Crimson Moon

Chapter 11: There is no calm day ever is there?

Professor Snape stood at the front of the Potions classroom, his black robes billowing around him as he paced. His sharp gaze swept over the students gathered before him, and a hush fell upon them. "Today," he began in his deep voice, "we will be discussing lab safety." He paused to let that sink in before continuing, "Potions can be dangerous if not handled correctly, so it is of utmost importance that you all pay attention during this lesson."


Snape's gaze settled on Luna Lovegood for a moment before moving on. "Class," he said sternly, his voice echoing through the room, "I must warn you now: do not ask questions until after I have finished speaking and no asking irrelevant or stupid questions." The class looked at Luna slightly confused before surugging it off as Snapes hatred of Gryphindoors. .


Luna raised her hand, seeming almost uncaring of the dungeon bat’s sensibilities, as she sought permission to speak despite the warning. Snape looked at her disapprovingly but called upon her nonetheless. "Yes, Miss Lovegood?" he asked begrudgingly.


"What happens if one accidentally asks a stupid question?” Luna asks a rather smug grin on her face. 


Snape's eyes narrowed as he glared at Luna, but before he could respond, another student raised their hand. "Professor," the student said, trying to redirect the attention away from Luna. "What should we do if a potion spills on the floor?"


With a deep breath, Snape composed himself “Okay, new rule no questions.” Snape states 


With a deep breath, Professor Snape composed himself and addressed the class. "If a potion spills on the floor," he said sternly, "it is essential that you report the incident immediately to your professor or teaching assistant." He paused for a moment before adding, "Do not attempt to clean up the spill yourself. The consequences of mixing certain potions can be disastrous and potentially dangerous."


Snape's gaze swept over the class, ensuring they were all paying attention. "Now," he continued, "as for your previous question, Miss Lovegood..." He paused, taking a moment to collect himself before continuing. "While there is no official punishment for asking a stupid question, I must remind you that our time in this classroom is valuable. Please try to think carefully before speaking."


He looked around the room, making eye contact with each student as he said, "Now let's move on and focus on today's lesson about lab safety. Remember, your well-being and the well-being of those around you are our top priorities in this class."


Snape picked up a vial of potion from the table and held it up for the class to see. "This," he said, his voice echoing through the room, "is a simple infusion of Mandrakes and Wolfsbane. It may seem harmless enough, but if not prepared or handled correctly, it can have devastating consequences."


He set the vial down on the table and walked around to demonstrate proper potion-making techniques. "Always ensure that you have a clear workspace," he said as he arranged his ingredients methodically. "Keep your wand hand free from obstruction and maintain focus throughout the entire process."


Snape demonstrated how to mix the potions, carefully measuring each ingredient and stirring the mixture at specific intervals. "Never rush when brewing potions," he warned. "Take your time and be precise in your movements. A single misstep can lead to disastrous results."


He then moved on to discussing safety precautions. "Always wear protective gear, such as gloves and goggles, while working with potions," Snape instructed. "And never taste a incomplete potion unless you are absolutely certain of its contents and how it reacts with its reagents and reactants.” 


Snape continued his lecture on lab safety by explaining the importance of proper storage and disposal methods for potions. "Never leave your potions or cauldrons unattended, especially if they are still in progress," he said sternly. "And always dispose of unused or expired potions according to the guidelines provided in your text books. If it there is anything unclear please ask me. Just know that I will be very cross with any one of you if you do not pay attention in the lecture portion and proceed to make mistakes in the lab."


He looked around the room one last time before summarizing his points. "Remember, Hogwarts is the safest school in the world," Snape said. "It did not get that way alone following these guidelines and respecting the power of magic, you can ensure a safe environment for everyone in this classroom."


Luna just sits back with a small smile this entire thing was different from the books but it was nice because potions was being more treated as a chemistry class rather than snape ranting about his mastery in potions… Maybe he just hated harry that much.



Harry walked up to the blonde ,”Daphne Greengrass.” Harry states bluntly 


“Potter,” she greeted him coolly, the tone typical of a Slytherin, yet lacking the venom he often expected from others in her house. There was a hint of curiosity in her voice, though—perhaps even a trace of warmth.


