Crown Prince Sells Medicine

Chapter 127


Javillon Flambeur Anbouaz.

Born into the royal bloodline, an ambitious man. A passionate patriot who had endured severe headaches throughout his life. His eyes widened in astonishment.

For 37 years since he emerged from his mother’s womb, he experienced a sensation of freedom for the first time in his life.

Every nerve from his head to the tip of his tailbone was as taut as a bowstring.

Every cell in his body joined in a harmonious medley of seven octaves. Inside his veins, red and white blood cells intermingled and performed a tap dance.

In summary… It was invigorating!

He had never experienced anything like this before!

“What… What is this?”

Javillon squinted his eyes. A portly man in a crimson robe extended his hand toward him.

It was the Saint military officer. He was gently caressing Javillon’s head while singing an odd song.

It wasn’t a particularly sacred or reverent touch; rather, it was somewhat clumsy.

It felt like casually petting a stray dog one might encounter in the neighborhood. In a way, it was subtly offensive.

But none of that mattered. It didn’t hurt. He didn’t feel the headache.

A heavenly, refreshing sensation coursed through his body, akin to the fluttering wings of an archangel!

“How… How did you accomplish this?”

He couldn’t believe it.

Amidst his joy, doubts surfaced. He had to inquire.

However, in response to his quivering question, the Saint military officer offered a mysterious smile.


He gestured leisurely with a finger, sang that peculiar song once more, and continued to stroke Javillon’s head.


This is the touch of an expert. Javillon sensed it deeply. That feeling lingered even after the treatment(?) had concluded.

“How are you feeling?”


“Do you still experience the headache?”


Javillon gazed vacantly at the Saint military officer. Had he nodded? Most likely, given the satisfied grin on the officer’s face.

“It worked. I was concerned, but now I’m genuinely relieved.”


“Yes. How does it feel to be free from the headache you’ve always had?”

“I… I don’t know.”


“Well, I can’t quite describe it. It’s strange. I wonder if this is even possible, and also…”


“…Why am I crying?”

Drip, drip.

Tears streamed down Javillon’s cheeks, tracing paths across his face and collecting on his chin.

Yet Javillon didn’t think to wipe them away. Initially, he was stunned, then he burst into laughter. He cried and laughed, without concern for potential consequences.

“It’s good. I’ve never felt like this. Why… Haha, hahaha.”

“It’s a success. Congratulations.”

“No need for congratulations. Thank you. I never thought, never thought you would actually cure my headache.”

Javillon reached out. He warmly clasped Raciel’s hand. He was truly grateful.

To be honest, he was still in shock, but despite that, he felt good. He was simply happy and overjoyed.

Until Raciel responded.

“But it’s too early to let your guard down. The treatment I provided will likely only last for a day.”


What does that mean?

Just one day?

Afterward, its effects fade away? So, will the pain return?

“The headache will come back? By tomorrow?”

“Regrettably… Yes.”


“But don’t be too disheartened.”


Javillon inquired urgently, as if trying to keep his sinking heart afloat. On the other hand, a relaxed smile appeared on Raciel’s lips.

“Because you can receive treatment again tomorrow.”


“So, let’s proceed with this. Begin each day with my headache treatment.”

“So, until the next morning, I won’t experience any headache?”

“Of course. As long as you don’t oversleep and miss the morning treatment.”

“I’m confident about that. I’ve never overslept in my life.”

“Yes, I know you’re diligent. That’s fortunate.”

“Hehe. Hahaha! Yes, it’s fortunate. Indeed. Hahaha!”

A refreshing laugh burst from Javillon’s mouth. His sinking heart had returned to its place(?).

Finally, he felt relieved. Yes, just as the Saint military officer had said. Once a day, every morning, get the treatment. Then, there’s no pain.

“Then, I’ll rely on you tomorrow as well.”

“Why not?”

A satisfied smile spread across Raciel’s face. Was it simply because the treatment was successful? Of course not. He had his own reasons for being happy.

