Cultivator Who Travels Between Two Worlds

Chapter 249

Chapter 252

On the way to the banquet, Li Zhi earnest and well-meant advised persuaded Zhou Yuan.

“What’s the matter, you brat, walking too close to the harem’s concubine will kill you!”

“It’s not impossible, I’m the Disciple of the prison, and the most important person in the Qin Tian prison. Young and promising warlock, no one will raise upwards my thorns in the section!”

Obviously, Zhou Yuan didn’t understand what Li Zhi was talking about, nor did he understand the specific meaning of the death.

“Yoyo, what’s the matter, Warlock is not a man anymore? Men are lustful, so you brat don’t pretend to be with me, just walk closer to the palace maid, remember those concubines of the Force, You are still young, and my brother-in-law is afraid that you will not be able to control it.”

Li Zhi waved his hand, looking like someone who came over.

“You don’t know?” Zhou Yuan was a little surprised.

Li Zhi looked towards him blankly, “What do you know?”

“No, no, it’s fine.” Zhou Yuan waved his hands again and again.

Which mountain did my brother-in-law come from, and I don’t even know that Warlock is not allowed to marry and have children!

The warlock in this world is somewhat similar to the fortune-telling in the past.

Not only are the professions similar, but some necessary occupational rules are also similar.

Both are the kind of Celestial Phenomenon Night Watch, and they are also good at watching Qi, surveying Dragon Vein, refining strange medicine pills and Magical Artifacts.

Similarly, both professions have a lack of one.

Fortune-telling is about three deficiencies and five evils.

The three missing are Fu, Lu and Shou, which correspond to power, wealth and life.

The five evils are widows and loneliness.

An old man without a wife is called a widow, an old man without a husband is called a widow, an old man without a son is called the only one, and a young man without a father is called an orphan. Disabled: Disabled.

For the fortune-teller who wants to gain the ability to survey the secrets, he must choose two of the three shortcomings and five disadvantages as the price, which means that God has punished him for spying on the secrets.

Once you choose the equivalent to and change your life, no matter how hard you work in the future, you will not be able to avoid the two fates you choose.

So that’s why in the biographies, those experts always like to accept some born orphans and born disabled children as disciplines.

These people are born with a lack of doors, and they can choose one less calamity when they decide a calamity.

Warlocks don’t have to choose by themselves.

The moment they become warlocks, they are destined to have no wife, no children, and grow old alone.

To modern people, being without a wife and no children is just like that. There are many more people who don’t get married and don’t have children.

However, in the eyes of ancient people, being without a wife and no children is unfilial, and one cannot enter the family tree even after death.

Besides, being without a wife and no children does not mean that if I only fall in love and don’t get married, I can avoid the past if I adopt a child and not give birth to myself.

This is destined to doom, try to fool God, the end is definitely something you don’t want to see.

The two walked for a while. When the banquet was approaching, Li Zhi suddenly remembered something and asked

“By the way, what is the origin of that imperial concubine just now, she looks good. “

“That one?” Zhou Yuan thought for a while, “She, she is not exactly a concubine, she is a concubine Shu, but there is no queen to preside over the palace, and there is no royal concubine, the emperor seems to acquiesce. Let everyone call her a noble concubine”

The emperor’s harem, every woman’s name is also very particular, the queen, there is one; ; From Grade 1: Concubine Hui, Concubine Shu, Concubine Xian, Concubine De.

Positive Grade 2: Concubine, there are four; from Grade 2: Zhaoyi, Zhaorong, Zhaoyuan, Xiuyi, Xiurong, Xiuyuan, Chongyi, Chongrong, Chongyuan each .

Positive Grade 3: Jieyu, there are four; from Grade 3: Wanyi, Fangyi, Fenyi, Deyi, and Wenyi each.

Positive Grade 4: Noble Concubine; From Grade 4: Concubine.

“Concubine Shu” Li Zhi pondered twice, then smiled and looked the head

“If you want to say that she is Concubine Shu, I suddenly feel that her temperament can’t keep up.

The femininity of the palace dress is elegant and elegant, and the appearance is gorgeous and not tacky. With a little cinnabar between the eyebrows, it really has several points of strange style.

Gu yo

The only drawback is that this woman lacks the tea flavor in her body.

It’s really impossible to live in the palace without ordering tea.

In particular, she is already a concubine Shu, and she is a royal concubine.

At this level, even if you don’t want to tea, you are involuntarily, because you have to prevent others from teasing you.

Of course, Li Zhi thinks that she may have gone wrong. Maybe this woman has reached the realm of the highest tea art where the tea goes deep and naturally white.

“You don’t understand, this woman is actually quite pitiful.” Zhou Yuan shook his head.

“Didn’t you see it? Her eyebrows felt that the cinnabar was Shougongsha!”

“Shougongsha!” Li Zhi stopped and looked at him in disbelief. Zhou Yuan.

The world without supernatural power is just a joke. As long as Li Zhi thinks, it is no problem to turn people into Zhang Ermazi.

But in this Transcendent World, Shougongsha is effective and represents the virginity of a woman!

“I’ll go alone, then this Concubine Shu will be guarding her body for the rest of her life, really, guarding her body like a jade for you!”

Li Zhi was shocked.

Old Sovereign is no longer good enough, absolutely no good, now the woman in the harem who gets pregnant will die.

It’s good to say that the maid can go out of the palace and marry a good family after a few years, when she gets older, or when the emperor is gone.

But Concubine Shu can’t. The best result in her life is to sleep with Mr. Jiao.

Oh no, not Mr. Kok!

She also has Shougongsha between her eyebrows. This thing has no temperature sensing function. If you break it, it will break. It will truthfully reflect your own situation.

“tsk tsk, it’s so pitiful, not only sleepless, but also beware, in case of falling over while walking, when the time comes is a sect-destroying disaster that executes the whole family unto the third generation “

Zhou Yuan sighed again and again, and seemed to sympathize with Concubine Shu.

It’s not entirely without reason that Concubine Shu sent a palace maid to harass him.

Everyone in the world knows that in the hands of warlock, all kinds of strange things can be refined.

What she wanted was nothing but what every woman in the palace wanted, a bottle of vitamin C (harmony) medicine.

As long as the emperor can favor once, it doesn’t matter if he can’t conceive a dragon.

At least I can eat and drink water by myself. No matter how bad it is, little Court Eunuch dare not, the head office of the maid who is close to me.

“You understand!” Li Zhi looked contemptuous, and sure enough, I knew you brat was dishonest.

“Understood?” Zhou Yuan raised his eyebrows, as if he was interested.

“I have personally completed the refining of the two major taboos of warlock, brother-in-law, don’t underestimate me! “

“Two taboos?” Li Zhi looked puzzled.

“Yes” Zhou Yuan reiterated nodded “two taboos, one is reversing yin and yang, and the other is creating life”

“Reversing yin and yang? Creating life?” Then he looked terrified

“Fuck! Transgender!”

“Transgender?” Zhou Yuan heard this word for the first time, and immediately felt that it was very suitable for reversing yin and yang.

“That’s right, transgender, transgender, changing gender, it doesn’t seem to reverse the high end of yin and yang, but it is grounded enough, and it expresses the correct meaning in a simple and succinct manner!”

“Another creation What does life mean?”

Li Zhi asked.

“Oh, that ah, that is not quite complete. If it is successful, it can be considered a success, because I have created a woman who can talk, run, and dance”

“It’s a pity, it’s not wrong who failed, because she doesn’t have a soul, she doesn’t need to eat, and she can’t give birth to children, but the process of having children can be satisfied.”

Li Zhi . …!

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