Chapter 105: FEALTY
" This is bad." Kojo thought as he flew away.
( To think you'd be stupid enough to come face to face with a demon lord.)
"How's that my fault."
( It's all your fault. Didn't your parents teach you to not eat food given by strangers?)
" When did I....." Kojo suddenly remembered the bread he took from the old woman.
" Oh." Kojo looked behind him and saw something perusing him. He landed in the ground sliding backwards as he made a magic sign. A sheet of ice shot from under him and formed a wall. Nefaria flew through just in time. He then reinforced the ice with several barriers. Nefaria raised her hand and added her power making more barriers to make it more secure. She then turned and flew off at impossible speed
"This is all your fault." Kojo said as he flew behind.
" What was your endgame anyway, summoning the most powerful being in existence. And why'd you need me?"
" I have nothing to say to you." Nefaria said withOut sparing him a glance.
" What do you mean. Start explaining."
" Otherwise what are you gonna do about it? boy?"
Kojo took that part personally and with a smile he wrapped his threads around her and threw her at the entrance of the cave.
" What's the meaning of this?" She demanded.
" I can't believe you. You got us into this mess and you're acting all cocky. I don't know whether you can read the room-er- cave,but your pride could get us killed.
" I'm a demon and a Progenitor at that. As long as the concept I represent exists I can never truly die."
" Goodbye" Kojo said waving her from the other side of the web.
" Hey ,how'd you get out there?" She demanded. She felt a presence. The barriers they set up began to break one by one in quick succession.
" Alright fine I'll put my ego aside and help you out." She said as she tried to free herself, surprised at the strength of Kojo's Arcane Threads.
" Oh no you don't. You're gonna atone for this until I say you can go.
Nefaria finally burnt away the webs and landed.
" Yes yes.I'll atone till you give me leave. Happy?" Nefaria said stretching her hand and rolling her eyes. She was willing to cooperate until she got out of there but the whole atone for life was a blatant lie. She laughed at Kojo's foolishness. You'd have to be an idiot to trust a demon.
" Ok then Lucifer,we've got a deal." Kojo said slapping her hand. Nefaria wasn't able to pull her hand away in time.There was a flash of light as a rune appeared on her hand. In that word ,names were everything and to make a deal with a demon it was more effective or safe to use their real names to tie them to their promise. That was why they preferred to hide their names. It was their only true weakness.Kojo had used the name Lucifer because he thought that was the perfect analogy of how proud she was and unknowingly entered into a master servant contract.
There were several types of contracts.
A Deal was a temporary contract until that was mutual until the goal of the deal was realized.
A Bond was a contract between a familiar and its master. Like with Kojo and Tye though it's unlikely who's the master and who's the servant in that relationship.
Then there was a Pact that was made between friends. It was similar to a deal but it was permanent and any party within the contract could nullify the contract and leave when they felt like it. This was the relationship between Kojo and his friends.
Finally,there was the Fealty that was sworn to a new master. The master had all power and could set and change the terms and conditions of this contract. It was the one between Kojo ,Keo, Mekna ,Eden and Sasha.
" That was weird." Kojo said as a chill ran through his spine.
" Anyway ,let's get out of here." Kojo said flying off. Nefaria came to her senses. She'd been tricked into Fealty with a mortal. How? She? The proudest of demons. She knew Kojo was cunning but not to this extent. It was vexing ,it was an outrage. It was really turning her on. She blushed as she touched herself.
" I knew I made the right choice to put my bet on you but to think you'd change the game this way." She said blushing.
" She's acting weird." Kojo said as he circled above. Sysia knew the situation but chose to keep quiet.
" Hey, Nefaria."
" Yes" Nefaria said quickly flying to Kojos side.
" Let's go."
" Yes" she said eagerly as they flew away.
Xappa felt a change. First he sensed a rift in the fabric of space and now a vibration within his being.He was of the Bloodline of Pride so if anything was to happen to the founding Ancestor,all the descendants would feel it. He walked into the throne room with a tray.
" Mistress I-" but he saw no one around. Only the table with the crystal ball had overturned and the ball rolled to his feet . He picked it up.
" What in hell's going on?" He wondered out loud.
Kojo and Nefaria had moved several kilometers away from the cave.
" So where are we going?" Dona asked.
" We're going to Ekron,to warn them that you've awakened." Kojo responded.
" Will there be food?" Dona asked.
" Im sure. But now's not the time for food. We're in a serious crisis."
" But you know you're really fast..almost makes me feel like I should put in effort to follow you." Dona said.
" Thanks for the compliment Dona."
" You're welcome."
There was silence for a moment.
" Wait,Dona?!" Kojo backed away immediately unable to hide the shock on his face.
" Why what's wrong?" She asked looking around.
Kojo made several small energy balls around Dona and they fired beams of intense power in quick succession,like an otherworldly machine gun.
There was a small shockwave that cancelled our th attack as well as blew Kojo and Nefaria back. Dona had snapped her fingers.
" I know you're strong. By human standards. But that doesn't mean you should try to show off."
Kojo drew Caliburn,the reality rending swords and charged. The force of the collision clearing the clouds around them. Dona had blocked with the nail on her pinky.
" Oh I see,you want to spar with me." She said with a laugh.
"I have to warn you do that it's been a while so I'll have. But of trouble holding back." She said flicking her pinky and sending Kojo crashing into the forest floor below.
Kojo got to his feet clearly shaken.
(Now look what you've done.)
" How's this my fault ?"
( If she wanted you dead she would have killed you already but she's not. Instead of attacking ,you should have used your words.)
" You're telling me this now?"
( Do I have to tell you everytning?)
" But your my P.A."
( I'm not your mother.)
Nefaria flew down to his side.
" Master,What should we do?" She asked.
The nature of her Fealty to Kojo hadn't been spelled out yet so she couldn't take the initiative but had to wait for orders.
" You're acting too stiff. And whats with this master thing all of a sudden. Call me Kojo and act normal. We'll talk about your atonement later."
" Alright."
Kojo expanded a barrier around the forest.
" Your still weak from bringing me over here." Dona observed,snapping her fingers and widening the barrier to 215 meters.
" I think this should do it." She said.
" Now,come ate me,no need to hold back." Dona said licking her lips.
" Here we go." He said as he and Nefaria lounged at Dona.