Curing My Loneliness by Becoming a Summoner in Another World

Ch. 21 – Facing your Fears (for your Companions)

Facing your Fears (for your Companions)


In the morning, they woke up without issue and packed up their tent.

“Can you sniff them out now, Aurora? Or you Bluey?”

Aurora immediately let out a couple 'Piyu's!' and motioned in a specific direction.

The others followed carefully. Despite the fact it was day, they didn't want to let an owlbear get a drop on them again.


After about twenty minutes of walking, Aurora stopped near the entrance of a cave.

“It's in there?” Damien confirmed.

“Should we go in with Betty's light?” Bluey asked.

Damien shook his head. He thought for a few moments, when Betty had a suggestion.

“Instead of going in, maybe we should draw it out and fight here?” she pointed to the clearing. “That way Bluey and Aurora can get on either side.”

Damien nodded. “What...what if we put up a Flame Wall at the entrance, then had Bluey and Aurora cast their spells into the cave? It seems cowardly, but...”

Betty shook her head. “A good plan isn't cowardly. The bear doesn't care about honor.”

Damien gave a wry smile, “I guess not. Let's go with that then.”

Bluey and Aurora snuck up near the entrance, while Betty and Damien stayed slightly behind.

Aurora cast Flame Wall at the entrance, and then she and Bluey started casting their spells into the cave.

After only a moment, they heard roar-hooting from the cave. In another moment, not one, but two burning owlbears came running out

Dammit! “Bluey, focus on one. Aurora, try to draw the other away.”

“Oh Goddess, bolster my allies!” Betty shouted.

Bluey was busy jumping around and using Lightning Enhanced-punches on her bear, while Aurora was using Speed Boost to dodge attacks from the other, getting Fire Breath's on it when she could.

Damien had his status screen up, watching their HP and MP closely.

After a few minutes of fighting, Bluey punched a hole into the owlbear's chest, killing it.

While the Fire Mastery had helped, Aurora's MP was almost out, and she had to retreat, “Aurora get back. Bluey, finish off that one.”

Aurora ran behind him, and Bluey turned to face the other. It was severely burned from it's fight with Aurora, so he figured it wouldn't be long to finish it off.

However, as he was distracted, he heard, and felt, something bounding behind them. He turned just quickly enough to see a giant owlbear coming out of the woods. Before he could react, it took a swipe at Aurora. She couldn't get out of the way in time, and caught a glancing blow of its paw.

Damien instinctively ran over to her, ignoring the owlbear. Kneeling down, he saw she had two gashes in her side. Her HP was down about a quarter, so he started Healing immediately.

“Piyu, piyu...” Aurora said.

Hold on, I'm Healing as fast as I can, Damien sent through Message.

'Master, ignore me, protect Beatrice.'

I can't just... he sent, before looking over.

“Goddess, shield me from harm!” Betty said, forming the barrier around herself.

The owlbear fell down on the shield, but couldn't penetrate as Betty fell over inside of it, breathing heavily and wiping her forehead.

Damien looked back at Aurora, focusing on Healing and hoping the barrier would hold.

The owlbear suddenly turned around and leapt at him, deciding it wasn't worth it's time trying to get through the barrier.

“Piyu...” Aurora said, as if telling him to run.

Obviously, he was not going to run without her, so he went to pick up Aurora, but had moved too slowly, feeling the owlbear right behind him. Clutching her too his chest, he braced for a hit, and felt the owlbear slash his back. It...hurt a bit, but not terribly so.

“Master!” Bluey shouted, bounding over and clocking the owlbear in the face. The second owlbear was laying motionless behind her.

Aurora squirmed onto Damien's shoulder and cast a Fire Breath, which she had restored enough MP to cast again, right into the owlbear's face.

Bluey jumped onto the owlbear's back, repeatedly smashing her fist into the owlbear's spine, until it fell onto it's stomach. She then used the owlbear as a springboard to jump up high, before landing a kick on the owlbear's head like she had done yesterday.

With that, the third owlbear was dead, and everyone looked at each other to briefly confirm there was nothing else.

Betty dissipated her barrier and ran over. “Damien! Aurora!”

Damien was busy Healing, making sure the scratches on Aurora were completely healed up.

“Piyu,” Aurora said.

“Just hold on...” Damien said, not sure what she was referencing.

Damien then felt hands on his back, as Betty started to heal him.

“Master, are you okay?” Bluey asked as she came over too.

“I'm fine. It...didn't hurt all that much,” he replied. It looked like the hit had only taken out 15% of his HP.

Betty nodded. “It looks like it didn't get through your armor, but it did scratch it. My buff probably helped too.”

Damien let go of Aurora, satisfied she was now completely healed.

Aurora licked his face.

“Yeah, good job,” he said, petting her head. He looked out over the three owlbears, a feeling of relief washing over him. That...wasn't as terrible as I thought it would be.