‘Yes, trust me like that. Become dependent on my treatment!’

From the beginning, this was his goal. To make him trust even more. To make him cling. And then?

‘Piece of cake. It’ll be totally feasible.’

He wanted to return to his clinic, the Star Palace, as soon as possible.

Javillon, the greatest villain from the first half of the “Devil Sword Emperor,” was now under his 24/7 care. Raciel wanted to get rid of him immediately.

To do that, he needed a safe escape. He had to get out of here. Every morning, with that goal in mind, Raciel struggled(?).

“My hands are healing hands~ My hands are healing hands!”


“How do you feel?”

“Thank you. The headache is completely gone.”

As promised, every morning he used his healing hand skill. He caressed Javillon’s head and completely eliminated the headache.

Every time, Javillon burst into laughter with genuine joy. It was a pure and genuine smile, not something you’d expect from a fervent patriot who had committed many atrocities.

In fact, Javillon felt relieved.

‘Indeed. The Saint military officer was right.’

Initially, he was somewhat anxious.

Would the Saint military officer’s headache treatment work more than once? What if it was only effective the first time?

What if, as he continued the treatments, his body adapted, and the effect diminished? What would he do then?

Honestly, he was worried. But after a few days, even that worry completely vanished.

‘…I’m still not in pain. It’s exactly the same as the first time.’

Ten days since starting the morning treatment.

Javillon finally felt relieved. Despite receiving daily treatments, the effect did not diminish. It was the same as the first time. It was incredibly effective!

At the same time, Javillon slowly realized,

‘I can’t properly live without the Saint military officer’s treatment now.’

He hadn’t realized it when he was constantly in pain.

Ever since he was born, he has always been in pain. He thought feeling pain was a natural part of life.

He believed that enduring and bearing it, gritting his teeth until his gums bled, was all there was to it. He even thought that living like that wasn’t too bad.

But now?

Things have changed.

‘I can’t go back to how it was before.’

For the past ten days, he had lived without experiencing that agonizing headache. The world appeared different.

People’s expressions seemed different. Even the color of a simple fallen leaf on the road appeared different.

He felt truly alive. He wondered how he had managed to live before. Part of him became anxious.

What if the Saint military officer disappeared? What if he left his side? And as a result, he couldn’t receive his treatment anymore?

Could he endure it?


It was impossible.

Javillon had no desire to return to the way things were. The more he felt this way, the warmer his gaze became when he looked at Raciel. His attitude toward Raciel noticeably softened and became more benevolent.

Naturally, Raciel noticed this transformation in Javillon. And he smirked with a sense of triumph.

‘Preparations are complete.’

Everything was now in place. With this confidence, Raciel initiated the next stage of his escape plan.

Right after the morning treatment, he moistened his lips. Then, without blinking, he began to fabricate a story.

“Actually, I have something important to discuss with you today.”

“Important? What is it?”

“Tonight. I feel the need to perform an important prayer.”

“An important prayer?”

Javillon tilted his head, not in disbelief, but out of genuine curiosity.

‘Good. It’s working.’

Raciel gained confidence and intensified his deception.

“To be honest, the treatment I provide you every morning isn’t free. It’s not simply my ability. It’s all due to a blessing from the heavens.”

“A blessing?”

“Yes. Once a month, on the night of the full moon, I must offer a sincere prayer to the moon, with pure, cold water by my side, from the moment the moon rises until it sets completely. If I fail to perform this prayer…”

“If you don’t?”

“I’ll lose my ability to heal.”


“It will last at least a month. Until the next full moon rises and I can pray again.”

“Is that true?”

“Yes. I stake my honor on it.”

Raciel nodded with an expression full of trust and added,

“Additionally, while I’m praying, no one can witness me. Anyone, if someone sees me during the prayer… the effectiveness of the prayer will immediately vanish. Of course, the result will be the same…”

“You’ll lose your ability to treat for a month, right?”

