Cultivating Chai

4: Rewards


Xiao Feng had not expected the reception that had been prepared for him as he stepped into the Healing Division’s main foyer.

Not in his wildest dreams would even the real Xiao Feng expect twenty of the most talented Inner Disciples to form a honour guard facing each other for him to walk through, at the end of which stood the ever-stoic Elder Haoyun.

“Xiao Feng, approach,” Elder Haoyun commanded, leaving him with no real option but to comply.

He walked forward gingerly, making sure his expression did not waver in face of the grand gesture. Cultivators did not show emotion easily, so it would almost certainly cause suspicion if he feigned tears or hugged members of the honour guard to show how moved he was.

So instead, he strode forward with a calm expression, albeit still found himself from taking in the expressions of the cultivators comprising the honour guard.

Xiao Feng found himself surprised, yet again.

Jealousy was a common emotion back on Earth, so he had expected to encounter it soon enough in Sephari. He recalled how back on earth, a college classmate of his had thrown snide remarks at him because he had edged him out by a mere two marks. But the cultivators he angled his gaze towards, did not seem to carry any of that jealousy.

Instead, he found awe in more than a few cultivators’ expressions.

They’re looking up at me, The realisation came to him a moment later. These people were Xiao Feng’s- no, my equals up until a month ago. Now they want to become like me.

He wondered if, despite having acknowledged Xiao Feng’s accomplishments, he was still underestimating their significance to the cultivators of the Frontier Sect.

No longer trying to hide it, he allowed his gaze to sweep over the arrayed cultivators.

The second emotion he picked up in their gazes and expressions was confusion. Three, no four, wore their confusion openly, unable to understand why a hero of the Frontier Sect was on his way to leave it.

In a single cultivator's eyes, a girl that physically appeared to be in her early twenties but had more than likely already crossed forty in reality, like most Foundation Establishment cultivators that were present, Xiao Feng picked up on a concealed, yet definite, fear.

I wonder if she saw the fight, He considered, thinking back on Xiao Feng’s ferocious charge, the intense focus radiating off his gaze as he cut down one enemy after the next with perfectly timed use of his Wind Qi reserves.

Not surprising to find her afraid of that, I suppose, He thought. Are Xiao Feng’s memories the reason why I’m able to see through their intentions so clearly? I was never this observant.

The moment for consideration was over as Xiao Feng came to a stop before Elder Haoyun.

The Elder made a show of clearing his throat that, if Xiao Feng had to guess, was directed at the group of three healers that were peeking onto the procession from the staircase that led to the first floor, their whispered gossiping not escaping the sharp ears of combat trained cultivators.

They immediately quietened down before Elder Haoyun began his address, “Xiao Feng, you who shall henceforth be addressed as Xiao Feng the Undying in official address are granted three rewards for your exemplary contribution in the battle for Zheyan Pass.”

“First,” Elder Haoyun bellowed, his right hand moving in a flicker of motion as he reached forward and then pulled back.

It took every ounce of Xiao Feng’s composure to not visibly flinch when Elder Haoyun plucked a sword out of thin air. He had known of the spatial ring that the Elder possessed, though Xiao Feng had never gotten an opportunity to witness him use it.

It was a slender blade that now rested upon Elder Haoyun’s cupped palms, a rapier whose length was a shimmering silver drawn to a blindingly sharpened point.

“The Peak-Layer Foundation Establishment Artefact, Windcarver. You will not be able to draw upon it’s full abilities yet, but the Sect has no doubt that you will eventually be able to,” Elder Haoyun declared, before offering the blade to him.

Xiao Feng did not wait for any more prompting, as he reached forward to gingerly accept the rapier.

The moment his fingers wrapped around its enchanting, translucent crystal hilt, Xiao Feng’s eyes widened in realisation. While the blade before him was shaped like a rapier, it’s function was anything like one.

The resonance between the Wind Qi nestled in his dantian and the blade, Windcarver, instinctively told him what he needed to know. He was the conductor and the wind was his choir. The tip of his blade could carve the wind into arcs of wind that he could shape to his desire, before releasing it towards his enemies. The artefact’s wind attunement properties meant that the effect of his own Wind Qi would become more pronounced by a significant degree.

Elder Haoyun offered him the sheathe of the blade a few moments, later, which he accepted and clasped to his waist before carefully retracting his newly owned blade.

“Secondly, you are awarded one thousand gold taels for your heroic act of bravery in assisting Elder Zheng,” Elder Haoyun retrieved a small pouch from his robe pockets and offered it to him.

Xiao Feng accepted with cupped hands, noting that the pouch was way too small to contain a thousand gold taels. A low-grade spatial pouch, then.

Before Xiao Feng could bow to express his gratitude, Elder Haoyun continued.

“Finally, as per your request, you are granted title deed to a shop within the frontier district’s territory,” Elder Haoyun declared, before he offered him a scroll.

Unable to contain his gratitude, Xiao Feng bowed to Elder Haoyun.

The sound of ruffled robes echoed out as the disciples that made up his honour guard bowed to him.

“Rise, Xiao Feng,” Elder Haoyun commanded, a hint of pride leaking into his tone.

He did as directed.

“Mei Chen,” Elder Haoyun called, and the black-haired cultivator next to him raised her head, reverting to a standing position. “Lead Xiao Feng to the Alchemy Division. Make sure he gets there unscathed.”

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