Cultivation Technique of the Great Witch

Chapter 18

Chapter 18 Fake Substitution

Zou Heng and others came out of Anyuan Pass and walked quietly. They did not encounter any further attacks. It was not until dawn that Zou Heng felt that his spell had been broken again.

Upon sensing this, Zou Heng, who was riding on the horse, just smiled, and didn’t pay much attention, because this was what he expected and what he hoped to happen.

Seeing Zou Heng’s smile, Li Sheng on the side probably guessed the reason for his smile, so he said: “The mage is a good strategy and a good method. Those people have been deceived by the mage!”

Zou Heng heard Li Sheng’s compliment and smiled and said, “The general overwhelmed the prize. It was a fluke to be able to lie to them this time. The main reason is that we have been in the bright spot. They didn’t prevent us from making moves, so they were fooled. After having this experience, it will be very difficult to lie to them next time!”

“This time is enough, so why dare to ask for the next time? Just like the art of war, you can’t be old, you can’t go back and forth. You can’t use any tricks repeatedly, otherwise sooner or later you will be seen through.” Li Sheng heard Zou If he said horizontally, he smiled and said.

On the way, he had already seen the broken paper people, and naturally understood that these could only help them withstand an attack.

He now feels more and more admiration for Zou Heng, a magician in the realm of practice. Although the opponent has a low level of cultivation, he has not really suffered a big loss when compared with those in the alchemist realm.

Different from Li Sheng’s increasing emphasis on Zou Heng now, Zou Heng himself knows his own situation very well. After all, he is only a magician in the realm of magic practice. He has limited magic skills, and there is no way to continue to rely on the spirit. Power, if the warlock facing the upper warlock is actually not an opponent at all.

Including this one he played today, which is just a small trick, mainly because it played a surprising role, and this has some effects.

But this time, another spell-level technique he mastered was also revealed, and he had actually fallen into a dilemma of lack of means.

Fake Substitution Technique, this is the spell used by Zou Heng to come up with this one, it is also not a powerful spell, so his previous master will teach this spell to him under his soft and hard work.

The function of this spell is to make paper people or wooden people move. If used well, they will have a certain attack power. However, the attack power of a single paper man or wooden man is so weak that it is even weaker. Ordinary people are not as good as it is, so this is also a spell that is somewhat tasteless to use.

However, after learning this spell, Zou Heng discovered that as a spell, imitation substitution actually has its advantages in addition to the disadvantages of attack. For example, in terms of camouflage, it is just this advantage. It is not easy for ordinary people to use it. Its play out.

For example, it is very difficult to turn a fake into a real person. It is very difficult to make a fake or a real person. After all, let the paper or wooden people become what they want to become. Although spells can help to a certain extent, the warlock himself must first Create a foundation, that is, draw what you want to change into on a paper or wooden figure.

The technique of ink painting is not a simple one that can be learned very well, and then the painting is lifelike, and for those who are good at painting, it will take a long time to draw a very vivid picture.

But Zou Heng is different. He has studied painting in his previous life and knows how to draw portraits of people quickly, and he is very good at this aspect. Therefore, after he casts his spells, the dummy he creates is particularly lifelike.

Then take a drop of blood from Li Sheng and the others, or get a piece of hair, and give them the breath of the dummies that are already very lifelike. This is enough to make them fake.

In short, this fake substitution technique in Zou Heng’s hands is definitely stronger than ordinary sorcerers. Because of this, Zou Heng has already cultivated this technique in a relatively short period of time. The state of mastery.

Today’s weather is very suitable for driving. There are white clouds floating in the sky. There will be no chance of rain for a while, and the weather will not be so hot.

After the team set off, it was almost noon, when they passed a town, and everyone took a break and then continued on their way.

At the current speed, everyone will be able to reach Yecheng before it gets dark.

However, for the rest of the road to Yecheng, the people in the team were more vigilant than in the morning, because everyone knows that during the afternoon itinerary, they are more likely to be attacked than in the morning.

The effect of Zou Henggu’s suspicion formation can only bluff those people for one morning, and now their whereabouts are probably being monitored again.

So for the next part of the road, even if there is more time, everyone’s speed has accelerated a lot, and they all hope to reach Yecheng as soon as possible.