“Greengrass,” Harry replied, his voice steady despite his mind already running a million miles an hour if luna was different she may be too. He glanced at the book in her hands. “I see you’ve found the one book in this entire library that talks about Equestria.”


Daphne’s lips curved into a small, knowing smile. “You’re looking into it too, I assume?” She tilted her head slightly, as if considering him. “Interesting. Why are you looking for Equestria”


“Looking for a fairy tale?” Harry asks intrigued. Of course he was looking for it but it was probably better for everyone to assume it was fake. 


Daphne’s eyes narrowed slightly at Harry's question, her expression unreadable. She held the book a little closer, as if weighing his words carefully. “Fairy tale?” she repeated, her tone carrying a hint of skepticism. “You’re the one who came all the way to this dusty corner of the library, Potter. Doesn’t seem like the kind of thing you’d do for a simple “fairy tale”.”


Harry shrugged, trying to keep his tone casual despite the intensity of his curiosity. “Sometimes the old stories hold more truth than people realize. But it’s just as likely to be another collection of myths. Thought it might be worth a look.”


Daphne studied him for a moment, her gaze sharp. “Maybe. Or maybe you know something I don’t.” She glanced down at the book, her fingers tracing the faded silver lettering on the cover. “The Chronicles of Equestria,” she said softly.


Harry watched her carefully. There was something about the way she was acting, She was digging for something, just like him. But why? What did Daphne Greengrass know about Equestria, and why was she interested in it? That had never happened in the previous timelines.


“What’s your interest in it?” he asked, leaning forward slightly. He wasn’t sure if pushing her for answers was the best approach, but she did always tend to like straight foward questions and answers. 


“I’m not sure I’m going to share,” Daphne said, a playful smile tugging at her lips. “And I think I’ll be keeping the book for myself.”


Daphne’s smile grew more mischievous as she leaned forward, closing the distance between them. “You know, Potter,” she began, her voice smooth and teasing, “I’ve always heard you’re good at solving mysteries. So how about you solve this one first?” She paused, letting her words hang in the air before continuing. “Why am I looking into Equestria?”


Before Harry could respond, Daphne turned on her heel and began to walk away, swaying her hips just enough to catch his attention. She glanced back over her shoulder, her eyes twinkling with challenge and amusement. “Figure that out,” she called back, her voice lilting, “and maybe I’ll let you have the book.”


Harry groaned internally he could take a good guess and he was going to have to before she left if he wanted that book. 


“Greengrass family blood curse, and your younger sister Astoria.” Harry calls out after her causing the blonde to pause fully. 


Daphne froze mid-step, her playful demeanor slipping for just a fraction of a second as Harry’s words hung in the air. Slowly, she turned back to face him, her expression carefully composed, but her eyes betraying a flicker of surprise—and perhaps something deeper.


“That’s quite the guess, Potter,” she said, her voice steady, and wand already leveled at him.


Daphne’s eyes narrowed as she studied him. “How do you know about the curse?” she asked, her voice laced with suspicion and curiosity.


Harry simply shrugged, trying to maintain a casual demeanor. “I’ve been around long enough to pick up on things,” he replied, keeping his tone neutral. “Some secrets aren’t as well-guarded as people think.”


Daphne’s eyes flashed with a mix of anger and determination. “It was Luna, wasn’t it? Guess what, Potter,” she practically spat, her voice edged with bitterness.


Harry frowned, unsure of where this sudden hostility was coming from. “What?” he asked, trying to keep his tone even.


“You and your wife are missing dinner tonight,” Daphne declared, her tone leaving no room for argument. “Empty classroom on the third floor—the same one that Cerberus was in last year. You’re meeting me there with her, no exceptions.”


Harry’s brows furrowed, realizing that whatever Daphne had in mind, it wasn’t going to be a simple conversation. But before he could respond, she turned on her heel and walked away, leaving him standing there with the ancient book in his hands and a sinking feeling in his chest.


This wasn’t just about the book or the curse anymore.


“What in the fuck did I stumble upon? Curse my Potter luck.” Harry states leaving the library with the book.

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