Crossing Worlds Provocation

Chapter 20 - In your dreams

At this moment, Kung Fu Master Li got up, and Wen Xian quickly looked over, “Master, you haven’t finished eating yet, so let’s go!

Uncle Li picked up his butter tea and waved his hand: “You can just sit here, the battle drama you are playing is about to begin, I can’t miss it!”

As he said, he left, with a leisurely posture, so he had to hold another big pu fan in his hand.

Wen Xian: “…”

In a blink of an eye, Grandma passed by, and Wen Xian quickly took her hand again: “Grandma, why don’t you eat anymore!?”

The grandmother smiled and said, “Xiao Wen, eat quickly. My son is coming over to find me today. I will go ahead and pick him up now.”

He left in a hurry.

Wen Xian: “…”

She silently retracted her hand, and coughed slightly when she was sitting upright.

As if nothing happened.

The two of them were left in the cafeteria in a blink of an eye.

Wen Xian felt unspeakable in his heart for a while, and his heart throbbed violently, especially after Uncle Li had finished saying those words, making her, who was greedy of his body, even more greedy.

I couldn’t help but recall the inexplicable and shy blushing dream in my mind.

The atmosphere is so subtle that people can’t help but want to avoid it, but she still reluctant to leave.

Yes, of course reluctant.

It has been almost a week since I came here, and I haven’t seen him twice.

And after today, she left, so handsome and cold captain might be the last look.

Thinking about it this way, there is still something in Wen Xian’s heart… regret?

In this era, if there is no contact information left, it will really take a lifetime to turn around.

Just when she couldn’t help but glance at his Huawei phone, she suddenly heard a sentence from the other side:

“Do you want to try?”

“Ah, what, what…!?” Wen Xian raised his head to look at him, and met his slender, dark eyes, and didn’t seem to realize what he was saying for a while.

Lu Xiao still had a calm complexion and could not see any emotions, but his eyes drooped slightly, and he glanced at his strong biceps.

The meaning should not be too obvious.


The deer in Wen Xian’s heart exploded all at once.

He, he, what is this doing?

Invite her to really try to sit on his arm! ?

Wen Xian looked at him in surprise, his bright eyes widened, and his heartbeat faster: “Really, really, okay?”

As soon as these words came out, Lu Xiao once again set his sights on her face, and said in a calm tone: “I can carry 90 kilograms with my arms, and it should be as heavy as two you.”

Wen Xian suddenly rounded his eyes, fuck, fuck, fuck—!

He is a Hercules! ?

Ninety kilograms!

In my impression, this kind of person should only be professional athletes or very good special forces to achieve this level!

And his arm doesn’t look like the athlete’s trained muscles are very developed.

She couldn’t see exactly what it looked like, it was all blocked by his jacket!

What a **** thing, her sincerity to him has already been reflected in him as a lover!

He was wearing clothes to guard her!

Wen Xian couldn’t help but quietly stretched out his finger and poked at the arm of the shoulder opposite him.

Lu Xiao stared at her leaning body.

The light from the outside spilled in and projected on her body, her curly and thick long lashes, receiving the strongest light in the afternoon.

Wen Xian felt the tough muscles at her fingertips.

His throat slid dumbly.

She spoke again, her voice added a little more sure: “I want to try.”

Lu Xiao: “The beauty you want.”

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