Crimson Moon

Chapter 8: Hogwarts at Night.

Luna and Harry spent the day quietly in each other’s company. Despite the whispers and curious glances from their classmates, they found comfort in being together, navigating their new reality as a married couple. Luna joined Harry for a few of his second-year classes, her presence a curious but welcomed distraction for many students, especially in the more boring classes. Harry, in turn, accompanied Luna to her first-year Transfiguration class, his advanced knowledge and skill allowed him to help her through the lessons. Not that she really needed it. 


It was during Transfiguration that Professor McGonagall asked them to stay behind after class. The other students filtered out, leaving Harry and Luna standing at the front of the room. McGonagall, seated at her desk, looked at them over the rims of her glasses, her expression as stern as ever.


"I applaud you two for remaining," McGonagall began her tone firm but not unkind. "And while I have you here, you shall be going over Transfiguration with me for your punishment because you snuck out last night. I was very worried you know."


Harry and Luna exchanged a glance but didn’t protest. They knew better than to argue with McGonagall, and besides, they both respected her deeply.


"You’ve both been through a lot," McGonagall continued, her eyes softening slightly as she looked at them. "But that doesn’t mean you can neglect your studies. If anything, you need to be more diligent. Magic has bound you together if the rumors are to be believed. And that carries responsibilities."


"Yes, Professor," Harry said, nodding in agreement. While in truth he felt calm around Luna, maybe if he slept with her tonight he wouldnt have those weird nightmares. 


"Of course, Professor," Luna echoed, her usual dreamy smile replaced by a look of determination.


“Good, so if you could please read the first chapter in this book,” McGonagall states as she flicks her wand and two books come flying out as books land on the desk.


Animato Animagus…


“Uh what gave it away professor?” Luna asks


“I could smell the mandrake leaf while I was in my Animagus form,” McGonagall replied with a knowing smile.


Luna blinked in surprise, then chuckled.


“So did you know that my parents and the rest of the Muraders were as well?” Harry asks 

McGonagall’s expression softened, a hint of nostalgia creeping into her eyes. “Yes, I was aware,” she said, her voice gentle. “Your father, Harry, and his friends were quite talented—though they were also quite reckless.


“That is why you are both going to be studying, no mistakes,” McGonagall states. 



Luna was exploring the dream space in the castle the dream world was always vast, and as she walked deeper into the dream world, she saw a glowing blood red moon hanging low in the sky. The sole source of light casting an eerie light over everything it touched.  while she was looking at the doors that lead to the dreams of all of the students teachers and beyond her smaller reach she could see pleanty of gates. 


Although one stood out, it played music which was weird enough but even crazier was the style of said gate… It was a Doom Gate.


The thing was even playing the song at DOOM’s GATE. The classic one too not the Mick Gordon one… actually it would technecially be modern wouldn’t it. 


“eh, just a peak shouldn’t hurt.” Luna mutters to herself as she heads inside. 


Heading inside was a mistake, if one had played the game then it would be known that Ardent energy was soul magic… Much like dream walking, this was literally hell and not a dream. 

She had been exploring the place for what felt like days and unfortunately since it was not really a dream she could not diapers the demons like she could nightmares. Luckily she still had her magic and her new Revonant combat instincts were coming in well.


Luna roared in anger as the demon with the bladed arms lifted her into the air via her impaled stomach and left shoulder. 


The demon of course roared in response only to catch a queen slayer blade to its neck tissue its head flying free as it bled like a guiser and the magic-rich demon blood tasted divine to Luna. 


She smirked her wounds healed visibly fast. Her prestigious white prayer shawl was dyed in blood and it felt amazing…


Rolling to the left she dodged a Maurders axe, to think they would seen these things at her. The demon came at her again dashing straight at her, and Luna screamed in anger as she tore in half. Completely ignoring the shield. Suddenly the entire ground shook violently as the literal Icon of Sin lumberd past. A giant green bolt chasing behind it. Green Lightning coming off of it killing demons all around.  

“Slayer!” Luna shouted, her voice echoing in the desolate landscape. There was another human here, and if anyone had a way out, it was the Slayer.


With a quick Apparition, Luna moved toward the source of the magic she could feel pulsing through the air. It felt oddly familiar, almost like a distant memory trying to resurface. She needed to find the Slayer—and fast—if she was to escape this nightmare.


There, standing amidst the wreckage of countless demons, was Harry Potter. But he wasn’t the Harry she knew from Hogwarts. This Harry was clad in heavy, rune-inscribed armor, his eyes glowing with an intense green light. He held a massive, bloodstained weapon—a cross between a sword and a gun—in one hand, and his face was a mask of unyielding determination.


“Harry?” Luna called out, her voice trembling slightly.


Harry turned toward her, the green glow in his eyes dimming for a moment as he recognized her. “Luna? How are you in my dream?” 


Luna stepped closer, her eyes wide as she took in the sight of him. "This… this isn’t just a dream, Harry. I was exploring the dreamscape, but this place—it’s something else entirely. I could feel it drawing me in."


Harry frowned, glancing around at the desolate, hellish landscape. “You know that makes some sense. The other day I accidentally dashed to you like how I can move around in this dream.” 


Luna tilted her head, her expression thoughtful. "You mean that incredible burst of speed? I thought that was just a reaction from your training. An the whole timeline thing, But if it’s connected to this…"


Harry nodded, his brow furrowed as he considered the implications. “I’ve been coming here in my dreams for a about a century or two now, fighting these… things,” he gestured to the demonic carcasses littered around them. “It’s like I ever so slightly stronger with each one I kill.” 


“Master of Death thing?” Luna asks already knowing the answer. 


“No, here I am called the Slayer,” Harry responded, the weight of the title evident in his voice.


Luna’s eyes narrowed slightly in thought. “Do you have a way home?”


Harry hesitated, his gaze drifting to the blood-soaked ground beneath his feet. The weight of countless battles, the endless cycle of violence, and the relentless pull of this hellish realm all pressed down on him. “It’s… complicated,” he began, but before he could elaborate, the ground beneath them started to tremble violently.


The demonic landscape around them began to blur, the sharp edges of reality warping and twisting as if the very fabric of the world was being torn apart. Luna’s eyes widened in alarm, her heart pounding as the oppressive heat of the place intensified. She reached out for Harry, but before she could touch him, everything shattered like glass.


Luna shot up in bed, her breath coming in rapid gasps as she threw off her blankets. The dim light of early morning filtered through the curtains, casting long shadows across her dorm room. She glanced at the clock on her bedside table: 4:30 a.m.


Her heart was still racing, her skin damp with sweat. 



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