Crossing the Son of the Villain

Chapter 40 - Harvest again and again

Ai Wen heard that there were still survivors, and quickly asked: “There is information about the surviving Fluorostar in the information database of the spacecraft? Since he survived, why did he not use the spacecraft to return to his planet?”

“There is no information in the database about this point. The spacecraft on the original failed due to being hit during the landing process and entered a silent state. Later, during the self-repair process of the spacecraft, there was no record of the survivor, and the person deleted it. My information, after I left, I never came back.”

The Red Queen was silent for a while when she said this, and quickly continued: “But 10,000 years ago, human beings were still in the primitive era, and the gravity of fluorine was more than ten times that of the earth. It is said that it should be equivalent to the existence of gods. If you investigate from the information of ancient gods, you may be able to get him, do you want to set up a search task?”

Ai Wen thought for a while, and finally shook his head, “It’s been over ten thousand years. No matter how strong he is, after so long, he’s still a dead bone. It’s useless to find him. Don’t worry about him.”

“Queen Red, when you introduced it earlier, you said that the gene culture device in this spaceship is used to cultivate larvae. Can it still work now?”

For some reason, the Red Queen seemed to hear a sense of urgency in Ai Wen’s tone, but you didn’t think much about her for artificial intelligence, and replied directly: “The gene cultivation device is very complete, as long as there are enough materials, it can be produced to cultivate It can work immediately. I have to say that the fluorostars surpass the earth by too much in terms of genetic technology. They have abandoned the natural way of reproduction and directly select the most perfect genes through genetic screening to put them in the treasure book of life. According to different To meet the needs, cultivate a variety of talents.”

“So how do they solve the various trace elements that the fetus needs in the growth and development? For example, CPH4, which is equivalent to nuclear energy for the fetus and promotes bone development.” This is the problem that Iwen is most concerned about. There is an unfortunate son who is raising it in the cultivation tank.

“Fluoxing people are different from Earth people. Their fetuses do not need the mother to secrete trace elements during the cultivation process. In other words, the fluorine people have a special energy in their genes that can replace the trace elements secreted by their mothers.”

“Special energy?” Ai Wen asked suspiciously.

Originally, Ai Wen planned to solve the problem of his unfortunate son with the help of the technology of the fluorostars, but now it seems that this idea will not work.

“Yes! A kind of energy obtained by the ancestors of fluorine, very miraculous…”

With the explanation of the Red Queen, Ai Wen also understood the reason for the power of the Fluorostars. It turned out that the Fluorostars were not very powerful a long time ago. They were only a small force behind countless cosmic races, but they had some advantages in technology.

Originally, Fluoxing could only develop its power carefully, until one day, Fluoxing was attacked by a super biological larvae bred from the sun’s star.

After some battles, Fluorine paid a heavy price and finally killed the super creature. After research, they found that there was a powerful energy in the creature’s body, which could be slowly absorbed by them to enhance their physique.

At that time, the high-level spirit of Fluorostar was shaken, and they robbed the energy of super creatures and became a powerful existence. They also made a name for themselves in the entire universe, so Fluorine’s reputation soared.

However, the number of fluorine people strengthened by super biological energy is limited. As they get older, the overall strength of fluorine will drop again. When the last strong fluorine is old and weak, the expansion of fluorine will offend the people. Shi Jiu was already eyeing them, ready to rush up to take a bite at any time.

Under such circumstances, Fluoxing naturally found ways to deal with the enemy that was about to confront. After some hard research, he finally came up with a solution.

The key to the power of the fluorine man lies in the energy of the super creature. Although the super bio energy has been absorbed, the last fluorine strong man has this energy in his body. Although it is not much, it cannot strengthen a person, but if it strengthens A little gene or a cell is much easier.

When fluorine is facing the crisis of demise. The last fluorostar strong man took the initiative to sacrifice himself, concentrated all his energy on his head, and then the researchers made his head into a life collection, and then selected the most perfect genes from the fluorine people, using the life collection The energy in them is strengthened, and then the fetuses are cultivated. When they grow up, they will become the most perfect warriors. Although they are not as good as the previous fluorine star powerhouses, they can be compensated for by their quantitative advantages.

Sure enough, the fetuses cultivated by enhancing genes with the energy of the Book of Life have shown amazing talents since childhood. It took more than ten years to grow into adults. During this period, the people of Fuxing could resist the enemy’s attack with difficulty, and were about to be attacked by the enemy. When the attack was over, the first batch of new fluorine warriors, tens of thousands of people shot at the same time, killed all the enemies, and achieved the glory of the fluorine people.

Since then, the Fluorostars have tasted the sweetness of cultivating new life with the Tome of Life. When they got out of control, they simply gave up on natural conception, or collected all the genes of the Fluorostars, strengthened them with the Tome of Life, and cultivated different talents according to their needs.

Ai Wen couldn’t help but think that in the Superman Man of Steel movie, the Life Book of the Fluorites really looked like a skull, and it turned out to be made from the skulls of their ancestors.

Because the energy in the skull strengthens the genes and replaces the trace elements secreted by the mother’s body during the growth process of the fetus, but this way, I am afraid that they will also cut off their path of strengthening in the later stage. But it also cut off their recent promotion.

Among the other surviving fluorostars, only Superman has the best life. In the original movie, when he was sent to earth by his father, he integrated all the genes in the book of life into the cells of the young Superman. In this way, the genes in the genes The energy contained in it may also flow into the superman’s body along with the genes, so this is equivalent to a comprehensive energy strengthening, and it also explains why the later superman is so powerful, because after being fully strengthened by the energy, he can almost unlimited. Enhanced, and in the later stage, it can even freeze the sun in one breath.