Zou Heng asked Li Sheng to find out about the remaining section of the road, although there are some hills on the road, but there is no particularly dangerous terrain, which is a good thing for them.

The team moved quickly, and every time they passed by the hills on both sides of the road where the enemy might be hidden, Li Sheng and Zou Heng would be very careful, always paying attention to the situation on both sides, but the things that worried them were always the same. Nothing happened, no more attacks suddenly appeared.

After passing a hill safely, Li Sheng suddenly turned around, his eyes sharpened, and he looked at the mountain that he had just passed.

Seeing this, Zou Heng immediately turned his head back, and at the same time raised his hands and stroked them in front of his eyes, performing an eye-opening technique.

After his eyes were covered with a faint green light and became like the pupils of beasts, Zou Heng’s eyes did not notice any problems on that mountain.

After taking a few close glances, Li Sheng frowned slightly, and said to Zou Heng: “I seemed to feel a malicious look just now, but it quickly disappeared!”

He didn’t say what he felt was wrong, because he did feel it, and he was almost certain in his heart that there might be people hiding on that mountain.

However, since the other party has hidden their figure and cannot easily find them, there is no need to find them. The top priority now is to reach Yecheng as soon as possible. If no one jumps out halfway, then you can ignore it for the time being.

After hearing this, Zou Heng also retracted his gaze, nodded, and stopped looking at the mountain.

When the team was getting farther and farther away from the mountain, and almost couldn’t see each other, two figures appeared abruptly on that mountain.

“Master, if we did it just now, we should be able to keep them. Why did your old man give up this opportunity?”

There appeared two people, one old and one young, all dressed as warlocks. The younger one should be about the same age as Zou Heng. He asked the old man beside him.

The old man he called the master looked like he was about fifty or sixty years old. He was dressed in a somewhat superior manner. After hearing the question from his disciple, he spoke lightly.

“How many times my teacher has told you that you must be sure before you do something. Even if you are not sure, you must be at least 80%, so that you can guarantee that there will be no major changes in the middle. ”

“There are now two masters to protect Nioh. That’s nothing more than the general. We know a little bit about the warlock next to him. We don’t know much about the warlock next to him. If we act rashly and unsuccessfully, it is a trivial matter, the worst. Possibly, the ship overturned in the gutter, and we confessed our wealth and lives!”

Hearing what his master said, the young warlock curled his lips, obviously a little disapproving in his heart, but still didn’t dare to refute the master’s words, so he asked again.

“Then what should we do next, since we don’t do anything, can we just watch them enter the city of Ye, and then be used by other warlocks to kill King Ren and benefit!”

As soon as the young warlock’s voice fell, his master shook his head slightly and said, “How easy is it, do you think the warlocks around Nioh are easy to deal with? The team of paper people this morning is enough to watch. The other party’s methods are used, how can this be handled by ordinary people.”

“If someone can’t hold back their minds and wants to take action first, let them do it, just let me see, what kind of methods the person has, and when he understands his methods, he will naturally do it at that time. opportunity!”

After speaking, he turned his head to look at the young man beside him, and his tone suddenly became severe.

“I’ll tell you again as a teacher. When confronting others, you must not be careless. You must have a certainty of victory to ensure that you can be invincible.”

“You have learned some skills with me over the years, but let you go out and practice for a period of time, but in the end you learned all the stinky problems and a little arrogant heart. If you don’t quickly correct these problems, then It won’t be long before you have a chance to change!”

After saying this, he looked calmly at the young warlock in front of him, and saw that his face became very ugly after he finished speaking, and it took a long time before he replied.

“Yes, thank you for your teaching, the disciple will definitely change it!”

And hearing this sentence, the older warlock just shook his head and sighed slightly in his heart. Knowing what he was teaching just now, it was wasted again. The other party estimated that he didn’t listen to a word, but he became a master to himself. Yes, I felt a little bit of complaining.

From the change on the other side’s face just now, you can see that there is unwillingness, anger, and patience on his face, except that he is not awakened after being drunk.

The reason for the clever answer in the end was only because he was afraid of his master, and also looking forward to getting more from him, that’s why there was such a performance.

“Well, since the teaching is not good, it is also a good choice for him to test the warlock next to Nioh.” At the moment, the older warlock had such a plan in his heart.

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