Chapter 108: INVINCIBLE

Sharone blinked. What just happened. She wondered. She and the others had just finished their meeting and found that Kojo still wasn't back yet. Sasha was about to say something when there was what felt like a blackout. It barely lasted a second but Sharone felt it.

"Sharone?" Lin called her.

" Huh,oh it's nothing." She said brushing it off.

" Anyway,it's time for our training." She said as she moved toward the door. Koniko still lay sprawled in a chair and showed no sign of moving.

" Aren't you coming?" She asked.

" Nah you guys can go on ahead without me." Koniko said with a yawn as she stretched and turned closing her eyes. Lin snapped her fingers and bound Koniko with the wind.

" Aw, hey? What are you doing." Koniko demanded. Lin didn't answer and instead directed levitated her out of the door.

" Hey,Lin!,Lin! I swear when I get out of here I'm gonna..."

Lin flicked her wrist and a band of wind covered her mouth, silencing her.

" Shall we go?" She asked the others with a sweet smile on her face

" Y- yeah sure let's go." Sasha said nervously as she followed Lin out the door.

" She's sweet but Lin can be scary sometimes". Sharone said following.

"Kojo opened his eyes.

" Good,your awake" Nefaria said. His head was resting on her lap. He quickly sat up. A pain shot through his brain and his muscles ached due to the sudden movement. He tried to get yo but was unable to. He looked around and the forest they were fighting in was restored,as if nothing had happened. He looked over to see Dona talking to someone who was crouched down in a kneeling position. She noticed him and waved moving toward him.

"Hey ,good were awake. I thought you'd died for a second there." She said.

" What was that, flash of black? I don't remember anything." Kojo said,putting his hand in his face.

" Yeah I got bored mid fight and accidentally ended the world." She said casually.

Kojo stared at her in disbelief.

" You ended the world?"

" Sorry about that." She said with a nervous giggle while rubbing the back of her head.

" Why the fuck would you just end the world because you were bored.?" Kojo yelled.

" Well I brought it back didn't I?" She said.

Kojo's head ached even more now and he rubbed his left temple.

" Hey,Kojo I'm hungry." Dina said tugging at his clothes.

" How do you know my name?" Kojo wondered.

" Huh? Oh, Estelle told me." Dona replied.

" Estelle?"

" Yeah,she was super mad about me ending the world." Dona said." But it's all good now right?"

" So that bitch was watching all this unfold and didn't do anything to stop it."

{ Who are you calling a bitch?!} Estelle yelled in his brain.

" So you were listening in all this time."

Someone walked up to him. Kojo realized that it was Saleem.

" Yo Saleem,what's up. Haven't seen you in a bit." Kojo greeted.

"Tch." Saleem clicked her tongue.

" Do you know him Saleem?" Dona asked.

" Unfortunately yes. " She responded in a polite tone,then speaking harshly to Kojo.

" My mistress has freshly awakened and requires sustenance as well as lodging. Take us to your home or face death."

" Eeeeeh?"

" Now now Saleem. Don't be harsh on him. Based on what you told me and what he's shown he's quite interesting." Dona said with a sinister smile that made a chill run down Kojo's spine.

" After all he did manage to keep fighting even after I made him Invincible.

" Whats she talking about?" Kojo wondered.

( Dona planted the Pseudo Skill: Invincible during the fight.)

" Pseudo Skill?" Kojo wondered. He then remembered he felt off when Dona blocked his sword swing with her finger and knocked him away.

( The Demon Lord Dona Crymson does not poses a Dark Soul. She's already an unstoppable force of the universe after inheriting the power of her father the dragon King and awakening a percentage of th DemonGods power making her one of the fundamental forces of existence. As such,she does not possess a supreme enchantment but can create skills by manipulating the Psyionic code on the universe. During the fight she planted the Skill: Invincible. The skill has two main capabilities defence and offence. In defense,the skill doubles the strength of her opponent ,refining them with each passing moment while striping away all weaknesses. In offensivr capabilities are when Dona transfers the skill to her opponent. The skill then acts like a parasite which halves and opponents strength while amplifying their vulnerabilities, creating new ones as time goes on until she deactivates it or the opponent perishes)

" That's too busted to be a pseudo Skill. And she made that simply by messing with a code?"

( Yeah. The reason you're unaffected is that the skill connects to the victims core which it then uses as a point to inject its pre programmed purpose. I was able to isolate the skill and deactivate it due to your unique structure.)

Dona raised her hand and a light came out of Kojo's chest and into her clenched fist.

( Pseudo Skill removed and structure analyzed and copied. I corporating elements of skill into Reactive Evolution.

Skill Reactive Evolution has become a Special Ability.)

Dona walked toward Kojo and put her hand in her mouth. She pulled out a tooth.

" My liege." Saleem said realizing what was going on.

The tooth morphed into a dagger which Dona handed to Kojo.

" Here,my apology for destroying everything."

Kojo reluctantly took it and instantly runes appeared on the side.

(Dragon Fang.

Made of the tooth of the Dragon Queen Dona Crymson.

Can be imbued with a single ability which it then amplified to the point of being an Enchantment .

Choose skill?)

Kojo was at a loss of words.

" Don't you think this isn't something you should just give to anyone?" Kojo said.

" He's not worthy my lady" Saleem cried.

" Yeah,what she said."

" I've already told you it's cool. You deserve it. Plus my foot has already grown back. See" she opened her mouth and showed them her regrown molar.

Kojo looked at the dagger.

" Well, don't mind if I do."

( You're accepting this just like that,at least be a bit doubtful.)

" Of what? She has no reason to play the deception game since she's already that powerful and she's the straight to the point kinda gal."

( Ok you do have a point there. But at least pretend to be reluctant.)

" Assign, Poison King."

( Poison King has been assigned to the Dragon fang.

Effects have been amplified. Dragon fang special effect death poison has been made into the daggers attribute.


Kojo out the dagger away in his pocket dimension. And stood up.

" Alright then. It's almost noon,we should probably get going." Kojo said.

" I don't have enough magic to warp us but." Kojo spread his arms

" Oh don't worry I gotcha" Dona said giving Kojo a little boost. Kojo was surprised by how much that little boost real was. The magic circle he'd conjured glowed brighter than he could manage on his own at the time.

He looked over at Dona then at Nefaria who was standing a distance away.

" What are you standing around for ? Get over here don't think I haven't forgotten about that." He said. She paused for a moment then walked into the circle. It flashed once and the disappeared.

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