Create the Age of Magic

Chapter 18 Investigation

You are a witch, you have awakened your talent now, and you will not be able to recite spells involuntarily in the future. Horn dispelled her doubts.

Annie breathed a sigh of relief. She patted her chest in relief and said, That's good, that's good. I thought I would keep summoning those monsters in the future.

Her chest shook for a while, and Horn's face under the hood was a little red.

Before proceeding to the next topic, I have a question for you. Horn asked seriously.

what is the problem?

Why did you drive those monsters to wreak havoc?

This point must be asked clearly. If Annie did this kind of thing just for fun, then although Horn would not kill her, he would not teach her knowledge and let her fend for herself.

I didn't let them wreak havoc everywhere, and everything else is out of my control except that they won't attack me. Anne said aggrievedly.

Huo Encheng was skeptical about Annie's statement. Generally, the spells released by witches can be easily controlled. Why are her spells so special?

You summon one to show me, and then I will consider whether to believe you. Horn felt that it would be more reliable to see it with his own eyes.

Do you really want to summon them? Will it be too dangerous? Annie was a little afraid. For her, those monsters would be lucky if they didn't come out by themselves, but it would be too embarrassing for her to summon them by herself.

The monster you summoned can't even do anything to the one who doesn't know its name, let alone me? Summon it with confidence, there will be no problems. Horn said with assurance.

Okay then, I'll try.

Annie agreed, and she also wanted to know what happened to the monster she summoned. She stood there for a while, and then asked Horn with a smile:

Um, how to summon, I haven't summoned myself yet.


Horn was speechless for a while, this girl really doesn't know anything:

Didn't you have a spell when you were forced to summon it? Concentrate and recite those spells, and the monster will naturally appear.

Well, I understand! Annie nodded heavily.

She concentrated and began to chant the mantra,

She has recited this spell countless times, but none of those were recited by her will, so this is the first time she has recited a spell.

It was very difficult for her to read the spell, and the spell was very difficult to read, but she finished it word for word.

Although it was the first time she recited the mantra, she did not miss a single syllable.

Because all spells and spells will be engraved on the soul by the power of the dark at the moment the spell is successfully released, and it is impossible to be forgotten, even if the head is kicked by a donkey to cause amnesia, it will not be forgotten!

This is true whether it is a wild witch or a witch who has been taught by Douglas!

Annie's voice echoed in the empty room, and as she finished her last syllable, a magic circle made entirely of magic power appeared on the ground in front of Annie!

A magic circle with a hexagram inlaid in a ring as the basic pattern!

Horn looked at the magic circle in disbelief, it was the first time he saw the magic circle outside the sea of ​​consciousness!

As the magic circle took shape, a pitch-black claw stretched out from the space above the magic circle!

Immediately afterwards, a monster the size of a wolfdog popped out from the void!

Its limbs are black, the top of its head and the back of its back are pure white all the way to its tail. Its overall appearance is like a beast called a honey badger, but it is much larger than the honey badger in the wild.

You must know that a honey badger is a creature with a normal size. It is difficult enough, but now this honey badger as big as a wolf dog is very dangerous!

Dangerous to normal people at least.

The monster turned its head and glared at Anne before casting its eyes on Horn. Its small eyes were full of ferocity. It looked at Horn like a beast looking at food!

After only a few glances, the monster rushed towards Horn, and Annie covered her mouth in fright.

Horn stretched out his hand indifferently, and lightly patted the monster that was about to pounce, light blue lightning flashed around the monster's body, and the monster wailed, foamed at the mouth and fainted to the ground.

With the experience of the caterpillar monster last time, Horn knew that these seemingly ferocious monsters were not as durable as they looked, so instead of using more powerful magic, he used the lightning touch that was almost impossible to kill. .

Horn crouched next to the fainted monster and began to study it.

Horn, who had been watching the casting process just now, roughly believed Annie's words. Annie could not control this monster at all. This monster relied entirely on instinct except for not hurting Annie. Annie had no control over this monster.

Forcibly pulled a strand of hair from the monster's head, and the silver-white short hair gradually faded in Horn's hand, and finally disappeared completely.

It seems that anything that leaves this monster's body will disappear! But the body of this monster seems to be a real creature, which makes Horn very puzzled.

After studying for a while, Horn discovered that the monster was also disappearing. He was not dead but was also disappearing. As long as the monster lost consciousness, it would disappear, not death.

After a while, the monster disappeared without a single hair left. Horn still had a lot of doubts to solve, but the suspicion that Annie released the monster deliberately to kill people was gone.

Can you read? Horn asked Annie.

Get to know each other better. Annie said in a low voice, her father was very dedicated to her training, and pointed out that his daughter would certainly be dedicated to finding a good son-in-law for herself.

After confirming Anne's literacy, Horn took out some paper and a pen from his bag and handed them to Anne.

What is this? Annie asked suspiciously.

Never mind what it is, you just do it.

Horn said in a low voice, these few papers were written by Horn based on the inscriptions made by the old Douglas when he was educating himself when he was a child. Some of them asked some common sense questions, and some were some simple intelligence tests and math tests.

If you want to invite Annie to join your gang, you must first make sure that Annie is a normal person with a normal IQ, and that she can't be too extreme when things happen.

Although she didn't know what Horn was doing to give her these things, Annie obediently followed them. Annie frowned just after doing a few questions.

These things are not difficult, but these questions are a bit strange, like going to the street to buy 13 pieces of clothing, each with five copper coins, how much did you spend in total? Is this kind of question as if she is mentally handicapped?

There are even more strange problems,

Tom's mother is critically ill and urgently needs a silver coin to go to the church for treatment, but Tom has no money, so Tom steals the money that Jerry planned to give his mother's medical treatment, and Jerry's mother dies, and Jerry later finds out that Tom stole the money Killed his own mother.

May I ask how to evaluate Tom's behavior...

There were a lot of weird questions like this on Horn's papers, and Annie rolled her eyes when she did it. Although she didn't understand Horn's intentions, Anne solved all these questions in about three hours under Horn's supervision. finished.

Horn picked up the topic and read it carefully, and felt that Annie was still a normal person.

Little did they know that in Annie's eyes,

Horn, who can ask those questions, is no longer a sane person...

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