Crimson Moon

Chapter 14: Stormy Night

Luna and Harry sat in the Astronomy Tower, the distant rumble of thunder growing closer as dark storm clouds swirled on the horizon. The night was unusually quiet, the wind picking up ever so slightly, carrying with it the smell of impending rain. According to the forecast, the storm was supposed to hit at 2 a.m., but it was just past midnight now.


Harry shifted uncomfortably on the cold stone bench, glancing at Luna, who was watching the skies with her usual serene expression. The moonlight danced in her eyes, reflecting her calm in contrast to the turbulent storm that was brewing.


“So… are we not going to talk about Daphne?” Harry asked, breaking the silence. His tone was casual, but there was an edge of worry that he couldn’t quite mask.


Luna didn’t turn to look at him right away. Her eyes remained fixed on the clouds, as if studying their movement. Finally, she spoke, her voice as soft as the breeze that rustled through the tower. “What about her?”


“Well,” Harry began, trying to find the right words, “she’s a devil—she wants to marry me. And apparently, she’s obsessed with Equestria… none of that seems weird to you? Because I can guarantee you the last timeline I married her she was a human.”


Luna turned her head slightly, finally meeting his gaze. Her expression was thoughtful, not at all alarmed. “Weird? No. Unexpected? Perhaps. I guess I am going to have to explain the multiverse to you after all.” 


Harry stared at her, still trying to wrap his head around the idea. “So… this isn’t just some alternate timeline where things went differently? This is a whole other universe?”


Luna smiled gently, her expression softening. “Exactly. You’ve crossed between worlds without even realizing it. Every decision, every moment, creates a branching path. And sometimes, those paths lead to entirely different versions of people, places, and histories.”


Harry let out a long breath, running a hand through his hair. “That explains absolutely nothing can you please be less cryptic sure its fun to mess with others as a seer I mean I pretended to be one in the second timeline for fun but… God is this how I made others feel?” 

Luna blinked, momentarily caught off guard by Harry's outburst before a small smirk tugged at her lips. "Well first off, God is dead."


Harry stopped, staring at her. "What?"


Luna shrugged nonchalantly. "Or maybe not dead exactly, but not as involved as everyone thinks. It depends on which reality we're in, really. Some have Yahweh, others don’t. It’s all quite variable."


Harry groaned, rubbing his temples. "This is worse than I thought. I was expecting an explanation, not more cryptic nonsense."


Luna’s smile widened, but there was a softness in her tone as she continued, sensing Harry’s frustration. "Alright, Harry, let me try to put it simply. Imagine every choice you make creates a ripple, a new path. These paths form branches, creating different versions of the world you know. Sometimes, they’re minor differences—like someone wearing blue instead of red. Other times, the differences are massive, like Daphne being a devil in this timeline. It’s not just about time travel or changing events—it's about the structure of reality itself."


Harry sighed, his head still spinning. “So… I have been hopping timelines but by this point I am so far away from the timeline I was hopping from originally that I am starting to branch out into other major timelines?”


Luna smiled at Harry, her eyes gleaming with a mix of understanding and sympathy. "Exactly, Harry. You started by hopping through timelines, trying to fix things or change events. But now, you're drifting further from the original timeline, so much so that you're venturing into entirely new realities—major timelines where the rules are different, and the people may not be the same as they once were."


Harry leaned against the railing of the tower, staring out at the gathering storm. "So, that explains why Daphne's suddenly a devil and obsessed with Equestria, I guess... but how far away am I from the original timeline? Can I even get back?"


Luna's expression softened, and she stepped closer, placing a hand on his shoulder. "It's hard to say. The question is do you even want to go back?”


Harry blinked, caught off guard by Luna's question. "Do I even want to go back?" he repeated, his voice trailing off as he mulled it over. He hadn’t considered it that way before. His whole focus had been on fixing things, correcting wrongs, and hopping between timelines. The idea of returning to his original timeline had always seemed like the end goal.


Luna stepped closer, her eyes filled with curiosity. "You've spent so long hopping between worlds, fixing timelines, being the hero. But think about it, Harry. As the Master of Death, you’re immortal. Sure, the world has been ending, but you survived each time. I mean, I guess I'll survive the end of the world this time too, if we can't stop it… Or we could just get to Equestria and live there forever."


"I guess, although I'd like to save the world this time if I could... I also guess I need to start looking for differences, huh?" Harry replied.


Luna, sensing the weight of his thoughts, wrapped her arms around him in a comforting hug. "Exactly," she whispered. "But whatever happens, we’ll face it together."


"I can't tell if this relationship is actual love or mind magic..." Harry murmured, his voice barely above a whisper as Luna's embrace tightened around him.


Luna pulled back slightly, her silvery eyes meeting his with a rare seriousness. "Harry," she began softly, "mind magic, beyond the extremely rare corrupting kind, should be unable to affect me. And the Hallows should protect you.”

Before Harry could respond, the sky erupted with the sound of raindrops hitting the stone tower. Luna’s expression lit up as the first lightning bolt split the sky. "It’s time!" she cheered, excitement radiating from her as she dashed to the balcony.

Harry followed her, shaking his head with a soft chuckle. As Luna the downed the animagus potion.

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