost? A God?

It looks at me amused. “My identity is of no importance. I’m merely here to assign your Blessing and nothing else.”

“So you came to bless… me? I’m just a simple girl… Like, maybe I was born on a day when the sky was red but that’s it?”

The cat, whatever I'll stick with cat, nods. “Indeed. You’re lucky to be born, lucky to survive, and lucky to receive a boon, all in the name of keeping the balance. Now child, let us see who you truly are.” As the cat says that its eyes begin to glow yellow.

I’ve never felt so open and naked as under the gaze of those eyes, not even when I realized the cat can read my thoughts. It’s as if… as if it knows everything about me.

“How peculiar.” The cat purrs before elaborating. “Two desires vying for supremacy and a soul determined to accomplish both. Your fighting spirit burns bright and unshakable, not marred by the trauma it originates from. You don’t strive for conflict but are ready for when it finds you. This might suit you, however…I feel like your curiosity and your passion for learning is equally as great. You always question the reason behind things, the small details, the unseen cogs in the greater machine…” The cat stays quiet for a few seconds. “Tell me Elyssia, which one speaks louder in your heart!”

My mind is in overdrive, trying to understand the implications. “Wha- huh? Do you mean what I want to be? I-I want to be strong enough not to be looked down upon.”

“Is that really what you want from your life?” The cat asks again with curiosity in its eyes as it watches my dilemma. ”Power to enforce your will or knowledge to soothe your hunger? Take your time.”

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