Chapter 111: MINATORI
The ruined castle stood as a monolith to darkness, its location shrouded within a perpetual storm. That prevented outsiders from getting too close. The sea where it was,between the continents of Apollonia, Saifelle and Ezkanur was known for bad weather with storms that could go on for months on end,so even though the storm was an unnatural phenomena,it remained inconspicuous to the rest of the world. The storm itself acted as a rift,a gate that transported one to the sub dimension where the real ruins were. Within that dimension,towering clouds boiled with malevolent intent, their black depths spawning torrents of rain that lashed against the crumbling stone. Lightning scarred the sky, casting eerie flashes that illuminated the horrors lurking within.
Maajin, twisted creatures born from darkness, flew in large numbers, their shrieks echoing through the tempest. Their wings beat with an otherworldly rhythm, as if drumming forth the very essence of despair.
Within the castle walls, an air of hopelessness clung to every stone, every shattered window, and every rusting hinge. The walls seemed to weep with the weight of evil, their once-noble surfaces now cracked and stained with malevolent residue.
Shadows writhe across the floor like living darkness, as if the very essence of the castle had been consumed by the abyss. Every step echoed through the deserted halls, a haunting reminder of the horrors that lurked within.
The throne room, where the Apostles gathered, was a sanctum of darkness. The walls, once adorned with tapestries, now hung with tattered remnants, their threads snapping in the faint breeze like skeletal fingers.
Torches flickered, casting macabre shadows on the walls as the Apostles assembled before Minatori's throne. The air reeked of malevolence, heavy with the weight of their master's presence.
Fear hung palpable, a noxious mist that clung to every breath. Each Apostle wore a mask of devotion, but their eyes betrayed the terror lurking beneath. The silence was oppressive, punctuated only by the distant howls of Maajin and the creaking of ancient wood.
Minatori's throne, crafted from black stone, seemed to absorb the light around it, radiating an aura of malevolent power. The Demon Lord's presence dominated the space.
Minatori sat enthroned with his head on his arm and his leg crossed over the other,exuding an aura of unbridled power and malevolence. Clad in black armor that seemed to absorb the light around him, his imposing figure commands attention and reverence. Twisted horns curve from his forehead, their dark surface etched with eerie, yet detailed lines,like the runes carved out by a craftsman. His long black hair cascaded down his back like a waterfall of night, framing his face with an air of dark majesty. A spiked crown sat atop his head.
His gaze is piercing, his single green eye burning with malevolent intensity. A jagged scar slashes across his left eye,which itself gave off a dim white glow. It,as well as numerous scars that were all over his body but hidden by obsidian armour were a gruesome reminder of a previous battle that nearly left him for dead. The scar seems to twist his features, imbuing his gaze with a cold, calculated cruelty.
Minatori's presence is crushing, oppressive, and suffocating. His voice, commanding and authoritative, brooks no dissent. Unwavering confidence and unrelenting will are the hallmarks of his demeanor.
Those who dare oppose him tremble before his majesty, their resolve shattered by the sheer weight of his malevolent power.
In this foreboding setting, the Apostles gathered, bound by their shared allegiance to darkness and their dread of Minatori's wrath.
The Apostles of Doom gathered, their faces pale and tense. Clad in the Dark robes of their cult with a sigil of three eyes serving as their symbol,the Apostles of doom bowed low in reverence.
The Demon Lord looked down on them from his throne ,a look of disdain written all over his face as if he was looking at maggots.His eyes burned with an otherworldly intensity, striking fear into their hearts.
Urlan, Hanzet, Sid, Astelstea, Faust, Oslon, Juan, and Antoine formed a semi-circle before him, their heads bowed in respect. Aldean and Nefaria's unexplained absence was clearly evident, however no one dared speak unless granted permission.The bishop Rigarde was there albeit through astral projection. This was a very dangerous move as it would be very easy for the fiend before him stop shatter his soul but he'd considered the risk of being absent from the Capitol. His body was in the chapel and he appeared to be in a state of meditation to the casual observer.