“Exactly. Therefore, I need a high place near the moon, where I can safely perform my prayers all night without being observed by anyone. Fortunately, I have identified such a location. I’d like you to prepare it for my prayers.”

Throughout, he remained earnest, never smiling. Raciel made sure to maintain a serious demeanor. Perhaps due to such effort(?), Javillon’s expression also grew solemn.


The notion of a blessing that required such prayers was to him.

Part of him was skeptical. He had reservations about whether to believe Raciel’s words or not.

But that skepticism was brief.

‘What if what the Saint military officer is saying is true?’

And if he didn’t believe and prepare the place for him? If Raciel couldn’t perform the prayers and lost the healing ability?


That was unacceptable. It would mean a return to days plagued by excruciating headaches. That was worse than death.

‘I have no choice.’

Javillon set aside any lingering doubts and skepticism. He calculated that it would be more beneficial to place his trust in the Saint officer’s words.

“Very well. Tell me the location. I’ll have it prepared.”


“If you desire it, shouldn’t I assist?”

“Th-thank you.”

“Why thank me? I’m the one who should be grateful to you.”

And so, Javillon granted his permission(?).

Raciel directed him to a spot he had chosen in advance. It was a steep hill surrounded by forests. The hill was then made ready for the prayer.

Of course, Javillon didn’t overlook preparing for any contingencies.

‘If the Saint military officer were to sneak away while he’s supposed to be praying… That can’t happen.’

Javillon mobilized the soldiers.

The hill was encircled on all sides, five layers deep. It was a formidable perimeter. However, they maintained a distance of approximately 200 meters from the hill.

The soldiers positioned themselves with their backs turned, ensuring they couldn’t gaze toward the hill.

He even warned that if anyone were to turn around, according to strict military laws, they would face execution as a deterrent.

Finally, night descended.

“Then, after completing my prayers, I’ll see you in the morning.”

“I’ll be waiting here.”

“Understood. Oh, and…”

Just before departing for the hill to pray, Raciel paused and glanced back at Javillon.

“If you’re concerned that I might leave, there’s no need.”


Perhaps revealing a hint of the doubt he harbored, Javillon’s shoulders subtly tensed. Raciel offered a meaningful smile.

“After all, I also find fulfillment in treating your headaches.”

“…Thank you.”

Finally, a warm smile spread across Javillon’s lips. He was grateful for such reassuring words.

With somewhat touched eyes, he watched Raciel’s figure recede up the hill.

Soon after, the full moon ascended.

It was from that moment onward.

Javillon waited with a contented heart. Right now, his Saint military officer, Raciel, must be offering earnest prayers.

Dedicating himself even more to his treatment. Offering fervent prayers to the full moon, even while becoming damp from the night dew.

The more he thought about it, the more grateful he felt.

The more he contemplated, the warmer he felt.

He should treat him even better in the future. He should hold Raciel in the highest regard. Because he deserved it. Because he was someone he could trust more than anyone else in this world.

Javillon waited and waited. The full moon reached its zenith, then began to descend towards the west. Finally, it set. He continued to wait until then, expecting Raciel to descend from the hill anytime. Worried that it should be about time to see him.

With complete sincerity.

With a genuine heart.

He waited for Raciel and kept on waiting.

Soon, the bright morning sunlight rose. An inkling of anxiety that had begun to sprout now grew uncontrollably. Ultimately, he dispatched soldiers up the hill.

And a moment later.

“Report! The Saint military officer, Rihan, has disappeared!”

The moment he heard the heart-wrenching report, the moment he absorbed the unbelievable shout directly into his ears, he realized.

He had been betrayed. His precious treasure had slipped through his fingers and escaped.



Could this raging emotion be equivalent to the warmth he had felt earlier? Or was this what profound loss felt like?

“…Find him! By any means necessary!”

As Javillon shouted furiously, his eyes burned with an obsession that flared up like madness.

(To be Continued)

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