Curse of Gacha – A Melancholic Life of a Gamble Addict

Eve (1)

The next day in the evening


“Beer in the new house is the best!” Rika said as she slammed the can on the table. 

“But to think our son has a good friend like this, you should tell him to come over!” Tendou said as he raised the beer can while looking at the back of his son.

*Chop!* *Chop!* *Chop!*

“Maybe one day.” Touma said as he chopped the vegetables very quickly. ‘Hope that day never arrives.’

“Hmmn?” Rika raised an eyebrow while she eyed her son. “Say Touma, when did you get this good at cooking?” The last time she saw him cooking, he wasn’t nearly as skilled as he was now. Not only that, he is taller than before and his muscles seem more developed.

“I get it now.” Touma’s mom eyed her son with an understanding look. “I guess we should expect a daughter in law soon, or even more.” She joked, and the sound of chopping stopped for a second.

Tendou contemplated and nodded in agreement.


Rika sighed as she put her hand under her chin. “To think our big baby boy would get a girlfriend, no, maybe he already has one and is hiding her from us!?” She asked in a sudden ‘realization’. 

Suddenly, two pairs of eyes landed on Touma’s back, as though two hawks had spotted their next prey.

He sighed, knowing they were just teasing, and adding alcohol into the equation wouldn’t make it end any sooner. He poured the dish on the plate, turned around and carried it to the table.

“Here, the last dish of dinner for tonight.” Touma sat down and raised his can of…juice. Yeah, his parents wouldn’t let him drink beer as he was still underage, so he opted for juice instead.

“““Kampai!””” And they started celebrating over their new house. 

‘I feel that I am forgetting something.’ Touma thought, but he shrugged his shoulders and dismissed the idea. If he doesn’t remember it, then it shouldn’t be important.

Touma returned to his room after cleaning everything up.

He walked over the desk and sat on the chair. Suddenly a feeling comparable to breaking chains occurred inside Touma. He closed his eyes as he knew what it was. 

The assimilation was complete. 

More precisely, it was Percival's card. Masayuki’s card was near completion too. 

Tapping his fingers on the desk in a rhythm, he leaned his body and pulled a suitcase under the desk. 

Touma found this on top of the table in the kitchen when he was exploring around the house. Inside of the suitcase, there was Azazel’s personal contact and 15 million yen!

(A/N: 15 million yen = 109,738.17 USD)

Although Touma wanted to split it and give it to his parents, just remembering that they almost fainted when they saw the new house, he decided to hold it in for a while until given the opportunity.

Taking a third of the money, Touma wanted to convert them into GP, however to his most disappointment, only a part of the money he prepared was converted and the rest was left untouched.

Sighing in disappointment, Touma stored the remaining money in his [Inventory].

Supporting his cheek with his fist, he opened the [Gacha] tab.

[GP: 48 → 395]

‘Not here.’ Touma closed his eyes and took a deep breath. ‘Just one…just one…’

Illusional lights appeared in his field of vision and it rotated rapidly, revealing 10 cards.

[Character Card: Esdeath (AgK)]

[Assimilation Speed Boost Card]

[Power Boost Card]

[Power Boost Card]

[Black Keys (3) (FATE)]

[All Language Comprehension] 

[Character Card: Julius Novachrono (Black Clover)]

[Weakness Removal Card] 

[Power Boost Card]

[Noble Phantasm: Hanging Gardens of Babylon (FATE)]

Touma stopped moving, it took great effort for him to not jump and scream in excitement. 

Besides the amazing cards that would help him greatly, Touma was more focused on the two characters and the Noble Phantasm he just got!

Esdeath was a sadistic and blood thirsty general of the anime Akame ga Kill that enjoyed battles more than anything. Besides that, Esdeath possessed a great charisma fit for a high ranking general that inspired many to fight for her and she also cared about her subordinates, her direct ones that is. 

Julius Novachrono, the Wizard King of Black Clover anime. His magic to manipulate time was never shown at full potential as he never had opportunity to, but definitely one of the powerhouses of his universe. The nature of his magic was to steal time from others and use them to fuel his spells.