“Master,” Bluey said, holding out her head. She gave a satisfied, 'Huwahhhh' as Damien rubbed her hair.

“Damien...” Betty said, walking up and holding her head out too.

Damien chuckled, instead picking up Betty under her armpits and giving her a smooch on the lips. “We did it!”

Betty was taken aback at first, but then smiled and hugged him, “We did!”


They sat down and relaxed a bit before they started to head back, and Damien saw that he had a level up notification showing.

Aurora had gotten to level 8, and he had gotten to level 7. Bluey was getting closer to 13, but not there yet.


Aurora leveled up

Fire-Fox – Level 8

STR – 53

VIT – 64

MAG – 140

DEX – 78


Fire Breath

Speed Boost

MAG +20

Flame Wall

Fire Mastery

New Ability Available


MAG + 10

All Abilities +5


What do you think? Damien messaged her.

Aurora seemed to be thinking. 'I feel like my MAG is so high, that I should get the extra +5 everywhere. I still get a bit of MAG, and I think the extra VIT and DEX will be good.'

Damien nodded and smiled, Go for it! he Messaged again.

Aurora chose that one, and afterwards Damien pulled up his own.


Damien leveled up

Summoner – Level 7

STR – 35

VIT – 39

MAG – 84

DEX – 38


Stat Share

Heal (summon)

Summon Boost

Summon XP Trade Boost


New Ability Available


My stats are so far behind he internally cried. I guess I wouldn't be too far behind if I took out the Stat share bonuses.

He checked out the New Ability to choose. Actually, just ability, as there was only one choice.


Summon Start-Up Boost – New Summons will gain 3x XP until they reach Summoner's level (stacks with other XP boosts).


Wow, that's pretty good. Especially once we get to higher levels, I won't have to spend as much time training up new summons anymore. He thought for a moment, It's weird I didn't get like a stat boost or something else to choose instead, although I probably would have just picked this, so... He clicked on the ability.

He then explained it to the others.

“Wow, that'll be a big time saver once we're at higher levels!” Betty said, mirroring his thoughts.

Bluey nodded, “New sisters will get strong really quickly!”


As they were getting ready to return, Damien noticed Bluey was eyeing the large owlbear, drooling a bit.

“Do you want to try eating some?” Damien chuckled.

Bluey nodded. “I'm hungry after that fight.”

Damien grabbed his carving knife and threw it into the bear. “We need to start heading back, but if you want to cut off some for later go ahead.”

Bluey quickly sliced off a slab of haunch meat. While she wasn't a master field dresser, she made up for lack of skill in strength, cutting out a bloody slab and putting it in a bag.

Damien sighed. “Make sure you wash that after.”


They then started heading back. Bluey and Aurora were a bit ahead, excited to get back to town, while Damien and Betty hung back a bit.

“Are you not scared of bears anymore?” Betty whispered.

Damien smiled sheepishly and scratched his cheek. “Um...I guess not. Or at least less so. Especially when I have your buffs on me.”

Betty nodded seriously and gave a fist pump. “That's right! With my buff, it won't hurt as much.”

Damien smiled, wrapping an arm around her as they walked, “I'm really glad I ran into you.”

Betty started blushing like mad, smiling and looking down, “I should be the one saying that...”


They day passed quickly, until they reached town a few hours before dusk to turn in the request.

“Damien,” Betty grabbed the side of his shirt as they entered the guild (Bluey and Aurora were waiting outside). “Bluey and Aurora killed a few rabbits too, right?”

Damien took a moment, then remembered their conversation about magical energy. He nodded, then went and grabbed a request for five rabbits he found. It was only a few copper, but they were more checking to see if their theory was correct.

They got in line to see Liz, quickly getting through the short queue to her.

Damien felt slightly bad, seeing Liz's big smile. We just want the money for what we actually killed, nothing more...

Betty handed them over, “We took out some owlbears, and grabbed an easy rabbit one for along the way,” she explained.

Liz nodded, seeing no issue with his. She processed the requests and...everything went through fine.

After they received their payment, they left to talk in the corner.

“It worked!” Betty exclaimed.

“I feel a little bad duping Liz...” Damien replied.

Betty shook her head. “It's not like we didn't kill them. Besides, the Guild should be paying us for everything we take out! I feel bad that I may have not paid people properly...”

Deciding they would just keep this to themselves for the future and only using when advantageous, they left to gather the others.

Outside, Bluey was...holding the owlbear meat in one of their pans, while Aurora was carefully cooking it with fire underneath.

“What are you two doing...” he facepalmed.

“We were hungry,” Bluey explained like it was natural. The owlbear meat was starting to brown, so Bluey flipped it over.

Betty giggled, “We may as well cook it before it goes bad.”

They sat down in an alley, getting a few bemused or confused looks by passerby.

Eventually it was done, and Bluey took it off the fire. She waved it a bit to cool it off, then took a bite.