"Congratulations, my lord," Urlan ventured, "on your reawakening."
Minatori's gaze swept the room, his voice low and menacing.
"There are supposed to be twelve apostles but I only see ten of you."
" It is as you say. Aldean cannot join us this day on the occasion of your awakening because of his presence at the Holy Land of Ezkanur. It would be a risky move that could reveal your presence before the right time. He is however gathering information concerning." Rigarde said.
" Concerning Nefaria, well,I cannot give a reason for her absence,I can however assure you that it is not due to a lack of reverence but because she has something to do in relation to our cause."
" And you? You appear before me as a spectre" Minatori said dangerously.
" My apologies. I was trapped at an arrangement I could not ignore for fear of being discovered that is why appeared in this form." Rigarde replied bowing low.
" Be that as it may, i did not awaken on my own. A third party intervened, seeking to pull Dona out... and inversely, myself."
Hanzet's brow furrowed.
"Who could have managed such a feat, my lord?"
Minatori's expression turned to her and her blood ran cold.
" A person other than yourselves being able to reach through time and space to pull of such a feat is a testament to your incompetence." Minatori said coldly.
"I sensed strong traces of daemon magic, but my current state prevents confirmation. The culprit remains unknown." He continued.
Vammona spoke up, her voice tinged with foolish bravery.
"Well, my lord, perhaps I can arrange for you to undergo rejuvenation as a means to recover your lost strength."
The room fell silent. Minatori glanced at her.
"Are you insinuating that I'm weak?"
Vammona's grin froze.
"N-no, my lord. Just a harmless jest..." She was cut off as a scream escaped her lips. Teal coloured flames covered her entire body. Within moments,she was reduced to a smothering skeleton.
No one flinched. No one spoke. Fear held them captive.
Oslon cleared his throat, his voice trembling.
"Regarding our plans, my lord... Glamour, the dream drug, is spreading. We've instigated tensions between the insurgents within the Goblin Nation and the Kingdom of Archadia. Soon, their conflict will cause global instability , providing the perfect distraction for our assault on the Holy Land."
"How so?" Minatori queried.
" You see,one of the most powerful nations is the kingdom of Archadia. But they have been rivals with the Empire of Adonis. By instigating a conflict with a nation which shared borders with both countries it would create a state of confusion.One, where a powerful nation like Archadia is caught up in the conflict. Two,where Adonis is divided up on either invading the kingdom at the risk of infiltration by the goblins. Four,the internal conflict between the Insurgents, Decorum and the Goblin King. Finally,the treaty of non aggression signed between nations will cause other nations across the continent to step up in an attempt for peace which leaves the Holy Land no choice but to step up. It's either a general confusion or a full blown war,both of which we can take advantage of." Oslon said.
Minatori nodded.
"Proceed, but I will not have the brains of our operation exposed.You,the one they call Faust, will oversee this endeavor and spark the war." He said pointing at Faust.
"Antoine, Sid, and Astelstea will aid you."
"My lord."Faust bowed.
Minatori's gaze swept the room.
"Failure will not be tolerated. You are dismissed."
As the Apostles departed, Faust suddenly dropped to his knees, coughing blood.
"Faust, are you alright?" Oslon asked stretching his hand. Faust knocked it away and managed to get to his feet.
" Your at your limit. I told you it would be unwise to house the power of that Demon,even if you're using that pendant as a conduit.
"It's none of your business. Antoine,Did and Astelstea, don't get in my way. I already have plans in place. I'll call for you when you are needed."
He took a single step,vanishing into the shadows.
Oslon sighed.
"As anti- social as always.He should have stayed. We had a meeting to attend."
" What did you mean when you said his body couldn't handle the strain?" Sid asked.
" Oh,you don't know. Well then allow me to explain then" Oslon said walking toward a Portal with Did following. Astelstea ignored her brother and made a portal home.
" Well ,so much for our meeting." Antoine said, pulling out a mirror.
Juan wordlessly located a hole in the wall and leaped out with such force that he displaced the wind around him, disappearing into the storm.