Create the Age of Magic

Chapter 2: Douglas Carpenter's Shop

What's the progress of your stick experiment? Enoch changed the subject.

Call it a staff! Horn helplessly corrected Enuo, pointing to the two blackened wooden sticks by the bed and said: The progress is not satisfactory, you usually need three staffs to maintain the illusion for such a long time, now You only need two, and the medium effect of walnut wood is about 1.5 times that of oak wood, which is the best medium for casting spells that I can find in a short time.

Enoch cast a look of admiration at Horn: Horn, you are such a genius!

But a walnut staff is still not enough to support me to cast two complete three-ring spells, so at this stage, there is no difference between a walnut staff and an oak staff. Horn said, waving his hand.

Then you are really amazing. Enuo's eyes almost flew out of little stars.

Don't look at me like that, you'd better hold on to the sea of ​​magic power, and I will teach you new things after your sea of ​​magic power takes shape. Horn got goosebumps from Enoch's eyes, and quickly changed the subject .

There are new things! I thought that what you taught me before was the most profound knowledge, but there are new things! Enuo felt that his motivation to condense the sea of ​​magic power was more sufficient, and his face was full of enthusiasm !

Horn shook his head, the sea of ​​magic power is the most important thing in the learning of magic, and it is easy to make mistakes if it is too hasty: There are still a few hours before dawn, so feel free to ask me if you don't understand anything about your current practice.

Horn looks younger than Enoch, but in the relationship between the two, Horn is more like a teacher, while Enoch is a respectful student, and the two ignore the attitude of Li Karl who is lying on the ground and regard his home as his home. In the classroom, the teaching about spellcasters began.

There are not many things that need to be answered. Most of the night, the two of them were sitting quietly and meditating. Gradually, the white moon in the sky gradually faded, and the sky was slightly brighter before the sun appeared.

Seeing that the night was about to pass, Horn stood up and stuffed the book into the tattered package he carried with him and said to Enoch: Okay, that's all for today, this person will let him live first, it's better to wait until the North Wind God Cult finds out by himself, Don't act hastily to attract the attention of the North Wind Church.

Are you going to suffer from that old ghost carpenter again?

Enuo was a little puzzled about Horn's work. With his ability, he would not have to rely on being a small carpenter for a living. He had to do carpentry work every day during the day. Wouldn't it be good to have that time to practice.

That's my teacher, you'd better be a little respectful, and in the short term carpentry work is beneficial to my research. Horn pushed his glasses and said.

An old carpenter who can be a carpenter with peace of mind has no qualifications to be your teacher, Horn Memherin! Enuo shouted excitedly to Horn.

Enough is enough, don't say it! I said, show some respect! Horn's eyes showed a cold light, I don't want to hear such words from your mouth again.

Enoch immediately closed his mouth, not daring to utter another word, it can be said that he was very sincere.

Seeing that Enoch stopped talking, Horn's expression became kinder: I'm going back to work, is the staff still enough?

It's enough, the staff is enough, and there are more than a dozen. Enoch was frightened by the cold light in Horn's eyes, and spoke in a low voice.

Horn nodded and left Li Karl's house. Enoch in the room secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Just now Horn's eyes really startled him. It seemed that he was really angry.

Enoch, who has been a witch since he was a child, deeply understands that in the group of witches, more than 99% of whom are not even professionals, can kill a third-level monster before the age of twenty What does the guy mean to the group of wild witches!

Not to mention that Horn saved his life, just relying on Horn's talent and those great research results, it is enough for Enoch to regard Horn as the future of a witch. En's obsession with being a small carpenter is very puzzling.

Before dawn, Horn returned to his residence, the Douglas carpenter's shop.

Douglas carpenter's shop is located in the west end of Lane City, occupying a not-so-small yard next to the street next to the main road, and opened a small carpenter's shop where the yard faces the street.

Horn entered through the back door of the yard, went back to his room, took off the clothes he had met with Enoch, changed into a relatively light work outfit, rubbed his eyes as if he had just woken up, and came to the main entrance of the store.

Morning, Aunt Metz. Horn greeted Aunt Metz who was watching the store familiarly.

I got up early today, Horn.

Aunt Metz is a tall woman with a height of seven feet and a waist circumference of four feet. Her son is a bounty hunter, relying on hunting some low-level monsters or powerful beasts to make a living, and neither Douglas nor Horn has time to watch shop, so I hired her to look at the shop at the price of twenty copper coins per day.

Where's the teacher? Horn asked, yawning.

Horn's teacher, Old Douglas, is a well-known carpenter in Lane City. The furniture he made is very popular in Lane City. He settled in Lane City more than ten years ago.

He should be eating breakfast. You should know better than me why you live with him. Aunt Metz said loudly, and Horn smiled awkwardly. Auntie knows it well.

When Horn came to the dining room in the small courtyard, a gray-haired, yellow-skinned old man was enjoying his breakfast. He was Horn's teacher, Old Douglas.

On the table was a pot of soup, some steamed buns, and some pickles made with Ceylon plants, which was Douglas' favorite food.

It's these things again, teacher, can't you make a few fried eggs and toast a few slices of bread to eat? I'm already tired of eating these things. Horn sat on the opposite side of Old Douglas and picked up a blackened one. The mantou took a bite and said.

In fact, in Horn's opinion, these strange foods that Douglas often eat are not very delicious except that they are a bit exotic, because Douglas's craftsmanship is not good, and the ingredients used by Douglas are not suitable for this method, but who Let the teacher like it?

Generally speaking, Horn likes things that the teacher likes, and at least he doesn’t dislike them, but it’s not to his liking to always eat these things. Whenever Horn asks him why he likes these things, he will say with a smile: “ It tastes like home.

The old man smiled and said to Horn, It's good when you come back. Come and eat while it's hot. After eating, help me make a cabinet for the Earl. He got up and took a pair of bowls and chopsticks and put them on the in front of Horn.

Horn is proficient in eating with chopsticks. Ten years is enough for Horn to use this kind of tableware proficiently from being in a hurry. Speaking of chopsticks, Horn has never seen anyone else use chopsticks except old Douglas. However, this is also a special product of the teacher's hometown.

What did you and Enoch do last night? the old man asked casually while eating. Although he would not act with Horn, he always knew Horn's movements very well.

Killed a person, the person who reported the Tories, I fed him the Flame Affinity Potion. Horn said honestly that he had killed a person, but he didn't say anything about killing a deacon.

Old Douglas' hands froze for a moment. Could the crying child calmly speak of murder?

Teacher, do you think I gather all like-minded witches, and then spread the knowledge you imparted to me, so as to earn an equal status for wild witches, a future where they no longer need to be evasive, what do you think of this idea? Horn looked. The old man froze and continued.

No, you'd better be a carpenter honestly, your idea has no future. Old Douglas curled his lips, he was not optimistic about Horn.

After placing the bowls and chopsticks firmly on the table, Horn leaned on the table and stood up, staring directly at the old man's face with wide eyes.

Mr. Douglas, you gave me a choice,

Do you hide everything you are a witch and live your life in fear, or do you keep training yourself as a witch?

Remember my choice? teacher!

I choose to be a witch, not... to be what you describe,


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