“Wow...that's really good,” Bluey said, taking another bite.

Aurora jumped up and took a bit as well. “Piyu!”

Betty and Damien also grabbed a bite. “Yeah that is pretty good.”

After finishing off the bear meat, they went for drinks at the tavern, before getting a room.


Maybe due to the drinks, or maybe due to the trip, or maybe a combination, but Bluey conked out on the couch right away when they entered their room (the inn only had single bed rooms open). Aurora jumped up on Bluey, curling up on her back and laying down. She opened one eye and looked at him, “Piyu.”

Damien wasn't sure what she meant, What's wrong? he asked her through Message.

'Are you going to mate with Beatrice?'

Damien blushed. Why are you...I don't...I mean...

'I believe she wants to mate with you.'

Damien turned around, and Betty was looking up at him.

“Um, do you want to go take a bath?”

Damien nodded, and they went into the bathroom.

After the door closed, Betty immediately pulled him down to make out. “Sorry, whenever I look at you, I just can't...”

Damien shook his head, “Of course I want you too.”

They both took off their clothes, and Damien picked her up against the wall. He carefully inserted himself, before starting to thrust faster and faster.

Betty started moaning, so Damien sealed her lips with another kiss.

Maybe because it had been a few days, but Damien felt himself coming quickly, and Betty squeezed him tightly as he released inside her.
After they both caught their breath, they started to fill the tub with steaming water.

Betty giggled, “We should have started the faucet before we started.”

Damien poked her side, “Who's fault is that?”

Betty leaned over and gently kissed him again. “Mmmmh, I need to get more contraceptive medicine, I'm almost out.”

Damien nodded. “Is it expensive?”

Betty shook her head. “Not terribly so, although...” she blushed, “...I do have to take it regularly. And Bluey.”

Damien blushed back. They had all been regularly having sex (or mating, as Bluey called it) since getting to Ancona, so they were on regular dosages.

“Oh....I need to get some for Aurora too.”

Damien blushed, “She might not...”

Betty giggled, “You really think she won't want too? I'm pretty sure she will. She is probably already thinking about it.”

Damien shrugged, “Maybe.”

“You could ask her about it.
Damien facepalmed, “Is that really something to just bring up?”

Betty nodded. “I think so. If I was in her position, I would be glad you were asking my opinion, even if I didn't want too. It's not like she doesn't know what we're doing...”
Damien, remembering the conversation he'd just had with Aurora, nodded.

At that point, the tub was filled up, so Damien slid in.

Betty also got in...sitting right in his lap, laying against his chest. “This is so nice...” she said, closing her eyes and relaxing.

While Damien felt himself getting slightly turned on, he held himself back since Betty seemed to be enjoying relaxing.

As both of them were soaking in silence, he suddenly felt a familiar presence in his mind.

'Having a good time, are we?' he heard, followed by a giggle.


'Yes, it's me! I wanted to check in on you. You reached level 7, so just one to go before you get what you were wanting!'

Damien nodded despite the conversation being in his head. Yeah, I am looking forward to it.

'You better be! That's not why I wanted to check in, though. I wanted to compliment you on maxing out your first Connection with Betty.' The Goddess explained, followed by what sounded like a party popper full of confetti going off in his head.

First...connection? What do you mean?

'Connection! With a capital C! It means that Betty is madly in love with you and has never been happier. And she's definitely not lonely any more.'

Damien looked down at the uber-content Betty in his lap. Yeah, I guess I believe that.

'You should! A Goddess is telling you as such!'

Why did you call it a 'Connection'? Is that something important?

The Goddess giggled. 'Hehe. Well, it might be in the future. For now, you just need to focus on making sure you and those around you aren't lonely. You will not be forgiven if you upset Betty. Well, too much, she does tend to worry...'

Damien shook his head, Of course not. I would never. Not on purpose, at least.

'Don't on accident either! Nor Bluey nor Aurora for that matter. Or me!' she added with a giggle. 'Well, I need to get back to work' she sighed, 'Tootaloo.'

Despite wanting to know more, the Goddess's presence had left his mind. She's been a big help, maybe I should pray to her sometimes, too, he thought. I'm not sure how much that helps, but...

“Damien...” he heard Betty say.

Damien was brought back out of his head. “Sorry, what's wrong?”

Betty squirmed a bit. “Are you not excited?”

“What do you mean?” Damien asked.

Betty blushed, “I'm sitting in your lap all naked, and you're not even getting aroused.”

Damien sighed, “What are you even saying? Did you not see me pick you up earlier?”

Betty blushed and smiled.

“I thought you wanted to relax together,” Damien explained.

Betty nodded and poked her fingers together. “I did, but I want more of your attention while I have you.”

Damien smiled, grabbing her breasts from behind, starting to tickle her nipples deviously, “Well, I guess I'll oblige.”

Betty reached around to kiss him, “Please do.”

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