And lastly, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the Noble Phantasm of Semiramis. A moving fortress that is perfect for an army in a war that also serves as a workshop. The only downside of this is that, like Semiramis, Touma had to gather the materials and do the ritual to build the fortress…


Touma was disappointed that the Noble Phantasm didn’t come entirely, but the instructions are better than nothing. 

Without further ado, Touma put Julius’ card in assimilation and equipped the Noble Phantasm and the language card, a handful skill that makes all languages known to you, be it ancient or modern, even from other worlds. 

“Here, take a seat.” Touma said and gestured with his hand.

Akeno looked curiously at the young man, but didn’t say anything and complied. 

‘He looks exactly like a teacher, maybe he is into roleplays?’ Akeno thought and a seductive laugh escaped from her lips.

“Touma-kun, is there a reason for calling me? Or do you want to spend some time with just us alone?” Akeno said as she licked her lips. 


“There is a right time and place for that.” Touma said as he retracted his hand. “I just wanted to have a talk between us.”

Akeno looked confused but nodded regardless.

“In the past few days, we have been training hard together and because of that I came to realization, you were holding back a lot, so I want to know why.”

Akeno winced at that, averted her eyes and bit her lower lip.

“That…Sorry, I can’t tell you.” 

“Why? Do you have a demon sealed inside you or something like that?” 

Akeno stared at him for a second before chuckling. 

“No, it’s not like that. It’s because…” 

‘Was it alright to tell him? Will he despise me once he learns the truth?’ Such thoughts occurred in Akeno’s mind. She has grown fond of this young man and Akeno wouldn’t lie that she was interested in him as a romantic partner. Just thinking of that made her stomach turn up. 

Suddenly, a hand landed on her head and started patting her. 

“It’s alright, take it easy.”

His comforting voice warmed up her heart and a smile blossomed in her face.

‘If it’s him, then maybe…’

“I-I am actually a hybrid of a fallen angel and a human…” Akeno started telling her story, from when she was just a child, to her mother being killed, her hatred for the fallen angels, everything to Touma.

He listened to everything attentively, not interrupting her. 

At the end, a few tears gathered in the corner of her eyes, which was wiped by Touma’s hand.

“Thanks for telling me, Himejima-senpai.” Touma said with a smile.

“Y-You…don’t feel disgusted at me?” Akeno asked, with her voice trembling slightly.

“Of course not, you aren’t at fault for how you were born. Neither me nor everyone else will treat you differently just because you are the daughter of a fallen angel, so don’t worry and don’t hide yourself.” Touma comforted her.

Akeno saw the genuine expression and couldn’t hold herself anymore. She jumped forward and hugged Touma.

“Thank you…Thank you so much for being here with me…” Akeno muttered. 

“You are welcome.” Touma hugged her back and whispered in her ears. “Thank you for being yourself.”


Days have passed and they are getting closer to the date of the Rating Game. But it wasn’t the only thing that got closer these days…


“Ufufu. Call me Akeno, Touma-kun.”

“...Akeno, others are watching.”

Indeed, Akeno has been acting more clingy and open to Touma, not that he minded, but it was still embarrassing in the public. 

“It’s fine, let them watch all they want.” Akeno said as she readjusted her position on Touma’s lap. 

*Cough* *Cough*

“Please mind your behavior here.” Rias said with her slight blush on her face.

“Ara, are you perhaps jealous,Rias?”

Rias was taken by surprise and blushed even more, but didn’t refute, which increased Akeno’s smile. 

“Anyway, the date of the Rating Game is closing in and we should discuss how we handle the support role!” Rias said, raising her voice slightly because of the embarrassment she was feeling.

But what she said was true. Up until now, everyone in her peerage was more turned towards power and destruction while lacking any real support members. 

‘Support? If I remember correctly…’ Touma widened his eyes as he finally remembered. 

“I may have an idea to solve that problem.” Touma said.

Meanwhile, in the abandoned church, a blond girl about the age of Touma sneezed, feeling that someone was thinking about her. This lasts for a second before returning to her prayer. 


First time writing something like this, so I hope this is something readable.

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