But other fluorine survivors are not as lucky as Superman. Even General Zod, who is known as the strongest fluorine star, can only be unwilling to face Superman who is constantly breaking through and getting stronger and stronger. fall down.

Ai Wen knew the secret of the power of the Fluorostar people, but the idea of ​​using the technology of the Fluorostar people to solve his son’s problem was completely shattered, so he could only think of other ways. Slowly developing, in short, Aiwen never wants his son to have certain defects or deformities.

“Red Queen, now you control the spacecraft to outer space, and then stop there in the future, the location is the United States, with the United States as the center, the prison is half the earth, if there is a major event, contact me in time, yes, You must hide your tracks so that no one can find them, can you do it?”

“No problem, please rest assured, Doctor, Antarctica is an inaccessible place, and since the spacecraft has invisible equipment, it will not be discovered.”

“That’s good, let’s start now. By the way, is there enough energy on the spacecraft? Don’t fall down halfway because of insufficient energy.”

“You don’t have to worry about energy. Because of the super creature at the time, Fluorostar’s understanding of solar energy has reached its limit, and the energy of the spacecraft is also based on solar energy.

This spacecraft has been silent since I was in the Antarctic. However, it is its instinct to collect energy, and the Antarctic is illuminated by the sun for half a year. The collected solar energy has been stored for more than 10,000 years. Down, the collected energy is enough for the spacecraft to continue flying for hundreds of years.

Now Ai Wen was relieved, the spacecraft ignited automatically, and it rose into the air with a “bang”, and a burst of sparks flew straight into the sky. At a place hundreds of meters above the ground, the stealth system was turned on, and the surface of the spacecraft changed for a while, slowly Slowly it becomes transparent, and finally the entire spaceship disappears.

This spacecraft uses a high-tech warp engine. It only takes ten minutes to come to outer space. According to Ai Wen’s request, it stops above the US territory, because Ai Wen knows that in the future, the United States will be a variety of A place where incidents occur frequently, all kinds of superheroes and super criminals will be on the stage, so watch here in advance.

In the dark outer space, Ai Wen and the Red Devil looked at the beautiful blue earth, they couldn’t help being attracted by this beautiful scene, and sighed in their hearts.

Although Ai Wen is already one of the most famous scientists on the earth, he already knows what the earth looks like, and has seen pictures and images of the earth countless times, but it is the first time he stands on a spacecraft with this angle Come to see the real earth, it is a beauty that cannot be described in words.

After a full ten minutes, Ai Wen and the red devil came back to their senses. The benefits were obtained, and they had seen the real appearance of the earth. Now it is time to go back, but just as I Ai Wen was about to leave, the corners of his eyes Yu Guang skipped the machine creation held in mid-air by the Red Devil with its spatial ability, and an idea came into his mind.

“Azazuo, lift the confinement, and the red queen will connect the program to my brainwaves.” Ai Wen came to the mechanical creation, stretched out his hand and pressed it, entered the overclocking state again, and began to decompose the mechanical creation.

When the mechanical creation is visible to the naked eye, it seems to melt as quickly as paraffin meets a flame.

The red devil standing next to him stared at the mechanical creation with his eyes motionless. I don’t know if it was his illusion. The red devil felt that there was something like dust constantly falling from the mechanical creation, and it converged on Ai Wen.

In fact, the red devil is not completely an illusion, but it is not dust. If you magnify the so-called dust thousands of times, you will find that it is a small mechanical body, the shape is like a mosquito, that is Ai Wen He did not hesitate to develop his brain again for a nano-robot that was made by disassembling the mechanical creation and then using it as a material.

It wasn’t until half an hour later that Ai Wen retracted his palm. At this time, only a bunch of impurities were left on the ground from the original mechanical creation.

Ai Wen moved his body and felt that his clothes were much However, with Ai Wen’s current physical fitness, it didn’t matter much.

At this time, Ai Wen suddenly said, “Armored defense!”

Ai Wen’s clothes suddenly changed, from ordinary clothes to metal armored clothes covering the whole body. The silver metallic color was full of sci-fi style.

Ai Wen tried the armor’s defense ability and found that ordinary bullets can be ignored completely. Armor-piercing bullets will hurt a little, but they will not cause damage. If they are shells, they have to be avoided. serious injury.

“Melee weapon!” Ai Wen stretched out his right palm again, the armor on that palm softened, and there was a squirming, and the five fingers were stretched and elongated, forming sharp claws like sharp blades.

“Long-range weapon!” The left wrist bulges slowly to form a barrel-like device, exuding red light. If you magnify it thousands of times, you will find that it is a collection of nano-robot mouthparts used by countless mosquitoes. The red light emanated from it.

After confirming the effect of this nano battle suit, Ai changed it back to the appearance of clothes again, and sensed the development of his own brain, which had reached 29%, but Ai Wen was not worried, with the red queen as his assistant The brain, in the future, you don’t need to worry so much. In the future, you will gradually strengthen your mental power, that is, the continued development of the brain can be completely suppressed, and it will not be controlled by absolute reason.

Ai Wen nodded to the red devil, the red devil understood, immediately grabbed Ai Wen’s hand, and activated his abilities to return to the British manor base.

This trip to Antarctica, Ai Wen, can be regarded as a fruitful harvest. Not only did he solve his biggest problem of excessive brain development, he also obtained an advanced alien and made a nano-suit. As for his unfortunate child problem, Just put it aside for now.

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